Bug 1752 - Fixed malformed method pointers.
* Copyright (c) 2007-2008 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
* All rights reserved.
* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
* at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
* Initial Contributors:
* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
* Contributors:
* Description: base element header for CoverFlow
// This file defines the API for MulCoverFlowWidget.dll
// Include Files
#include <alf/alfdecklayout.h>
#include "alf/alfelement.h"
#include <alf/alfflowlayout.h>
#include <alf/alfwidgeteventhandler.h>
#include <mul/imulwidget.h>
#include "mulcoverflowdefinitions.h"
namespace Alf
//Forward declarations
class MulCoverFlowTemplate;
struct TMulBaseElementImpl;
// Structure to store the position and sizes of cover flow items
struct TMulCoverFlowItem
int height;
int width;
int posx;
int posy;
TMulCoverFlowItem(int aPosx,int aPosy,int aWidth,int aHight)
namespace mulbaseelement
static const IfId Ident=
/* Element class which handles all the visuals in the layout
* The class also handles event handling and applies animation as required
* by the widget.The class forms the basis of the entire layout heriarchy in the widget
* */
/// @bug minor:avanhata:7/7/2008 This class is coverflow-specific, so name it as such
class MulBaseElement : public AlfElement,
public IAlfWidgetEventHandler
public://Constructor and destructor
* C++ constructor.
MulBaseElement( CAlfWidgetControl& aControl, const char* aName );
* Destructor.
virtual ~MulBaseElement();
public: //From IAlfWidgetEventHandler
static inline const IfId& Type()
return mulbaseelement::Ident;
bool accept( CAlfWidgetControl& aControl, const TAlfEvent& aEvent ) const;
void setActiveStates( unsigned int aStates );
AlfEventStatus offerEvent( CAlfWidgetControl& aControl, const TAlfEvent& aEvent );
IAlfInterfaceBase* makeInterface( const IfId& aType );
void setEventHandlerData( const AlfWidgetEventHandlerInitData& aData );
AlfWidgetEventHandlerInitData* eventHandlerData();
AlfEventHandlerType eventHandlerType() ;
AlfEventHandlerExecutionPhase eventExecutionPhase() ;
public: //New Methods
* Sets the Item Brush Color.
* @param aColor color to be set.
void SetItemBrush(const TRgb& aColor);
* changes the opacity of counter accordingly.
* @param aUiOn true if UIOn or else false.
* @param aTransitionTime transition time.
void UIOnOffMode(bool aUiOn, int aTransitionTime);
* Sets the Scroll direction during the step scroll.
* @param TItemScroll sets the direction if it is right or left.
void SetTextColor(TTextVisualType aVisualType, const TRgb& aColor);
* returns the color of the specified text
* @param aVisualType is the visual type.
TMulVisualColorProperty TextColor(TTextVisualType aVisualType);
* Sets the Scroll direction during the step scroll.
* @param TItemScroll sets the direction if it is right or left.
void SetScrollDir( TItemScroll aScrollDir );
* Update the text opacity and counter values whenever highlight is modified
* @param aAnimationTime, text will be updated after the aAnimationTime.
void UpdateTextAndCounter(int animationTime = 0);
* Stores the dimensions of the highlighted and nonhighlighted item from the template.
* @param aHighlightItemDimensions The highlight item dimensions .
* @param aNonHighlightItemDimensions The non highlight item dimensions.
* @param aVisibleIconCount The count of visible items on screen.
void StoreVisualDimensions( TMulCoverFlowItem aHighlightItemDimensions, TMulCoverFlowItem aNonHighlightItemDimensions,int aVisibleIconCount );
* Stores whether the text is visible or not in the current orientation and template.
* @parama aIsTextVisible Boolean value indicating whether text is there or not.
void StoreTextVisibility( bool aIsTextVisible );
* Return is the textvisible or not
bool IsTextVisibile( ) const ;
void ApplyBrushOnIcon( CAlfImageVisual& aImageVisual );
void RemoveBrushOnIcon( CAlfImageVisual& aImageVisual );
* To hide and unhide Widget.
