--- a/mmserv/audioeffectsui/equalizer/src/EqualizerFreqBandContainer.cpp Mon May 03 12:59:52 2010 +0300
+++ /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,709 +0,0 @@
-* Copyright (c) 2005 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
-* All rights reserved.
-* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
-* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
-* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
-* at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
-* Initial Contributors:
-* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
-* Contributors:
-* Description: Defines functionality related to Equalizer Frequency Band
-* Container
-#include <AknUtils.h>
-#include <AknsDrawUtils.h>
-#include <bautils.h>
-#include <AknsBasicBackgroundControlContext.h>
-#include <data_caging_path_literals.hrh>
-//LAF and Skin changes
-#include <AknIconUtils.h>
-#include <AknsUtils.h>
-#include <AknsConstants.h>
-#include <aknlayout.cdl.h>
-#include <aknlayoutscalable_apps.cdl.h>
-#include <AknLayout2ScalableDef.h>
-#include <AknLayout2Def.h>
-#include <AudioEqualizerUtility.h>
-#include <eiklabel.h>
-#include <StringLoader.h>
-#include <Equalizer.rsg>
-#include <layoutmetadata.cdl.h>
-#include <e32math.h>
-#include "EqualizerPrivateConstants.h"
-#include "EqualizerEditingDialog.h"
-#include "EqualizerFreqBand.h"
-#include "EqualizerFreqBandContainer.h"
-#include "Equalizer.hrh"
-// ============================ MEMBER FUNCTIONS =============================
-// -----> CEqualizerFreqBandContainer (implementation)
-// -------------------------------------------------------------------
-// CEqualizerFreqBandContainer::CEqualizerFreqBandContainer
-//(CAudioEqualizerUtility* aAudEqUtility, TInt aPresetIndex,
-// TRect& aRect)
-// First phase constructor
-// --------------------------------------------------------------------
- CEqualizerEditingDialog* aEqEditingDialog,
- CAudioEqualizerUtility* aAudEqUtility, TInt aPresetIndex,
- const TBool aIsActivePreset, TRect& aRect,
- MEqualizerPresetActivationObserver& aObserver,
- TInt aPresetKey, TPresetName& aPresetName )
- :iEqEditingDialog(aEqEditingDialog), iAudEqUtility(aAudEqUtility), iPresetIndex(aPresetIndex),
- iIsActivePreset(aIsActivePreset), iRect(aRect), iObserver( aObserver ), iPresetKey( aPresetKey ),
- iBandSelected(EFalse), iPresetName( aPresetName )
- {
- }
-// -------------------------------------------------------------------
-// CEqualizerFreqBandContainer::~CEqualizerFreqBandContainer()
-// Destructor
-// --------------------------------------------------------------------
- {
- delete iBackGround;
- if (iFreqBand)
- {
- iFreqBand->ResetAndDestroy(); //delete items
- delete (iFreqBand);
- }
- if (iFreqLabels)
- {
- iFreqLabels->ResetAndDestroy(); //delete items
- delete (iFreqLabels);
- }
- }
-// -------------------------------------------------------------------
-// void CEqualizerFreqBandContainer::ConstructL(TRect& aRect)
-// Because CEqualizerFreqBandContainer is a compound control, it needs a
-// ConstructL() for when it's created outside a dialog, and a
-// ConstructFromResourceL() for when it's created inside a dialog.
-// --------------------------------------------------------------------
-void CEqualizerFreqBandContainer::ConstructL(TRect& aRect)
- {
- iBackGround = CAknsBasicBackgroundControlContext::NewL
- ( KAknsIIDQsnBgAreaMain, Rect(), EFalse );
- iAudEqUtility->GetPresetL(iPresetIndex);
- CAudioEqualizer& audioEqualizer = iAudEqUtility->Equalizer();
- iNumberOfFreqBands = audioEqualizer.NumberOfBands();
- iFreqBand = new(ELeave) CArrayPtrFlat<CEqualizerFreqBand>
- (KEqualizerArrayGranularity);
- iFreqLabels = new(ELeave) CArrayPtrFlat<CEikLabel>
- (KEqualizerArrayGranularity);
- for (int i=0; i<iNumberOfFreqBands; i++)
- {
- // Create the CEqualizerFreqBands. Their size and position is
- // set in CEqualizerFreqBandContainer::SizeChangedL().
