changeset 25 4ea6f81c838a
parent 23 514d98f21c43
child 26 0e9bb658ef58
--- a/mmuifw_plat/mul_widget_api/inc/mul/imulmultiitemwidget.h	Mon Jun 21 16:15:51 2010 +0300
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,328 +0,0 @@
-* Copyright (c) 2007 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies). 
-* All rights reserved.
-* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
-* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
-* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
-* at the URL "".
-* Initial Contributors:
-* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
-* Contributors:
-* Description:  The base class for Multimedia multi-item widgets.
- *
-// Includes
-#include <mul/imulwidget.h>
-// Namespaces used
-using namespace osncore;
-namespace Alf
-	{
-    // Forward declaration
-	class IMulModelAccessor;
-	namespace mulmultiitemwidget
-		{
-		static const IfId Ident=
-			{
-			0, "mulmultiitemwidget"
-			};
-		}
-	/*! @class IMulMultiItemWidget
-	 *  @brief An interface for all Multimedia multi-item widgets.
-	 */
-	class IMulMultiItemWidget : public IMulWidget
-		{
-	public:
-		/*! @enum TMulWidgetPropertiesFlag
-		 * This enumeration defines some properties for the widgets. These can
-		 * be enabled or disabled for individual widget instances.
-		 */
-		enum TMulWidgetPropertiesFlag
-			{
-			EMulWidgetFlagFastScroll = 0x0001, /*!< Enable fast scroll.*/ 
-            EMulWidgetFlagCyclic = 0x0002, /*!< Enable cyclic/looping effect on widget.*/
-            EMulWidgetFlagNaviScroll = 0x0004,  /*!< Enable navi scroll support.*/
-            EMulWidgetFlagCenterFocus = 0x0008, /*!<Deprecated.*/
-            EMulWidgetFlagMultiSelect = 0x0010, /*!< Enable multiple marking/selection in widget. EMulWidgetMarkingMode must be enabled*/
-            EMulWidgetFlagVisible = 0x0020,  /*!< Attribute is of type String.*/
-            EMulWidgetMarkingMode = 0x0040, /*!< Enable marking/selection in widget.Only one item can be marked with this flag*/
-            EMulWidgetFlagDrag = 0x0080, /*!< Enable draging support.*/
-            EMulWidgetImageScaleMode = 0x0100, /*!< Deprecated.*/
-            EMulWidgetFlagSwap = 0x0200, /*!< Applicable only for grid widget for swaping item instead of reorder.*/
-            EMulWidgetFlagSingleTap = 0x0800, /*!< Enable single tap item selection.*/
-            EMulWidgetTitleMarqueeOn = 0x1000, /*!< Enable title marquee for list widget.*/
-            EMulWidgetDoubleTap = 0x0400/*!< Enable double tap .*/ 
-			};
-		/*! @enum TMulAttributeDataType
-	     * This enumeration defines the attribute data types
-	     * 
-	     */
-		enum TMulAttributeDataType
-	    	{
-			EString = 1,    /*!< Attribute is of type String.*/
-			EDate,          /*!< Attribute is of type Date.*/
-			ENumeric        /*!< Attribute is of type Numeric.*/
-    		};
-    	/*! @enum TMulReOrderMode
-    	 *
-    	 *	This enumeration defines the Reorder mode
-    	 */
-    	enum TMulReOrderMode
-    	    {
-    	    EReorderShiftOn =1,   /*!< Switch On the Reorder Mode, and Type will be Shift */
-    	    EReorderSwapOn,		  /*!< Switch On the Reorder Mode, and Type will be Swap */
-  	  		EReorderDone,       /*!< Switch Off the Reorder Mode after committing  the reorder changes.*/
-    	    EReorderCancel        /*!< Switch Off the Reorder Mode, with Last Operation Cancel*/    		    		
-          };	
-		/**
-		 * Returns the type identifier of this interface.
-		 *
-		 * @return A descriptor to identify the type of this interface.