* @param aShow value to hide/unhide the Widget
* @param aTransitionTime Transition Time in MilliSeconds
void ShowWidget( bool aShow, int aTransitionTime = 0) ;
* Takes the new positions of the visuals and applies the same to the visuals
* On change of orientation
void OrientationChange();
* Sets the empty text to be displayed when the number of items is 0.
* @param aDefaultText The text to be displayed.
void SetEmptyText( const UString& aDefaultText );
* Shows/Hide the empty text when the number of items in the model or layout is 0 . Also when the model is NULL.
* @param aShow Boolean value to show/hide the empty text.
void ShowEmptyText( bool aShow );
* Returns true if empty text is set by the application else returns false.
* @returns true if empty text is set else returns false.
bool IsEmptyText();
* Updates the Slider Widget ticks when item is added or removed
* @param aUpdateTick takes the count of items in the coverflow widget
void UpdateSliderTick(int aUpdateTick);
* Returns the icon/text flow layout in vertical flow layout
* @param aLayoutIndex the index will determine which layout to return from the main/vertical flow layout
CAlfLayout& FlowLayout( int aLayoutIndex );
* Sets the text to be displayed for the counter element .
* @param aTransitionTime the transition time in milliseconds for animation
void SetCounterText( int aTransitionTime = 0 );
* Creates a visual for counter if not created initailly else return the existing counter visual.
CAlfTextVisual& CounterVisual();
* Move the Iconflow by a items width in case of bounce effect.
* @param aBounceDirection Tells the direction by which the iconflowlayout should move.
void StartBounce(int aBounceDirection);
* Returns whether its in Ui on mode or not.
* @return true if its currently in Ui on mode.
bool IsUiOnMode();
* Creates the text visuals if it is not created, else returns the existing
* visual for the title and detail text.
* @param aTextString, visual tag
* @param aLayout, Layout in which to create the text visual
CAlfTextVisual& CreateTextVisual(const TDesC8& aName, CAlfLayout& aLayout);
* Updates the value of the text visuals when an image has scrolled .
* @param aAnimationTime, text will be updated after the aAnimationTime.
void UpdateTextValue( int aAnimationTime = 0);
* returns the layout to text.
CAlfLayout& TextLayout();
* Start marquee for the text.
* @param aName, text type is title or detail
void StartMarquee(mulvisualitem::TVisualAttribute aName );
* Stop marquee for the text.
* * @param aName, text type is title or detail
void StopMarquee(mulvisualitem::TVisualAttribute aName);
* Decide whether to show or hide the slider based on the parameter.
* @param aFlag, boolean to decide slider to be shown or not.
void ShowSlider(bool aFlag);
* Return size of hightlight icon for the template specified .
* @param aTemplateId, id of the template whose icon size to be calculated.
* @param aAttribute, attribute whose size is to be calculated.
* @param aHeight, refrence in which the height parameter is returned.
* @param aWidth, refrence in which the width parameter is returned.
void GetIconSize( mulwidget::TLogicalTemplate aTemplateId,
mulvisualitem::TVisualAttribute aAttribute, int& aHeight, int& aWidth);
* Sets the Scroll Animation Time defined by the application.
* @param aScrollAnimationTime, ScrollAnimation Time set by the application.
void SetScrollAnimationTime( int aScrollAnimationTime );
* Set background for coverflow
* @param aColor, background color.
void SetBackground(const TRgb& aColor);
* Set background for coverflow.
* @param aIID, Skin id that shoudl be used as background.
void SetBackground(const TAknsItemID& aIID);
* Stores the fit mode flag (on or off).
* @param aFlag fitmode flag
void SetFitMode(bool aFlag);
* Apply scale mode on image visual and also appy brush for remaining area.
