changeset 17 3eca7e70b1b8
parent 3 4526337fb576
equal deleted inserted replaced
3:4526337fb576 17:3eca7e70b1b8
     1 /*
     2 * Copyright (c) 2007 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
     3 * All rights reserved.
     4 * This component and the accompanying materials are made available
     5 * under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
     6 * which accompanies this distribution, and is available
     7 * at the URL "".
     8 *
     9 * Initial Contributors:
    10 * Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
    11 *
    12 * Contributors:
    13 *
    14 * Description: Implementation for presentation element - vertical.
    15 *
    16 */
    18 //Toolkit Includes
    19 #include <avkon.mbg> 
    20 #include <mulsliderwidget.mbg>
    22 // Alfred Client includes
    23 #include <alf/alfenv.h>
    24 #include <alf/alfroster.h>
    25 #include <alf/alfdisplay.h>
    26 #include <alf/alfbrusharray.h>
    27 #include <alf/alftextvisual.h>
    28 #include <alf/alfevent.h>
    29 //#include <osn/alfptrvector.h>
    30 #include <alf/alfframebrush.h>
    32 //Widget Model Includes
    33 #include <alf/alfwidgetevents.h>
    34 #include <alf/alfwidgetenvextension.h>
    35 #include <alf/ialfmodel.h>
    37 //Avkon Includes
    38 #include <AknUtils.h>
    39 #include <AknsConstants.h>
    40 #include <utf.h>
    41 #include <aknlayoutscalable_uiaccel.cdl.h>
    42 #include <avkon.hrh>
    43 //#include <math.h>
    45 //slider widget includes
    46 #include "mulslidervertical.h"
    47 #include <mul/mulevent.h>
    48 #include "mulsliderwidget.h"
    49 #include "mulslidercontrol.h"
    50 #include "mulslidermodel.h"
    51 #include "mulsliderdefinitions.h"
    52 #include "mulsliderutils.h"
    54 //Timer function includes
    55 #include "mulsliderlongtaptimer.h"
    56 #include <alf/alfgradientbrush.h>
    57 namespace Alf
    58     {    
    59 // Structure to store data for the slider element class
    60 struct MulVerticalSliderDataImpl
    61     {
    62     bool mOperation;// Drag state
    63     bool mSliderHit;// button down has happened on slider visual
    64     float mTickInPixels;// Tick size in Pixel
    65     int mRangeInPixels;// Range in Pixel
    66     int mCurrTickInPixels;// Current Tick posion in pixels
    67     CAlfVisual * mVisual;// Stores the current visual hit 
    68     TPoint mDragPoint;// Point at which drag started 
    69     TPoint mLongTapPos;// Point at which button down happened 
    70     int mDragStartStep;// Tick positon of Drag Start
    71     int mCurrTick;// Stores current tick
    72     int mTick;// Stores Tick Size
    73     int mTrackStartPoint;// Slider Track Start Point in pixel
    74     int mHandleGhostHieghtDelta;
    75     bool mOrientationLandScape;
    76     bool mHasBackground; // for background only created once 
    77     int mdirection;// 0 - nomovement,1 up movement 2 down
    78     bool mLayoutMirrored;// RTL if True else LTR
    79     int mImageTextureId; // to differtiate between textures 
    80     int mTrackTopTextureId ;// to store the auto generated texture id's
    81     int mTrackBottomTextureId;
    82     int mTrackMiddleTextureId;
    83     int mMarkerTextureId;
    84     int mZoomInTextureId;
    85     int mZoomOutTextureId;
    87     CAlfLayout* mMainLayout;
    88     CAlfLayout* mBaseSliderLayout;// Slider Background
    89     CAlfTexture* mTexture;
    90     CAlfLayout* mSliderCentre;// Track layout
    91     CAlfLayout* mSliderCentreGhost;// Extended touch are for track
    92     CAlfImageVisual* mTrackTopImage;
    93     CAlfImageVisual* mTrackMiddleImage;
    94     CAlfImageVisual* mTrackEndImage;
    95     CAlfImageVisual* mSliderHandle;// Slider Handle
    96     CAlfLayout* mSliderHandleGhost;//Extended touch are for handle
    97     CAlfVisual* mSliderPercentAudio;//Visula showing percentage
    98     CAlfImageVisual* mImagePlus;// Zoom in
    99     CAlfImageVisual* mImageMinus;// Zoom out
   102     MulVerticalSliderDataImpl()
   103         {
   104         mOperation = false;
   105         mSliderHit = false;
   106         mTickInPixels = 0;
   107         mRangeInPixels = 0;
   108         mCurrTickInPixels = 0;
   109         mVisual = NULL;
   110         mDragPoint.SetXY(0,0);
   111         mLongTapPos.SetXY(0,0);
   112         mDragStartStep = 0;
   113         mCurrTick = 0;
   114         mTick = 0;
   115         mTrackStartPoint = 0;
   116         mImageTextureId = 0;
   117         mTrackTopTextureId = 0;
   118         mTrackBottomTextureId = 0;
   119         mTrackMiddleTextureId = 0;
   120         mMarkerTextureId = 0;
   121         mZoomInTextureId = 0;
   122         mZoomOutTextureId = 0;
   123         mMainLayout = NULL;
   124         mBaseSliderLayout = NULL;
   125         mSliderCentre = NULL;
   126         mTrackTopImage = NULL;
   127         mTrackMiddleImage = NULL;
   128         mTrackEndImage = NULL;
   129         mSliderCentreGhost = NULL;
   130         mSliderHandleGhost = NULL;
   131         mSliderHandle = NULL;
   132         mSliderPercentAudio = NULL;
   133         mImagePlus = NULL;
   134         mImageMinus = NULL;
   135         mHandleGhostHieghtDelta = 0;   
   136         mOrientationLandScape = false;
   137         mdirection = 0;
   138         mLayoutMirrored = false;
   139         mHasBackground = false;
   140         } 
   142     };
   144 // bitmap file path
   145 _LIT(KAvkonBitmapFile,"\\resource\\apps\\avkon2.mbm");
   146 _LIT(KSliderBitmapFile,"\\resource\\apps\\mulsliderwidget.mif");
   148 const TInt KAlfTrackTopTextureId = 1;
   149 const TInt KAlfTrackBottomTextureId = 2;
   150 const TInt KAlfTrackMiddleTextureId = 3;
   151 const TInt KAlfMarkerTextureId = 4;
   152 const TInt KAlfZoomInTextureId = 5;
   153 const TInt KAlfZoomOutTextureId = 6;
   155 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   156 //  C++ default constructor.
