changeset 27 974c3ee9bf20
equal deleted inserted replaced
23:ea9c9681bbaf 27:974c3ee9bf20
     1 /*
     2  * CCookieGroupData.cpp
     3  *
     4  *  Created on: Nov 24, 2009
     5  *      Author: mohanti
     6  */
     8 //System Includes
     9 #include <e32base.h>
    10 #include <sysutil.h>
    11 #include <e32cmn.h>
    13 //User Includes
    14 #include "CookieGroupData.h"
    15 #include "CookieArray.h"
    16 #include "cookieipc.h"
    17 #include "CookieLogger.h"
    18 //Constants
    20 // Literals
    21 _LIT( KDefaultCookieFolder, "C:\\Private\\" );
    22 _LIT( KDefaultCookieFile,   "\\Cookies" );
    23 _LIT( KDefaultExtension, ".dat");
    24 _LIT( KUnderScore, "_");
    26 //Member Functions
    28 // ---------------------------------------------------------
    29 // CCookieGroupData::NewL
    30 // ---------------------------------------------------------
    31 //
    32 CCookieGroupData* CCookieGroupData::NewL(TUint32 aGroupId, const RArray<TUint32>& aAppuid, TBool aCookieSharableFlag)
    33     {
    34     CLOG( ( EClient, 0, _L( "-> CCookieGroupData::NewL" ) ) );
    36     CCookieGroupData* self = CCookieGroupData::NewLC(aGroupId,aAppuid,aCookieSharableFlag);
    37     CleanupStack::Pop();
    39     CLOG( ( EClient, 0, _L( "<- CCookieGroupData::NewL" ) ) );
    40     return self;
    41     }
    43 // ---------------------------------------------------------
    44 // CCookieGroupData::NewLC
    45 // ---------------------------------------------------------
    46 //
    47 CCookieGroupData* CCookieGroupData::NewLC(TUint32 aGroupId,const RArray<TUint32>& aAppuid,TBool aCookieSharableFlag)
    48     {
    49     CLOG( ( EClient, 0, _L( "-> CCookieGroupData::NewLC" ) ) );
    51     CCookieGroupData* self = new (ELeave) CCookieGroupData(aGroupId,aCookieSharableFlag);
    52     CleanupStack::PushL(self);
    53     self->ConstructL(aAppuid);
    55     CLOG( ( EClient, 0, _L( "<- CCookieGroupData::NewLC:" ) ) );
    56     return self;
    57     }
    59 // ---------------------------------------------------------
    60 // CCookieGroupData::CCookieGroupData
    61 // ---------------------------------------------------------
    62 //
    63 CCookieGroupData::CCookieGroupData(TUint32 aGroupId, TBool aCookieSharableFlag)
    64   :iGroupId(aGroupId),iCookieSharableFlag(aCookieSharableFlag)
    65     {
    66     CLOG( ( EClient, 0, _L( "-> CCookieGroupData::CCookieGroupData:" ) ) );
    67     CLOG( ( EClient, 0, _L( "<- CCookieGroupData::CCookieGroupData:" ) ) );
    68     }
    70 // ---------------------------------------------------------
    71 // CCookieGroupData::CookieArray
    72 // ---------------------------------------------------------
    73 //
    74 CCookieArray* CCookieGroupData::CookieArray()
    75     {
    76     return iCookieArray;
    77     }
    78 TInt CCookieGroupData::TotalAppUid()
    79     {
    80     return iSharedUid.Count();
    81     }
    82 // ---------------------------------------------------------
    83 // CCookieGroupData::~CCookieGroupData
    84 // ---------------------------------------------------------
    85 //
    86 CCookieGroupData::~CCookieGroupData()
    87     {
    88     CLOG( ( EClient, 0, _L( "-> CCookieGroupData::~CCookieGroupData:" ) ) );
    90     WriteCookiesToFile();
    91     delete iCookieArray;
    92     delete iCookieFileName;
    93     iStringPool.Close();
    94     delete iCookiePacker;
    95     iFs.Close();
    96     iSharedUid.Close();
    97     CLOG( ( EClient, 0, _L( "<- CCookieGroupData::~CCookieGroupData:" ) ) );
    98     }
   100 // ---------------------------------------------------------
   101 // CCookieGroupData::StorePersistentCookieL
   102 // ---------------------------------------------------------
   103 //
   104 void CCookieGroupData::StorePersistentCookieL( CCookie* aCookie,
   105                                                  const TDesC8& aRequestUri,
   106                                                  const TInt aIndex )
   107     {
   108     CLOG( ( EClient, 0, _L( "-> CCookieGroupData::StorePersistentCookieL:aRequestUri = %S" ), &aRequestUri) );
   110     if (aIndex == -1)
   111         {
   112         iCookieArray->AddL( aCookie, aRequestUri);
   113         }
   114     else
   115         {
   116         iCookieArray->InsertL( aCookie, aIndex);
   117         }
   119     CLOG( ( EClient, 0, _L( "<- CCookieGroupData::StorePersistentCookieL:" ) ) );
   121     }
   123 // ---------------------------------------------------------
   124 // CCookieGroupData::Count
   125 // ---------------------------------------------------------
   126 //
