changeset 0 b16258d2340f
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     1 // Copyright (c) 2002-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
     2 // All rights reserved.
     3 // This component and the accompanying materials are made available
     4 // under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
     5 // which accompanies this distribution, and is available
     6 // at the URL "".
     7 //
     8 // Initial Contributors:
     9 // Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
    10 //
    11 // Contributors:
    12 //
    13 // Description:
    14 //
    16 /**
    17  @file CNwssWspCOSession.h
    18  @warning : This file contains Rose Model ID comments - please do not delete
    19 */
    21 #ifndef	__CNWSSWSPCOSESSION_H__
    22 #define __CNWSSWSPCOSESSION_H__
    24 // System includes
    25 #include <wapcli.h> // NWSS Wap Stack
    26 #include <wsp/mwspcosessioninvoker.h>
    27 #include <wsp/mwspcomethodinvoker.h>
    28 #include <http/framework/logging.h>
    30 // Local includes
    31 #include "cnwsswspsession.h"
    32 #include "cnwsstranslookuptable.h"
    33 #include "mnwsssessioneventhandler.h"
    34 #include "mnwsstransactioneventhandler.h"
    35 #include "mnwssoomhandler.h"
    37 // Forward declarations
    38 class MNwssWapServer;
    39 class MConnectionInfoProvider;
    40 class MWspCOSessionCallback;
    41 class CNwssWspCOEventDispatcher;
    42 class CCapCodec;
    43 class CNwssConnectGuard;
    44 class CNwssWspTransactionEventFilter;
    45 class CNwssWspSessionEventFilter;
    47 /**
    48 	@since			7.0
    49 	This class encapsulates a Connection-Oriented WSP session by specialising
    50 	CNwssWspSession.  It is responsible for making the majority of the calls on the
    51 	underlying NWSS WAP protocol stack.  It has five main areas of functionality:
    52 	1.	Opening, and connecting, the handle for a WSP CO session using the proxy
    53 		information supplied by the client (::OpenWspSession() and
    54 		::CompleteProxyConnectionL())
    55 	2.	Converting the requested client capabilities from the M-class interfaces
    56 		supplied by the client into a CCapCodec object, as used by the NWSS WAP
    57 		stack (::PrepareClientCapabilities())
    58 	3.	Doing the reverse for negotiated capabilities that are received from the
    59 		WAP Proxy before passing back to the client (::SetNegotiatedCapabilitiesL()).
    60 	4.	Implementing the MWspCOSessionInvoker and MWspCOMethodInvoker interfaces,
    61 		and translating each of the primitives exposed by these interfaces into
    62 		calls on the underlying NWSS WAP Stack.
    63 	5.	Implementing the MNwssSessionEventHandler and MNwssTransactionEventHandler
    64 		interfaces, in order that events received from the underlying WAP Stack (by
    65 		the class CNwssWspCOEventDispatcher) may be converted into the primitives
    66 		exposed by the client's callback interfaces MWspCOSessionCallback and
    67 		MWspCOMethodCallback.
    68  */
    70 //##ModelId=3BBDCF00036A
    71 class CNwssWspCOSession : public CNwssWspSession,
    72 						  public MWspCOSessionInvoker,
    73 						  public MWspCOMethodInvoker,
    74 						  public MNwssSessionEventHandler,
    75 						  public MNwssTransactionEventHandler,
    76 						  public MNwssOomHandler
    77 	{
    78 // Unit testing only - give friendship to a public state accessor 
    79 #ifdef __UNIT_TESTING__
    80 	friend class TNwssWspCOSession_StateAccessor;
    81 #endif
    83 public: // methods
    85 /**
    86 	Factory construction of the CNwssWspCOSession class.
    87 	@since			7.0
    88 	@param			aStringPool			(in) The client's string pool.
    89 	@param			aWapStackProvider	(in) An owner of a WAP stack server session.