   157 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   158 //
   159 MulSliderVertical::MulSliderVertical(
   160                                     CAlfWidgetControl& aControl,
   161                                     const char* aName, 
   162                                     AlfCustomInitDataBase* /*aCustomData*/)
   163     : mData(NULL)
   164         {
   165         // Base class (AlfElement) construct
   166         construct(aControl, aName);
   167         mSliderModel = NULL;
   168         mSliderWidget = NULL;
   169         mData = new (EMM) MulVerticalSliderDataImpl;
   170         mPosData.reset(new(EMM)MulSliderPos);
   172         // Timer for generating tap and hold repeat events  
   173         mLongTapTimer.reset(new (EMM) MulSliderLongTapTimer(this)); 
   174         initializeSliderData();
   175         }
   177 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   178 //  Destructor
   179 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   180 //
   181 MulSliderVertical::~MulSliderVertical()
   182     {
   183     // Visualization Data
   184     if(mData)
   185         {
   186         (&control().Env())->TextureManager().UnloadTexture(mData->mTrackTopTextureId);
   187         (&control().Env())->TextureManager().UnloadTexture(mData->mTrackBottomTextureId);
   188         (&control().Env())->TextureManager().UnloadTexture(mData->mTrackTopTextureId);
   189         (&control().Env())->TextureManager().UnloadTexture(mData->mMarkerTextureId);
   190         (&control().Env())->TextureManager().UnloadTexture(mData->mZoomInTextureId);
   191         (&control().Env())->TextureManager().UnloadTexture(mData->mZoomOutTextureId);
   192         delete mData;
   193         }
   194     else
   195         {
   197         }
   199     }//End of Destructor
   201 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   202 // From class MAlfInterfaceBase.
   203 // Getter for interfaces provided by the slider widget.
   204 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   205 //
   206 IAlfInterfaceBase* MulSliderVertical::makeInterface(
   207                         const IfId& aType)
   208     {
   209     IAlfInterfaceBase* interface = 0;
   210     UString param (aType.mImplementationId);
   211     if (param == IAlfWidgetEventHandler::type().mImplementationId)
   212         {
   213         return static_cast<IAlfWidgetEventHandler*>(this);
   214         }
   215     else if (param == 
   216     IMulSliderBaseElementInternal::type().mImplementationId)
   217         {
   218         return static_cast<IMulSliderBaseElementInternal*>(this);
   219         }  
   220     else
   221         {
   222         interface = AlfElement::makeInterface(aType);   
   223         }
   224     return interface;
   225     }
   227 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------
   228 // APIs from the IMulSliderBaseElement 
   229 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------
   231 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   232 // Gets called when the parent layout is relayouted.
   233 // resets all the anchor points and updates the visualization
   234 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   235 //
   236 void MulSliderVertical::baseLayoutSizeChanged()
   237     {
   238     mData->mMainLayout->ClearFlag(EAlfVisualFlagLayoutUpdateNotification);
   239     if(mData->mMainLayout)
   240         {
   241         //mData->mOrientationLandScape = mSliderModel->IsLandscape();
   242         // This is a hack to resolve screen refresh issue
   243         control().Env().RefreshCallBack(&(control().Env()));
   244         // Layout the visualization with correct LCT values 
   245         layoutVisuals(mSliderModel->GetTemplate());
   246         // Convert all the user defined data to pixels
   247         ConvertDataToPixels();
   248         // Set the thumb position to the current tick
   249         SetThumbPosition();
   250         mData->mMainLayout->SetOpacity(mSliderWidget->GetOpacity());
   251         }
   252     mData->mMainLayout->SetFlag(EAlfVisualFlagLayoutUpdateNotification);   
   253     }
   255 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   256 // From class IAlfWidgetEventHandler.
   257 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   258 //  
   259 void MulSliderVertical::setActiveStates(
   260     unsigned int /*aStates*/)
   261     {
   262     //do nothing
   263     }
   265 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   266 //  initializes Model and Widget Pointer
   267 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   268 //
   269 void  MulSliderVertical::initializeSliderData()
   270     {
   271     // initialize the Slider Widget Pointer;
   272     IAlfWidgetFactory& widgetFactory = 
   273         AlfWidgetEnvExtension::widgetFactory(control().Env());
   274     mSliderWidget = static_cast<MulSliderWidget *>(widgetFactory.findWidget(
   275                     control().widget()->widgetName()));
   277     // initialize the Slider Model Pointer;
   278     mSliderModel =static_cast<MulSliderModel*>(mSliderWidget->model());
   279     }
   281 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   282 //  set the positions and images for the visual hierarchy
   283 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   284 //
   285 void MulSliderVertical::layoutVisuals( sliderTemplate /*aTemplateId*/)
   286     {
   287     bool relayout = false;
   288     if(mData->mLayoutMirrored != AknLayoutUtils::LayoutMirrored())
   289         {
   290         mData->mOrientationLandScape = !mSliderModel->IsLandscape();
   291         mData->mLayoutMirrored = AknLayoutUtils::LayoutMirrored();
   292         }
   294     if( mSliderModel->IsLandscape() != mData->mOrientationLandScape ) 
   295         {
   296         relayout = true;
   297         mData->mOrientationLandScape = mSliderModel->IsLandscape();
   298         }  
   299     if(relayout)
   300         {
   302     CAlfControl* ctrl = (CAlfControl*)&control();  
   303     TAknLayoutRect layoutRect;
   304     //get the lct rect for mBaseSliderLayout and set it            
   305     // aaslider_pane(2)
   306     layoutRect = MulSliderUtils::GetComponentRect(
   307             EVSliderPane,mData->mMainLayout,KVariety2);
   308     mData->mBaseSliderLayout->SetRect(
   309             TRect( TPoint(layoutRect.Rect().iTl.iX,layoutRect.Rect().iTl.iY  ),
   310                     TSize( layoutRect.Rect().Size().iWidth, 
   311                             layoutRect.Rect().Size().iHeight ))) ;
   312    if(!mData->mHasBackground)
   313             SetBackgroundBrush();
   314     // Set Position and Size for Extended touch layout for track
   315     mData->mSliderCentreGhost->SetRect(
   316             TRect( TPoint(0,0 ),
   317                     TSize( layoutRect.Rect().Size().iWidth, 
   318                             layoutRect.Rect().Size().iHeight )));
   321     //get the lct rect for mImageMinus and set it            
   322     // aid_touch_size_slider_min(2) 
   323     layoutRect = MulSliderUtils::GetComponentRect(
   324             EVSliderMinus,mData->mBaseSliderLayout,KVariety2);
   325     mData->mImageMinus->SetRect(
