* Copyright (c) 2006 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
* All rights reserved.
* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
* at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
* Initial Contributors:
* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
* Contributors:
* Description: Header file for TNE processor implementation
#ifndef __E32BASE_H__
#include <e32base.h>
#include "TNEDecoderWrap.h"
#include "parser.h"
#include "mp4parser.h"
#include "TNEVideoClipInfoImp.h"
#include <TNECommon.h>
class CMP4Parser;
class CDisplayChain;
// used in image insertion
enum TVideoOperation
EVideoEncodeFrame = 0,
// video frame parameters
struct TFrameParameters
TInt64 iTimeStamp;
TUint8 iType;
// Logging path
_LIT( KTNEModuleLogPath, "\\logs\\testframework\\TNEModule\\" );
// Log file
_LIT( KTNEModuleLogFile, "TNEEngine.txt" );
class CTNEProcessorImpl : public CActive, public MThumbnailObserver
// Error codes
enum TErrorCode
EInvalidProcessorState = -1000,
EUnsupportedFormat = -1001,
EVideoTooLarge = -1002,
EStreamCorrupted = -1003,
EInvalidStreamData = -1004,
EInvalidInternalState = -1050
// Also error codes <EInvalidInternalState may be returned, they can be
// considered fatal internal errors.
// Input data format
enum TFileFormat
EData3GP, // 3GP
EDataAutoDetect // autodetect type
struct TStreamParameters
TUint iWidth;
TUint iHeight;
TInt64 iPicturePeriodNsec;
TUint iIntraFrequency;
TUint iReferencePicturesNeeded; // 0 = disable RPS
TUint iNumScalabilityLayers;
TUint iLayerFrameRates[8]; // frames per 256 sec
public: // Functions from base classes
* From CActive Active object running method
void RunL();
* From CActive Active object cancelling method
void DoCancel();
* From CActive Active Error handling method
TInt RunError(TInt aError);
* From MThumbnailObserver.
* Notifies the client that the thumbnail is available
* @param none
* @return error code
void MNotifyThumbnailReady(TInt aError);
* From MThumbnailObserver.
* noties the client tha decoded frame is ready
* @param none
* @return none
void MPictureFromDecoder(TVideoPicture* aPicture);
* From MThumbnailObserver.
* Returns media bitstream buffer to the client
* @param none
* @return none
void MReturnCodedBuffer(TVideoBuffer* aBuffer);
* From MThumbnailObserver.
* Request for more buffers from decoder
* @param none
* @return none
void MSendEncodedBuffer();
public: // New functions
* Constructors for instantiating new video processors.
* Should reserve as little resources as possible at this point.
static CTNEProcessorImpl* NewL();
static CTNEProcessorImpl* NewLC();
* Destructor can be called at any time (i.e., also in the middle of a processing operation)
* Should release all allocated resources, including releasing all allocated memory and
* *deleting* all output files that are currently being processed but not yet completed.
virtual ~CTNEProcessorImpl();
* Do all initializations necessary to start generating a thumbnail, e.g. open files,
* allocate memory. The video clip file should be opened with EFileShareReadersOnly
* share mode. The thumbnail should be scaled to the specified resolution and
* converted to the specified display mode. If this method leaves, destructor should be called to free
* allocated resources.
* Possible leave codes:
* - <code>KErrNoMemory</code> if memory allocation fails
* - <code>KErrNotFound</code> if there is no file with the specified name
* in the specified directory (but the directory exists)
* - <code>KErrPathNotFound</code> if the specified directory
* does not exist
* - <code>KErrUnknown</code> if the specified file is of unknown format
* - <code>KErrNotSupported</code> if the specified combination of parameters
* is not supported
* @param aFileHandle file handle to the clip from which to generate the thumbnail
* @param aIndex Frame index for selecting the thumbnail frame
* -1 means the best thumbnail is retrieved
* @param aResolution resolution of the desired thumbnail bitmap, or
* <code>NULL</code> if the thumbnail should be
* in the original resolution
* @param aDisplayMode desired display mode; or <code>ENone</code> if
* any display mode is acceptable
* @param aEnhance apply image enhancement algorithms to improve
* thumbnail quality; note that this may considerably
* increase the processing time needed to prepare
* the thumbnail
void StartThumbL(RFile& aFileHandle, TInt aIndex, TSize aResolution,
TDisplayMode aDisplayMode, TBool aEnhance);
* Starts thumbnail generation. Thumbnail generation is an asynchronous operation,
* and its completion is informed to the caller via Active object request completion;
* the iStatus member of the caller is passed as a parameter to this method.