- CEqualizerFreqBand* band = CEqualizerFreqBand::NewL(iEqEditingDialog, iAudEqUtility,
- iPresetIndex, iIsActivePreset, i, aRect);
- CleanupStack::PushL(band);
- iFreqBand->AppendL(band);
- CleanupStack::Pop(band);
- (*iFreqBand)[i]->SetContainerWindowL(*this);
- }
- (*iFreqBand)[0]->SetFocus(ETrue);
- iIndexOfFocussedFreqBand = 0;
- EnableDragEvents();
-#endif //RD_SCALABLE_UI_V2
- ConstructLabelsL();
- // Set the bounding rectangle of this control (this will result in
- // a call to SizeChangedL(). The component controls must be
- // created before calling this, because SizeChangedL() sets their
- // sizes.
- SetRect(aRect);
- ActivateL();
- }
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
-// void CEqualizerFreqBandContainer::ConstructFromResourceL
-// (TResourceReader& /*aReader*/)
-// This function is used when the CEqualizerFreqBandContainer is created
-// inside a dialog.
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
-void CEqualizerFreqBandContainer::ConstructFromResourceL(TResourceReader&
- {
- ConstructL(iRect);
- }
-// -------------------------------------------------------------------
-// TInt CEqualizerFreqBandContainer::CountComponentControls() const
-// Returns the number of controls in a compound control.
-// -------------------------------------------------------------------
-TInt CEqualizerFreqBandContainer::CountComponentControls() const
- {
- return iNumberOfFreqBands + iFreqLabels->Count();
- }
-// -------------------------------------------------------------------
-// CCoeControl* CEqualizerFreqBandContainer::ComponentControl
-// (TInt aIndex) const
-// Returns the control given by the index in a compind control.
-// -------------------------------------------------------------------
-CCoeControl* CEqualizerFreqBandContainer::ComponentControl(TInt aIndex) const
- {
- if(aIndex<iNumberOfFreqBands)
- return (*iFreqBand)[aIndex];
- else
- return (*iFreqLabels)[aIndex - iNumberOfFreqBands];
- }
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
-// void CEqualizerFreqBandContainer::SizeChanged()
-// This function gets called whenever one of the size-setting functions
-// is called. As this is a compound control, this function calculates
-// and sets the size and position for its components, based on its own
-// size.
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
-void CEqualizerFreqBandContainer::SizeChanged()
- {
- TInt equalizerVariety = EEqualizerVarietyOne; //By defualt use variety one
- TRect myRect = Rect();
- TRect rect = CEqualizerFreqBand::ComponentRect(iRect,
- EEqualizerVarietyNotUsed,EEqualizerMainPane);
- iRect = rect;
- /**
- *Equalizer variety based on the number of bands
- * Number of bands = 8 ==> Variety = 0
- * Number of bands = 5 ==> Variety = 1
- */
- if(iNumberOfFreqBands == KEqualizerEightBands)
- {
- equalizerVariety = EEqualizerVarietyOne;
- }
- if(iNumberOfFreqBands == KEqualizerFiveBands)
- {
- equalizerVariety = EEqualizerVarietyTwo;
- }
- //Setting the position and size for the frequency bands from the layout
- //obtained
- for(TInt count = 0;count < iNumberOfFreqBands; count++)
- {
- TRect freqBandRect = CEqualizerFreqBand::ComponentRect(iRect,
- equalizerVariety+2,count);
- (*iFreqBand)[count]->SetRect(freqBandRect);
