changeset 0 b16258d2340f
equal deleted inserted replaced
-1:000000000000 0:b16258d2340f
     1 // Copyright (c) 2004-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
     2 // All rights reserved.
     3 // This component and the accompanying materials are made available
     4 // under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
     5 // which accompanies this distribution, and is available
     6 // at the URL "".
     7 //
     8 // Initial Contributors:
     9 // Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
    10 //
    11 // Contributors:
    12 //
    13 // Description:
    14 // defines test class: CTextModeTestCookies
    15 // 
    16 //
    18 #include "T_Cookies.h"
    19 #include "examplecookiemanager.h"
    20 #include <http/ccookiefilterinterface.h>
    22 // User include
    23 #include "csrvaddrval.h"
    25 // Literals used in the file
    26 _LIT8(KHttpCookieSet1Url,			"http://WapTestIP/perl/cookies/1/");
    27 _LIT8(KHttpCookieSet2Url,			"http://WapTestIP/perl/cookies/1/");
    28 _LIT8(KHttpCookieSet3Url,			"http://WapTestIP/perl/cookies/1/extra/");
    29 _LIT8(KHttpCookieCheck1Url,			"http://WapTestIP/perl/cookies/1/");
    30 _LIT8(KHttpCookieCheck2Url,			"http://WapTestIP/perl/cookies/1/extra/");
    31 _LIT8(KHttpCookieWrongPathUrl,		"http://WapTestIP/perl/cookies/2/");
    32 _LIT8(KHttpCookieGoodDomainUrl,		"http://WapTestName/perl/cookies/3/");
    33 _LIT8(KHttpCookieBadDomainUrl,		"http://WapTestName/perl/cookies/4/");
    34 _LIT8(KHttpCookieAmendDomainUrl,	"http://WapTestName/perl/cookies/5/");
    35 _LIT8(KHttpCookieNoExpiryUrl,		"http://WapTestName/perl/cookies/6/");
    36 _LIT8(KHttpCookie2Set1Url,			"http://WapTestIP:9000/tryit?req=cook4.txt&resp=cook3.txt");
    37 _LIT8(KHttpCookie2PortSetUrl,		"http://WapTestIP:9000/tryit?req=portok1.txt&resp=portok2.txt");
    38 _LIT8(KHttpCookie2BadPortSetUrl,	"http://WapTestIP:9000/tryit?req=badport1.txt&resp=badport2.txt");
    39 _LIT8(KHttpCookieSetTwiceUrl,		"http://WapTestIP/perl/cookies/10/");
    41 const TInt KErrCookieTestFailed = -7397;
    43 /**
    44 	This function is called to create a new instance of the class 
    45 	CTextModeTestCookies
    47 	@param aTestNumber			The test number that has to be executed
    48 	@param aIniSettingsFile		The script file that holds the sections
    49 								from which the value has to be retrieved
    50 	@leave 						KErrNoMemory if there is no memory to allocate for the object
    51 */
    52 CTextModeTestCookies* CTextModeTestCookies::NewL(TInt aTestNumber, CScriptFile* aIniSettingsFile)
    53 	{
    54 	CTextModeTestCookies* self = new(ELeave)CTextModeTestCookies(aTestNumber, aIniSettingsFile);
    55 	CleanupStack::PushL(self);
    56 	self->ConstructL();
    57 	CleanupStack::Pop(self);
    58 	return self;
    59 	}
    61 /**
    62 	Destructor
    63 */
    64 CTextModeTestCookies::~CTextModeTestCookies()
    65 	{
    66 	delete iCookieManager;
    67 	iTransArray.Close();
    68 	}
    70 /**
    71 	This C++ constructor is called in the NewL function and is used to 
    72 	instantiate iTestNumber and iIniSettingsFile
    74 	@param aTestNumber		- The test number that has to be executed
    75 	@param aIniSettingsFile	- The script file that holds the sections
    76 							  from which the value has to be retrieved
    77 */
    78 CTextModeTestCookies::CTextModeTestCookies(TInt aTestNumber, CScriptFile* aIniSettingsFile) :
    79 	iIniSettingsFile(aIniSettingsFile),
    80 	iTestNumber(aTestNumber)
    81 	{
    82 	// does nothing
    83 	}
    85 /**
    86 	This constructor is called in the NewL function and used by the class to
    87 	construct self.  Currently this has no functionality.  In future this 
    88 	constructor can be used.
