Fixed "extra qualification" syntax errors.
* Copyright (c) 2007 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
* All rights reserved.
* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
* at the URL "".
* Initial Contributors:
* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
* Contributors:
* Description: Header for presentation elements - horizontal slider.
#include <alf/alfanchorlayout.h>
#include "alf/alfelement.h"
#include <alf/alfimagevisual.h>
#include <alf/alflayout.h>
#include <alf/alfvisual.h>
#include <alf/ialfwidgeteventhandler.h>
#include <AknLayout2Def.h>
#include <mul/imulsliderwidget.h>
#include "mulslidermodel.h"
#include "imulsliderbaseelementinternal.h"
namespace duiuimodel
class DuiNode;
using namespace osncore;
namespace Alf
struct MulSliderPos;
// Forward declarations
class IAlfWidgetEventHandler;
class CAlfWidgetControl;
class MulSliderLongTapTimer;
* Default Base Element of the Slider.
class MulSliderHorizontal :
public AlfElement,
public IAlfWidgetEventHandler,
public IMulSliderBaseElementInternal,
public MAlfBitmapProvider
* Constructor
* @param aControl Widget control.
* @param aName Name of the item element.
* @param aCustomData .
* @param mNode .
* @since S60 ?S60_version
MulSliderHorizontal (
CAlfWidgetControl& aControl,
const char* aName,
AlfCustomInitDataBase* aCustomData=NULL);
* Destructor
virtual ~MulSliderHorizontal();
* bitmap provider.
* @since S60 ?S60_version
* @param aId bitmap ID.
* @param aBitmap bitmap.
* @param aMaskBitmap mask for the bitmap.
* @return
void ProvideBitmapL (TInt aId,
CFbsBitmap *& aBitmap,
CFbsBitmap *& aMaskBitmap);
* From IAlfInterfaceBase.
* Getter for interfaces provided by the Button widget class.
* @since S60 ?S60_version
* @param aType A descriptor to identify the type of the queried interface.
* @return The queried interface, or NULL if the interface is not
* supported or available.
virtual IAlfInterfaceBase* makeInterface(const IfId& aType);
//void createVisualization();
//Overriden Apis from IAlfWidgetEventHandlers
* Used to identify event handlers that are capable of handling
* a specified key or custom event.
* Pointer event handlers cannot be identified directly,
* since they are dependent on the presentation.
* Therefore, pointer event handlers should be associated with
* a custom event ID that can be used to simulate the actual pointer event.
* @since S60 ?S60_version
* @param aEvent The event.
* @param aControl
* @return <code>ETrue</code> if the event can be processed.
* Otherwise <code>EFalse</code>.
bool accept(CAlfWidgetControl& aControl, const TAlfEvent& aEvent) const;
* @see IAlfWidgetEventHandler
virtual AlfEventHandlerType eventHandlerType();
* @see IAlfWidgetEventHandler
virtual AlfEventHandlerExecutionPhase eventExecutionPhase();
* Called when an input event is being offered to this event handler.
* The return value is used to indicate if the event was processed.
* Processed events may not be offered to other event handlers.
* @since S60 ?S60_version
* @param aControl The parent control of this event handler.
* @param aEvent The event.
* @return <code>ETrue</code> if the event was processed.
* Otherwise <code>EFalse</code>.
virtual AlfEventStatus offerEvent(
CAlfWidgetControl& aControl,
const TAlfEvent& aEvent );
* Defines the widget states, where the event handler is active.
* By default, if this method is not called, the event handler is expected
* to be active in all states.
* @param aStates A bitmask defining the widget states, where the event
* handler is active. The low 16 bits are reserved for the states
* defined by the framework in <TODO: add reference>. The high 16 bits are
* available for states defined by the client code.
void setActiveStates(unsigned int aStates);
* Sets AlfWidgetEventHandlerInitData to event handler.
* @param aData A data structure which contains for example id of the event
* handler.
virtual void setEventHandlerData(
const AlfWidgetEventHandlerInitData& /*aData*/ )
* Returns AlfWidgetEventHandlerInitData.
* @return A pointer to AlfWidgetEventHandlerInitData structure
* which contains for example id of the event handler.
virtual AlfWidgetEventHandlerInitData* eventHandlerData()
return NULL;
* Friend class for timer functions.
friend class MulSliderLongTapTimer;
// From IAlfScrollBarBaseElementInternal
* Notified when the base layout of scrollbar changes .