    90 	@param			aConnInfoProvider	(in) A collection of client interfaces that
    91 											 provide connection-related information
    92 	@param			aSecurityPolicy		(in) A security policy provider.
    93 	@param			aSessionCB			(in) The client's callback for receiving
    94 											 WSP session events
    95 	@return			The newly constructed CNwssWspCOSession instance.
    96 	@leave			System error codes, e.g. KErrNoMemory.
    97 */
    98 	//##ModelId=3C4C49D202E6
    99 	static CNwssWspCOSession* NewL(RStringPool& aStringPool,
   100 								   MNwssWapServer& aWapStackProvider,
   101 								   MConnectionInfoProvider& aConnInfoProvider,
   102 								   MSecurityPolicy& aSecurityPolicy,
   103 								   MWspCOSessionCallback& aSessionCB);
   105 /** Destructor.
   106 	@since			7.0
   107 */
   108 	//##ModelId=3C4C49D2021E
   109 	virtual ~CNwssWspCOSession();
   111 private: // methods inherited from CNwssWspSession
   113 /** Hook provided to the parent class allowing it to cause a
   114 					Connection-Oriented WSP session to the specified proxy to be
   115 					opened.
   116 	@since			7.0
   117 	@param			aRemoteHost	(in) The bearer-dependent address of the proxy.
   118 	@param			aRemotePort	(in) The proxy port to which a connection is made.
   119 	@param			aLocalPort	(in) (optional) The local port to which proxy replies
   120 									 are sent. A value of zero means 'don't care'.
   121 	@param			aBearer		(in) The bearer on which the connection is made.
   122 	@param			aSecureConn	(in) Flag indicating whether WTLS is to be used.
   123 	@return			A system error code originating from the NWSS WAP Stack.
   124  */
   125 	//##ModelId=3C4C49D10014
   126 	virtual TInt OpenWspSession(const TDesC8& aRemoteHost,
   127 								RWAPConn::TPort aRemotePort,
   128 								RWAPConn::TPort aLocalPort,
   129 								TBearer aBearer,
   130 								TBool aSecureConn);
   132 /** Hook provided to the parent class allowing it to cause an
   133 					opened Connection-Oriented WSP session to be closed.
   134 	@since			7.0
   135 	@return			A system error code originating from the NWSS WAP Stack.
   136  */
   137 	//##ModelId=3C591A9A0171
   138 	virtual TInt CloseWspSession();
   140 /** 	Hook provided to the parent class allowing it to perform any
   141 					required actions to complete a connection to the WAP Proxy
   142 					after the WSP session has been opened, and optionally a WTLS
   143 					handshake performed.
   144 					For connection-oriented WSP, this implies the use of
   145 					RWSPCOConn::Connect() to send the S-Connect.cnf primitive to
   146 					the proxy.  This initiates the connection, with an exchange of
   147 					capability information and session headers.
   148 	@since			7.0
   149 	@leave			A system error code originating from the NWSS WAP Stack.
   150  */
   151 	//##ModelId=3C4C49D002F7
   152 	virtual void CompleteProxyConnectionL();
   154 /** Hook provided to the parent class allowing it to obtain the
   155 					WTLS handle from the current opened Connection-Oriented WSP
   156 					session.
   157 	@since			7.0
   158 	@return			A handle for the WTLS layer of the WAP protocol stack.
   159  */
   160 	//##ModelId=3C4C49D001FD
   161 	virtual RWTLS WtlsHnd();
   163 /** Allows this class to to perform specific actions in response to
   164 					the parent class' RunError().  This is called in the EReady
   165 					state.
   166 					This handles situations where CompleteProxyConnectionL() has
   167 					left.  In practice, this handles errors arising from the use
   168 					of RWSPCOConn::Connect().
