* Copyright (c) 2006 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
* All rights reserved.
* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
* at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
* Initial Contributors:
* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
* Contributors:
* Description: Maintains sessions to paths
#include <mpxcollectionpluginobserver.h>
#include <mpxtaskqueueobserver.h>
#include <mpxcmn.h>
#include <mpxcommand.h>
#include <mpxfilter.h>
#include <mpxattributespecs.h>
#include <mpxmessagequeue.h>
#include "mpxcollectioncache.h"
class CMPXClientList;
class CMPXCollectionPath;
class CMPXCollectionEngine;
class CMPXCollectionPlugin;
class MMPXCollectionEngineObserver;
class CMPXActiveTaskQueue;
class CMPXMedia;
class CMPXCollectionCache;
class CMPXCollectionClientContext : public CBase,
public MMPXCollectionPluginObserver,
public MMPXTaskQueueObserver
public: // DATA type
enum TContextType
EContextBrowse, // context for browing
EContextMedia, // context for media properties
EContextRemove, // context for removing paths
* Two-phase constructor
* @param aEngine reference to collection engine
* @param aModeId mode id
* @return object created
static CMPXCollectionClientContext* NewL(CMPXCollectionEngine& aEngine,
CMPXCollectionCache& aCache, const TUid& aModeId);
* Destructor
* Open collection by path
* @param aPath collection path. Ownership transferred if not leave
* @param aMode, open mode
* @param aCallback callback
* @leave KErrArgument if aPath is not valid, or other system error
IMPORT_C void OpenL(CMPXCollectionPath* aPath,
TInt aMode,
MMPXCollectionEngineObserver* aCallback);
* Open collection by index
* @param aIndex the index to current browse path
* @param aMode, open mode
* @param aAttrs, media attributes requested
* @param aCallback callback
* @leave system error
IMPORT_C void OpenL(TInt aIndex,
TInt aMode,
const TArray<TMPXAttribute>& aAttrs,
MMPXCollectionEngineObserver* aCallback);
* Open collection by uids. Collections which match the uids will be returned.
* @param aUids a list of uids to be matched
* @param aMode, open mode
* @param aCallback callback
* @leave KErrNotReady if current browse path is invalid,
* KErrArgument if aIndex is out of range
* or other system error
IMPORT_C void OpenL(const TArray<TUid>& aUids,
TInt aMode,
MMPXCollectionEngineObserver* aCallback);
* Request current content of browse context
* @param aMode, open mode
* @param aCallback callback
* @leave system error
IMPORT_C void OpenL(TInt aMode, MMPXCollectionEngineObserver* aCallback);
* Back to previous level
* @param aCallback callback
* @leave system error
IMPORT_C void BackL(MMPXCollectionEngineObserver* aCallback);
* Media request command
* @param aCmd command of media request
* @param aCallback callback
* @leave KErrArgument if aCmd is not valid, or other system error
IMPORT_C void MediaL(const CMPXCommand& aCmd,
MMPXCollectionEngineObserver* aCallback);
* Add a media
* @param aMedia media object
* @leave system error
IMPORT_C void AddL(const CMPXMedia& aMedia);
* Remove a media
* @param aMedia media object
* @leave system error
IMPORT_C void RemoveL(const CMPXMedia& aMedia);
* Update a media
* @param aMedia media object
* @leave system error
IMPORT_C void SetL(const CMPXMedia& aMedia);
* Remove media by path
* @param aPath collection path. Ownership transferred if not leave
* @param aCallback callback
* @leave KErrArgument if aPath is not valid, or other system error
IMPORT_C void RemoveL(CMPXCollectionPath* aPath,
MMPXCollectionEngineObserver* aCallback);
* Return plugin uid
* @return plugin uid
IMPORT_C TUid PluginId() const;
* Return current collection path
* @return collection path
IMPORT_C const CMPXCollectionPath& Path() const;
* Cancel all requests from aCallback
* @param aCallback callback
IMPORT_C void CancelRequest(MMPXCollectionEngineObserver* aCallback);
* Attach another client to this object. aName is the unique name of the
* client, used for identifying the client and passing messages; aId is the
* thread id of the client of the interface (not the server session)
* @param aId thread id of the client
* @param aMsgQueue message queue for the client
* @leave The function leaves with one of the system wide error codes,
* if the operation fails.