   326             TRect( TPoint( layoutRect.Rect().iTl.iX,layoutRect.Rect().iTl.iY ),
   327                     TSize( layoutRect.Rect().Size().iWidth, 
   328                             layoutRect.Rect().Size().iHeight ))) ;
   330     //get the lct rect for mImagePlus and set it            
   331     // aid_touch_size_slider_max(1) 
   332     layoutRect = MulSliderUtils::GetComponentRect(
   333             EVSliderPlus,
   334             mData->mBaseSliderLayout,
   335             KVariety1);
   336     mData->mImagePlus->SetRect(
   337             TRect( TPoint( layoutRect.Rect().iTl.iX,layoutRect.Rect().iTl.iY ),
   338                     TSize( layoutRect.Rect().Size().iWidth, 
   339                             layoutRect.Rect().Size().iHeight ))) ;
   341     //get the lct rect for mSliderHandle and set it     
   342     //aid_touch_size_slider_marker(5)
   343     layoutRect = MulSliderUtils::GetComponentRect(
   344             EVSliderMarker,
   345             mData->mBaseSliderLayout,
   346             KVariety5);
   347     mData->mSliderHandle->SetRect(
   348             TRect( TPoint( layoutRect.Rect().iTl.iX,layoutRect.Rect().iTl.iY ),
   349                     TSize( layoutRect.Rect().Size().iWidth, 
   350                             layoutRect.Rect().Size().iHeight ))) ;
   352     layoutRect = MulSliderUtils::GetComponentRect(
   353                 EVSliderMarkerExtended,
   354                 mData->mBaseSliderLayout,
   355                 KVariety5);
   356     mData->mHandleGhostHieghtDelta = 
   357         (layoutRect.Rect().Size().iHeight - mData->mSliderHandle->Size().iY.ValueNow()  );
   359     // Set Position and Size for Extended touch layout for handle
   360     mData->mSliderHandleGhost->SetRect(
   361             TRect( TPoint( mData->mBaseSliderLayout->Pos().iX.ValueNow(),
   362                     mData->mSliderHandle->Pos().iY.ValueNow()- 
   363                     mData->mHandleGhostHieghtDelta/2),
   364                     TSize( mData->mBaseSliderLayout->Size().iX.ValueNow(), 
   365                             layoutRect.Rect().Size().iHeight)));
   367     //get the lct rect for mSliderCentre and set it     
   368     //aaslider_bg_pane_cp001(6)
   369     layoutRect = MulSliderUtils::GetComponentRect(
   370             EVSliderBgPane,
   371             mData->mBaseSliderLayout,
   372             KVariety6);
   373     mData->mSliderCentre->SetRect(
   374             TRect( TPoint( layoutRect.Rect().iTl.iX ,
   375                     layoutRect.Rect().iTl.iY),
   376                     TSize( layoutRect.Rect().Size().iWidth, 
   377                             layoutRect.Rect().Size().iHeight )));
   379     //get the lct rect for mTrackTopImage and set it     
   380     //aaslider_bg_pane_cp001_g1(0)
   381     layoutRect = MulSliderUtils::GetComponentRect(
   382             EVSliderTop,
   383             mData->mSliderCentre,
   384             KVariety0);
   385     mData->mTrackTopImage->SetRect(
   386             TRect( TPoint(0,layoutRect.Rect().iTl.iY),
   387                     TSize( layoutRect.Rect().Size().iWidth, 
   388                             layoutRect.Rect().Size().iHeight )));
   390     //get the lct rect for mTrackMiddleImage and set it     
   391     //aaslider_bg_pane_cp001_g3(0)
   392     layoutRect = MulSliderUtils::GetComponentRect(
   393             EVSliderMiddle,
   394             mData->mSliderCentre,
   395             KVariety0);
   396     mData->mTrackMiddleImage->SetRect(
   397             TRect( TPoint( 0,layoutRect.Rect().iTl.iY),
   398                     TSize( layoutRect.Rect().Size().iWidth, 
   399                             layoutRect.Rect().Size().iHeight )));
   401     //get the lct rect for mTrackEndImage and set it     
   402     //aaslider_bg_pane_cp001_g2(0)
   403     layoutRect = MulSliderUtils::GetComponentRect(
   404             EVSliderEnd,
   405             mData->mSliderCentre,
   406             KVariety0);
   407     mData->mTrackEndImage->SetRect(
   408             TRect( TPoint(0,layoutRect.Rect().iTl.iY),
   409                     TSize( layoutRect.Rect().Size().iWidth, 
   410                             layoutRect.Rect().Size().iHeight )));
   412     if(mData->mTrackTopImage && 
   413                     mData->mTrackMiddleImage && 
   414                     mData->mTrackEndImage)
   415                 {
   416                 setTrackImage();
   417                 }
   418     if(mData->mSliderHandle)
   419         {
   420         mData->mImageTextureId = KAlfMarkerTextureId;
   421         // Create the texture from bitmap provider
   422         mData->mTexture = &((ctrl->Env()).TextureManager().CreateTextureL(
   423                 KAlfAutoGeneratedTextureId/*KAlfMarkerTextureId*/,
   424                 (MAlfBitmapProvider *)this,
   425                 (TAlfTextureFlags)(EAlfTextureFlagRetainResolution|
   426                                    EAlfTextureFlagSkinContent)));
   427         TAlfImage aImage(*mData->mTexture );                                                
   428         mData->mSliderHandle->SetImage(aImage);
   430         }
   432     if(mData->mImagePlus)
   433         {
   434         mData->mImageTextureId = KAlfZoomInTextureId;
   435         // Create the texture from bitmap provider
   436         mData->mTexture = &((ctrl->Env()).TextureManager().CreateTextureL(
   437                 KAlfAutoGeneratedTextureId/*KAlfZoomInTextureId*/,
   438                 (MAlfBitmapProvider *)this,
   439                 (TAlfTextureFlags)(EAlfTextureFlagRetainResolution|EAlfTextureFlagSkinContent)));
   440         TAlfImage aImage(*mData->mTexture );
   441         mData->mImagePlus->SetImage(aImage);
   442         }
   444     if(mData->mImageMinus)
   445         {
   446         mData->mImageTextureId = KAlfZoomOutTextureId;
   447         // Create the texture from bitmap provider
   448         mData->mTexture = &((ctrl->Env()).TextureManager().CreateTextureL(
   449                 KAlfAutoGeneratedTextureId/*KAlfZoomOutTextureId*/,
   450                 (MAlfBitmapProvider *)this,
   451                 (TAlfTextureFlags)(EAlfTextureFlagRetainResolution|EAlfTextureFlagSkinContent)));
   452         TAlfImage aImage(*mData->mTexture );
   453         mData->mImageMinus->SetImage(aImage);
   455         }
   456     }
   457     }
   458 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   459 // Used for setting images for the track 
   460 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   461 //
   463 void MulSliderVertical::setTrackImage()
   464     {
   465     //Review
   466     TInt flags = EAlfTextureFlagSkinContent;
   467     flags |= EAlfTextureFlagAutoSize;
   469     CAlfControl* ctrl = (CAlfControl*)&control();
   470     //creating texture for topimage
   471     mData->mImageTextureId = KAlfTrackTopTextureId;
   472     mData->mTexture = &((ctrl->Env()).TextureManager().CreateTextureL(
   473         KAlfAutoGeneratedTextureId/*KAlfTrackTopTextureId*/,
   474         (MAlfBitmapProvider *)this,
   475         (TAlfTextureFlags)(EAlfTextureFlagRetainResolution|EAlfTextureFlagSkinContent)));
   477     TAlfImage trackTopImage(*mData->mTexture );
   478     //creating texture for middleimage