   169 	@since			7.0
   170 	@param			aError	(in) The error code to be handled, with which
   171 					CompleteProxyConnectionL() left.
   172  */
   173 	//##ModelId=3C4C49D0001C
   174 	virtual void DoRunError(TInt aError);
   176 /** Called from DoCancel ofthe parent class' RunError() in the
   177 					EReady state.  This class cancels outstanding asynchronous
   178 					requests it makes from the Event Dispatcher.
   179 	@since			7.0
   180 	@return			Flag indicating whether, following cancellation, this class
   181 					must return to the EDisconnected state.
   182  */
   183 	//##ModelId=3C591A9A0103
   184 	virtual TBool SubDoCancel();
   186 private: // methods inherited from MWspCOSessionInvoker
   188 	/** This represents the S-Connect.req primitive. 
   189 		@see MWspCOSessionInvoker
   190 	*/
   191 	//##ModelId=3C4C49CF030A
   192 	virtual void ConnectReq();
   194 	/** This represents the S-Disconnect.req primitive.
   195 		@see MWspCOSessionInvoker
   196 	*/
   197 	//##ModelId=3C4C49CF0133
   198 	virtual void DisconnectReq(TWspReason aReason);
   200 	/** This represents the S-Suspend.req primitive.
   201 		@see MWspCOSessionInvoker
   202 	*/
   203 	//##ModelId=3C4C49CF0043
   204 	virtual void SuspendReq();
   206 	/** This represents the S-Resume.req primitive. 
   207 		@see MWspCOSessionInvoker
   208 	*/
   209 	//##ModelId=3C4C49CE0345
   210 	virtual void ResumeReq();
   212 private: // methods inherited from MWspCOMethodInvoker
   214 	/** This represents the S-MethodInvoke.req primitive.
   215 		@see MWspCOSessionInvoker
   216 	*/
   217 	//##ModelId=3C4C49CD01D1
   218 	virtual void MethodInvokeReq(
   219 								MWspCOMethodCallback&		aTransactionCallback, 
   220 								RStringF					aMethod, 
   221 								const TUriC8&				aRequestUri, 
   222 								const TDesC8&				aRequestHeaders, 
   223 								const TDesC8&				aRequestBody,
   224 								TBool						aMoreData
   225 								);
   227 	/** This represents the S-MethodInvokeData.req primitive. 
   228 		@see MWspCOSessionInvoker
   229 	*/
   230 	//##ModelId=3C4C49CC031A
   231 	virtual void MethodInvokeDataReq(
   232 									MWspCOMethodCallback&	aTransactionCallback,
   233 									const TDesC8&			aRequestBody,
   234 									const TDesC8&			aTrailerHeaders,
   235 									TBool					aMoreData
   236 									);
   238 	/** This represents the S-MethodAbort.req primitive.
   239 		@see MWspCOSessionInvoker
   240 	*/
   241 	//##ModelId=3C4C49CC0161
   242 	virtual void MethodAbortReq(MWspCOMethodCallback& aTransactionCallback);
   244 	/** This represents the S-MethodResult.res primitive.
   245 		@see MWspCOSessionInvoker
   246 	*/
   247 	//##ModelId=3C4C49CB02BE
   248 	virtual void MethodResultRes(
   249 								MWspCOMethodCallback&	aTransactionCallback, 
   250 								const TDesC8&				aAckHeaders
   251 								);
   253 	/** This represents the S-MethodResultData.res primitive. 
   254 		@see MWspCOSessionInvoker
   255 	*/
   256 	//##ModelId=3C4C49CB0047
   257 	virtual void MethodResultDataRes(
   258 									MWspCOMethodCallback&	aTransactionCallback, 
   259 									const TDesC8&				aAckHeaders
   260 									);
   263 private: // methods inherited from MNwssSessionEventHandler,
   265 	/** This represents the S-Disconnect.ind primitive.
   266 		@see MNwssSessionEventHandler
   267 	*/
   268 	//##ModelId=3C4C49CA035D
   269 	virtual void HandleDisconnectIndL();
   271 	/** This represents the S-Suspend.ind primitive.