* @param aImageVisual Image visual
void ApplyScaleMode( CAlfImageVisual& aImageVisual);
void CreateAndInitializeVisuals(bool aIsOrientationChange = false);
void SetHighlight(int aHighlightIndex, int aAnimationTime = 0);
void MoveVisuals(int aDistance,int aAnimationTime = 0);
CAlfVisual* CreateIconStructure(CAlfLayout* aParentLayout);
void MoveVisualsWithSizeChange(int aDistance, int aAnimationTime=0);
void StartDoodling(int aDistance, int aAnimationTime=0);
void StopDoodling(int aAnimationTime=0);
* Recycle the Icon visuals instead of destroying and creating them each time.
void RecycleIconVisuals();
void UpdateVisuals();
* Sets the specified size to the base layout and deck layout and also on the empty text visual
void SetDefaultSize( TSize aSize );
* Displays the indicator icon for the specified item index.
* @param aVisualItem visual item which conatins the index.
* @param aIndex index of the item.
void DisplayIndicatorIcon(const MulVisualItem & aVisualItem, int aIndex);
* Returns whether the user has doodled enough to change the highlight multiple times.
* @returns TNumberofSwipes, Doodling distance converted into multiple swipes.
TNumberofSwipes NumberOfSwipes();
* Returns the final swipe direction based on which highlight is nerest to teh centre point
* in the last direction
* @param aDistance, doodled distance
* @param, aastSwipeDirection, last direction in which the user has swiped.
int FinalSwipeDirection(int aDistance, int aLastSwipeDirection);
* Returns teh current direction in which itesm are scrolled
* @return, Scroll direction
TItemScroll ScrollDir();
* Removes the slider layout form the coverflow main layout
void RemoveSliderFromLayout();
* Rotate the image in teh given direction
* @param aDirection, Direction of the rotation (ERotateLeft/ERotateRight).
* @param aImageSize, The actual size of the current highlighted image.
* @param aTransition transition time to rotate the image.
* @param aAdjustSize, true for orientation change
void RotateImage(IMulWidget::TMulRotation aDirection,TSize aImageSize,int aAnimationTime,bool aAdjustSize = false);
* If the image on which rotation is applied, is updated then remove the rotation
* @param aIndex, relative index which is updated
void CancelRotationOnUpdate(int aIndex);
* Set the virtual Size of viewportlayout(parent) of text
* @param aName, text type is title or detail
void SetVirtualViewPortSize(mulvisualitem::TVisualAttribute aName);
* Cancell all the custom commands related to marquee.
void CancelAllCommands();
* Reset counter opacity( depending on the current ui on/off mode
* when an item is added to an empty model.
* @param aTransitioTime transition time defined by app.
void ResetUiOnOff( int aTransitionTime = 0 );
* Calculate the new position for counter visual based on the value of the higlight index and total model count
* @param aCounterLctDimension Lct Dimensions of counter visual.
* @param aOrientationChanged Orientation Changed or not
void SetNewCounterPosition(const TMulCoverFlowItem& aCounterLctDimension,bool aOrientationChanged = false );
* Returns number of digits in a number.
* @param aNumber The number whose number of digits have to be found.
* @returns Number of digits in a number.
int NumberOfDigits(int aNumber);
* Returns the current 2D coverflow template.
MulCoverFlowTemplate* Template2D();
//slider related apis
* Created the slider widget and calls the other function related to slider.
void CreateSlider();
* Constructs the slider widget if its not already constructed .
void ConstructSliderWidget();
* Checks whether slider needs to be shown or hidden and sets its opacity accordingly.
void SetSliderOpacity();
* Creates the base layout structure required for the base element to contain
* images and slider and meta data information .
void CreateBaseLayoutStructure();
* Sets the text data of the current highlight to the text visual .
* @param aName The name of the visual in the text visual e.g mul_tiltle or mul_detail.
