1 // Copyright (c) 2001-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies). |
2 // All rights reserved. |
3 // This component and the accompanying materials are made available |
4 // under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0" |
5 // which accompanies this distribution, and is available |
6 // at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html". |
7 // |
8 // Initial Contributors: |
9 // Nokia Corporation - initial contribution. |
10 // |
11 // Contributors: |
12 // |
13 // Description: |
14 // |
15 |
16 #ifndef __CWSPCOTXDATA_H__ |
17 #define __CWSPCOTXDATA_H__ |
18 |
19 // System includes |
20 #include <e32base.h> |
21 #include <http/framework/ctxdata.h> |
22 |
23 // Forward declarations |
24 class MWspCOTxDataCallback; |
25 class MWspCapabilityViewer; |
26 class MHTTPDataSupplier; |
27 |
28 // @todo docing |
29 |
30 //##ModelId=3BBD80700021 |
31 class CWspCOTxData : public CTxData |
32 { |
33 public: // Methods |
34 |
35 /** @fn NewL(CProtTransaction& aTransaction, MWspCOTxDataCallback& aObserver, MWspCapabilityViewer& aNegotiatedCapInfo) |
36 Intended Usage : Static factory constructor. |
37 @since 7.0 |
38 @leave Leaves with KErrNoMemory if there was not enough memory to |
39 create the object. |
40 @param aTransaction The protocol transaction object |
41 associated with the Tx data object. |
42 @param aObserver A reference to the Tx data observer |
43 @param aNegotiatedCapInfo A reference to the negotiated |
44 capability viewer object. |
45 @return A pointer to newly created object. |
46 */ |
47 //##ModelId=3C4C41A801D3 |
48 static CWspCOTxData* NewL( |
49 CProtTransaction& aTransaction, |
50 MWspCOTxDataCallback& aObserver, |
51 MWspCapabilityViewer& aNegotiatedCapInfo |
52 ); |
53 |
54 /** @fn ~CWspCOTxData() |
55 Intended Usage : Standard destructor. |
56 @since 7.0 |
57 */ |
58 //##ModelId=3C4C41A801C9 |
59 ~CWspCOTxData(); |
60 |
61 /** @fn RequestHeadersData() |
62 Intended Usage : Provides a buffer with the request headers. |
63 @since 7.0 |
64 @return A const reference to a buffer that contains the request |
65 headers. |
66 */ |
67 //##ModelId=3C4C41A801B5 |
68 const TDesC8& RequestHeadersData(); |
69 |
70 /** @fn RequestBodyData() |
71 Intended Usage : Provides the data supplier object for the request |
72 body data. This data supplier supplies the more data |
73 flag via the return from GetNextDataPart(). |
74 @since 7.0 |
75 @return A reference to a MHTTPDataSupplier object that provides the |
76 request body. |
77 */ |
78 //##ModelId=3C4C41A801AB |
79 MHTTPDataSupplier& RequestBodyData(); |
80 |
81 /** @fn SetRequestDataL() |
82 Intended Usage : |
83 @since 7.0 |
84 @todo finish docing |
85 */ |
86 //##ModelId=3C4C41A80197 |
87 void SetRequestDataL(); |
88 |
89 /** @fn ReceivedCnf() |
90 The cnf for the current invoke primitive has been received. If there is more |
91 data to send, then the observer is asked to send an S-MethodInvokeData |
92 primitive. If there is no more data to send and the request is not complete |
93 then wait for the client to send more data. |
94 @since 7.0 |
95 @pre The state is either EDone or EGotMoreData. |
96 @post The has changed to EIdle if the originally EDone. This |
97 indicates that the request is complete. If the state was |
98 EGotMoreData then the state is EDone if the remaining data |
99 can be sent in the next SDU, EGotMoreData if the remaining |
100 data cannot be all sent in the next SDU, or EWaitForData if |