   479     mData->mImageTextureId = KAlfTrackMiddleTextureId;
   480     mData->mTexture = &((ctrl->Env()).TextureManager().CreateTextureL(
   481         KAlfAutoGeneratedTextureId/*KAlfTrackMiddleTextureId*/,
   482         (MAlfBitmapProvider *)this,
   483         (TAlfTextureFlags)(EAlfTextureFlagRetainResolution|EAlfTextureFlagSkinContent)));
   485     TAlfImage trackMiddleImage(*mData->mTexture );
   487     //creating texture for bottom image
   488     mData->mImageTextureId = KAlfTrackBottomTextureId;
   489     mData->mTexture = &((ctrl->Env()).TextureManager().CreateTextureL(
   490         KAlfAutoGeneratedTextureId/*KAlfTrackBottomTextureId*/,
   491         (MAlfBitmapProvider *)this,
   492         (TAlfTextureFlags)(EAlfTextureFlagDefault)));
   495     TAlfImage trackEndImage(*mData->mTexture );
   496     // Set Image on visuals
   497     mData->mTrackTopImage->SetImage(trackTopImage);
   498     mData->mTrackMiddleImage->SetImage(trackMiddleImage);                    
   499     mData->mTrackEndImage->SetImage(trackEndImage);
   501     }//End of setImage
   503 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   504 // ProvideBitmapL()
   505 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   506 //
   507 void MulSliderVertical::ProvideBitmapL (TInt aId, CFbsBitmap *& aBitmap, CFbsBitmap *& aMaskBitmap)
   508     {
   509     TAknLayoutRect layoutRect;
   510     switch(mData->mImageTextureId)
   511         {
   512         case KAlfTrackTopTextureId:
   513             {
   514             AknIconUtils::CreateIconL(
   515                    aBitmap,
   516                    aMaskBitmap,
   517                    KAvkonBitmapFile,
   518                    EMbmAvkonQgn_graf_nslider_vertical_top,
   519                    EMbmAvkonQgn_graf_nslider_vertical_top_mask );
   521            layoutRect = MulSliderUtils::GetComponentRect(
   522                    EVSliderTop,
   523                    mData->mSliderCentre,
   524                    KVariety0); 
   526            AknIconUtils::SetSize( aBitmap,
   527                                 TSize(layoutRect.Rect().Size().iWidth,
   528                                 layoutRect.Rect().Size().iHeight),
   529                                 EAspectRatioNotPreserved);
   530             mData->mImageTextureId = 0;
   531             mData->mTrackTopTextureId = aId;
   532             }
   533             break;
   534         case KAlfTrackBottomTextureId:
   535             {
   536             AknIconUtils::CreateIconL(
   537                     aBitmap,
   538                     aMaskBitmap,
   539                     KAvkonBitmapFile,
   540                     EMbmAvkonQgn_graf_nslider_vertical_bottom,
   541                     EMbmAvkonQgn_graf_nslider_vertical_bottom_mask );
   543             layoutRect = MulSliderUtils::GetComponentRect(
   544                     EVSliderEnd,
   545                     mData->mSliderCentre,
   546                     KVariety0);   
   547             AknIconUtils::SetSize( aBitmap,
   548                                     TSize(layoutRect.Rect().Size().iWidth,
   549                                     layoutRect.Rect().Size().iHeight),
   550                                     EAspectRatioNotPreserved);
   551             mData->mImageTextureId = 0;
   552             mData->mTrackBottomTextureId = aId;
   553             }
   554             break;
   555         case KAlfTrackMiddleTextureId:
   556             {
   557             AknIconUtils::CreateIconL(
   558                     aBitmap,
   559                     aMaskBitmap,
   560                     KAvkonBitmapFile,
   561                     EMbmAvkonQgn_graf_nslider_vertical_middle,
   562                     EMbmAvkonQgn_graf_nslider_vertical_middle_mask );
   564             layoutRect = MulSliderUtils::GetComponentRect(
   565                     EVSliderMiddle,
   566                     mData->mSliderCentre,
   567                     KVariety0);
   569             AknIconUtils::SetSize( aBitmap,
   570                                    TSize(layoutRect.Rect().Size().iWidth,
   571                                    layoutRect.Rect().Size().iHeight),
   572                                    EAspectRatioNotPreserved);
   574             mData->mImageTextureId = 0;
   575             mData->mTrackMiddleTextureId = aId;
   576             }
   577             break;
   579         case KAlfMarkerTextureId:
   580             {
   581             AknIconUtils::CreateIconL(
   582                     aBitmap,
   583                     aMaskBitmap,
   584                     KAvkonBitmapFile,
   585                     EMbmAvkonQgn_graf_nslider_vertical_marker,
   586                     EMbmAvkonQgn_graf_nslider_vertical_marker_mask );    
   588             layoutRect = MulSliderUtils::GetComponentRect(
   589                     EVSliderMarker,
   590                     mData->mBaseSliderLayout,
   591                     KVariety5);   
   593              AknIconUtils::SetSize( aBitmap,
   594                                      TSize(layoutRect.Rect().Size().iWidth,
   595                                      layoutRect.Rect().Size().iHeight),
   596                                      EAspectRatioNotPreserved);
   598             mData->mImageTextureId = 0;
   599             mData->mMarkerTextureId = aId;
   600             }
   601             break;
   602         case KAlfZoomInTextureId:
   603             {
   604             AknIconUtils::CreateIconL(
   605                    aBitmap,
   606                    aMaskBitmap,
   607                    KSliderBitmapFile,
   608                    EMbmMulsliderwidgetQgn_indi_nslider_zoom_in,
   609                    EMbmMulsliderwidgetQgn_indi_nslider_zoom_in_mask );    
   611            layoutRect = MulSliderUtils::GetComponentRect(
   612                    EVSliderPlus,mData->mBaseSliderLayout,KVariety1);    
   614            AknIconUtils::SetSize( aBitmap,
   615                                   TSize(layoutRect.Rect().Size().iWidth,
   616                                   layoutRect.Rect().Size().iHeight),
   617                                   EAspectRatioNotPreserved);
   618             mData->mImageTextureId = 0;
   619             mData->mZoomInTextureId = aId;
   620             }
   621             break;
   622          case KAlfZoomOutTextureId:
   623              {
   624              AknIconUtils::CreateIconL(
   625                     aBitmap,
   626                     aMaskBitmap,
   627                     KSliderBitmapFile,
   628                     EMbmMulsliderwidgetQgn_indi_nslider_zoom_out,
   629                     EMbmMulsliderwidgetQgn_indi_nslider_zoom_out_mask ); 
   631             layoutRect = MulSliderUtils::GetComponentRect(
   632                     EVSliderMinus,mData->mBaseSliderLayout,KVariety2);       
   634             AknIconUtils::SetSize( aBitmap,
   635                                      TSize(layoutRect.Rect().Size().iWidth,
   636                                      layoutRect.Rect().Size().iHeight),
   637                                      EAspectRatioNotPreserved);
   639            mData->mImageTextureId = 0;