IMPORT_C void AddClientL(TThreadId aId,
CMPXMessageQueue* aMsgQueue);
* Remove the client from the context. aName is the unique name of the
* client, used for identifying the client and passing messages.
* @param aMsgQueue message queue for the client
IMPORT_C void RemoveClient(const CMPXMessageQueue& aMsgQueue);
* Get the supported attributes of the current plugin using by the context
* @return TCollectionCapability bit mask flag
IMPORT_C TCollectionCapability GetCapabilities();
* Find all
* @param aMedia media object of matching criteria, Ownership transferred
* @param aBuf, buffer data, array of attributes for results,
* Ownership transferred if find asynchronously
* @param aCallback callback
* @leave system error
IMPORT_C void FindAllL(const CMPXMedia& aMedia,
CBufBase* aBuf,
MMPXCollectionEngineObserver* aCallback);
/** DEPRECATE, Use CommandL(CMPXCommand)
* Find all synchronously
* @param aMedia media object of matching criteria
* @param aBuf, buffer data, array of attributes for results
* @leave system error
* @return results of the search
IMPORT_C CMPXMedia* FindAllSyncL(const CMPXMedia& aMedia,
const CBufBase& aBuf);
* Set the current filter applied to browsing
IMPORT_C void SetFilterL(const CMPXFilter* aFilter);
* Get the current filter applied to browsing
* @return filter
IMPORT_C const CMPXFilter* Filter() const;
* Handle a collection command
* @param aCmd, command to handle
* @param aData, optional data
IMPORT_C void CommandL(TMPXCollectionCommand aCmd, TInt aData);
* Handle a collection command
* @param aCmd, command to handle
* @param aCallback callback
* @param aMsgQueue Message Queue for the client
* @leave KErrNotReady if not collection opened, or system error
IMPORT_C void CommandL(const CMPXCommand& aCmd,
MMPXCollectionEngineObserver* aCallback,
const CMPXMessageQueue& aMsgQueue);
* Does this thread have a shareable client? If yes, a default mode
* connection can bind to it.
* @param aId thread id of the client
* @return ETrue, if shareableclient is in the client list
TBool HasShareableClient(TThreadId aId);
* Notify the client of a collection event
* @param aMsg Message type
* @param aData some data
void NotifyL( TMPXCollectionBroadCastMsg aMsg, TInt aData );
* Get the mode id of the context
* @return collection mode id
const TUid& ModeId() const;
* Handle message from plug-in
* @param aMsg, message from the plug-in
* @param aError, error code
* @param aNotifyOthers, indicates whether to notify other client contexts
* that the collection has changed
void DoHandleMessage(CMPXMessage* aMsg,
TInt aError,
TBool aNotifyOthers);
private: // From base classes
// From MMPXCollectionPluginObserver
* Handle message from plug-in
* @param aMessage, message from the plug-in, Ownership not transferred.
* @param aError error code
void HandleMessage(CMPXMessage* aMsg, TInt aError);
* Handle opening group contents
* @param aMedia media, Ownership not transferred.
* @param aErr error code
void HandleOpen(CMPXMedia* aMedia, TInt aErr);
* Handle opening a group, e.g. an artist
* @param aMedia media object returned. NULL will be returned if error.
* Ownership not transferred.
* @param aPath full path to to current level. Including top level node as well.
* NULL will be returned if error. Ownership not transferred
* @param aErr error code
void HandleOpen(CMPXMedia* aMedia,
const CMPXCollectionPath* aPath,
TInt aErr);
* Handle opening an item
* @param aPath selected item, Ownership not transferred.
* @param aErr error code
void HandleOpen(CMPXCollectionPath* aPath, TInt aErr);
* Handle media
* @param aMedia media Ownership not transferred.
