changeset 27 974c3ee9bf20
equal deleted inserted replaced
23:ea9c9681bbaf 27:974c3ee9bf20
     1 /*
     2  * CookieClientData.cpp
     3  *
     4  *  Created on: Dec 28, 2009
     5  *      Author: mohanti
     6  */
     7 //User Includes
     8 #include "CookieClientData.h"
     9 #include "cookie.h"
    10 #include "CookieArray.h"
    11 #include "CookieLogger.h"
    12 #include "CookieCommonConstants.h"
    13 #include <uri8.h>
    15 // ---------------------------------------------------------
    16 // CCookieGroupData::NewL
    17 // ---------------------------------------------------------
    18 //
    19 CCookieClientData* CCookieClientData::NewL(TUint32 aGroupId)
    20     {
    21     CCookieClientData* self = CCookieClientData::NewLC(aGroupId);
    22     CleanupStack::Pop();
    23     return self;
    24     }
    26 // ---------------------------------------------------------
    27 // CCookieClientData::NewLC
    28 // ---------------------------------------------------------
    29 //
    30 CCookieClientData* CCookieClientData::NewLC(TUint32 aGroupId)
    31     {
    32     CCookieClientData* self = new (ELeave) CCookieClientData(aGroupId);
    33     CleanupStack::PushL(self);
    34     self->ConstructL();
    35     return self;
    36     }
    37 // ---------------------------------------------------------
    38 // CCookieGroupData::NewL
    39 // ---------------------------------------------------------
    40 //
    41 CCookieClientData* CCookieClientData::NewL(TUint32 aGroupId,TUint32 aWidgetUid,TBool aCookieSharableFlag, TBool aInitFlag)
    42     {
    43     CCookieClientData* self = CCookieClientData::NewLC(aGroupId, aWidgetUid, aCookieSharableFlag, aInitFlag);
    44     CleanupStack::Pop();
    45     return self;
    46     }
    48 // ---------------------------------------------------------
    49 // CCookieClientData::NewLC
    50 // ---------------------------------------------------------
    51 //
    52 CCookieClientData* CCookieClientData::NewLC(TUint32 aGroupId,TUint32 aWidgetUid,TBool aCookieSharableFlag, TBool aInitFlag)
    53     {
    54     CCookieClientData* self = new (ELeave) CCookieClientData(aGroupId, aWidgetUid, aCookieSharableFlag, aInitFlag);
    55     CleanupStack::PushL(self);
    56     self->ConstructL();
    57     return self;
    58     }
    60 // ---------------------------------------------------------
    61 // CCookieClientData::CCookieClientData
    62 // ---------------------------------------------------------
    63 //
    64 CCookieClientData::CCookieClientData(TUint32 aGroupId,TUint32 aWidgetUid ,TBool aCookieSharableFlag , TBool aInitFlag)
    65 :iInitFlag(aInitFlag),iCookieSharableFlag(aCookieSharableFlag),iGroupId(aGroupId),iWidgetUid(aWidgetUid)
    66     {
    68     }
    69 // ---------------------------------------------------------
    70 // CCookieClientData::CCookieClientData
    71 // ---------------------------------------------------------
    72 //
    73 CCookieClientData::CCookieClientData(TUint32 aGroupId):iInitFlag(EFalse),iCookieSharableFlag(EFalse),iGroupId(aGroupId),iWidgetUid(0)
    74     {
    76     }
    77 // ---------------------------------------------------------
    78 // CCookieGroupData::ConstructL
    79 // ---------------------------------------------------------
    80 //
    81 void CCookieClientData::ConstructL()
    82     {
    83     iCookieArray = new (ELeave) CCookieArray;
    84     }
    86 // ---------------------------------------------------------
    87 // CCookieClientData::~CCookieClientData
    88 // ---------------------------------------------------------
    89 //
    90 CCookieClientData::~CCookieClientData()
    91     {
    92     CLOG(( EClient, 0, _L("-> CCookieClientData::~CCookieClientData iCookieArray: 0x%08x"), iCookieArray ));
    93     delete iCookieArray;
    94     iCookieArray = NULL;
    95     CLOG(( EClient, 0, _L("<- CCookieClientData::~CCookieClientData") ));
    96     }
    98 // ---------------------------------------------------------
    99 // CCookieClientData::StorePersistentCookieL
   100 // ---------------------------------------------------------
   101 //
   102 void CCookieClientData::StorePersistentCookieL( const CCookie* aCookie,
   103                                                  const TDesC8& aRequestUri,
   104                                                  const TInt aIndex )
   105     {
   106     CLOG(( EClient, 0, _L("-> RCookieManager::StorePersistentCookieL") ));
   107     if (aIndex == -1)
   108         {
   109         iCookieArray->AddL( aCookie, aRequestUri);
   110         }
   111     else
   112         {
   113         iCookieArray->InsertL( aCookie, aIndex);
   114         }
   115     CLOG(( EClient, 0, _L("<- RCookieManager::StorePersistentCookieL") ));
   116     }
   118 // ---------------------------------------------------------
   119 // RCookieManager::StoreCookieAtClientSideL
   120 // ---------------------------------------------------------
   121 //
   122 void CCookieClientData::StoreCookieAtClientSideL(const CCookie* aCookie,const TDesC8& aUri )
   123     {
   124     CLOG(( EClient, 0, _L("-> RCookieManager::StoreCookieAtClientSideL: aUri:%S"), &aUri ));
   125     //Creates a clone of the passed cookie objects as the ownership of this object is held by Clint of Cookie Manager Dll
   126     TUriParser8 uriParser;
   128     TInt err = uriParser.Parse( aUri );
   129     CCookie* clone(NULL);
   130     if (err !=KErrNone)
   131         return;