   272 		@see MNwssSessionEventHandler
   273 	*/
   274 	//##ModelId=3C4C49CA0231
   275 	virtual void HandleSuspendIndL();
   277 	/** This represents the S-Resume.cnf primitive.
   278 		@see MNwssSessionEventHandler
   279 	*/
   280 	//##ModelId=3C4C49CA0168
   281 	virtual void HandleResumeCnfL();
   283 	/** This represents the S-Connect.cnf primitive.
   284 		@see MNwssSessionEventHandler
   285 	*/
   286 	//##ModelId=3C4C49CA00AA
   287 	virtual void HandleConnectCnfL();
   289 	/** This represents the S-Disconnect.ind (redirect) primitive.
   290 		@see MNwssSessionEventHandler
   291 	*/
   292 	//##ModelId=3C4C49C903D4
   293 	virtual void HandleRedirectIndL();
   295 	/** This represents the E-Exception.ind primitive.
   296 		@see MNwssSessionEventHandler
   297 	*/
   298 	//##ModelId=3C4C49C9031F
   299 	virtual void HandleExceptionIndL();
   301 private: // methods inherited from MNwssTransactionEventHandler
   303 	/** This represents the T-MethodInvoke.cnf primitive.
   304 		@see MNwssTransactionEventHandler
   305 	*/
   306 	//##ModelId=3C4C49C901AD
   307 	virtual void HandleMethodInvokeCnfL(RWSPCOTrans::TTransID aTransId);
   309 	/** This represents the T-MethodResult.ind primitive.
   310 		@see MNwssTransactionEventHandler
   311 	*/
   312 	//##ModelId=3C4C49C90044
   313 	virtual void HandleMethodResultIndL(RWSPCOTrans::TTransID aTransId);
   315 	/** This represents the T-MethodAbort.ind primitive.
   316 		@see MNwssTransactionEventHandler
   317 	*/
   318 	//##ModelId=3C4C49C802CE
   319 	virtual void HandleAbortIndL(RWSPCOTrans::TTransID aTransId);
   321 private: // structure used to hold items sent to the delayed OOM handling for methodabort below
   323 	struct TDelayedMethodAbortPckg
   324 		{
   325 		CNwssWspCOSession* iSession;
   326 		MWspCOMethodCallback* iCallback;
   327 		TBool iAbortOnStack;
   328 		};
   329 	//##ModelId=3C9B09540101
   330 	void ScheduleDelayedOomMethodAbort(MWspCOMethodCallback& aMethodToAbort, TBool aAbortOnStack);
   331 	//##ModelId=3C9B0954001A
   332 	static TInt DelayedSendOomMethodAbort(TAny* aPtr);
   334 private: // structure used to hold items sent to the delayed OOM handling for disconnect below
   336 	struct TDelayedDisconnectPckg
   337 		{
   338 		CNwssWspCOSession* iSession;
   339 		TBool iDisconnectOnStack;
   340 		};
   341 	//##ModelId=3C9B09530344
   342 	void ScheduleDelayedOomDisconnect(TBool aDisconnectOnStack);
   343 	//##ModelId=3C9B09530268
   344 	static TInt DelayedSendOomDisconnect(TAny* aPtr);
   346 private: // methods inherited from MNwssOomHandler
   348 /**		Used as an asynchronous callback, in an OOM situation, to cause the method that
   349 					couldn't complete at the moment of OOM, to be cleanly aborted for the client.
   350 	@param			aMethodToAbort	(in) The method which is to be aborted due to the OOM situation
   351 	@param			aAbortOnStack	(in) Flag indicating whether the method must be aborted on the
   352 										 WAP stack as well.
   353 	@since			7.0
   354  */
   355 	//##ModelId=3C9B095203C5
   356 	virtual void SendOomMethodAbort(MWspCOMethodCallback& aMethodToAbort, TBool aAbortOnStack);
   358 /**	Used as an asynchronous callback, in an OOM situation, to cause the method that
   359 					couldn't complete at the moment of OOM, to be cleanly aborted for the client.