    89 */
    90 void CTextModeTestCookies::ConstructL()
    91 	{
    92 	}
    94 /**
    95 	This function is called to initiate the tests.
    96 	It may leave with any of system wide error codes.
    97 */
    98 void CTextModeTestCookies::DoRunL()
    99 	{
   100 	_LIT8(KProtocol, "HTTP/TCP");
   102 	// Open the HTTP session
   104 	if (iTestNumber == 11)
   105 		{
   106 		// Tests fix for defect ..
   107 		// INC036279 - RHTTPSession::OpenL() can cause multiple deletes of 
   108 		// iImplementation.  If the callback to ConfigureSessionFiltersL() 
   109 		// (below) leaves then calls to RHTTPSession::Close() will panic as 
   110 		// iImplementation has already been deleted.
   112 		TRAPD( err, iSession.OpenL(KProtocol(), this));
   113 		if (err)
   114 			{
   115 			iSession.Close();
   116 			User::Leave(err);
   117 			}
   118 		}
   119 	else
   120 		{
   121 		iSession.OpenL(KProtocol(), this);
   122 		}
   124 	CleanupClosePushL(iSession);
   126 	switch(iTestNumber)
   127 		{
   128 		case 1:
   129 			DoCookieTest1L();
   130 			break;
   131 		case 2:
   132 			DoCookieTest2L();
   133 			break;
   134 		case 3:
   135 			DoCookieTest3L();
   136 			break;
   137 		case 4:
   138 			DoCookieTest4L();
   139 			break;
   140 		case 5:
   141 			DoCookieTest5L();
   142 			break;
   143 		case 6:
   144 			DoCookieTest6L();
   145 			break;
   146 		case 7:
   147 			DoCookieTest7L();
   148 			break;
   149 		case 8:
   150 			DoCookieTest8L();
   151 			break;
   152 		case 9:
   153 			DoCookieTest9L();
   154 			break;
   155 		case 10:
   156 			DoCookieTest10L();
   157 			break;
   158 		case 11:
   159 			break;
   160 		case 12:
   161 			DoCookieTest12L();
   162 			break;
   163 		default:
   164 			__DEBUGGER(); // Invalid test number
   165 		}
   167 	// Close anything opened
   168 	delete iCookieManager;
   169 	iCookieManager = NULL;
   170 	CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(&iSession); //close iSession
   172 	// If any transaction failed then fail the test
   173 	User::LeaveIfError(iFailureError);
   174 	}
   176 /**
   177 	If a test is failed then is function is executed to log the error code
   178 	with which the test failed
   180 	@param	aErr	The error code with which the test failed.
   181 */
   182 TInt CTextModeTestCookies::RunError(TInt aErr)
   183 	{
   184 	iEngine->Utils().LogIt(_L("\nTest failed with error code %d\n"), aErr);
   185 	return KErrNone;
   186 	}
   188 void CTextModeTestCookies::DoCancel()
   189 	{
   190 	}
   192 const TDesC& CTextModeTestCookies::TestName()
   193 	{
   194 	_LIT(KHeaderTestName,"CTextModeTestCookies");
   195 	return KHeaderTestName;
   196 	}
   198 TInt CTextModeTestCookies::MHFRunError(TInt aError, RHTTPTransaction aTransaction, const THTTPEvent& /*aEvent*/)
   199 	{
   200 	_LIT(KLogDescription, "\nTest failed with error code %d on transaction ID=%d\n");
   201 	iEngine->Utils().LogIt(KLogDescription, aError, aTransaction.Id());
   202 	iFailureError = aError;
   203 	CActiveScheduler::Stop();
   204 	return KErrNone;
   205 	}
   207 void CTextModeTestCookies::MHFRunL(RHTTPTransaction aTransaction, const THTTPEvent& aEvent)
   208 	{
   209 	switch (aEvent.iStatus)
   210 		{
   211 		case THTTPEvent::EGotResponseHeaders:
   212 			{
   213 			// HTTP response headers have been received
   214 			iEngine->Utils().LogIt(_L("<Got response headers>"));
   215 			if (iTestNumber == 12)
   216 				{
   217 				ValidateResponseL();
   218 				}
   219 			else
   220 				{
   221 				ValidateRequestL();
   222 				}
   223 			} break;
   224 		case THTTPEvent::ESubmit:
   225 			{
   226 			} break;
   227 		case THTTPEvent::EGotResponseBodyData:
   228 			{
   229 			// Some (more) body data has been received (in the HTTP response)
   230 			iEngine->Utils().LogIt(_L("<Got a chunk of data>"));
   231 			ValidateBodyL(aTransaction);