   132     else
   133         {
   134         // first get the details of the current requestUri,
   135         // that is, Domain, Path and port
   136         TPtrC8 requestPath( uriParser.IsPresent( EUriPath ) ?
   137                             uriParser.Extract( EUriPath ) : KNullDesC8() );
   138         TPtrC8 requestDomain( uriParser.IsPresent( EUriHost ) ?
   139                             uriParser.Extract( EUriHost ) : KNullDesC8() );
   140         TPtrC8 requestPort( uriParser.IsPresent( EUriPort ) ?
   141                 uriParser.Extract( EUriPort ) : KCookieDefaultRequestPort() );
   143         clone = CCookie::CloneL( *aCookie,requestDomain,requestPath,requestPort);
   144         CleanupStack::PushL( clone );
   145         }
   147     //CCookie* clone = CCookie::CloneL( *aCookie,requestDomain,requestPath);
   148     //CleanupStack::PushL( clone );
   150     TInt index(0);
   151     CCookieArray* perscookiearray = CookieArray();
   152         if ( perscookiearray->DoesAlreadyExists( clone, index ) )
   153         { // must overwrite !!!
   154         // but first add the new one if needed
   155         // just not to give a chance of beeing lost...
   156         // persistence of the cookie will be handled on 
   157         // saving all cookies to disk
   158         perscookiearray->MakeRoomForInsertIfNeededL(clone, aUri, index);            
   159         if(index >=0)
   160             {
   161             // insert cookie at valid index 
   162             //iCookieClientData->StorePersistentCookieL(aCookie,aUri,index);
   163             StorePersistentCookieL(clone,aUri,index);
   164             //iCookieClientData->StorePersistentCookieL( aCookie, aUri, index );
   165             // remove the old cookie
   166             perscookiearray->Remove( index + 1 );
   167             }
   168         else
   169             {   // invalid index means old cookie has been deleted in the process of making room
   170                 // append the new cookie to the end of array
   171             //iCookieClientData->StorePersistentCookieL( aCookie, aUri );
   172             StorePersistentCookieL( clone, aUri );
   173             }
   174         }
   175     else
   176         { // it is not in the array yet, add it now
   177         //iCookieClientData->StorePersistentCookieL( aCookie, aUri );
   178         StorePersistentCookieL( clone, aUri );
   179         }
   180     // Cookie supervisor API takes immediate ownership of both cookie and array
   181     CleanupStack::Pop(clone);
   182     CLOG(( EClient, 0, _L("<- RCookieManager::StoreCookieAtClientSideL") )); 
   183     }
   185 // ---------------------------------------------------------
   186 // CCookieGroupData::Count
   187 // ---------------------------------------------------------
   188 //
   189 TInt CCookieClientData::Count()const
   190     {
   191     return iCookieArray->Count(); 
   192     }
   194 // ---------------------------------------------------------
   196 // ---------------------------------------------------------
   197 // CCookieGroupData::GetClientSideCookies
   198 // ---------------------------------------------------------
   199 //
   200 TInt CCookieClientData::GetClientSideCookies(const TDesC8& aRequestUri,RPointerArray<CCookie>& aCookies,TBool& aCookieFound )const
   201     {
   202     return iCookieArray->GetCookies(aRequestUri,aCookies,aCookieFound);
   203     }
   205 // ---------------------------------------------------------
   206 // CCookieGroupData::CookieArray
   207 // ---------------------------------------------------------
   208 //
   209 CCookieArray* CCookieClientData::CookieArray()
   210     {
   211     return iCookieArray;
   212     }
   213 //EOF