   360 	@param			aTransId		(in) A WAP stack transaction ID that identifies the method which
   361 										 is to be aborted due to the OOM situation
   362 	@param			aAbortOnStack	(in) Flag indicating whether the method must be aborted on the
   363 										 WAP stack as well.
   364 	@since			7.0
   365  */
   366 	//##ModelId=3C9B09530131
   367 	virtual void SendOomMethodAbort(RWSPCOTrans::TTransID aTransId, TBool aAbortOnStack);
   369 /**		Used as an asynchronous callback, in an OOM situation, to cause the session that
   370 					couldn't connect at the moment of OOM, to be cleanly disconnected for the client.
   371 	@param			aDisconnectOnStack	(in) Flag indicating whether the session must be disconnected
   372 											 on the WAP stack as well.
   373 	@since			7.0
   374  */
   375 	//##ModelId=3C9B095202F2
   376 	virtual void SendOomDisconnect(TBool aDisconnectOnStack);
   378 private: // methods
   380 /** Normal constructor.  Creates an instance of the session, keeping
   381 					references to the supplied providers from the client.
   382 	@since			7.0
   383 	@param			aStringPool			(in) The client's string pool.
   384 	@param			aWapStackProvider	(in) An owner of a WAP stack server session.
   385 	@param			aConnInfoProvider	(in) A collection of client interfaces that
   386 											 provide connection-related information
   387 	@param			aSecurityPolicy		(in) A security policy provider.
   388 	@param			aSessionCB			(in) The client's callback for receiving
   389 											 WSP session events
   390  */
   391 	//##ModelId=3C4C49C702A4
   392 	CNwssWspCOSession(RStringPool& aStringPool,
   393 					  MNwssWapServer& aWapStackProvider,
   394 				      MConnectionInfoProvider& aConnInfoProvider,
   395 					  MSecurityPolicy& aSecurityPolicy,
   396 					  MWspCOSessionCallback& aSessionCB);
   398 /**	Second phase of construction.  Allocations may be made here.
   399 	@since			7.0
   400 	@leave			System error codes, e.g. KErrNoMemory.
   401  */
   402 	//##ModelId=3C4C49C70236
   403 	void ConstructL();
   405 /** 	Helper to ConnectReq, configures a capability codec to reflect
   406 					the capabilities proposed by the client.
   407 	@since			7.0
   408  */
   409 	//##ModelId=3C4C49C701C8
   410 	void PrepareClientCapabilities();
   412 /**	Helper to HandleConnectCnf, uses the capability codec to return
   413 					the capabilities negotiated with the proxy.
   414 	@since			7.0
   415 	@leave			System error codes, e.g. KErrNoMemory.
   416  */
   417 	//##ModelId=3C4C49C7015A
   418 	void SetNegotiatedCapabilitiesL();
   420 /** Helper in the extraction of WSP session data from the NWSS WAP
   421 					stack.  Should be used when the data size is known in advance
   422 					and may be passed as a buffer like TPckgBuf<TUint> for example.
   423 	@warning		It will Panic the client if there is more data available than
   424 					the buffer can hold!
   425 	@since			7.0
   426 	@param			aBuffer		(in) The client's pre-allocated buffer
   427 	@param			aType		(in) The type of the session data to be extracted
   428 	@return			A WAP stack error code
   429  */
   430 	//##ModelId=3C4C49C6037F
   431 	TInt GetSessionData(TDes8& aBuffer, RWSPCOConn::TSessionDataType aType);
   433 /** Helper in the extraction of WSP session data from the NWSS WAP
   434 					stack.  This method retrieves all data of a named type,
   435 					allocating a heap descriptor large enough to hold it all.
   436 					Should be used for data of unknown size.
   437 	@since			7.0
   438 	@param			aType		(in) The type of the session data to be extracted
   439 	@return			A heap-allocated 8-bit buffer to contain the session data. This
   440 					buffer is left on the clean-up stack.
