* Copyright (c) 2007 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
* All rights reserved.
* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
* at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
* Initial Contributors:
* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
* Contributors:
* Description: Monitors for media removal events
#include <e32base.h>
#include <disknotifyhandler.h>
#include "mpxsystemeventobserver.h"
* Class to monitors for File System dismount events
* The monitor emits events to MMPXSystemEventObserver
* EDiskDismountEvent whenever a drive is about to be dismounted (see RFs::NotifyDismount).
* EDiskRemovedEvent whenever a specified drive has been dismounted or removed
* EDiskInsertedEvent whenever a specified drive has been inserted
* The observer is expected to prepare the drive for dismounting during the EDiskDismountEvent.
* Dismount monitoring is automatically subscribed for all non-remote drives.
* Inserted/Removed monitor is subscribed only for the drive given in the constructor.
* @lib Harvester
* @since S60 3.0
class CMPXMediaRemovalMonitor : public CBase,
public MDiskNotifyHandlerCallback
* Two-phase constructor
* @param aDrive drive to monitor for insertions and removals
* @param aFs file server session
* @param aObserver observer to the event
static CMPXMediaRemovalMonitor* NewL( TInt aDrive,
RFs& aFs,
MMPXSystemEventObserver& aObserver );
* Two-phase constructor
* @param aDrive drive to monitor
* @param aFs file server session
* @param aObserver observer to the event
static CMPXMediaRemovalMonitor* NewLC( TInt aDrive,
RFs& aFs,
MMPXSystemEventObserver& aObserver );
* Virtual destructor
virtual ~CMPXMediaRemovalMonitor();
* Check the status of the monitored disks
* This check should be done whenever there is a risk that we got
* a NotifyDismount even though the drives actually weren't dismounted.
void CheckDriveStatus();
protected: // From Base Class
* From MDiskNotifyHandlerCallback
void HandleNotifyDismount( TInt aError, const TDismountEvent& aEvent );
void HandleNotifyDisk( TInt aError, const TDiskEvent& aEvent );
* C++ constructor
* @param aDrive drive to monitor
* @param aFs file server session
* @param aObserver observer to the event
CMPXMediaRemovalMonitor( TInt aDrive,
RFs& aFs,
MMPXSystemEventObserver& aObserver );
void ConstructL();
private: // data
CDiskNotifyHandler* iDiskNotifyHandler; // Disk notification handler
TInt iDrive; // Drive that is being monitored
RFs& iFs; // File Session, not owned
TBool iDiskRemoved; // Is the disk inserted
* Observer interface to callback to an observer
MMPXSystemEventObserver& iObserver;