   232 			} break;
   233 		case THTTPEvent::EResponseComplete:
   234 			{
   235 			// The transaction's response is complete
   236 			iEngine->Utils().LogIt(_L("<Transaction Complete>"));
   237 			} break;
   238 		case THTTPEvent::ESucceeded:
   239 			{
   240 			// The transaction succeeded
   241 			iEngine->Utils().LogIt(_L("<Transaction succeeded>"));
   242 			aTransaction.Close();
   243 			if (--iOpenTransactionCount == 0)
   244 				{
   245 				CActiveScheduler::Stop();
   246 				}
   247 			} break;
   248 		case THTTPEvent::EFailed:
   249 			{
   250 			// The transaction failed so fail the test
   251 			iEngine->Utils().LogIt(_L("<Transaction failed>"));
   252 			aTransaction.Close();
   253 			if (--iOpenTransactionCount == 0)
   254 				{
   255 				CActiveScheduler::Stop();
   256 				}
   257 			// If the failure error has already been set, keep it.  Otherwise
   258 			// set it to KErrCookieTestFailed
   259 			if(iFailureError == KErrNone)
   260 				{
   261 				iFailureError = KErrCookieTestFailed;
   262 				}
   263 			} break;
   264 		default:
   265 			{
   266 			_LIT(KLogDescription, "<unrecognised event> %d");
   267 			iEngine->Utils().LogIt(KLogDescription,aEvent.iStatus);
   268 			if (aEvent.iStatus < 0)
   269 				{
   270 				iFailureError = aEvent.iStatus;
   271 				CActiveScheduler::Stop();
   272 				}
   273 			} 
   274 			break;
   275 		}
   276 	}
   278 /**
   279 	This function is called to create a new transaction array.
   280 	It may leave with any of the system wide error codes.
   281 	@param	aUri	The URI for which a Transaction has to be created.
   282 */
   283 void CTextModeTestCookies::CreateTransArrayL(const TDesC8& aUri)
   284 	{
   285 	// Open the transactions for this test
   286 	TBuf8<KMaxUrlBufSize> url;
   287 	RStringF get = iSession.StringPool().StringF(HTTP::EGET, RHTTPSession::GetTable());
   288 	iOpenTransactionCount = 0;
   290 	// create the transaction and submit
   291 	url.Zero();
   292 	url.Format(aUri);
   293 	TUriParser8 urlParser;
   294 	urlParser.Parse(url);
   295 	RHTTPTransaction tr = iSession.OpenTransactionL(urlParser, *this, get);
   296 	CleanupClosePushL(tr);
   297 	User::LeaveIfError(iTransArray.Append(tr));
   298 	CleanupStack::Pop(&tr);
   299 	tr.SubmitL();
   300 	iOpenTransactionCount++;
   301 	}
   303 void CTextModeTestCookies::ConfigureSessionFiltersL(TFilterConfigurationIterator* /*aFilterConfigIter*/)
   304 	{
   305 	if (iTestNumber == 11)
   306 		{
   307 		User::Leave(KErrNone);
   308 		}
   310 	iCookieManager = CExampleCookieManager::NewL(iSession.StringPool());
   312 	CCookieFilterInterface::InstallFilterL(iSession, iCookieManager);
   313 	}
   315 void CTextModeTestCookies::ValidateBodyL(RHTTPTransaction aTransaction)
   316 	{
   317 	RHTTPResponse resp = aTransaction.Response();
   318 	MHTTPDataSupplier* body = resp.Body();
   319 	TPtrC8 data;
   320 	body->GetNextDataPart(data);
   321 	body->ReleaseData();
   322 	}
   324 /**
   325 	This test gets two cookies and checks if the right cookies are sent.
   326 	It may leave with any of the system wide error codes.
   327 */
   328 void CTextModeTestCookies::DoCookieTest1L()
   329 	{
   330 	HBufC8* httpCookieSet1Url = TSrvAddrVal::ReplaceHostNameL(KHttpCookieSet1Url(), iIniSettingsFile);
   331 	CleanupStack::PushL(httpCookieSet1Url);
   333 	HBufC8* httpCookieSet2Url = TSrvAddrVal::ReplaceHostNameL(KHttpCookieSet2Url(), iIniSettingsFile);
   334 	CleanupStack::PushL(httpCookieSet2Url);
   336 	HBufC8* httpCookieCheck1Url = TSrvAddrVal::ReplaceHostNameL(KHttpCookieCheck1Url(), iIniSettingsFile);
   337 	CleanupStack::PushL(httpCookieCheck1Url);
   339 	DoGenericCookieTestL(httpCookieSet1Url, httpCookieSet2Url, httpCookieCheck1Url);
   341 	CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(3, httpCookieSet1Url); // and httpCookieSet2Url, httpCookieCheck1Url