   441 	@leave			System error codes, e.g. KErrNoMemory
   442  */
   443 	//##ModelId=3C4C49C6025D
   444 	HBufC8* GetAllSessionDataLC(RWSPCOConn::TSessionDataType aType);
   446 /**	Helper in the extraction of WSP transaction data from the NWSS
   447 					WAP stack.  Should be used when the data size is known in
   448 					advance and may be passed as a buffer like TPckgBuf<TUint> for
   449 					example.
   450 	@warning		It will Panic the client if there is more data available than
   451 					the buffer can hold!
   452 	@since			7.0
   453 	@param			aTransaction(in) The stack transaction handle
   454 	@param			aBuffer		(in) The client's pre-allocated buffer
   455 	@param			aType		(in) The type of the transaction data to be extracted
   456 	@return			A WAP stack error code
   457  */
   458 	//##ModelId=3C4C49C503CE
   459 	TInt GetTransactionData(RWSPCOTrans aTransaction,
   460 							TDes8& aBuffer,
   461 							RWSPCOTrans::TDataType aType);
   463 /** Helper in the extraction of WSP transaction data from the NWSS
   464 					WAP stack.  This method retrieves all data of a named type,
   465 					allocating a heap descriptor large enough to hold it all.
   466 					Should be used for data of unknown size.
   467 	@since			7.0
   468 	@param			aTransaction(in) The stack transaction handle
   469 	@param			aType		(in) The type of the transaction data to be extracted
   470 	@return			A heap-allocated 8-bit buffer to contain the transaction data. This
   471 					buffer is left on the clean-up stack.
   472 	@leave			System error codes, e.g. KErrNoMemory
   473  */
   474 	//##ModelId=3C4C49C5020B
   475 	HBufC8* GetAllTransactionDataLC(RWSPCOTrans aTransaction,
   476 									RWSPCOTrans::TDataType aType);
   478 /** Utility to convert a buffer received as the 'redirect addresses'
   479 					after an S-Disconnect.ind (Redirect) event, into the structure
   480 					used in the adaptation API to represent a redirect address. The
   481 					address is written into the structure iRedirectAddr.
   482 	@since			7.0
   483 	@param			aRedirectedAddresses (in) The raw WSP-encoded address data
   484 	@leave			System error codes, e.g. KErrNoMemory
   485  */
   486 	//##ModelId=3C591A9A0027
   487 	void ExtractRedirectedProxyInfoL(const TDesC8& aRedirectedAddresses);
   489 	//##ModelId=3C9B0952008F
   490 	void DoSendDisconnectInd(Wap::TWspReason			aReason, 
   491 							  TBool						aRedirectSecurity, 
   492 							  TWspRedirectedAddress&	aRedirectAddress, 
   493 							  const TDesC8&				aErrorHeader, 
   494 							  const TDesC8&				aErrorBody);
   496 private: // type definitions
   498 	/** An enumeration of the reasons for aborting a transaction. Not all might
   499 		might have meaning for both CO and CL WSP sessions.  Note that this type
   500 		should be in <wapcli.h> but was omitted there for some reason.