* @param aError error code
void HandleMedia(CMPXMedia* aMedia, TInt aError);
* Handle completion of a asynchronous command
* @param aCommandResult result of the command, NULL if error
* Ownership not transferred.
* @param aError error code
void HandleCommandComplete(CMPXCommand* aCommandResult,
TInt aError);
* Handle Find results
* @param aMedia media item(s), Ownership not transferred.
* @param aError, error code
void HandleFindAll(CMPXMedia* aMedia, TInt aError);
* Handles remove results
* @param aUriArray, NULL if the plugin does not use concept of URI
* else, contains the file path to delete a file
* @param aError, error code
void HandleRemove(const CDesCArray& aUriArray, TInt aError);
// From MMPXTaskQueueObserver
* Execute a task
* @param aTask task number
* @param aParamData, parameter
* @param aPtrData, any object
* @param aBuf, buffer containing externalized parameters for the task.
* @param aCallback call back function pointer
* @param aCObject1 object 1 owned by task queue
* @param aCObject2 object 2 owned by task queue
void ExecuteTask(TInt aTask,
TInt aParamData,
TAny* aPtrData,
const CBufBase& aBuf,
TAny* aCallback,
CBase* aCObject1,
CBase* aCObject2);
* @see MMPXTaskQueueObserver
void HandleTaskError(TInt aTask,
TAny* aPtrData,
TAny* aCallback,
TInt aError);
* Open current level of collection
void OpenL();
* Back to upper level
void BackL();
* Reopen current level
void ReOpenL();
* Find Media Request
* @param aMedia, searching criteria
* @param aBuf, buffered data
* @param aPlugin, plug to handle the find all
* @param aResult, sync finding result
* @param aSync, flag to indicate sync or async find
void FindAllL(const CMPXMedia& aMedia,
const CBufBase& aBuf,
CMPXCollectionPlugin& aPlugin,
CMPXMedia** aResult = NULL,
TBool aSync = EFalse);
* Initialize
* @param aCallback callback when initialization completes
void InitL(MMPXCollectionEngineObserver* aCallback);
* Execute a task
* @param aTask task number
* @param aParamData, parameter
* @param aPtrData, any object
* @param aCallback call back function pointer
* @param aBuf buffer data
* @param aCObject1 object 1 owned by task queue
* @param aCObject2 object 2 owned by task queue
* @param aPlugin out parameter, plugin of the task.
void ExecuteTaskL(TInt aTask,
TInt aParamData,
TAny* aPtrData,
TAny* aCallback,
const CBufBase& aBuf,
CBase* aCObject1,
CBase* aCObject2,
CMPXCollectionPlugin*& aPlugin);
* Handle error of execution
* @param aPlugin plugin object
* @param aErr error number
* @param aUnuserPlugin ETrue decrement reference count of plugin
void HandleError(CMPXCollectionPlugin& aPlugin,
TInt aErr,
TBool aUnusePlugin=EFalse);
* Resolve plugin
* @param aPath, Collection path
* @param aUid implementation uid of the plugin associated with the path
void ResolvePluginL(const CMPXCollectionPath& aPath, TUid& aUid);
* Resolve plugin for FindAllL
* @param aMedia media object contains matching criteria
* @param aPlugin, plugin reutrned
void ResolvePluginL(const CMPXMedia& aMedia,
CMPXCollectionPlugin*& aPlugin);
* Add a media into the collection
* Unpacks a media item group
* @param aOp, operation code
* @param aMedia, media object representing a list or a file
void DoUpdateMediaL(TInt aOp, const CMPXMedia& aMedia);
* Add/Remove/Set an "item" into the collection
* @param aOp, operation code
* @param aMedia, single media "item"
void DoHandleItemL(TInt aOp, const CMPXMedia& aMedia);
* Handle a synchronous collection command
* @param aCmd, command to handle
* @param aPlugin, plugin to prococess the command
void DoHandleSyncCommandL(const CMPXCommand& aCmd,
const CMPXMessageQueue& aMsgQueue,
CMPXCollectionPlugin* aPlugin=NULL);
* Handle a select collection command
* @param aCmd, command to handle
void DoHandleSelectCommandL(const CMPXCommand& aCmd);
* Handle opening group contents
* @param aMedia media
* @param aPath full path to current level
* @param aCallback callback of the open request
* @param aErr error code
* @param aAddtoCache Should this be added to the cache or not
* @param aOpenTask is this a OpenL task
void DoHandleOpenL(CMPXMedia* aMedia,
const CMPXCollectionPath* aPath,
MMPXCollectionEngineObserver* aCallback,
TInt aErr,
TBool aAddToCache,
TBool aOpenTask );
* Handle opening an item
* @param aPath selected item
* @param aErr error code
void DoHandleOpenL(CMPXCollectionPath* aPath,
TInt aErr);
* Handle message from plug-in
* @param aMsg, message from the plug-in
* @param aError, error code
void DoHandleMessageL(const CMPXMessage& aMsg, TInt aError);
* Handles an Open request. First checks the cache and if the results
* are not found there it calls the plugin.