   127 TInt CCookieGroupData::Count()const
   128     {
   129     return iCookieArray->Count();
   130     }
   132 TUint32 CCookieGroupData::operator[](TInt aIndex) const
   133     {
   134     return (iSharedUid[aIndex]);
   135     }
   137 // ---------------------------------------------------------
   138 // CGroupIdInfo::At
   139 // ---------------------------------------------------------
   140 //
   141 TUint32 CCookieGroupData::At(TInt aIndex) const
   142     {
   143     return (iSharedUid[ aIndex ]);
   144     }
   146 // ---------------------------------------------------------
   147 // CGroupIdInfo::GetSharedUid
   148 // ---------------------------------------------------------
   149 //
   150 TUint32 CCookieGroupData::GetSharedUid(TInt aIndex)
   151     {
   152     return At(aIndex);
   153     }
   155 // ---------------------------------------------------------
   156 // CCookieGroupData::ConstructL
   157 // ---------------------------------------------------------
   158 //
   159 void CCookieGroupData::ConstructL(const RArray<TUint32>& aAppuid)
   160     {
   161     CLOG( ( EClient, 0, _L( "-> CCookieGroupData::ConstructL:" ) ) );
   162     TInt count = aAppuid.Count();
   163     CLOG( ( EClient, 0, _L( "-> CGroupIdArray::count = %d" ), count ) );
   164     for(TInt i=0; i<count; i++)
   165         {
   166         CLOG( ( EClient, 0, _L( "-> CGroupIdArray::aAppuid[%d] = %x " ), aAppuid[i] ) );
   167         iSharedUid.AppendL(aAppuid[i]);
   168         }
   169     iCookieArray = new (ELeave) CCookieArray;
   170     iStringPool.OpenL();
   171     iCookiePacker = new (ELeave) TCookiePacker( iStringPool );
   172     iCookieFileName = HBufC::NewL( KCookieMaxFileNameLength );
   174     TPtr fileName( iCookieFileName->Des() );
   175     fileName.Copy( KDefaultCookieFolder );
   176     //fileName.AppendNum( iGroupId, EHex );
   177     fileName.AppendNum( RProcess().SecureId(), EHex );
   178     TBuf<KMaxFileName> buf(KDefaultCookieFile);
   179     buf.Append(KUnderScore);
   180     buf.AppendNum(iGroupId,EHex);
   181     //For Widget case file name shobe becookie_<sid>_<appuid>.dat
   182     if(!iCookieSharableFlag && iSharedUid[0]!=0)
   183         {
   184         buf.Append(KUnderScore);
   185         buf.AppendNum(iSharedUid[0],EHex);
   186         }
   187     fileName.Append(buf);
   188     fileName.Append(KDefaultExtension);
   189     if ( iFs.Connect() == KErrNone )
   190         {
   191         ReadCookiesFromFile();
   192         }
   194     CLOG( ( EClient, 0, _L( "<- CCookieGroupData:::ConstructL:" ) ) );
   195     }
   197 // ---------------------------------------------------------
   198 // CCookieGroupData::ReadCookiesFromFile
   199 // ---------------------------------------------------------
   200 //
   201 TInt CCookieGroupData::ReadCookiesFromFile()
   202     {
   203     CLOG( ( EServer, 0,_L( "-> CCookieGroupData::ReadCookiesFromFile" ) ) );
   205     TInt err;
   206     if ( iCookieFileName->Length() != 0 )
   207         {
   208 //        RFs iFs;
   209 //        User::LeaveIfError(iFs.Connect());
   210         RFile file;
   211         err = file.Open( iFs, *iCookieFileName,
   212                             EFileShareExclusive | EFileStream | EFileRead );
   213             if ( err == KErrNone )  // the file does exist and could be opened
   214                 {
   215                 TInt size;
   216                 err = file.Size( size );
   217                 if ( err == KErrNone )  // size query was successful
   218                     {
   219                     HBufC8* fileBuffer = HBufC8::New( size );
   220                     if ( fileBuffer )// there was enough memory for fileBuffer
   221                         {
   222                         TPtr8 fileBufferDes( fileBuffer->Des() );
   223                         err = file.Read( fileBufferDes );
   224                         if ( err == KErrNone )
   225                             {
   226                             // unfortunately this method might leave, because
   227                             // it allocates memory for cookies dynamically
   228                             TRAP( err,
   229                                 iCookiePacker->UnpackCookiesFromBufferL
   230                                                 ( *fileBuffer, iCookieArray->CookieArray() ) );
   231                             if ( err != KErrNone )
   232                                 {
   233                                 delete fileBuffer;
   234                                 file.Close();
   235                                 iFs.Delete(*iCookieFileName); //Delete file.