-		 */
-		static inline const IfId& Type()
-			{
-			return mulmultiitemwidget::Ident;
-		}
-		/**
-		 * Set a property or a group of properties. Properties not specified are not changed.
-		 *
-		 * @param aAnyFlag Property flag(s) to be set. To set more than one property,  
-		 *                  flags can be ORed.
-		 * @throw Invalid argument, if unknown/undefined flag is passed.
-		 * @throw Invalid argument, if the property is not supported by the widget.
-		 *
-		 * <B>Examples:</b>
-		 * @code
-		 * Set the flag for selection.
-		 *
-		 *      mListWidget->SetFlags( IMulMultiItemWidget::EMulWidgetFlagMultiSelect );
-		 * @endcode
-		 */
-		virtual void SetFlags(unsigned int aAnyFlag) = 0;
-		/**
-		 * Clear a property or a group of properties. Properties not specified are not changed.
-		 *
-		 * @param aAnyFlag  Property flag(s) to be cleared. To clear more than one property,
-		 *                  the flags can be ORed.
-		 * @throw Invalid argument, if unknown/undefined flag is passed.
-		 * @throw Invalid argument, if the property is not supported by the widget.
-		 *
-		 * <B>Examples:</b>
-		 * @code
-		 * Clear the flag for selection.
-		 *
-		 *  	mListWidget->ClearFlags( IMulMultiItemWidget::EMulWidgetFlagMultiSelect );
-		 * @endcode		 
-		 */
-		virtual void ClearFlags(unsigned int aAnyFlag) = 0;
-		/**
-		 * Return the status of all the flags. The flags that are set have the 
-		 * corresponding bit ON.
-		 *
-		 * @return All enabled flag(s). The corresponding bit for enabled flag(s) are set to 1.
-		 *
-		 * <B>Examples:</b>
-		 * @code
-		 * Get all flags status.
-		 *
-		 *  	int allFlags = mListWidget->GetFlags();
-		 * @endcode		 
-		 */
-		virtual unsigned int GetFlags() const = 0;
-		/**
-		 * Returns the property state, whether flag is on or off for widget.
-		 *
-		 * @param aAnyFlag  Flag to be cross-checked
-		 * @return True if set, False if not set
-		 *
-		 * <B>Examples:</b>
-		 * @code
-		 * Check if the cyclic flag is set
-		 *  
-		 *      if( mListWidget->IsFlagSet( IMulMultiItemWidget::EMulWidgetFlagCyclic ) )
-		 *          {
-		 *          ...
-		 *          }
-		 * @endcode		 
-		 */
-		virtual bool IsFlagSet(TMulWidgetPropertiesFlag aAnyFlag) const = 0;
-        /**
-		 * Provide an empty text for the widget. This text is shown if there is no
-		 * data to be displayed in the widget. Widget makes a copy of the variable
-		 * and it is safe to call it many times.
-		 *
-		 * @param aDefaultText Text to be displayed in empty widget
-		 *
-		 * <B>Examples:</b>
-		 * @code
-		 * Set the empty text to "No Images"
-		 *
-		 *      mListWidget->SetEmptyText( UString("No Images") );
-		 * @endcode
-		 */
-		virtual void SetEmptyText( const UString& aDefaultText ) = 0;
-		/**
-		 * Set the data model for this widget. Widget uses the data model via 
-		 * IMulModelBase interface because it needs to know only limited functionality 
-		 * about the data model.
-		 *
-		 * @param aModel  Model to be set for widget.
-		 * @param aOwnership Flag which conveys the widget whether it should take 
-		 * the ownersip of the model or not.
-		 * @throw Logic error, if same accessor object passed again.
-		 *
-		 * <B>Examples:</b>
-		 * @code
-		 * Create the data model using widget factory and assign it to a widget.
-		 *
-		 *      mWidgetModel = widgetFactory.createModel<IMulModel> (KLoadNameModel);
-		 *
-         * Set the default visualization for the list items. If the visualization is not 
-         * specified there will be a panic when the model is assigned to the widget.
