changeset 25 4ea6f81c838a
parent 23 514d98f21c43
child 26 0e9bb658ef58
--- a/mulwidgets/mulsliderwidget/src/mulsliderwidget.cpp	Mon Jun 21 16:15:51 2010 +0300
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,441 +0,0 @@
-* Copyright (c) 2007, 2008 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
-* All rights reserved.
-* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
-* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
-* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
-* at the URL "".
-* Initial Contributors:
-* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
-* Contributors:
-* Description: Implementation for slider widget.
- *
-// Alfred Client includes
-#include <alf/alfenv.h>
-// Widget Model includes
-#include "alf/alfelement.h"
-// Widget Includes
-#include "imulsliderbaseelementinternal.h"
-#include <mul/mulsliderproductids.h>
-// Internal includes
-#include "mulslidervertical.h"
-#include "mulsliderwidget.h"
-#include "mulslidermodel.h"
-#include "mulslidercontrol.h"
-#include <alf/alfwidgetenvextension.h>
-using namespace mulsliderwidget;
-using Alf::CommonWidgetEvent;
-namespace Alf
-    {
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-//  Creator Method.
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-MulSliderWidget* MulSliderWidget :: create(
-    CAlfEnv& aEnv, 
-    IAlfContainerWidget& aContainer,
-    const char* aWidgetId, 
-    AlfCustomInitDataBase* aCustomData)
-    {
-    return (new( EMM ) MulSliderWidget(aEnv, 
-        aContainer, aWidgetId,aCustomData));
-    }
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-//  Destructor.
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-    {
-    if(mSliderModel)
-        {
-        delete mSliderModel;
-        }
-    else 
-        {
-        }
-    }
- * Get the model for widget.
- *
- * @return model of the slider widget
- */
-IMulSliderModel& MulSliderWidget::SliderModel() 
-    {
-    return *mSliderModel;
-    }
- * Set the transparency for the background of the slider widget.
- *
- * @param True,  to set background as transparent
- * @param False, to set background as opaque	
- */
- void MulSliderWidget::MakeTransparent( bool aTransparent) 
-    {
-    mElement->MakeTransparent(aTransparent);
-    }
- * Enable/Disable key handling .
- *
- * @param aVal: True,  to handle keyevents by Application
- * 		 	  False, to handle keyevents as defined in the control	
- */
-void MulSliderWidget::SetHandleKeyEvent( bool aVal ) 
-    {
-    mHandleKeyEvent = aVal;
-    }
- * 
- * Returns KeyEvent enable status
- *	
- */    
-bool MulSliderWidget::IsKeyEnabled()
-    {
-    return mHandleKeyEvent;
-    }
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// From class IAlfWidget.
-// Getter for the parent container. The ownership not passed.
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-IAlfContainerWidget* MulSliderWidget::parent() const
-    {
-    return mWidget->parent();
-    }
-// From class MAlfInterfaceBase.
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// Getter for interfaces provided by the slider widget.
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-IAlfInterfaceBase* MulSliderWidget :: makeInterface(const IfId& aType)
-    {
-    UString param ( aType.mImplementationId );
-    if (param == IMulSliderWidget::type().mImplementationId)
-        {
-        return static_cast<IMulSliderWidget*>(this);
-        }
-    else if (param == IAlfWidget::type().mImplementationId)
-        {
-        return static_cast<IAlfWidget*>(this);
-        }
-    else
-        {
-        //do nothing
-        }
-    // @todo other interfaces
-    return mWidget->makeInterface(aType);
-    }
-// From class IAlfWidget.
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// Getter for the control. The ownership is not passed.
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-CAlfWidgetControl* MulSliderWidget :: control() const
-    {
-    //return mSliderControl;
-    return mWidget->control();
-    }
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// Setter for the control. The control is owned by the Alfred environment.
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-void MulSliderWidget :: setControl( 
-    CAlfWidgetControl* aControl, bool /*aDeletePreviousControl*/ )
-    {
-    mSliderControl = aControl;
-    mWidget->setControl(aControl);
-    }
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// Getter for the model. The ownership is not passed.
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-IAlfModel* MulSliderWidget :: model()
-    {    
-    return mSliderModel;
-    }
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// Setter for the model. Ownership is passed and the old model is released.
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-void MulSliderWidget :: setModel( IAlfModel* aModel, bool /*aTakeOwnerShip*/)
-    {
-    if(aModel==NULL)
-        {
-        // Destroy the visualization if Model is NULL.
-			if(mElement)
-			{
-    		// Destroy the visual tree
-			mSliderControl->Visual(0).RemoveAndDestroyAllD();
-    		// Removes the element from control and destroys it
-            mSliderControl->removeAndDestroyElement(*((IAlfElement *)mElement));
-            mElement = NULL;
-			}
-        delete mSliderModel;
-        mSliderModel = NULL;
-        }
-    else 
-        {
-        if(mSliderModel)
-            {
-            delete mSliderModel;
-            mSliderModel = NULL;
-            }
-         mSliderModel = static_cast<IMulSliderModel*>( aModel->makeInterface(
-			          IMulSliderModel::type()));
-        MulSliderModel* sliderModel = (MulSliderModel*)mSliderModel;
-        // Store the widget pointer in model 
-        sliderModel->storeWidget(this);
-		if(mElement)
-    		{
-    		// Destroy the visual tree
-    		mSliderControl->Visual(0).RemoveAndDestroyAllD();
-    		// Removes the element from control and destroys it
-            mSliderControl->removeAndDestroyElement(*((IAlfElement *)mElement));
-            mElement = NULL;
-    		}
-		if(mSliderModel)
-        	{
-            sliderTemplate tmplateID = sliderModel->GetTemplate();
-            if(tmplateID != ESliderTemplateNone)
-                {
-                switch(tmplateID)
-                    {
-                	case ESliderTemplate3:// zoom slider
-                	  CreateSliderElement(KSliderVerticalElement);
-                	  break;
-                	case ESliderTemplate7:// progressbar
-                	  CreateSliderElement(KSliderProgressbarElement);
-                	  break;
-                	default:// rest all tempaltes are horizonatal
-                	  CreateSliderElement(KSliderHorizontalElement);
-                	}
-                if(mElement)
-                    {
-                    mElement->createVisualization(tmplateID);
-                    ShowWidget(!IsHidden());
-                    }
-                }
-            }
-        }
-    }// End of setModel 
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// Get the name of the widget instance.