   640            mData->mZoomOutTextureId = aId;
   641            }
   642              break;
   643         default:
   644             break;
   646         }
   648     }
   650 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   651 //  setBackgroundBrush()
   652 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   653 //
   654 void MulSliderVertical::SetBackgroundBrush()
   655     {
   657     CAlfControl* ctrl = (CAlfControl*)&control();
   658     // Get Slider Pane Rect (aaslider_pane(2)) and apply on mBaseSliderLayout
   659     TAknLayoutRect layoutRect = MulSliderUtils::GetComponentRect(
   660             EVSliderPane,mData->mMainLayout,2);
   663     TAknWindowLineLayout LayoutHandle = 
   664     AknLayoutScalable_UiAccel::
   665     aid_touch_size_slider_max(0).LayoutLine(); 
   668     int x =;                               
   669     TAknsItemID itemid;
   671     itemid.Set(EAknsMajorSkin, EAknsMinorQgnGrafPopupTrans);
   672     CAlfFrameBrush* brush = CAlfFrameBrush::NewLC((*ctrl).Env(),itemid, 0, 0);
   674     if(brush!=NULL)
   675         {
   676         TRect dispRect(layoutRect.Rect().iTl.iX,
   677                 layoutRect.Rect().iTl.iY,
   678                 layoutRect.Rect().Size().iWidth,
   679                 layoutRect.Rect().Size().iHeight );
   680         TRect innerRect(layoutRect.Rect().iTl.iX + x,
   681                 layoutRect.Rect().iTl.iY + x,
   682                 layoutRect.Rect().Size().iWidth - x ,
   683                 layoutRect.Rect().Size().iHeight - x);
   685         brush->SetFrameRectsL(innerRect,dispRect); 
   686         brush->SetOpacity(KMinopacity);
   687         mData->mBaseSliderLayout->EnableBrushesL();
   688         mData->mBaseSliderLayout->Brushes()->AppendL(brush, EAlfHasOwnership); 
   689         CleanupStack::Pop(brush);
   690         }
   691     mData->mHasBackground = true;
   692     }    
   694 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   695 //  MakeTransparent()
   696 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   697 //
   698 void MulSliderVertical::MakeTransparent(bool aVal)
   699     {
   700     CAlfBrushArray * brushArray = mData->mBaseSliderLayout->Brushes();
   701     if(aVal)
   702         {
   703         TAlfTimedValue opacity(KMinopacity);
   704         brushArray->At(0).SetOpacity(opacity);      
   705         }
   706     else
   707         {
   708         TAlfTimedValue opacity(KMaxopacity);
   709         brushArray->At(0).SetOpacity(opacity);
   710         }
   711     }    
   712 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   713 //  ConvertDataToPixels
   714 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   715 //
   716 void MulSliderVertical::ConvertDataToPixels()
   717     {
   718     // Calculate the range in pixel values
   719     mData->mRangeInPixels = 
   720     (mData->mSliderCentre->Size().iY.ValueNow() - 
   721             mData->mSliderHandle->Size().iY.ValueNow());
   723     if(mSliderModel->MaxRange() - mSliderModel->MinRange() != 0)
   724         {
   725         // Calculate Tick Size in Pixels
   726         mData->mTickInPixels = 
   727         (mData->mSliderCentre->Size().iY.ValueNow() - 
   728                 mData->mSliderHandle->Size().iY.ValueNow()) /
   729                 (mSliderModel->MaxRange() - mSliderModel->MinRange()) ;
   730         }
   731     // Get the track start pixel value    
   732     mData->mTrackStartPoint = mData->mSliderCentre->Pos().iY.ValueNow() +
   733     mData->mSliderCentre->Size().iY.ValueNow() -   
   734     mData->mSliderHandle->Size().iY.ValueNow()  ;  
   735     // Store current tick
   736     mData->mCurrTick =  mSliderModel->PrimaryValue() ; 
   737     if(mSliderModel->MaxRange()== mSliderModel->MinRange())
   738         {
   739         mData->mTrackStartPoint= mData->mSliderCentre->Pos().iY.ValueNow();
   740         }
   741     mData->mTick = mSliderModel->Tick();
   742     }
   745 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   746 //  createVisualization
   747 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   748 //    
   749 void MulSliderVertical::createVisualization(sliderTemplate /*aTemplateId*/)
   750     {
   751     mData->mHasBackground = false;
   752     if(AknLayoutUtils::LayoutMirrored())
   753         mData->mLayoutMirrored = true;
   754     else
   755         mData->mLayoutMirrored = false;
   756     // Create the visualization
   757     CAlfControl* ctrl = (CAlfControl*)&control();
   758     mData->mOrientationLandScape = !mSliderModel->IsLandscape();
   760     // Visual Hierarchy creation
   761     // create the mMainLayout
   762     mData->mMainLayout = CAlfLayout::AddNewL(*ctrl,NULL);
   763     // set the flag for Notifications 
   764     mData->mMainLayout->SetFlag(EAlfVisualFlagLayoutUpdateNotification);
   765     //create the mBaseSliderLayout  
   766     mData->mBaseSliderLayout = 
   767     CAlfLayout::AddNewL(*ctrl,mData->mMainLayout);
   768     // create the dummy layout for slider track 
   769     mData->mSliderCentreGhost =
   770     CAlfLayout::AddNewL(*ctrl,mData->mBaseSliderLayout);
   771     // create the dummy layout for slider handle
   772     mData->mSliderHandleGhost = 
   773     CAlfLayout::AddNewL(*ctrl,mData->mBaseSliderLayout);
   775     // create the imagevisual for slider track
   776     mData->mSliderCentre = 
   777     CAlfLayout::AddNewL(*ctrl,mData->mBaseSliderLayout);
   778     // create the imagevisual for slider handle
   779     mData->mSliderHandle = 
   780     CAlfImageVisual::AddNewL(*ctrl,mData->mBaseSliderLayout);
   781     // create the imagevisual for plus icon 
   782     mData->mImagePlus= 
   783     CAlfImageVisual::AddNewL(*ctrl,mData->mBaseSliderLayout);
   784     // create the imagevisual for minus icon
   785     mData->mImageMinus = 
   786     CAlfImageVisual::AddNewL(*ctrl,mData->mBaseSliderLayout);
   787     if(mData->mSliderCentre)
   788         {
   789         mData->mTrackTopImage = CAlfImageVisual::AddNewL(*ctrl,mData->mSliderCentre);
   790         mData->mTrackMiddleImage = CAlfImageVisual::AddNewL(*ctrl,mData->mSliderCentre);
   791         mData->mTrackEndImage = CAlfImageVisual::AddNewL(*ctrl,mData->mSliderCentre);
   792         }
   794     // Get the widget opacity and apply on root visual
   795     mSliderWidget->ShowWidget(mSliderWidget->GetOpacity(),0);
   796     }
   799 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   800 //  eventHandlerType
   801 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   802 //
   803 IAlfWidgetEventHandler::AlfEventHandlerType MulSliderVertical::eventHandlerType()
   804     {
   805     return IAlfWidgetEventHandler::EPresentationEventHandler;
   806     }
   809 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   810 //  eventExecutionPhase
   811 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   812 //
   813 IAlfWidgetEventHandler::AlfEventHandlerExecutionPhase MulSliderVertical::
   814     eventExecutionPhase()
   815     {
   816     return IAlfWidgetEventHandler::ETunnellingPhaseEventHandler;
   817     }
   820 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   821 //  offerEvent
   822 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   823 //
