* Copyright (c) 2006 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
* All rights reserved.
* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
* at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
* Initial Contributors:
* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
* Contributors:
* Description: Common Literals for the harvester db
_LIT( KHarvesterDBPath, "\\private\\101ffca9\\");
// Harvester db increment 9 v1
// Please update the increment number for each increment
// Please update the version number for each schema change
_LIT( KHarvesterDBName, "harvesterdbv10_0.dat" );
_LIT( KHarvesterDBNameEMMC, "harvesterdbv10_0i.dat" );
_LIT( KHarvesterDBName, "harvesterdbv10_0n.dat" );
_LIT( KHarvesterDBNameEMMC, "harvesterdbv10_0in.dat" );
_LIT( KHarvesterDBPattern, "harvesterdbv*.dat" );
const TInt KDbMaxTableCreationSQLLength = 1024;
// Files table name
_LIT(KHarvesterMainTable, "Files");
// Column names
_LIT(KHarPathName, "FilePath" ); // Drive and Folder for an item
_LIT(KHarFileName, "FileName" ); // File name for an item
_LIT(KHarLastModTime, "ModTime" ); // Last modified time stamp
_LIT(KHarCollectionDB, "DBID" ); // Collection database ID
_LIT(KHarItemDRM, "DRM" ); // DRM file flag
// Column numbers
const TInt KHarPathNameColumn = 1;
const TInt KHarFileNameColumn = 2;
const TInt KHarModTimeColumn = 3;
const TInt KHarColDBIDColumn = 4;
const TInt KHarDRMColumn = 5;
// Column types
_LIT(KHarPathNameType, " LONG VARCHAR");
_LIT(KHarFileNameType, " LONG VARCHAR");
_LIT(KHarLastModTimeType, " TIME");
_LIT(KHarItemDRMType, " BIT");
// AUX table name
_LIT(KHarvesterAuxTable, "Aux");
// AUX Column names
_LIT(KAuxVolumeId, "VolumeId");
// AUX Column number
const TInt KHarAuxVolumeIdColumn = 1;
// SQL query strings
_LIT(KStartCreateTable, "CREATE TABLE ");
_LIT(KSelectAll, "SELECT * FROM ");
_LIT(KSelect, "SELECT ");
_LIT(KUpdate, "UPDATE ");
_LIT(KDelete, "DELETE ");
_LIT(KAll, "* ");
_LIT(KFrom, "FROM ");
_LIT(KWhere, " WHERE ");
_LIT(KAnd, " AND ");
_LIT(KSet, " SET ");
_LIT(KItemBracket, "'");
_LIT(KItemHash, "#");
_LIT(KEquals, " = ");
_LIT(KOpenBracket, "(");
_LIT(KCloseBracket, ")");
_LIT(KCommaSign, ",");
_LIT(KAuxVolumeIdQuery, "INSERT INTO Aux(VolumeId) VALUES (%u)");
_LIT(KLike, " LIKE ");
_LIT(KWildcard, "*");
_LIT(KOn, "1");