- }
- TInt variety=0;
- if(Layout_Meta_Data::IsLandscapeOrientation())
- variety=4;
- TRect temp;
- AknLayoutUtils::LayoutMetricsRect( AknLayoutUtils::EApplicationWindow, temp );
- TAknLayoutRect mainPaneLayout;
- mainPaneLayout.LayoutRect( temp,AknLayoutScalable_Apps::main_pane(variety).LayoutLine() );
- myRect = mainPaneLayout.Rect();
- myRect.iBr.iY = myRect.iBr.iY - myRect.iTl.iY;
- myRect.iTl.iY = 0;
- TAknTextLineLayout tLayout;
- tLayout = AknLayoutScalable_Apps::main_mup_eq_pane_t9(equalizerVariety);
- AknLayoutUtils::LayoutLabel((*iFreqLabels)[0], myRect, tLayout);
- tLayout = AknLayoutScalable_Apps::main_mup_eq_pane_t10(equalizerVariety);
- AknLayoutUtils::LayoutLabel((*iFreqLabels)[1], myRect, tLayout);
- tLayout = AknLayoutScalable_Apps::main_mup_eq_pane_t1(equalizerVariety);
- AknLayoutUtils::LayoutLabel((*iFreqLabels)[2], iRect, tLayout);
- tLayout = AknLayoutScalable_Apps::main_mup_eq_pane_t2(equalizerVariety);
- AknLayoutUtils::LayoutLabel((*iFreqLabels)[3], iRect, tLayout);
- tLayout = AknLayoutScalable_Apps::main_mup_eq_pane_t3(equalizerVariety);
- AknLayoutUtils::LayoutLabel((*iFreqLabels)[4], iRect, tLayout);
- tLayout = AknLayoutScalable_Apps::main_mup_eq_pane_t4(equalizerVariety);
- AknLayoutUtils::LayoutLabel((*iFreqLabels)[5], iRect, tLayout);
- tLayout = AknLayoutScalable_Apps::main_mup_eq_pane_t5(equalizerVariety);
- AknLayoutUtils::LayoutLabel((*iFreqLabels)[6], iRect, tLayout);
- if(equalizerVariety == 0)
- {
- tLayout = AknLayoutScalable_Apps::main_mup_eq_pane_t6(equalizerVariety);
- AknLayoutUtils::LayoutLabel((*iFreqLabels)[7], iRect, tLayout);
- tLayout = AknLayoutScalable_Apps::main_mup_eq_pane_t7(equalizerVariety);
- AknLayoutUtils::LayoutLabel((*iFreqLabels)[8], iRect, tLayout);
- tLayout = AknLayoutScalable_Apps::main_mup_eq_pane_t8(equalizerVariety);
- AknLayoutUtils::LayoutLabel((*iFreqLabels)[9], iRect, tLayout);
- }
- if (iBackGround)
- {
- iBackGround->SetRect(iRect);
- }
- TRgb color;
- MAknsSkinInstance* skin = AknsUtils::SkinInstance();
- for(TInt i=0; i<iFreqLabels->Count(); i++)
- {
- CCoeControl* label( ComponentControl( i+iNumberOfFreqBands ));
- TInt error = AknsUtils::GetCachedColor( skin, color,
- KAknsIIDQsnTextColors,
- EAknsCIQsnTextColorsCG6 );
- if ( !error )
- AknLayoutUtils::OverrideControlColorL( *label,
- EColorLabelText,
- color);
- }
- }
-// -------------------------------------------------------------------
-// void CEqualizerFreqBandContainer::Draw(const TRect& aRect) const
-// This function gets called to draw a control
-// -------------------------------------------------------------------
-void CEqualizerFreqBandContainer::Draw(const TRect& aRect) const
- {
- CWindowGc& gc=SystemGc();
- gc.Clear(iRect);
- // Drawing skin
- MAknsSkinInstance* skin = AknsUtils::SkinInstance();
- if (iBackGround)
- {
- AknsDrawUtils::Background(skin, iBackGround, this, gc, iRect);
- }
- for(TInt i=0; i<iFreqLabels->Count(); i++)
- {
- if( (*iFreqLabels)[i] )
- {
- (*iFreqLabels)[i]->Draw(aRect);
- }
- }
- }
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
-// void CEqualizerFreqBandContainer::FocusChanged(TDrawNow aDrawNow)
-// This function gets called whenever the application calls SetFocus().