   236                                 //iFs.Close();
   237                                 return KErrNotFound;
   238                                 }
   239                             }
   241                         delete fileBuffer;
   242                         }
   243                     else
   244                         {
   245                         err = KErrNoMemory;
   246                         }
   247                     }
   249                 file.Close();
   250                 //iFs.Close();
   251             }
   252         }
   253     else    // if iCookieFileName->Length() == 0
   254         {
   255         err = KErrNotFound;
   256         }
   258     CLOG( ( EServer, 0,_L( "<- CCookieGroupData::ReadCookiesFromFile, errcode%d"), err ) );
   260     return err;
   261     }
   263 // ---------------------------------------------------------
   264 // CCookieGroupData::WriteCookiesToFile
   265 // ---------------------------------------------------------
   266 //
   267 TInt CCookieGroupData::WriteCookiesToFile()
   268     {
   269     CLOG( ( EServer, 0,_L( "-> CCookieGroupData::WriteCookiesToFile" ) ) );
   270 //    RFs iFs;
   271 //    User::LeaveIfError(iFs.Connect());
   273     TInt err(KErrNone);
   274     if ( !iCookieArray->Count() )
   275         {
   276          CLOG( ( EServer, 0,_L( "<- CCookieGroupData::WriteCookiesToFile, errcode%d" ), KErrNone ));
   278          // delete cookie file
   279          err = iFs.Delete( *iCookieFileName );
   280          return err;
   281         }
   283     if ( iCookieFileName->Length() != 0 )
   284         {
   285         if ( CheckDiskSpace( iFs, *iCookieFileName ) )
   286             {
   287             iFs.CreatePrivatePath( EDriveC );
   288             RFile file;
   289             iFs.MkDirAll(*iCookieFileName);
   290             err = file.Replace( iFs, *iCookieFileName,
   291                             EFileShareExclusive | EFileStream | EFileWrite );
   292                 if ( err == KErrNone )
   293                     {
   294                     // get the maximum length of cookies
   295                     TInt cookieCount( iCookieArray->Count() );
   296                     TInt size( 0 );
   297                     TInt maxSize( 0 );
   298                     for( TInt i = 0; i < cookieCount; i++ )
   299                         {
   300                         if ( (*iCookieArray)[i]->Persistent() &&
   301                              !(*iCookieArray)[i]->Expired() )
   302                             {
   303                             size = (*iCookieArray)[i]->Size( EFalse );
   304                             if( size > maxSize )
   305                                 {
   306                                 maxSize = size;
   307                                 }
   308                             }
   309                         }
   310                     maxSize++;
   311                     CLOG( ( EServer, 0, _L("maxSize: %d"), maxSize ) );
   312                     // allocate buffer for it
   313                     HBufC8* fileBuffer = HBufC8::New( maxSize );
   314                     if ( fileBuffer )
   315                         {
   316                         TPtr8 fileBufferDes = fileBuffer->Des();
   318                         // we ignore a possible packing or file writing error
   319                         // in this loop as these kinds of errors are not fatal
   320                         // and may not reappear during the next iteration
   321                         for ( TInt i = 0; i < cookieCount; i++ )
   322                             {
   323                         if ( (*iCookieArray)[i]->Persistent() &&
   324                              !(*iCookieArray)[i]->Expired() )
   325                             {
   326                                 fileBufferDes.SetLength(0);
   328                                 // use CliPackCookie as SrvPackCookie will
   329                                 // suppress the defaulted domain attribute...