   824 AlfEventStatus MulSliderVertical::offerEvent( CAlfWidgetControl& /*aControl*/, 
   825                                               const TAlfEvent& aEvent )
   826     {   
   827     AlfEventStatus ret=EEventNotHandled;
   828     if(!mSliderWidget->IsHidden())
   829         {
   830         if(aEvent.IsCustomEvent())
   831             {
   832             if(aEvent.CustomParameter() == EEventMissedPointerUp)
   833                 {
   834                  ret=EEventHandled;
   835                  mData->mSliderHit = false;
   836                  handlePointerUpEvent();
   837                  }
   838             }
   840             // handle key events    
   841         else if(aEvent.IsKeyEvent() && mSliderWidget->IsKeyEnabled() )
   842             {       
   843             ret = HandleKeyEvents(aEvent);               
   844             }
   846             // Pointer drag events and single tap events      
   847         else if(aEvent.IsPointerEvent())
   848             {
   849             if(mSliderWidget->GetOpacity())
   850                 {
   851                 ret = HandlePointerEvents((TAlfEvent *)&aEvent);        
   852                 }
   853             }
   855         }
   857  	return ret;
   858     }  
   861 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   862 // HandleKeyEvents
   863 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   864 // 
   865  AlfEventStatus MulSliderVertical::HandleKeyEvents(const TAlfEvent& aEvent)
   866     {
   867     AlfEventStatus ret = EEventNotHandled;
   870     if(aEvent.KeyEvent().iScanCode == EStdKeyUpArrow)
   871         {
   872         if(aEvent.Code() == EEventKey)
   873             {
   874             ret = EEventHandled;
   875             int newPos = mSliderModel->PrimaryValue() + mData->mTick;
   876             updateModelPrimaryValue(newPos);          
   877             }       
   878         }
   879     else if(aEvent.KeyEvent().iScanCode == EStdKeyDownArrow)
   880         {
   881         if(aEvent.Code() == EEventKey)
   882             {
   883             ret = EEventHandled;
   884             int newPos = mSliderModel->PrimaryValue() - mData->mTick;
   885             updateModelPrimaryValue(newPos);
   886             }
   887         }
   888     return ret;
   889     }
   890 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   891 //  Sends drag Up or Down event, according to the hit position
   892 //  on track
   893 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   894 //
   895 AlfEventStatus MulSliderVertical::trackVisualHit(CAlfVisual * /*aHitVisual*/)
   896     {
   897     //Find the thumb Anchor Layout.
   898     // Zoom Plus icon rectangle
   899     TAlfRealRect zoomPlus = mData->mBaseSliderLayout->DisplayRect();
   900     // Slider Handle position
   901     TAlfTimedPoint thumbVisPos = mData->mSliderHandle->Pos();
   902     TAlfTimedPoint thumbVisSize = mData->mSliderHandle->Size();
   903     // Slider track display rect
   904     TAlfRealRect rct = mData->mSliderCentre->DisplayRect() ;
   905     int diff = rct.iTl.iY - zoomPlus.iTl.iY;
   906     //Check if click was above/to left or below/to right of thumb
   907         if (mData->mLongTapPos.iY - rct.iTl.iY < thumbVisPos.iY.ValueNow() + (thumbVisSize.iY.ValueNow()/2) - diff)
   908             {
   909 			// Pointer down happened above Handle 
   910             int newPos = mSliderModel->PrimaryValue() + (((thumbVisPos.iY.ValueNow() +(thumbVisSize.iY.ValueNow()/2) - diff) -(mData->mLongTapPos.iY - rct.iTl.iY))/mData->mTickInPixels);
   912                if( rct.iTl.iY > mData->mLongTapPos.iY )
   913                    {
   914                    mData->mLongTapPos.iY = rct.iTl.iY + (thumbVisSize.iY.ValueNow()/2);
   915                    }
   916             // Move Handle 
   917             if(mData->mdirection !=2)
   918                 {
   919                 // checks if the thumb was moving up 
   920                 updateModelPrimaryValue(newPos);
   921                 mData->mdirection = 1;
   922                 }
   924             if(!mData->mOperation)
   925                 {
   926                 mData->mVisual  =  mData->mSliderHandle;
   927                 initializeThumbDragData(
   928                         mData->mLongTapPos);
   930                 }
   931             }
   932         else if (mData->mLongTapPos.iY - rct.iTl.iY > (thumbVisPos.iY.ValueNow() + 
   933             (thumbVisSize.iY.ValueNow()/2)- diff) )
   934             {
   935             if( (rct.iTl.iY + rct.Size().iHeight < mData->mLongTapPos.iY))
   936                 {
   937                 mData->mLongTapPos.iY = rct.iTl.iY+ rct.Size().iHeight - (thumbVisSize.iY.ValueNow()/2);
   938                 }
   939             // Pointer down happened below Handle
   940             int newPos = mSliderModel->PrimaryValue() - (((mData->mLongTapPos.iY - rct.iTl.iY) -(thumbVisPos.iY.ValueNow() + (thumbVisSize.iY.ValueNow()/2)-diff))/mData->mTickInPixels);
   941              // Move Handle 
   942              if(mData->mdirection !=1)
   943                 {
   944                     // checks if the thumb was moving down
   945                 updateModelPrimaryValue(newPos);
   946                 mData->mdirection = 2;
   947                 }
   949             //mData->mLongTapStarted = false;
   950             if(!mData->mOperation)
   951                     {
   952                     mData->mVisual  =  mData->mSliderHandle;
   953                     initializeThumbDragData(  mData->mLongTapPos);
   955                 }
   956             }
   957         else 
   958             {
   960             }
   961     return EEventHandled;
   962     }   
   964 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   965 //  handles the pointerDown event
   966 // 
   967 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   968 //
   969 AlfEventStatus MulSliderVertical::handlePointerDownEvent(TAlfEvent * aPntrEvent)
   970     {
   972     CAlfVisual * focusvisual = aPntrEvent->Visual();
   973     AlfEventStatus result = EEventNotHandled;
   974     if (focusvisual)
   975         {
   976         mData->mVisual = focusvisual;
   977         if (IsSliderVisual(focusvisual))
   978             {
   979             control().processEvent(TAlfEvent(ECustomEventIconClick));   
   980             mData->mSliderHit = true;
   981             MakeTransparent(false);
   983             // Register with the Roster to receive Long Tap Event    
   984             control().Display()->Roster().SetPointerEventObservers( 
   985                 EAlfPointerEventReportDrag,control());
   987             if(!mData->mOperation)
   988                 {
   989                 mData->mLongTapPos = aPntrEvent->PointerEvent().iParentPosition;        
   990                 //mData->mLongTapStarted = true;  
   991                 }
   993             //Page Movement
   994             if (focusvisual == mData->mSliderCentre ||
   995                 focusvisual == mData->mSliderCentreGhost)
   996                 {
   997                 result =  trackVisualHit(focusvisual);
   998                 }
  1000             // Drag 