-// It redraws the CEqualizerFreqBandContainer, so that they are updated
-// to show which one now has focus.
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
-void CEqualizerFreqBandContainer::FocusChanged(TDrawNow aDrawNow)
- {
- if (IsFocused())
- {
- (*iFreqBand)[0]->SetFocus(ETrue, EDrawNow);
- iFocussedFreqBand = (*iFreqBand)[0];
- iIndexOfFocussedFreqBand = 0;
- }
- else
- {
- if (iFocussedFreqBand && iFocussedFreqBand->IsFocused())
- {
- iFocussedFreqBand->SetFocus(EFalse, EDrawNow);
- }
- }
- if (aDrawNow)
- {
- DrawNow();
- }
- }
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
-// void CEqualizerFreqBandContainer::SwapFocus(CCoeControl* aPrevControl,
-// CCoeControl* aNewControl)
-// This function is called from OfferKeyEventL() whenever the user
-// presses left/right arrow keys to change to the previous/next band
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
-void CEqualizerFreqBandContainer::SwapFocus(CCoeControl* aPrevControl,
-CCoeControl* aNewControl)
- {
- aPrevControl->SetFocus(EFalse, EDrawNow);
- aNewControl->SetFocus(ETrue, EDrawNow);
- iFocussedFreqBand = aNewControl;
- }
-// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// CEqualizerFreqBandContainer::OfferKeyEventL
-// Function for handling key events.
-// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
-TKeyResponse CEqualizerFreqBandContainer::OfferKeyEventL(const TKeyEvent&
-aKeyEvent,TEventCode aType)
- {
- TKeyResponse ret = EKeyWasNotConsumed;
- TInt indexOfLastFocussedBand = -1;
- if( aType == EEventKey )
- {
- // Use the arrow keys to move focus between the two CEqualizerFreqBands.
- switch (aKeyEvent.iCode)
- {
- case EKeyUpArrow:
- case EKeyDownArrow:
- {
- ret = (*iFreqBand)[iIndexOfFocussedFreqBand]->OfferKeyEventL(
- aKeyEvent, aType);
- // In MPX the band dialog presets need to be saved
- // and called back to the observer
- //
- if( iIsActivePreset )
- {
- CAudioEqualizer& audioEqualizer = iAudEqUtility->Equalizer();
- iAudEqUtility->ModifyPresetL(iPresetIndex, iPresetName, audioEqualizer);
- iObserver.HandlePresetActivation( iPresetKey );
- }
- }
- break;
- case EKeyRightArrow:
- if (AknLayoutUtils::LayoutMirrored())
- {
- // For Series60 Arabic Hebrew LAF
- // Bugfix for Id: TCON-6HKGAB
- indexOfLastFocussedBand = iIndexOfFocussedFreqBand;
- iIndexOfFocussedFreqBand =
- (indexOfLastFocussedBand+iNumberOfFreqBands-1)
- %iNumberOfFreqBands;
- SwapFocus((*iFreqBand)[indexOfLastFocussedBand],
- (*iFreqBand)[iIndexOfFocussedFreqBand]);
- ret = EKeyWasConsumed;
- }
- else
- {
- indexOfLastFocussedBand = iIndexOfFocussedFreqBand;
- iIndexOfFocussedFreqBand =
- (indexOfLastFocussedBand+1)%iNumberOfFreqBands;
- SwapFocus((*iFreqBand)[indexOfLastFocussedBand],
- (*iFreqBand)[iIndexOfFocussedFreqBand]);
- ret = EKeyWasConsumed;
- }
- break;
- case EKeyLeftArrow:
- if (AknLayoutUtils::LayoutMirrored())
- {
- // For Series60 Arabic Hebrew LAF
- // Bugfix for Id: TCON-6HKGAB
- indexOfLastFocussedBand = iIndexOfFocussedFreqBand;
- iIndexOfFocussedFreqBand = (indexOfLastFocussedBand + 1)%
- iNumberOfFreqBands;
- SwapFocus((*iFreqBand)[indexOfLastFocussedBand],
- (*iFreqBand)[iIndexOfFocussedFreqBand]);
- ret = EKeyWasConsumed;
- }
- else
- {
- indexOfLastFocussedBand = iIndexOfFocussedFreqBand;
- iIndexOfFocussedFreqBand = (indexOfLastFocussedBand +
- iNumberOfFreqBands -1)% iNumberOfFreqBands;
- SwapFocus((*iFreqBand)[indexOfLastFocussedBand],
- (*iFreqBand)[iIndexOfFocussedFreqBand]);
- ret = EKeyWasConsumed;
- }
- break;
- default:
- break;
- }
- }
- // If the CEqualizerFreqBandContainer didn't use the key event, it
- // must return EKeyWasNotConsumed,
- // so that the key event is passed to other controls on the stack.