* This method may leave if an error occurs in initiating the thumbnail generation.
* If this method leaves, destructor should be called to free allocated resources.
* @param aStatus Reference to caller's iStatus member variable
* @return
void ProcessThumbL(TRequestStatus &aStatus);
* Decodes the encoded frame for thumbnail generation. Thumbnail generation is an asynchronous operation,
* and its completion is informed to the caller via Active object request completion;
* the iStatus member of the caller is passed as a parameter to this method.
* This method may leave if an error occurs in initiating the thumbnail generation.
* If this method leaves, destructor should be called to free allocated resources.
* @param aStatus Reference to caller's iStatus member variable
* @return
void DecodeThumb(TBool aFirstFrame);
* Method for retrieving the completed thumbnail bitmap.
* Video processor should not free the CFbsBitmap instance after it has passed it on
* as a return value of this function
void FetchThumb(CFbsBitmap*& aThumb);
* Read clip header from the specified file and return its properties.
* This method should leave if clip is invalid, cannot be opened, etc.
* @param aFileHandle file handle to the file for reading
* @param aVideoFormat for returning the video format
* @param aVideoType Type of video data
* @param aResolution for returning the resolution
* @param aVideoFrameCount Number of video frames in the clip
void GetClipPropertiesL(RFile& aFileHandle, TTNEVideoFormat& aFormat,
TTNEVideoType& aVideoType, TSize& aResolution,
TInt& aVideoFrameCount);
* Enhances the visual quality of the frame
void EnhanceThumbnailL(const CFbsBitmap* aInBitmap, CFbsBitmap* aTargetBitmap);
* Get the file name of the clip
* @return File name of the clip
inline TFileName GetClipFileName() const { return iClipFileName; }
* Get number of frames in clip
* @return Number of frames in clip
inline TInt GetClipNumberOfFrames() const { return iParser->GetNumberOfFramesInClip(); }
* Get the timescale of the current video clip
* @return Timescale
inline TInt GetVideoClipTimeScale() const { return iParser->iStreamParameters.iVideoTimeScale; }
* Get video frame index based on timestamp
* @param aTime Frame timestamp in microseconds
* @return Frame index
TInt GetVideoFrameIndex(TTimeIntervalMicroSeconds aTime) const;
* Get frame index for the first frame in current clip
* @param aTime Timestamp in microseconds
* @return Frame index
inline TInt GetStartFrameIndex() const { return iStartThumbIndex; }
* Get frame type at specified index
* @param aIndex Frame index
* @return Frame type
inline TInt8 GetVideoFrameType(TInt aIndex) const { return iParser->GetVideoFrameType(aIndex); };
* Retrieve a video YUV frame from the tmp file
* @param aBuf Descriptor containing the YUV frame
* @param aLength Length of the descriptor
* @param aDuration The frame duration
* @param aTimeStamp The frame timestamp
* @return Error code
TInt GetVideoFrameFromFile(TDes8& aBuf, TInt aLength, TInt& aDuration, TInt64& aTimeStamp);
* Get the next frame duration and timestamp
* @param aDuration The frame duration
* @param aTimeStamp The frame timestamp
* @param aIndex Index of timestamp to get
* @param aTimeStampOffset Offset for timestamp
* @return Error code
void GetNextFrameDuration(TInt& aDuration, TInt64& aTimeStamp, TInt aIndex, TInt& aTimeStampOffset);
* Get the resolution of the current video clip
* @return resolution
TSize GetVideoClipResolution();
* Get video timestamp in ms from timestamp in ticks
* @param aTimeStampInTicks Time in ticks
* @param aCommonTimeScale ETrue for using the output time scale
* EFalse for using the scale of current clip
* @return Timestamp in milliseconds
TInt64 GetVideoTimeInMsFromTicks(TInt64 aTimeStampInTicks, TBool aCommonTimeScale) const;
* Stops processing
* @return Error code
TInt Stop();
* Stops processing and closes all submodules except status monitor & video encoder
* @return Error code
TInt Close();
* Checks if a frame has "good" or "legible" quality
* @param aYUVDataPtr Pointer to the frame to be checked
* @return 1 if frame quality is OK, 0 otherwise
TInt CheckFrameQuality(TUint8* aYUVDataPtr);
* Gets the average frame rate of current video clip
* @return Frame rate
TReal GetVideoClipFrameRate();
private: // Constants
// state
enum TProcessorState
EStateIdle = 0,
EStateOpened, // clip is open at the decoder (?)