   501 	 */
   502 	enum TAbortReason 
   503 		{
   504 		EUnknown = -1,
   505 		EWapStackTimeout = 8,
   506 		// abort reason code assignments - taken from NWSS source file wps/source/wsp/common/common_dmu,h)
   507 		EProtoErr      =  0xe0,
   508 		EDisconnect    =  0xe1,
   509 		ESuspend       =  0xe2,
   510 		EResume        =  0xe3,
   511 		ECongestion    =  0xe4,
   512 		EConnectErr    =  0xe5,
   513 		EMRUExceeded   =  0xe6,
   514 		EMORExceeded   =  0xe7,
   515 		EPeerReq       =  0xe8,
   516 		ENetErr        =  0xe9,
   517 		EUserReq       =  0xea
   518 		};
   520 private: // attributes
   522 	/** Connection-oriented WAP Stack session
   523 	*/
   524 	//##ModelId=3C4C49C50201
   525 	RWSPCOConn iWspCOSession;
   527 	/** The transaction look-up table
   528 	*/
   529 	//##ModelId=3C4C49C501ED
   530 	CNwssTransLookUpTable* iCOTransTable;
   532 	/** The client's callback for session events
   533 	*/
   534 	//##ModelId=3C4C49C501D9
   535 	MWspCOSessionCallback& iSessionCB;
   537 	/** A hub to receive events from the WAP stack
   538 	*/
   539 	//##ModelId=3C4C49C501C5
   540 	CNwssWspCOEventDispatcher* iEventDispatcher;
   542 	/** A codec for client and server capabilities
   543 	*/
   544 	//##ModelId=3C4C49C501B1
   545 	CCapCodec* iCapabilityCodec;
   547 	/** A scratch buffer used for URLs, which must be converted from 8-bit to Unicode
   548 		when submitting transactions to the WAP stack
   549 	*/
   550 	//##ModelId=3C4D9875006F
   551 	HBufC* iUriBuffer;
   553 	/** A scratch buffer used for retrieving session data
   554 	*/
   555 	//##ModelId=3C4D9865036F
   556 	HBufC8* iSessDataBuffer;
   558 	/** The negotiated Method Maximum Outstanding Requests (MOR) value
   559 	*/
   560 	//##ModelId=3C4D984301D6
   561 	TUint8 iMethodMOR;
   563 	/** The negotiated 'Use Acknowledgement Headers' protocol option
   564 	*/
   565 	//##ModelId=3C4D982503C7
   566 	TBool iUseAckHdrs;
   568 	/** A parsed redirect address
   569 	*/
   570 	//##ModelId=3C591A9903C9
   571 	TWspRedirectedAddress iRedirectAddr;
   573 	/** A flag indicating that S-Connect.req has been sent by the client but has
   574 		yet to be sent to the WAP Stack.
   575 	*/
   576 	//##ModelId=3C9B0952007B
   577 	TBool	iInConnectLimbo;
   579 	/** Object that handles the connect limbo state.
   580 	*/
   581 	//##ModelId=3C9B09520053
   582 	CNwssConnectGuard*	iConnectGuard;
   584 	/** Object used to filter transaction events from the NWSS stack and to ensure
   585 		that T-MethodAbort.ind events are sent for transactions in EDone state.
   586 	*/
   587 	//##ModelId=3C9B0952002B
   588 	CNwssWspTransactionEventFilter* iTransEventFilter;
   590 	/** Object used to filter session events from the NWSS stack to ensure WSP
   591 		spec compliance.		
   592 	*/
   593 	//##ModelId=3C9B0952000D
   594 	CNwssWspSessionEventFilter* iSessionEventFilter;
   596 	/** Object used to get an asynchronous, one-off callback, in order to break the callstack
   597 		from the client when OOM forces us to abort their T-MethodInvoke.req
   598 	*/
   599 	//##ModelId=3C9B095103CD
   600 	CAsyncCallBack* iOOMCallBack;
   602 	/** Structure that holds some info needed by the TCallback method that sends a deferred
   603 		T-MethodAbort.ind in OOM situations experienced during a T-MethodInvoke.req
   604 	*/
   605 	//##ModelId=3C9B095103A5
   606 	TDelayedMethodAbortPckg iAbortPckg;
   608 	/** Structure that holds some info needed by the TCallback method that sends a deferred
   609 		S-Disconnect.ind in OOM situations experienced during a S-Disconnect.req
   610 	*/
   611 	//##ModelId=3C9B09510387
   612 	TDelayedDisconnectPckg iDisconnectPckg;
   613 	};
   616 #endif // __CNWSSWSPCOSESSION_H__