- return ret;
- }
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// CEqualizerFreqBandContainer::SetAudioEqualizerL(CAudioEqualizerUtility*
-// aAudEqUtility)
-// This function is used to set a new CAudioEqualizerUtility*
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-void CEqualizerFreqBandContainer::SetAudioEqualizerL(
-CAudioEqualizerUtility* aAudEqUtility)
- {
- iAudEqUtility=aAudEqUtility;
- for (int i=0; i<iNumberOfFreqBands; i++)
- {
- (*iFreqBand)[i]->SetAudioEqualizerL(aAudEqUtility);
- }
- }
-// ---------------------------------------------------------
-// CEqualizerFreqBandContainer::MopSupplyObject
-// Pass skin information if need.
-// (other items were commented in a header).
-// ---------------------------------------------------------
-TTypeUid::Ptr CEqualizerFreqBandContainer::MopSupplyObject(TTypeUid aId)
- {
- if ( aId.iUid == MAknsControlContext::ETypeId )
- {
- // Return the control context for the childs
- return MAknsControlContext::SupplyMopObject( aId, iBackGround );
- }
- return CCoeControl::MopSupplyObject( aId );
- }
-// ---------------------------------------------------------
-// CEqualizerFreqBandContainer::ConstructLabelsL
-// Contruct the frequency value labels.
-// (other items were commented in a header).
-// ---------------------------------------------------------
-void CEqualizerFreqBandContainer::ConstructLabelsL()
- {
- CAudioEqualizer& audioEqualizer = iAudEqUtility->Equalizer();
- CEikLabel* tempLabel;
- TBuf<15> tempStr;
- TReal x,y;
- tempLabel = new (ELeave) CEikLabel;
- tempLabel->SetContainerWindowL( *this );
- HBufC* hzText = StringLoader::LoadLC(R_QTN_EQ_PRESET_FREQUENCY_HZ);
- tempLabel->SetTextL(hzText->Des());
- tempLabel->SetBrushStyle(CGraphicsContext::ENullBrush);
- CleanupStack::PushL(tempLabel);
- iFreqLabels->AppendL(tempLabel);
- CleanupStack::Pop(tempLabel);
- CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(); // hzText
- tempLabel = new (ELeave) CEikLabel;
- tempLabel->SetContainerWindowL( *this );
- HBufC* mhzText = StringLoader::LoadLC(R_QTN_EQ_PRESET_FREQUENCY_KHZ);
- tempLabel->SetTextL(mhzText->Des());
- tempLabel->SetBrushStyle(CGraphicsContext::ENullBrush);
- CleanupStack::PushL(tempLabel);
- iFreqLabels->AppendL(tempLabel);
- CleanupStack::Pop(tempLabel);
- CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(); // MhzText
- tempLabel = new (ELeave) CEikLabel;
- tempLabel->SetContainerWindowL( *this );
- tempStr.Format(KLabelFormatInt,audioEqualizer.CenterFrequency(1));
- AknTextUtils::LanguageSpecificNumberConversion( tempStr );
- tempLabel->SetTextL(tempStr);
- tempLabel->SetBrushStyle(CGraphicsContext::ENullBrush);
- CleanupStack::PushL(tempLabel);
- iFreqLabels->AppendL(tempLabel);