-         *
-	     *      mWidgetModel->SetTemplate( UString ( mulwidget::KTemplate6));
-	     *
-	     * Setting the data model to the widget. 
-         * 
-	     *      AddItems(10);
-	     *      mListWidget->SetModel( mWidgetModel);
-		 * @endcode
-		 */
-	//	virtual void SetModel(IMulModelBase* aModel, bool aOwnership) = 0;		
-    	/**
-    	 * Set the state of the mark mode.
-    	 *
-    	 * @param aFlag True means mode is On, False means mode is Off.
-    	 *
-		 * <B>Examples:</b>
-		 * @code
-		 * Switch on the mark mode.
-		 *
-		 *      mListWidget->SetMarkMode(true);
-		 * @endcode
-    	 */
-        virtual void SetMarkMode(bool aFlag) = 0;
-        /**
-    	 * Returns the state of the mark mode.
-    	 *
-    	 * @return  Status of the mark mode.
-    	 *
-		 * <B>Examples:</b>
-		 * @code
-		 * Check if the mark mode is On.
-		 *
-		 *      if( mListWidget->IsMarkMode() )
-		 *          {
-		 *          ...
-		 *          }
-		 * @endcode
-    	 */
-    	virtual bool IsMarkMode()const = 0;
-        /**
-    	 * Set the state of the reorder mode.
-    	 *
-    	 * @param aFlag EReorderShiftOn    : Switch on reorder mode in type shift.
-    	 *				EReorderSwapOn     : Switch on reorder mode in type swap.
-    	 *			      EReorderDone       : Switch Off the reorder with operatoin done
-    	 *              EReorderCancel     : Switch off the reorder mode with cancel last operation.
-    	 *
-		 * <B>Examples:</b>
-		 * @code
-		 * Switch on the reorder mode.
-		 *
-		 *      mListWidget->SetReorderMode(IMulMultiItemWidget::EReorderShiftOn);
-		 * @endcode
-    	 */    	
-    	virtual void SetReorderMode(IMulMultiItemWidget::TMulReOrderMode aReorderMode ) = 0;
-		/**
-		 * Returns whether reorder mode on/off.
-		 *
-		 * @return  Reorder Mode On/Off Status.
-		 *
-		 * <B>Examples:</b>
-		 * @code
-		 * Check if the reorder mode is On.
-		 *
-		 *      if( mListWidget->IsReorderModeOn() )
-		 *          {
-		 *          ...
-		 *          }
-		 * @endcode
-		 */    	 
-    	virtual bool IsReorderModeOn()const = 0 ;
-    	/**
-    	 * During fast scroll mode, the widget displays an overlay with more info.
-    	 * Setter API for the overlay strip.
-    	 *
-    	 * @param aType Attribute data type
-    	 * @param aAttribute Attribute whose value will be shown in the overlay
-    	 * @param aFormat Format string for formatting the value of the attribute
-    	 *
-    	 * <B>Examples:</b>
-		 * @code
-		 * Set the overlay to display (Month, Year) as more info.
-		 *
-		 *      mListWidget->SetOverlay( IMulMultiItemWidget::EDate, 
-		 *          UString(mulvisualitem::KMulDetail),
-		 *          UString("") );
-		 * @endcode
-    	 */
-    	virtual void SetOverlay(TMulAttributeDataType aType, const UString& aAttribute, const UString& aFormat) = 0 ;
-		/**
-		 * Sets the default image of the widget.
-		 * This image will be shown when the actual image data is not available
-		 *
-		 * @param aTextureId texture id to be used for default image.
-		 *
-		 * <B>Examples:</b>
-		 * @code
-		 * Set default image in coverflow widget. 
-		 *
-		 *     mCoverFlowWidget->SetDefaultImage( 1000 );
-		 * 
-		 * @endcode
-		 */
-       virtual  void SetDefaultImage(int aTextureId) = 0;          	
-		/** 
-		 * Virtual destructor. 
-		 */
-		virtual ~IMulMultiItemWidget()
-			{
-			}
-		};
-	} // namespace Alf