   330                                 err = iCookiePacker->CliPackCookie( fileBufferDes,
   331                                                                 (*(*iCookieArray)[i]) );
   333                                 if ( err == KErrNone )
   334                                     {
   335                                     err = file.Write( *fileBuffer );
   336                                     }
   337                                 }
   338                             }
   340                         delete fileBuffer;
   341                         }
   342                     else
   343                         {
   344                         err = KErrNoMemory;
   345                         }
   347                     file.Close();
   348                     //iFs.Close();
   349                     }
   350                 }
   351             else    // there is not enough disk space
   352                 {
   353                 err = KErrDiskFull;
   354             }
   355         }
   356     else    // if ( iCookieFileName->Length() == 0 )
   357         {
   358         err = KErrNotFound;
   359         }
   361     CLOG( ( EServer, 0,
   362         _L( "<- CCookieGroupData::WriteCookiesToFile, errcode%d" ), err ) );
   364     return err;
   365     }
   367 // ---------------------------------------------------------
   368 // CCookieGroupData::CheckDiskSpace
   369 // ---------------------------------------------------------
   370 //
   371 TBool CCookieGroupData::CheckDiskSpace( RFs& aFileSystem,
   372                                            const TDesC& aFileName ) const
   373     {
   374     CLOG( ( EClient, 0, _L( "-> CCookieGroupData::CheckDiskSpace:" ) ) );
   376     TInt err;
   377     TParse parse;
   378     err = parse.SetNoWild( aFileName, NULL, NULL );
   379     if ( err == KErrNone )
   380         {
   381         // This is in the form : drive-letter: (letter + semi-colon)
   382         TBuf<2> driveBuf( parse.Drive() );
   383         TCharF driveLetter( driveBuf[0] );
   384         TCharF driveALetter( 'A' );
   385         TDriveNumber driveNum = (TDriveNumber)( (TUint)(driveLetter) -
   386                                                 (TUint)(driveALetter) );
   388         TBool noSpace = EFalse;
   389         TRAP( err, noSpace = SysUtil::DiskSpaceBelowCriticalLevelL
   390                     ( &aFileSystem, KCookieMaxFileLength, driveNum ) );
   391         if ( err == KErrNone && noSpace )
   392             {
   393             err = KErrDiskFull;
   394             }
   395         }
   396     CLOG( ( EClient, 0, _L( "<- CCookieGroupData::CheckDiskSpace:" ) ) );
   398     return ( err == KErrNone ? ETrue : EFalse );
   399     }
   401 // ---------------------------------------------------------
   402 // CCookieGroupData::ClearCookies
   403 // ---------------------------------------------------------
   404 //
   405 TInt CCookieGroupData::ClearAllCookies()
   406     {
   407     CLOG( ( EClient, 0, _L( "-> CCookieGroupData::ClearAllCookies:" ) ) );
   409     TInt count = iCookieArray->ClearAllCookies();
   410     iFs.Delete( *iCookieFileName );
   412     CLOG( ( EClient, 0, _L( "<- CCookieGroupData::ClearAllCookies:count = %d " ), count ) );
   413     return count;
   414     }
   416 // ---------------------------------------------------------
   417 // CCookieGroupData::GetFileName
   418 // ---------------------------------------------------------
   419 //
   420 const TDesC& CCookieGroupData::GetFileName() const
   421     {
   422     CLOG( ( EClient, 0, _L( "-> CCookieGroupData:::GetFileName" ) ) );
   424     if ( iCookieFileName )
   425         {
   426         CLOG( ( EClient, 0, _L( "<- CCookieGroupData::GetFileName:iCookieFileName = %S" ), &iCookieFileName ) );
   427         return *iCookieFileName;
   428         }
   429     CLOG( ( EClient, 0, _L( "<- CCookieGroupData::GetFileName:iCookieFileName = %S" ), &iCookieFileName ) );
   430     return KNullDesC();
   431     }
   433 // ---------------------------------------------------------
   434 // CCookieGroupData::SetFileName
   435 // ---------------------------------------------------------
   436 //
   437 void CCookieGroupData::SetFileName(TUint32& aAppUid,TUint32& aSecureId)
   438     {
   439     CLOG( ( EClient, 0, _L( "<- CCookieGroupData::SetFileName" ) ) );
   440     *iCookieFileName = KNullDesC;
   441     TPtr fileName( iCookieFileName->Des() );
   442     fileName.Copy( KDefaultCookieFolder );
   443     fileName.AppendNum( RProcess().SecureId(), EHex );
   444     TBuf<KMaxFileName> buf(KDefaultCookieFile);
   445     buf.Append(KUnderScore);
   446     buf.AppendNum(aSecureId,EHex);
   447     //For Widget case file name shobe becookie_<sid>_<appuid>.dat
   448     if(!iCookieSharableFlag && iSharedUid[0]!=0)
   449         {
   450         buf.Append(KUnderScore);
   451         buf.AppendNum(aAppUid,EHex);
   452         }
   453     fileName.Append(buf);
   454     fileName.Append(KDefaultExtension);
   455     CLOG( ( EClient, 0, _L( "<- CCookieGroupData::SetFileName" ) ) );
   456     }
   457 //eof