  1001             else if (focusvisual == mData->mSliderHandle 
  1002                  ||  focusvisual == mData->mSliderHandleGhost )
  1003                 {
  1004                 if(focusvisual)
  1005                     {
  1006                     // Initialize the drag variables
  1007                     initializeThumbDragData(aPntrEvent->PointerEvent().iParentPosition);
  1008                     //Tactile Feedback For Thumb touch
  1009                     MulSliderControl& sldrcntrl = static_cast<MulSliderControl&>(control());
  1010                     sldrcntrl.TactileEffectOnTouchandHold();
  1011                     }
  1012                 result = EEventHandled;
  1013                 }
  1014              // Zoom Icon Plus Clicked
  1015             else if (focusvisual == mData->mImagePlus || focusvisual == mData->mImageMinus )
  1016                  {
  1017                      // Update the newTick
  1018                     int newPos =0;
  1019                     if( mData->mVisual == mData->mImagePlus)
  1020                         {
  1021                         newPos = mSliderModel->MaxRange();
  1022                         }
  1023                     else
  1024                         {
  1025                         newPos = mSliderModel->MinRange();
  1026                         //newPos = mSliderModel->PrimaryValue() - mData->mTick;
  1027                         }
  1028                         updateModelPrimaryValue(newPos);
  1029                 //return ETrue;
  1030                 result = EEventHandled;
  1031                 }
  1033             }//END OF if (isSliderVisual()) 
  1034         }
  1035     return result;
  1036     }// End Of handlePointerDownEvent
  1039 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1040 // HandlePointerEvents
  1041 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1042 // 
  1043  AlfEventStatus MulSliderVertical::HandlePointerEvents(TAlfEvent* aEvent)
  1044     {
  1045     AlfEventStatus ret = EEventNotHandled;
  1046     if (aEvent->PointerEvent().iType == TPointerEvent::EButton1Down)
  1047         {   
  1048         mData->mdirection = 0;
  1049         return handlePointerDownEvent(aEvent);
  1050         }
  1051     // Drag Events
  1052     else if (aEvent->PointerEvent().iType == TPointerEvent::EDrag)
  1053         {
  1054             // Drag on Handle
  1055         TAlfRealRect rct = mData->mSliderCentre->DisplayRect() ;
  1056         TAlfTimedPoint thumbVisSize = mData->mSliderHandle->Size();
  1057                     // Drag on Handle                
  1058                 if(mData->mVisual && 
  1059                    mData->mSliderHandle && mData->mSliderHandleGhost)
  1060                     {
  1061                     // Store the new pointer position
  1062                     mData->mLongTapPos= aEvent->PointerEvent().iParentPosition ;
  1063                     }
  1065             // Calculate the distance moved from the drag  start point
  1066             int dist = mData->mDragPoint.iY - aEvent->PointerEvent().iParentPosition.iY;
  1067             int precision = KRoundupvalue;
  1068             if(dist<0)
  1069                 {
  1070                 precision = -KRoundupvalue;
  1071                 }
  1072             // Calculate the new tick position
  1073             int newPos = (int)(((float)dist / mData->mTickInPixels ) + precision) + 
  1074                 mData->mDragStartStep;
  1075             // Update the model hence update visualization
  1076             updateModelPrimaryValue(newPos); 
  1077             //Tactile Feedback For Thumb Drag
  1078             MulSliderControl& sldrcntrl = static_cast<MulSliderControl&>(control());
  1079             sldrcntrl.TactileEffectOnDrag(*aEvent);
  1080             ret = EEventHandled;    
  1081         }
  1083     else if(aEvent->PointerUp()  )
  1084         {
  1086             // Long tap Timer not running
  1087             //mData->mLongTapStarted = false;
  1088             // Handle events for pointer up
  1089 		if(mData->mSliderHit)
  1090 			{
  1091 			// checing if any of slider visual got a button down event 
  1092 			// Otherwise its a stray pointerup event , so dont handle it
  1093 			mData->mSliderHit = false;
  1094 			ret = EEventHandled;
  1095 			handlePointerUpEvent();
  1096 			}
  1098          }
  1100     return ret;
  1101     }
  1104 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1105 //  updateModelPrimaryValue
  1106 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1107 //    
  1108 void MulSliderVertical::updateModelPrimaryValue(int aNewPosValue)
  1109     {
  1110     // Validate the new tick value
  1111     if(aNewPosValue < mSliderModel->MinRange())
  1112 	    {
  1113 	    aNewPosValue = mSliderModel->MinRange();	
  1114 	    }
  1115     else if(aNewPosValue > mSliderModel->MaxRange())
  1116 	    {
  1117 	    aNewPosValue = mSliderModel->MaxRange();	
  1118 	    }
  1119 	if(mSliderModel->PrimaryValue() != aNewPosValue && mData->mTick != 0)
  1120         {
  1121         // Update visualization and model only if data is changed
  1122         mSliderModel->SetPrimaryValue(aNewPosValue);
  1123         mPosData.reset(new(EMM)MulSliderPos);
  1124         mPosData->mPreviousValue = mData->mCurrTick  ;  
  1125         mPosData->mCurrentValue= aNewPosValue;
  1126         mData->mCurrTick = aNewPosValue;
  1127         // Send event to the scrollable widget
  1128         TAlfEvent customevent(ETypePrimaryValueChange,
  1129             (uint)mPosData.get());
  1130         control().processEvent(customevent);
  1131         }
  1132     }
  1134 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1135 //  snapPrimaryValueToTicks
  1136 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1137 //    
  1138 void MulSliderVertical::snapPrimaryValueToTicks()
  1139     {
  1140     // If the position is not a multiple of ticks then 
  1141     //snap to the nearest tick multiple
  1142     int currHandlePos = mSliderModel->PrimaryValue() - mSliderModel->MinRange();
  1143     int tick = mSliderModel->Tick();
  1144     int newPos = currHandlePos + mSliderModel->MinRange();
  1145     if(mSliderModel->PrimaryValue() < mSliderModel->MaxRange())
  1146         {
  1148         int diff = 0;
  1149         if(tick > 0) //model
  1150             {
  1151             diff = currHandlePos - ((currHandlePos /tick) * tick);
  1152             }
  1153         if(diff !=0)
  1154             {            
  1155             newPos = currHandlePos + tick - diff + mSliderModel->MinRange();            
  1156             }        
  1157         }
  1160     // Update model
  1161     updateModelPrimaryValue(newPos);
  1162     }   
  1165 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1166 //  handles the pointerUp event
  1167 // 
  1168 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1169 //
  1170 void MulSliderVertical::handlePointerUpEvent()
  1171     {
  1172     // if thumb or track is clicked, change the graphics
  1173     // Send event if single click has hapened 
  1175         snapPrimaryValueToTicks();
  1176         MakeTransparent(true);
  1177     if(mData->mOperation)
  1178         {
  1179         //Somehow missed the Up event?