// Video types
enum TVideoType
EVideoNone = 0,
// Multiplex types
enum TMuxType
EMuxNone = 0,
enum TDataFormat
EDataUnknown = 0,
* By default Symbian OS constructor is private.
void ConstructL();
* c++ default constructor
* Opens a 3gp clip for processing
* @param aFileName Clip filename
* @param aDataFormat Clip file format
* @return Error code
TInt OpenStream(RFile& aFileHandle, TFileFormat aDataFormat);
* Closes the processed clip from parser
* @return Error code
TInt CloseStream();
* Prepares the processor for processing a movie
* @return Error code
TInt Prepare();
* Deletes objects used in processing
void DoCloseVideoL();
* Sets output audio & video formats
void SetOutputMediaTypesL();
* Gets bitstream modes of input clips
void GetTranscodeFactorsL();
* Sets video transcoding parameters
void SetupTranscodingL();
* Resets variables used in processing
void Reset();
* Sets suitable default values for parameters
void SetHeaderDefaults();
* Parses the clip header
* @param aStreamParams Destination structure for stream parameters
* @param Filename of the clip
void ParseHeaderOnlyL(CParser::TStreamParameters& aStreamParams, RFile& aFileHandle);
* Copies stream parameters from source to destination structure
* @param aDestParameters Destination structure
* @param aSrcParameters Source structure
void UpdateStreamParameters(CParser::TStreamParameters& aDestParameters,
CParser::TStreamParameters& aSrcParameters);
* Parse the clip header & update internal variables accordingly
void ParseHeaderL();
* Initializes the processor for the next clip to be processed,
* called for each clip
void InitializeClipL(RFile& aFileHandle);
* Reports an error in thumbnail generator
* to the caller
* @return ETrue if error was reported, EFalse otherwise
TBool HandleThumbnailError(TInt aError);
* Create and Initialize the decoder
void CreateAndInitializeDecoderL();
* Parse the clips mime type
void ParseMimeTypeL();
* Get the video frame format
TInt GetFrameL();
* Writes a buffered frame to output file
* @return Error code
TInt ReadVideoFrame();
* CTNEProcessorImpl::ReadAndUpdateFrame
* Reads a frame from input queue to internal buffer
* (other items were commented in a header).
TInt ReadAndUpdateFrame();
private: // Data
// current processor state
TProcessorState iState;
// current stream data format
TFileFormat iFileFormat;
// stream start reading buffer
TUint8 *iReadBuf;
// buffer length
TUint iBufLength;
// wait scheduler
CActiveSchedulerWait *iWaitScheduler;
TBool iWaitSchedulerStarted;
// Filename of the current clip
TFileName iClipFileName;
// Thumbnail resolution
TSize iOutputThumbResolution;
// Thumbnail index
TInt iThumbIndex;
// Thumbnail display mode
TDisplayMode iThumbDisplayMode;
// Thumbnail enhance
TBool iThumbEnhance;
// Flag for indicating decoder wrapper state
TBool iDecoderInitPending;
// data buffer for the current compressed frame
TUint8 *iDataBuffer;
// buffer total length
TUint iBufferLength;
// amount of data in buffer
TUint iDataLength;
// current stream data format
TDataFormat iDataFormat;
// length of the current frame in the buffer
TUint iCurrentFrameLength;
// for searching a good thumbnail
TInt iFramesToSkip;
// number of frame skip cycles done to get a good thumbnail
TInt iNumThumbFrameSkips;
// is decode in progress ?