* @param aData The variant type containing the new data to be set to the text visual .
void SetTextToVisual( mulvisualitem::TVisualAttribute aName,IMulVariantType* aData );
* Create empty text visualisation to show empty text when there are no items to display .
void CreateEmptyTextVisualisation();
* Decides the size to be applied on the main layout depending on whether the model is null or not.
void HandleSizeChangeOnMain();
* Shows/Hides the text and counter visuals when empty text has to be hidden/shown.
* @param aShow true when text/counter have to be shown ,
* false when text/counter have to be hidden.
void ShowHideVisualsForEmptyText( bool aShow );
* Calculates the padding between the images based on the position
* and sizes of the highlighted and non higlighted items.
void CalculatePadding();
* Sets opacity to the counter text visual .
* @param aOpacity, opacity value that should be set
void SetCounterTextOpacity( int aOpacity);
* Arranging the Visual with padding and using Transition time
void ArrangeItems();
* Sets the opacity of all the text visuals in the specifed visual to the given opacity (aOpacity)
* @param aOpacity The opacity to be set for the text visuals .
* @param aTransitionTime The transition time
void SetTextVisualOpacity( int aOpacity , int aTransitionTime = 0 );
* Returns the percentage factor with which new Position and Sizes are calculated .
* @returns The change in percentage to be applied on the current size and position.
int CalculateDistanceChangeFactor();
void CreateVisuals();
* Creates a Indicator Image visual if not created initially.
* @param aLayout decklayout to which icon is to be added .
CAlfImageVisual* CreateIndicatorIconVisual(CAlfDeckLayout& aLayout);
void SetIndicatorDimensions(CAlfImageVisual& aIndicatorVisual);
const TDesC8& IdToTag( int aId );
* Creates an array of midpoints of all the visuals form left to right
* @return, array of midpoints
std::vector<int> ReferenceMidPoints();
* Calculates the new midpoints after the doodling
* @param aReferenceMidPoints,midpoints before doodling
* @param aDistance, final doodled distance
* @return array of new midpoints
std::vector<int> FinalMidPoints(std::vector<int> aReferenceMidPoints,int aDistance);
* Returns the position of the visual in the array which is nearest to midpoint
* in swipe direction
* @param aFinalMidPoints, new midpoints after the doodling
* @param aLastSwipeDirection, Last swipe direction
int NearestPoint(std::vector<int> aFinalMidPoints,int aLastSwipeDirection);
* The image visual size and position is modified to stretch/compress the image
* after rotation. This is done because the before rotation teh texture will be
* generated according to the current orientation. To show the rotated texture
* image visual is modified such that the texture looks rotated preserving
* the aspect ration
* @param aVisual,Visual for which the rotation is applied
* @param aAnimationTime, time for rotation
void AdjustVisualSizeInRotation(CAlfImageVisual* aVisual,int aAnimationTime);
* Handle rotation of 90degree or 270 degree. here the image visuals size
* needs to be altered if required as the current width will become teh height of
* the texture after rotation.
* @param aVisual,Visual for which the rotation is applied
* @param aAnimationTime, time for rotation
void HandleRotationOnVerticalAxis(CAlfImageVisual* aVisual,int aAnimationTime);
* Handle rotation of 180degree or 0 degree. Here no need to modify the image visuals
* size.
* @param aVisual,Visual for which the rotation is applied
* @param aAnimationTime, time for rotation
void HandleRotationOnHorizontalAxis(CAlfImageVisual* aVisual,int aAnimationTime);
* Cancel the rotation applied for teh visual at the given relative index.
* Relative index -1 indicates cancel the rotation on highlighted visual
* @param aIndex, relative index of teh visual for which the rotation needs to be canceled
void CancelRotation(int aIndex = -1);
* Preserve the rotation after orientation change.
void UpdateRotation();
private: //Class Data
auto_ptr<TMulBaseElementImpl> mData; //owned
} // namespace Alf
#endif // __MULBASEELEMENT_H__
//End of file