101 the request is not complete and remaining data does not fill |
102 the next SDU. |
103 */ |
104 void ReceivedCnf(); |
105 |
106 /** @fn NotifyMoreRequestData() |
107 Intended Usage : The client has got more request data. |
108 @since 7.0 |
109 @post The fact that the client has nore request data has been flagged. |
110 */ |
111 //##ModelId=3C4C41A80179 |
112 void NotifyMoreRequestData(); |
113 |
114 private: // Methods from MHTTPDataSupplier |
115 |
116 /** @fn GetNextDataPart(TPtrC8& aDataPart) |
117 @see MHTTPDataSupplier |
118 */ |
119 //##ModelId=3C4C41A8013C |
120 virtual TBool GetNextDataPart(TPtrC8& aDataPart); |
121 |
122 /** @fn ReleaseData() |
123 @see MHTTPDataSupplier |
124 */ |
125 //##ModelId=3C4C41A80128 |
126 virtual void ReleaseData(); |
127 |
128 /** @fn OverallDataSize() |
129 @see MHTTPDataSupplier |
130 */ |
131 //##ModelId=3C4C41A80114 |
132 virtual TInt OverallDataSize(); |
133 |
134 /** @fn Reset() |
135 @see MHTTPDataSupplier |
136 */ |
137 //##ModelId=3C4C41A80100 |
138 virtual TInt Reset(); |
139 |
140 private: // Methods |
141 |
142 /** @fn CWspCOTxData(CProtTransaction& aTransaction, MWspCOTxDataCallback& aObserver, MWspCapabilityViewer& aNegotiatedCapInfo) |
143 Intended Usage : First phase constructor. |
144 @since 7.0 |
145 @param aTransaction The protocol transaction object |
146 associated with the Tx data object. |
147 @param aObserver A reference to the Tx observer. |
148 @param aNegotiatedCapInfo A reference to the negotiated |
149 capability viewer object. |
150 */ |
151 //##ModelId=3C4C41A8009C |
152 CWspCOTxData( |
153 CProtTransaction& aTransaction, |
154 MWspCOTxDataCallback& aObserver, |
155 MWspCapabilityViewer& aNegotiatedCapInfo |
156 ); |
157 |
158 /** @fn SetSessionPropertyL(TInt aProperty, THTTPHdrVal aFieldValue) |
159 Intended Usage : |
160 @since 7.0 |
161 @todo docing |
162 @param aProperty An integer specifying the property to be |
163 set. |
164 @param aFieldValue The value the property is to be set to. |
165 @post The property has been set to the specified value/ |
166 */ |
167 //##ModelId=3C4C41A80056 |
168 void SetSessionPropertyL(TInt aProperty, THTTPHdrVal aFieldValue); |
169 |
170 /** @fn SetHeaderDataL(RHTTPRequest aRequest) |
171 Intended Usage : |
172 @since 7.0 |
173 @todo finish docing |
174 @param aRequest The request object. |
175 @pre |
176 @post |
177 */ |
178 //##ModelId=3C4C41A8002E |
179 void SetHeaderDataL(RHTTPRequest aRequest); |
180 |
181 /** @fn EncodeHeadersL(RHTTPHeaders aHeaders) |
182 Intended Usage : |
183 @since 7.0 |
184 @todo finish docing |
185 @param aHeaders The headers object |
186 @pre |
187 @post |
188 */ |
189 //##ModelId=3C4C41A80006 |
190 void EncodeHeadersL(RHTTPHeaders aHeaders); |
191 |
192 /** @fn SetBodyDataL(MHTTPDataSupplier& aRequestBody) |
193 Intended Usage : |
194 @since 7.0 |
195 @todo finish docing |
196 @param aRequestBody The data supplier for the request body data. |
197 @pre |
198 @post |
199 */ |
200 //##ModelId=3C4C41A703D0 |
201 void SetBodyDataL(MHTTPDataSupplier& aRequestBody); |
202 |
203 /** @fn UpdateBodyData() |
204 Intended Usage : |
205 @since 7.0 |
206 @todo finish docing |
207 @pre |
208 @post |
209 */ |
210 //##ModelId=3C4C41A703C6 |
211 void UpdateBodyData(); |
212 |
213 /** @fn CalculateUIntVarLength(TUint32 aUint) |
214 Intended Usage : A utility function to calculate how many bytes are |
215 required to represent a number in UIntVar format, as |
216 defined by the WSP Specification, July 2001. |
217 @since 7.0 |