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-const char* MulSliderWidget :: widgetName() const
-    {
-    return mWidget->widgetName();
-    } 
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// Sets/Releases the Focus from child widget of container.
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-void MulSliderWidget::setChildFocus(bool /*aFocus*/)
-    {
-    }
-// Creates the presentation for the widget from XML. Destroys any existing
-// presentation.
-void MulSliderWidget::setPresentation(const char* /*aFilePath*/)
-    {
-    } 
-// Gets the Widget Opacity
-bool MulSliderWidget::GetOpacity()
-    {
-    return mOpacity;
-    }
-// Gets the Widget Opacity
-bool MulSliderWidget::IsHidden()
-    {
-    return !mOpacity;
-    }
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-//   Default constructor.
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-    CAlfEnv& aEnv, IAlfContainerWidget& aContainer,
-    const char* aWidgetId, 
-    AlfCustomInitDataBase* /*aCustomData*/)
-    { 
-    // Default widget is shown 
-    mOpacity = true;
-    mSliderModel = NULL;
-    mElement = NULL;
-    mHandleKeyEvent = true;
-    mWidget.reset(new(EMM) AlfWidget(aWidgetId,aContainer,aEnv));
-    // Default Imperative Construction
-    // Create Control
-    CAlfWidgetControl* ctrl = constructDefaultControl(aEnv);
-    setControl(ctrl);
-    }
-void MulSliderWidget::CreateSliderElement(const char* aElementId)
-    {
-    IAlfWidgetFactory& widgetFactory = AlfWidgetEnvExtension::widgetFactory(
-                        control()->Env());
-    IAlfElement * baseelement = widgetFactory.createElement<IAlfElement>
-         	        (   aElementId, 
-         	            baseElementName(),
-         	            *control(), 
-         	            NULL, 
-         	            NULL );
-    // Store the element pointer
-    mElement = static_cast<IMulSliderBaseElementInternal*>(
-    baseelement->makeInterface(
-    IMulSliderBaseElementInternal::type()));     	            
-    }   
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-//  Construct and returns Slider Control.
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-CAlfWidgetControl *MulSliderWidget::constructDefaultControl(CAlfEnv& aEnv)
-    {
-    return(new(EMM) MulSliderControl(aEnv) );
-    } 
-void MulSliderWidget::changeTemplate(int /*aTemplateId*/)
-    {
-	if( mSliderModel )
-		{
-    	if(mElement)
-    		{
-    		mSliderControl->Visual(0).RemoveAndDestroyAllD();
-    			mSliderControl->removeAndDestroyElement(*((IAlfElement*)mElement));
-    		// delete baseelement;
-    		mElement = NULL;
-    		}
-		MulSliderModel* sliderModel = (MulSliderModel*)mSliderModel;
-		sliderTemplate i = sliderModel->GetTemplate();
-		switch(i)
-			{
-			case ESliderTemplateNone :// no template id is set
-				return;
-			case ESliderTemplate3:// zoom slider
-			  CreateSliderElement(KSliderVerticalElement);
-			  break;
-    		case ESliderTemplate7:// progressbar
-    		  CreateSliderElement(KSliderProgressbarElement);
-    		  break;
-    		default:// rest aal tempaltes are horizonatal
-			  CreateSliderElement(KSliderHorizontalElement);
-			}        
-        mElement->createVisualization(i);
-        ShowWidget(!IsHidden());
-        }
-    }
-void MulSliderWidget::ShowWidget(bool opacity,int aTransitionTime)
-    {
-    mOpacity = opacity;
-	if(mElement && mSliderModel)
-	    {
-		MulSliderModel* sliderModel = static_cast<MulSliderModel*>(mSliderModel);
-		if( sliderModel->GetTemplate() == ESliderTemplate3 && !mOpacity)
-			{
-	        mElement->stopEvents();
-			}
-	    CAlfLayout *layout = mSliderControl->ContainerLayout(NULL);
-	    TAlfTimedValue t1(0,aTransitionTime);
-	    if(opacity)
-    	    {
-    	    t1.SetTarget(1,aTransitionTime);
-    	    }
-	    layout->SetOpacity(t1);
-	    }
-    }
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// Get the root layout of slider
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-const CAlfLayout& MulSliderWidget ::ContainerLayout()
-    {
-	CAlfLayout*  layout = mSliderControl->ContainerLayout(NULL);
-	return *layout;
-    }
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// AddEventHandler
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-void MulSliderWidget::AddEventHandler( IAlfWidgetEventHandler& aObserver)
-	{
-	control()->addEventHandler(&aObserver);
-	}
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// RemoveEventHandler
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-void MulSliderWidget::RemoveEventHandler( IAlfWidgetEventHandler& aObserver)
-	{
-	control()->removeEventHandler(aObserver);
-	}
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// RemoveEventHandler
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-IMulSliderBaseElementInternal* MulSliderWidget::GetSliderElement()
-	{
-	return mElement;
-	}	    
-    }//End of Alf