author Stefan Karlsson <>
Sun, 28 Mar 2010 16:37:47 +0100
changeset 13 b6234c0f8fd2
parent 0 e83bab7cf002
permissions -rw-r--r--
Fixed "extra qualification" syntax errors.

* Copyright (c) 2007-2008 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies). 
* All rights reserved.
* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
* at the URL "".
* Initial Contributors:
* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
* Contributors:
* Description:  Page by Page Data Window Implemenation


#include "mulmodeldef.h"

namespace Alf
//Forward Declaration
class MulModelImpl;

 * Implametation of Data Window Class
 * This class maintain offset for buffer item that are required by widget,
 * so only that much item remain present in alf model instance.It update buffer items
 * when highlight changed and notify model to update alf model if items are not present
 * in Alf model.
class MulPageDataWindow
public: //Constructor and Destructor
	 * C++ constructor
	 * @param aMulModel refrece of model implementation
	MulPageDataWindow( MulModelImpl& aMulModel );

	 * Descturctor
public: //New Method

	 * Set window size
	 * @param aWindowSize No of items that are visible on screen
	void SetWindowSize( int aWindowSize, int aPageTopIndex = KNotInitialized );
	 * Set Buffer size
	 * Here buffser size mean number of items that will be above and below window
	 * By default buffer size is equal to window size if following api is not called.
	 * @param aBufferSize Size of buffer
	void SetBufferSize( int aBufferSize );
	 * Change highlighted index. 
	 * Changing highlight will check that data window needs to be updated or not 
	 * and if required it update data window
	 * @aHighlightIndex New highlighted item in Data window
	 * @throws invaid_argument exception
	void SetHighlight( int aHighlightIndex );
	 * Scroll Window to mention item index 
	 * it will check that data window needs to be updated or not 
	 * and if required it update data window
	 * @aItemIndex item index
	 * @throws invaid_argument exception
	void ScrollWindow( int aPageTopIndex );
	 * Return Highlighted item's index
	 * @return Highlighted item's index
	int Highlight() const
		return mHighlight;
	 * Return previous top offset
	 * @return Previos top offset
	int OldTopOffset() const
		return mOldBufferTop;
	 * Return previous bottom offset
	 * @return Previos bottom offset
	int OldBottomOffset() const
		return mOldBufferBottom;
	 * Return current top offset
	 * @return Current top offset
	int TopOffset() const
		return mBufferTop;
	 * Return current bottom offset
	 * @return Current bottom offset
	int BottomOffset() const
		return mBufferBottom;
	 * Return visible window top offset
	 * @return Current window top offset
	int TopWindowOffset() const
		return mWindowTop;
	 * Return visible window bottom offset
	 *  @return Current window bottom offset
	int BottomWindowOffset() const
		return mWindowBottom;
	 * Return the Old Rear Top offset
	 * @return Old Rear Top offset
	int OldRearTopOffset() const
		return mOldRearBufferTop;
	 * Return the Old Rear Bottom offset
	 * @return Old Rear Bottom offset
	int OldRearBottomOffset() const
		return mOldRearBufferBottom;
	 * Return the Rear Top offset
	 * @return Rear Top offset
	int RearTopOffset() const
		return mRearBufferTop;
	 * Return the Rear Bottom offset
	 * @return Rear Bottom offset
	int RearBottomOffset() const
		return mRearBufferBottom;
	 * Return buffer size
	 * @return Current buffer size
	int BufferSize() const
		return mBufferSize;
	 * Return window size
	 * @return Current window size
	int WindowSize() const
		return mWindowSize;
	 * Check that items falls in data window or not
	 * @param aItemIndex index of item
	 * @return true if item is in data window otherwise false
	bool IsItemInDataWindow(int aItemIndex ) const;
     * Check that items falls in visible window or not
     * @param aItemIndex index of item
     * @return true if item is in visible window otherwise false
	bool IsItemInVisibleWindow(int aItemIndex ) const;
	 * Returns Relative index in datawindow from Absolute index
	 * @param aAbsoluteIndex Absolute index
	 * @return Relative index
	int RelativeIndex( int aAbsoluteIndex ) const;
	 * Returns Absoulte index from relative index
	 * @param aRelativeIndex Relative index
	 * @return Absolute index
	int AbsoluteIndex( int aRelativeIndex ) const;
	 * Check that valid window size it set or not.
	 * @return true - valid window size is set 
	 * 		   false - otherwisze
	bool IsWindowEnabled() const
		return ( mWindowSize != KNotInitialized );

	 * Adjust buffer offset according to window offset
	void AdjustBuffer();
	 * Return the complete buffer size, i.e. both top, bottom buffer and the window
	int ActualBufferSize() const
		return (2 * mBufferSize) + mWindowSize;	
	 * Change highlighted index. 
	 * This change will not check that data window needs to be updated or not 
	 * @aHighlightIndex New highlighted item in Data window
	void UpdateHighlight( int aHighlightIndex );
	 * Adjust Window and buffer offset after insert or remove
	void AdjustOffset();
	 * Save old values
	void SaveOldValues()
		mOldBufferTop = mBufferTop;
		mOldBufferBottom = mBufferBottom;
		mOldRearBufferTop = mRearBufferTop;
		mOldRearBufferBottom = mRearBufferBottom;
	 * Compares the current and old buffer values and returns true if teh values are cahnged
	bool IsBufferOffsetChanged();					

private://New Method
	 * Check that visible window need to be updated or not.
	 * If required it update visible window.
	void UpdateDataWindow();
	 * Data window is updated and window need to sifted down
	//void ShiftWindowDown();
	 * Data window is updated and window need to sifted up
	//void ShiftWindowUp();
private: // Data

	MulModelImpl& mMulModel; //not own
	int mHighlight;	
	int mPageTopIndex;
	int mOldPageTopIndex;
	int mBufferSize;
	int mWindowSize;
	int mWindowTop;
	int mWindowBottom;
	int mBufferTop;
	int mBufferBottom;
	int mOldBufferTop;
	int mOldBufferBottom;
	int mRearBufferTop;
	int mRearBufferBottom;
	int mOldRearBufferTop;
	int mOldRearBufferBottom;

	} //namespace Alf


//End of file