TBool iDecodePending;
// timestamp of previous frame
TTimeIntervalMicroSeconds iPreviousTimeStamp;
// the video decoder
CTNEDecoderWrap *iDecoder;
// CCMR media buffer sent to decoder
TVideoBuffer* iMediaBuffer;
// Concatenated YUV data for decoded frame
TUint8 *iFrameBuffer;
// are we decoding?
TBool iDecoding;
// Input mimetype
TBufC8<256> iMimeType;
// Short mimetype
TBufC8<256> iShortMimeType;
// Codec level
TInt iCodecLevel;
// Input codec
TInt iCodec;
// Input Max Bit Rate
TUint iMaxBitRate;
// AVC Stuff
// number of bytes representing the NalUnitLength
TInt iNalUnitBytes;
// True if processing has been cancelled
TBool iProcessingCancelled;
// timestamp for encoding ending black frames
TTimeIntervalMicroSeconds iTimeStamp;
// stream duration: max. of audio,video
TInt64 iVideoClipDuration;
// output video buffer for one frame
HBufC8 *iOutVideoBuffer;
// Is there a frame in buffer ?
TBool iFrameBuffered;
// Timestamp of buffered frame
TInt64 iBufferedTimeStamp;
// key frame info of buffered frame
TBool iBufferedKeyFrame;
TBool iFirstFrameBuffered;
// Are we processing a thumbnail ?
// TBool iThumbnailInProgress;
// index of the first frame in clip
TInt iStartThumbIndex;
// @@ YHK HARI
TInt iAVCDecodedFrameNumber;
TBool iThumbFrameDecoded;
// buffer pointers for thumbnail generation
TUint8* iYuvBuf;
TUint8* iRgbBuf;
// for storing the converted YUV image in generation case
TUint8 *iYuvImageBuf;
// flag for reseting the encoder to encode an intra frame
TBool iIntraResetRequest;
TInt iMP4SpecificSize;
// Is it the first frame of a clip
TBool iFirstFrameOfClip;
// for setting the first frame flag
// when doing wipe/crossfade transitions
TBool iFirstFrameFlagSet;
TInt iVideoFrameNumber;
TInt iVideoIntraFrameNumber;
// MPEG-4 VOS size
TInt iOutputMpeg4VosSize;
// @@ YHK demux
// the demultiplexer
// CDemultiplexer *iDemux;
// the video decoder input queue
// CActiveQueue *iVideoQueue;
// file format parser
CMP4Parser *iParser;
// frame enhancement
CDisplayChain *iEnhancer;
// does the stream have video?
TBool iHaveVideo;
// video stream type
TVideoType iVideoType;
// is the stream multiplexed?
TBool iIsMuxed;
// multiplex type
TMuxType iMuxType;
// amount of data in buffer
TUint iBufData;
// reading descriptor
TPtr8 iReadDes;
// demux parameters read
// CMP4Demux::TStreamParameters iMP4Parameters;
// CMP4Demux::TOutputChannel iMP4Channels[2];
// video stream parameters
CTNEProcessorImpl::TStreamParameters iVideoParameters;
// stream length in milliseconds
TUint iStreamLength;
// stream size in bytes
TUint iStreamSize;
// stream average bitrate
TUint iStreamBitrate;
// is it possible to seek in the file
TBool iCanSeek;
RFile iCurClip;
RFs iFs;
TBool iFsConnected;
TInt iCurClipIndex;
TInt iCurrentVideoSize;
TRequestStatus *iThumbnailRequestStatus;
CFbsBitmap* iOutBitmap;
friend class CMP4Parser;
// End of File