void DoPluginOpenL();
* Handle a media request. First checks the cache and if the results
* are not found there it calls the plugin.
void DoPluginMediaL( CMPXCollectionPath& aPath,
const TCapabilitySet& aCaps,
CMPXAttributeSpecs& aSpecs,
CMPXFilter& aFilter);
* Sets the plugin of the specified type to the value provided. This method
* ensures that if valid, the previous plugin's reference count is decremented.
* @param aType identifies the context type
* @param aPlugin new plugin
void SetPlugin(TContextType aType, CMPXCollectionPlugin* aPlugin);
* Checks whether or not the attributes are cacheable
* @return ETrue if attributes are cacheable, else EFalse
TBool AttributesCacheableL(
const TArray<TMPXAttribute>& aAttrs,
const CMPXCollectionPath& aPath );
* Adds a result set to the cache.
* @param aPath path defining the context of the results.
* @param aAttrs attributes requested by the client application and included in
* the result set.
* @param aResults result set corresponding to the path. Not owned.
* @param aNotCacheableAttrs attributes that are not cacheable
* @param aMediaFromOpenL whether or not this media was from an OpenL
* @param aPriority result set priority
* @return CMPXMedia object in the cache or the original object if add failed
CMPXMedia* AddToCache(
const CMPXCollectionPath& aPath,
const TArray<TMPXAttribute>& aAttrs,
CMPXMedia& aResults,
TBool aMediaFromOpenL = EFalse,
CMPXCollectionCache::TCachePriority aPriority = CMPXCollectionCache::EPriorityNormal );
* Return loaded plugin of a context
* @param aType identifies the context type. plugin must be loaded for this context
* in other words, iPluginUids[aType]!=KNullUid
* @return loaded plugin pointer for the context.
CMPXCollectionPlugin* LoadedPlugin(TContextType aType);
* C++ constructor
* @param aEngine reference to engine
* @param aModeId context mode id
CMPXCollectionClientContext(CMPXCollectionEngine& aEngine,
CMPXCollectionCache& aCache, const TUid& aModeId);
* 2nd phase contructor
void ConstructL();
TUid iModeId; // context mode id
TMPXItemId iFocusItemId; // Item id for the currently focused item
TInt iIndex; // Focused item in path
CMPXCollectionEngine& iEngine;
CMPXMedia* iMedia; // browsing entries
CMPXFilter* iFilter; // filter to apply to browsing
TInt iMediaType; // media type for browsing entries
CMPXClientList* iClientList;
CMPXCollectionPath* iBrowsePath; // path for browsing
CMPXCollectionPath* iMediaPath;
RArray<TUid> iPluginUids; // uids of loaded plugins for context
TBool iPathUpdated; // changed due to collection change
RArray<TUid> iUids; // Implementation sorted uids of collection plugins
CMPXCollectionCache& iCache;
TBool iCacheMedia; // Whether or not to cache the media returned