  1180         stopDrag();
  1181         //Tactile Feedback For Thumb Release
  1182         MulSliderControl& sldrcntrl = static_cast<MulSliderControl&>(control());
  1183         sldrcntrl.TactileEffectOnRelease();
  1184         }
  1187         // Un-register with the roster for long tap events 
  1188         control().Display()->Roster().SetPointerEventObservers(0,
  1189             control());
  1191     // send the event for release/poiter up  
  1192      control().processEvent(TAlfEvent(ECustomEventIconRelease));
  1193     }
  1195 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1196 //  Stops event handling
  1197 // 
  1198 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1199 //
  1200 void MulSliderVertical::stopEvents()
  1201 {
  1202     if(mData->mSliderHit)
  1203 		{
  1204 		// checking if any of slider visual got a button down event 
  1205 		mData->mSliderHit = false;
  1206 		handlePointerUpEvent();
  1207 		}
  1208 }
  1210 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1212 // UpdateVisualization
  1213 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1214 //	 
  1216 void MulSliderVertical::updateVisualization()
  1217     {
  1218     ConvertDataToPixels();
  1219     SetThumbPosition();
  1220     }
  1221 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1222 // SetThumbPosition
  1223 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1224 //
  1225 void MulSliderVertical::SetThumbPosition()
  1226     {
  1227     // Current primary value in pixels
  1228     int deltaY = (mSliderModel->PrimaryValue() - mSliderModel->MinRange()) * 
  1229                 mData->mTickInPixels;
  1230     // Handle 
  1231     int handleX = mData->mSliderHandle->Pos().iX.ValueNow();
  1232     int ghostHandleX = mData->mSliderHandleGhost->Pos().iX.ValueNow();
  1233     // Handle new pos
  1234     TAlfRealPoint pnt(handleX,mData->mTrackStartPoint - deltaY);
  1235     // Ghost Handle ( Extended) new pos 
  1236     TAlfRealPoint pnt1(ghostHandleX,mData->mTrackStartPoint - deltaY - 
  1237                 mData->mHandleGhostHieghtDelta/2); 
  1238     // Set the position
  1239     mData->mSliderHandle->SetPos(pnt,0);
  1240     mData->mSliderHandleGhost->SetPos(pnt1,0);
  1241     // Update visualization variables
  1242     mData->mCurrTick = mSliderModel->PrimaryValue();
  1243     //mData->mMainLayout->UpdateChildrenLayout(0);
  1245     }
  1246 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1247 // SetTextLabels
  1248 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1249 // 
  1250 void MulSliderVertical::SetTextLabels(const char* /*aStr*/)
  1251     {
  1252     }
  1254 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1255 // accept
  1256 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1257 // 
  1258 bool MulSliderVertical::accept( CAlfWidgetControl& /*aControl*/, const TAlfEvent& aEvent ) const
  1259     {
  1260      // Accept only key or pointer events.
  1261      if(aEvent.IsKeyEvent()||aEvent.IsPointerEvent())
  1262          {
  1263          return true;   
  1264          }
  1265      else
  1266          {
  1267          return false;
  1268          } 
  1269     }
  1272 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1273 // initializeThumbDragData
  1274 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1275 //    
  1276 bool MulSliderVertical::initializeThumbDragData(const TPoint& aPointerPos)
  1277     {
  1278     TRAPD(err,control().Display()->Roster().SetPointerDragThreshold(control(),
  1279             TAlfXYMetric(TAlfMetric(KXToleranceInPixel,EAlfUnitPixel),
  1280                     TAlfMetric(KYToleranceInPixel,EAlfUnitPixel))) );  
  1281     if(mData->mVisual && err == KErrNone)
  1282         {
  1283         mData->mOperation = EMoveItem;
  1284         mData->mDragPoint = aPointerPos;
  1285         mData->mDragStartStep = mSliderModel->PrimaryValue();    
  1286         }
  1287     else
  1288         {
  1290         }    
  1291     return ETrue;  
  1292     }
  1294 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1295 // stopDrag
  1296 // Stop Dragging 
  1297 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1298 //
  1299 bool MulSliderVertical::stopDrag()
  1300     {
  1302     TRAPD(err,
  1303         control().Display()->Roster().SetPointerEventObservers(
  1304         0, 
  1305         control()));
  1306     if(err == KErrNone)
  1307         {
  1308         mData->mVisual = NULL;
  1309         mData->mOperation = ENop;
  1310           return ETrue;
  1311         }
  1312     return EFalse; 
  1313     }
  1316 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1317 // IsSliderVisual
  1318 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1319 //  
  1320 bool MulSliderVertical::IsSliderVisual(CAlfVisual *aVisual)
  1321 	{
  1322 	if(aVisual == mData->mSliderCentre||
  1323 	   aVisual == mData->mSliderCentreGhost||
  1324 	   aVisual == mData->mSliderHandle||  
  1325 	   aVisual == mData->mSliderHandleGhost||
  1326 	   aVisual == mData->mImagePlus||
  1327 	   aVisual == mData->mImageMinus)
  1328 	    {
  1329 	    return true;
  1330 	    }
  1331 	 return false;   
  1332 	}
  1334 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1335 // updateTextVisualization
  1336 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1337 //  
  1338 void MulSliderVertical::updateTextVisualization()
  1339     {/*
  1340     MulSliderModel* sliderModel = mSliderModel; 
  1341     const char* perctext =  sliderModel->GetPercentText();
  1342     SetTextLabels(perctext);*/
  1343     }
  1344     }//namespace Alf
  1346 //End Of File