* Relayouts all the visuals with respect to the new size.
void baseLayoutSizeChanged();
* Initialises slider data
void initializeSliderData();
* Updates visualization
void updateVisualization();
* Updates text visualization
void updateTextVisualization();
* handles Long tap event
AlfEventStatus handleLongTap();
* Changes Thumb image
void changeThumbImage(bool aPressed = false);
* Gets thumb minimum length.
void getThumbMinMaxLength();
* Creates visualization
void createVisualization(sliderTemplate aTemplateId);
// Creates Slider Template 3 ( Zoom Slider)
//void createZoomSlider();
* create a Dual progressive slider
void createDualProgressiveSlider();
private: // New Methods
* SetBackgroundBrush
void SetBackgroundBrush();
* Retrieves the data for the slider from the model into structure
void RetrieveData();
* Sets the position of the handle
* @param aCurrTick The new position of the handle
void SetThumbPosition();//int aCurrTick);
* Sets the text for the counter visual
* @param aNewString The counter visual text value
* @throw Invalid Argument incase there is no layout at zeroth position
void SetTextLabels(const UString& aNewString);
* Sets the image for the image visual
* @param aImagePath The path of the new image
* @throw Invalid Argument incase there is no layout at zeroth position
void SetNewImagePath(const UString& aImagePath);
* Sets the image for the image visual from thr provided texture id
* @param aTextureId The texture id of the new image
* @throw Invalid Argument incase there is no layout at zeroth position
void SetNewImageTexture(const int aTextureId);
* Notifies about the initiation of pointer down event on the visual.
* @returns true after the drag has started
//bool StartDrag(CAlfVisual *aDragVisual);
* Sets the starting position of the pointer doen event and will
* start ignoring the visual for further possible pointer events
* @param aOperation true to signify start of drag.
//void Begin(TBool aOperation);
* Checks if the drag event is On
* @returns true if the drag event is on.
//bool BeingDragged() const;
* Clears the flag for ignoring the visual for pointer events.
//void StopDrag();
* Handles the key events only.
* @param aEvent event to be handled
* @returns if the event was handled or not
AlfEventStatus HandleKeyEvents(const TAlfEvent& aEvent);
* Handles the pointer events only.
* @aControl The alfwidget control
* @param aEvent Event to be handled
* @returns if the event was handled or not
AlfEventStatus HandlePointerEvents( TAlfEvent* aEvent);
* Handles pointer down event
AlfEventStatus handlePointerDownEvent(TAlfEvent * aPntrEvent);
* Checks if the slider visual is hit
* @param aVisual Visual that has been touched.
* @param aPointerPt position of the pointer
* @param aEvent Event to be handled
* @returns true/false if the visual is touched
bool IsSldVisualHit(const CAlfVisual& aVisual,TPoint aPointerPt,const TAlfEvent& aEvent);
* Checks if the hit point is within the tappable area
* @param aPointerPt position of the pointer
* @param aEvent Event to be handled
* @returns true/false if the point is in tappable area
bool InTappableArea(const TPoint& aPointerPt,const TAlfEvent& aEvent) ;
* Converts pixel to value according to range of slider
* @param aPixel The pixel value passed
* @param aMaxPixel The maximum value to be considered for calculation
* returns rounded int value after conversion
int PixelToValue(int aPixel,int aMaxPixel);
* Converts value to pixel according to range of slider
* @param aVal The value passed
* @param aMaxPixel The maximum value to be considered for calculation
* returns rounded int pixel after conversion
int ValueToPixel(int aVal, int aMaxPixel);
* Creates the new image for the given path
* @param aImageVisual The visual to which the image is to be set
* @param aPath The new path of the image
* @returns Returns the new image to be set
TAlfImage CreateImageFromImagePath( const CAlfImageVisual& aImageVisual, const TPtrC8& aPath );
* Sets the new value for max and min range considering min range as zero.Its helpful
* for the negative min range values or greater than zero min range values.
* @param aMap Contains data.Used to get the data from current model.
void NormalizeRange(/*IAlfMap& aMap*/);
* Stores the value for x and y coordinate of baselayout position in structure.
* Later the values from the structure is used to get/set the relative values
* according to the new position of baselayout.
void RelativePos();
void mirrorPointerPosition(const TPoint& aPointerPos );
* Change volume icon
void VolumeIconChange(bool aFlag,int aValue);
* IsSliderVisual
bool IsSliderVisual(CAlfVisual *aVisual);
/** returns pixel values
void ConvertDataToPixels();
* updateModelPrimaryValue
void updateModelPrimaryValue(int aNewPosValue);
* Start drag
bool initializeThumbDragData( const TPoint& aPointerPos );
* Stop drag
bool stopDrag();
* Handles pointer Events
void handlePointerUpEvent();
* Snaps primary value to ticks
void snapPrimaryValueToTicks();
* Set images for three part track
void setTrackImage();
* Checks if the track visual is Hit
AlfEventStatus trackVisualHit(CAlfVisual * aHitVisual);
* layout the visuals
void layoutVisuals(sliderTemplate aTemplateId);
private: // Class Data
// auto_ptr< MulSliderHorizontalImpl>mData; // Owned
struct MulHorizontalSliderDataImpl* mData;
// auto_ptr<SliderDefaultLCTBaseElementData> mData;
auto_ptr<MulSliderPos> mPosData; // Structure for storing current and previous values
// const UString& mStyle;
auto_ptr<MulSliderLongTapTimer> mLongTapTimer;
CAlfVisual *mDragVisual;
MulSliderModel * mSliderModel;
MulSliderWidget * mSliderWidget;
}; // end of class AlfScrollBarDefaultLCTBaseElement
} // end of namespace Alf
//End Of File