- CleanupStack::Pop(tempLabel);
- tempLabel = new (ELeave) CEikLabel;
- tempLabel->SetContainerWindowL( *this );
- tempStr.Format(KLabelFormatInt, audioEqualizer.CenterFrequency(2));
- AknTextUtils::LanguageSpecificNumberConversion( tempStr );
- tempLabel->SetTextL(tempStr);
- tempLabel->SetBrushStyle(CGraphicsContext::ENullBrush);
- CleanupStack::PushL(tempLabel);
- iFreqLabels->AppendL(tempLabel);
- CleanupStack::Pop(tempLabel);
- tempLabel = new (ELeave) CEikLabel;
- tempLabel->SetContainerWindowL( *this );
- tempStr.Format(KLabelFormatInt, audioEqualizer.CenterFrequency(3));
- AknTextUtils::LanguageSpecificNumberConversion( tempStr );
- tempLabel->SetTextL(tempStr);
- tempLabel->SetBrushStyle(CGraphicsContext::ENullBrush);
- CleanupStack::PushL(tempLabel);
- iFreqLabels->AppendL(tempLabel);
- CleanupStack::Pop(tempLabel);
- Math::Round(y,(TReal)audioEqualizer.CenterFrequency(4)/1000,1);
- tempLabel = new (ELeave) CEikLabel;
- tempLabel->SetContainerWindowL( *this );
- Math::Mod(x,y*10,10);
- if(x==0)
- tempStr.Format(KLabelFormatInt,(TInt)y);
- else
- tempStr.Format(KLabelFormatFloat,y);
- AknTextUtils::LanguageSpecificNumberConversion( tempStr );
- tempLabel->SetTextL(tempStr);
- tempLabel->SetBrushStyle(CGraphicsContext::ENullBrush);
- CleanupStack::PushL(tempLabel);
- iFreqLabels->AppendL(tempLabel);
- CleanupStack::Pop(tempLabel);
- Math::Round(y,(TReal)audioEqualizer.CenterFrequency(5)/1000,1);
- tempLabel = new (ELeave) CEikLabel;
- tempLabel->SetContainerWindowL( *this );
- Math::Mod(x,y*10,10);
- if(x==0)
- tempStr.Format(KLabelFormatInt,(TInt)y);
- else
- tempStr.Format(KLabelFormatFloat,y);
- AknTextUtils::LanguageSpecificNumberConversion( tempStr );
- tempLabel->SetTextL(tempStr);
- tempLabel->SetBrushStyle(CGraphicsContext::ENullBrush);
- CleanupStack::PushL(tempLabel);
- iFreqLabels->AppendL(tempLabel);
- CleanupStack::Pop(tempLabel);
- if(iNumberOfFreqBands ==KEqualizerEightBands)
- {
- Math::Round(y,(TReal)audioEqualizer.CenterFrequency(6)/1000,1);
- tempLabel = new (ELeave) CEikLabel;
- tempLabel->SetContainerWindowL( *this );
- Math::Mod(x,y*10,10);
- if(x==0)
- tempStr.Format(KLabelFormatInt,(TInt)y);
- else
- tempStr.Format(KLabelFormatFloat,y);
- AknTextUtils::LanguageSpecificNumberConversion( tempStr );
- tempLabel->SetTextL(tempStr);
- tempLabel->SetBrushStyle(CGraphicsContext::ENullBrush);
- CleanupStack::PushL(tempLabel);
- iFreqLabels->AppendL(tempLabel);
- CleanupStack::Pop(tempLabel);
- Math::Round(y,(TReal)audioEqualizer.CenterFrequency(7)/1000,1);
- tempLabel = new (ELeave) CEikLabel;
- tempLabel->SetContainerWindowL( *this );
- Math::Mod(x,y*10,10);
- if(x==0)
- tempStr.Format(KLabelFormatInt,(TInt)y);
- else
- tempStr.Format(KLabelFormatFloat,y);
