author hgs
Fri, 14 May 2010 18:19:45 -0500
changeset 20 b67dd1fc57c5
parent 19 4a629bc82c5e
child 25 6f7ceef7b1d1
permissions -rw-r--r--

* Copyright (c) 2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
* All rights reserved.
* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
* at the URL "".
* Initial Contributors:
* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
* Contributors:
* Description: 


#include "openmaxalwrapper.h"
#include "xaglobals.h"
#include "xaplatform.h"

/** MACROS **/

/** TYPES **/
/* object-specific function pointers */
typedef XAresult (*xaDoRealizeImpl)(XAObjectItf self);
typedef XAresult (*xaDoResumeImpl)(XAObjectItf self);
typedef void (*xaFreeResourcesImpl)(XAObjectItf self);


typedef struct XAObjItfMapEntry_
    XAInterfaceID iid;
    XAuint8       mapIdx;
    void          *pItf;
    XAboolean     locEnabled;
    XAboolean     required;
    XAboolean     isDynamic;
} XAObjItfMapEntry;

/* Definition of XAObjectItf implementation */
typedef struct XAObjectItfImpl_
    /* parent interface */
    struct XAObjectItf_ itf;
    /* pointer to self */
    struct XAObjectItfImpl_* self;

    /* variables */
    XAint32 priority;
    XAboolean preemptable;
    XAuint32 state;

    /* array of available interfaces */
    XAObjItfMapEntry *interfaceMap;
    XAuint32 interfaceCount;

    /* async related variables */
    XAImplThreadHandle asyncThr;
    XAboolean asyncOngoing;
    xaObjectCallback callBack;
    void *context;
    XAObjectItf cbPtrToSelf;

    /* object-specific function implementation pointers */
    /* (must be implemented by every object) */
    xaDoRealizeImpl DoRealizeImpl;
    xaDoResumeImpl DoResumeImpl;
    xaFreeResourcesImpl FreeResourcesImpl;
} XAObjectItfImpl;

/** METHODS **/

/* Base interface XAObjectItf implementation */
XAresult XAObjectItfImpl_Realize(XAObjectItf self, XAboolean async);

XAresult XAObjectItfImpl_Resume(XAObjectItf self, XAboolean async);

XAresult XAObjectItfImpl_GetState(XAObjectItf self, XAuint32 *pState);

XAresult XAObjectItfImpl_GetInterface(XAObjectItf self,
                                       const XAInterfaceID iid,
                                       void *pInterface);

XAresult XAObjectItfImpl_RegisterCallback(XAObjectItf self,
                                           xaObjectCallback callback,
                                           void *pContext);

void XAObjectItfImpl_AbortAsyncOperation(XAObjectItf self);

void XAObjectItfImpl_Destroy(XAObjectItf self);

XAresult XAObjectItfImpl_SetPriority(XAObjectItf self, XAint32 priority,
                                      XAboolean preemptable);

XAresult XAObjectItfImpl_GetPriority(XAObjectItf self, XAint32 *pPriority,
                                      XAboolean *pPreemptable);

XAresult XAObjectItfImpl_SetLossOfControlInterfaces(XAObjectItf self,
                                                     XAint16 numInterfaces,
                                                     XAInterfaceID *pInterfaceIDs,
                                                     XAboolean enabled);

/* XAObjectItfImpl -specific methods */

/* Allocate and initialize base object */
XAresult XAObjectItfImpl_Init(XAObjectItfImpl* self,
                              XAuint32 itfCount,
                              const XAInterfaceID** itfIIDs,
                              xaDoRealizeImpl doRealizeImpl,
                              xaDoResumeImpl doResumeImpl,
                              xaFreeResourcesImpl freeResourcesImpl);

/* methods for asynchronous service */
void* XAObjectItfImpl_AsyncRealize(void* args);
void* XAObjectItfImpl_AsyncResume(void* args);

XAObjItfMapEntry* XAObjectItfImpl_GetItfEntry(const XAObjectItf self,
                                              const XAInterfaceID iid);

#endif /* XAOBJECTITF_H */