218 @param aUint The unsigned positive number for which to calculate |
219 the length of its UIntVar representation. |
220 @return The number of bytes required to represent the input integer |
221 as a UIntVar. |
222 */ |
223 //##ModelId=3C4C41A70394 |
224 TInt CalculateUIntVarLength(TUint32 aUint); |
225 |
226 /** @fn UpdateState() |
227 |
228 @since 7.0 |
229 */ |
230 void UpdateState(); |
231 |
232 /** @fn CheckTrailer() |
233 |
234 @since 7.0 |
235 */ |
236 void CheckTrailer(); |
237 |
238 /** @fn DecideObserverAction() |
239 |
240 @since 7.0 |
241 */ |
242 void DecideObserverAction(); |
243 |
244 /** @fn Cleanup() |
245 |
246 @since 7.0 |
247 */ |
248 void Cleanup(); |
249 |
250 private: // Enums |
251 |
252 /** The TRequestState type represents the states of the |
253 request data object. |
254 */ |
255 enum TRequestState |
256 { |
257 /** |
258 */ |
259 EIdle = 0, |
260 /** |
261 */ |
262 EDone, |
263 /** |
264 */ |
265 EGotMoreData, |
266 /** |
267 */ |
268 EWaitForMoreData, |
269 /** |
270 */ |
271 EAbortMethod |
272 }; |
273 |
274 private: // Attributes |
275 |
276 /** The state of the request data. |
277 */ |
278 TRequestState iState; |
279 |
280 /** A reference to Tx data callback object. |
281 */ |
282 //##ModelId=3C4C41A7038A |
283 MWspCOTxDataCallback& iObserver; |
284 |
285 /** A reference to the negotiated capability viewer. |
286 */ |
287 //##ModelId=3C4C41A70376 |
288 MWspCapabilityViewer& iNegotiatedCapInfo; |
289 |
290 /** A pointer to the request body data supplier. Not owned. |
291 */ |
292 //##ModelId=3C4C41A70362 |
293 MHTTPDataSupplier* iBodyDataSupplier; |
294 |
295 /** A buffer with the encoded request header data. |
296 */ |
297 //##ModelId=3C4C41A70350 |
298 HBufC8* iHeaderData; |
299 |
300 /** A buffer with the encoded request trailer header data. |
301 */ |
302 //##ModelId=3C4C41A70344 |
303 HBufC8* iTrailerData; |
304 |
305 /** A buffer with the current request data. |
306 */ |
307 HBufC8* iBodyData; |
308 |
309 /** A flag indicating that there are trailer header data. |
310 */ |
311 //##ModelId=3C4C41A70312 |
312 TBool iHasTrailer; |
313 |
314 /** A flag that indicates whether all the request data has been received |
315 from the client. |
316 */ |
317 //##ModelId=3C4C41A702F4 |
318 TBool iRequestComplete; |
319 |
320 /** A flag that indicates whether there is a current request body data part. |
321 */ |
322 //##ModelId=3C4C41A702D6 |
323 TBool iGotBodyData; |
324 |
325 /** A descriptor pointer to a buffer containing the current request body |
326 data part. |
327 */ |
328 //##ModelId=3C4C41A702C4 |
329 TPtrC8 iDataPart; |
330 |
331 /** The overall size of the body data. If this is not known, e.g. the |
332 resquest is divided over several primitives, then this is set to |
333 KErrNotFound. |
334 */ |
335 //##ModelId=3C4C41A702B8 |
336 TInt iOverallDataSize; |
337 |
338 /** The remaining server SDU space for the current primitive. |
339 */ |
340 //##ModelId=3C4C41A702A6 |
341 TUint32 iRemainingSDUSpace; |
342 |
343 /** The remaining server message space. |
344 */ |
345 //##ModelId=3C4C41A7029A |
346 TUint32 iRemainingMessageSpace; |
347 |
348 /** A flag to indicate whether LDT is supported. |
349 */ |
350 //##ModelId=3C4C41A70287 |
351 TBool iSupportLDT; |
352 |
353 /** The length of the trailer header info. |
354 */ |
355 TUint32 iTrailerInfoLength; |
356 |
357 /** A flag to indicate wether the Server Message is limited. |
358 */ |
359 TBool iLimitedMessageSize; |
360 |
361 }; |
362 |
363 #endif // __CWSPCOTXDATA_H__ |