- AknTextUtils::LanguageSpecificNumberConversion(tempStr);
- tempLabel->SetTextL(tempStr);
- tempLabel->SetBrushStyle(CGraphicsContext::ENullBrush);
- CleanupStack::PushL(tempLabel);
- iFreqLabels->AppendL(tempLabel);
- CleanupStack::Pop(tempLabel);
- Math::Round(y,(TReal)audioEqualizer.CenterFrequency(8)/1000,1);
- tempLabel = new (ELeave) CEikLabel;
- tempLabel->SetContainerWindowL( *this );
- Math::Mod(x,y*10,10);
- if(x==0)
- tempStr.Format(KLabelFormatInt,(TInt)y);
- else
- tempStr.Format(KLabelFormatFloat,y);
- AknTextUtils::LanguageSpecificNumberConversion(tempStr);
- tempLabel->SetTextL(tempStr);
- tempLabel->SetBrushStyle(CGraphicsContext::ENullBrush);
- CleanupStack::PushL(tempLabel);
- iFreqLabels->AppendL(tempLabel);
- CleanupStack::Pop(tempLabel);
- }
- TRgb color;
- MAknsSkinInstance* skin = AknsUtils::SkinInstance();
- for(TInt i=0; i<iFreqLabels->Count(); i++)
- {
- CCoeControl* label( ComponentControl( i+iNumberOfFreqBands ));
- TInt error = AknsUtils::GetCachedColor( skin, color,
- KAknsIIDQsnTextColors,
- EAknsCIQsnTextColorsCG6 );
- if ( !error )
- AknLayoutUtils::OverrideControlColorL( *label,
- EColorLabelText,
- color);
- }
- }
-// ---------------------------------------------------------
-// CEqualizerFreqBandContainer::HandlePointerEventL
-// This function is used to handle pen input events.
-// ---------------------------------------------------------
-void CEqualizerFreqBandContainer::HandlePointerEventL(const TPointerEvent& aPointerEvent)
- {
- if (AknLayoutUtils::PenEnabled())
- {
- if ( aPointerEvent.iType == TPointerEvent::EButton1Down )
- {
- for ( TInt i = 0; i < iNumberOfFreqBands; i++ )
- {
- TRect x = (*iFreqBand)[i]->Rect();
- if (x.Contains(aPointerEvent.iPosition))
- {
- if ( iIndexOfFocussedFreqBand != i )
- {
- TInt indexOfLastFocussedBand = iIndexOfFocussedFreqBand;
- iIndexOfFocussedFreqBand = i;
- SwapFocus((*iFreqBand)[indexOfLastFocussedBand],
- (*iFreqBand)[iIndexOfFocussedFreqBand]);
- }
- iBandSelected = ETrue;
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- if ( iBandSelected )
- {
- (*iFreqBand)[iIndexOfFocussedFreqBand]->HandlePointerEventL(aPointerEvent);
- }
- // In MPX the band dialog presets need to be saved
- // and called back to the observer
- //
- if ( iBandSelected &&
- ( (aPointerEvent.iType == TPointerEvent::EButton1Up) ||
- (aPointerEvent.iType == TPointerEvent::EDrag) ) )
- {
- if ( iIsActivePreset )
- {
- CAudioEqualizer& audioEqualizer = iAudEqUtility->Equalizer();
- iAudEqUtility->ModifyPresetL(iPresetIndex, iPresetName, audioEqualizer);
- iObserver.HandlePresetActivation( iPresetKey );
- }
- if ( aPointerEvent.iType == TPointerEvent::EButton1Up )
- {
- iBandSelected = EFalse;
- }
- }
- }
- }
-#endif //RD_SCALABLE_UI_V2
-// End of File