   342 	}
   344 /**
   345 	This test tries to get a cookie by passing the wrong path in the Url.
   346 	It may leave with any of the system wide error codes
   347 */
   348 void CTextModeTestCookies::DoCookieTest2L()
   349 	{
   350 	HBufC8* httpCookieWrongPathUrl = TSrvAddrVal::ReplaceHostNameL(KHttpCookieWrongPathUrl(), iIniSettingsFile);
   351 	CleanupStack::PushL(httpCookieWrongPathUrl);
   353 	DoGenericCookieTestL(httpCookieWrongPathUrl, NULL, NULL);
   355 	CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(httpCookieWrongPathUrl);
   356 	}
   358 /**
   359 	This test gets two cookies by passing a good domain (domain that is 
   360 	existing).
   361 	It may leave with any of the system wide error codes.
   362 */
   363 void CTextModeTestCookies::DoCookieTest3L()
   364 	{
   365 	HBufC8* httpCookieGoodDomainUrl = TSrvAddrVal::ReplaceHostNameL(KHttpCookieGoodDomainUrl(), iIniSettingsFile);
   366 	CleanupStack::PushL(httpCookieGoodDomainUrl);
   368 	DoGenericCookieTestL(httpCookieGoodDomainUrl, httpCookieGoodDomainUrl, NULL);
   370 	CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(httpCookieGoodDomainUrl);
   371 	}
   373 /**
   374 	This test gets a cookie by passing a bad domain (domain that is not
   375 	existing).
   376 	It may leave with any of the system wide error codes.
   377 */
   378 void CTextModeTestCookies::DoCookieTest4L()
   379 	{
   380 	HBufC8* httpCookieBadDomainUrl = TSrvAddrVal::ReplaceHostNameL(KHttpCookieBadDomainUrl(), iIniSettingsFile);
   381 	CleanupStack::PushL(httpCookieBadDomainUrl);
   383 	DoGenericCookieTestL(httpCookieBadDomainUrl, NULL, NULL);
   385 	CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(httpCookieBadDomainUrl);
   386 	}
   388 /**
   389 	This test gets two cookies by passing a domain that has to be amended.
   390 	It may leave with any of the system wide error codes.
   391 */
   392 void CTextModeTestCookies::DoCookieTest5L()
   393 	{
   394 	HBufC8* httpCookieAmendDomainUrl = TSrvAddrVal::ReplaceHostNameL(KHttpCookieAmendDomainUrl(), iIniSettingsFile);
   395 	CleanupStack::PushL(httpCookieAmendDomainUrl);
   397 	DoGenericCookieTestL(httpCookieAmendDomainUrl, httpCookieAmendDomainUrl, NULL);
   399 	CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(httpCookieAmendDomainUrl);
   400 	}
   402 /**
   403 	This test gets a cookie that does not expire.
   404 	It may leave with any of the system wide error codes.
   405 */
   406 void CTextModeTestCookies::DoCookieTest6L()
   407 	{
   408 	HBufC8* httpCookieNoExpiryUrl = TSrvAddrVal::ReplaceHostNameL(KHttpCookieNoExpiryUrl(), iIniSettingsFile);
   409 	CleanupStack::PushL(httpCookieNoExpiryUrl);
   411 	DoGenericCookieTestL(httpCookieNoExpiryUrl, NULL, NULL);
   413 	CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(httpCookieNoExpiryUrl);
   414 	}
   416 /**
   417 	This test gets two cookies and checks if the right cookies are sent.
   418 	It may leave with any of the system wide error codes.
   419 */
   420 void CTextModeTestCookies::DoCookieTest7L()
   421 	{
   422 	HBufC8* httpCookieSet2Url = TSrvAddrVal::ReplaceHostNameL(KHttpCookieSet2Url(), iIniSettingsFile);
   423 	CleanupStack::PushL(httpCookieSet2Url);
   425 	HBufC8* httpCookieSet3Url = TSrvAddrVal::ReplaceHostNameL(KHttpCookieSet3Url(), iIniSettingsFile);
   426 	CleanupStack::PushL(httpCookieSet3Url);
   428 	HBufC8* httpCookieCheck2Url = TSrvAddrVal::ReplaceHostNameL(KHttpCookieCheck2Url(), iIniSettingsFile);
   429 	CleanupStack::PushL(httpCookieCheck2Url);
   431 	DoGenericCookieTestL(httpCookieSet2Url, httpCookieSet3Url, httpCookieCheck2Url);
   433 	CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(3, httpCookieSet2Url); // and httpCookieSet3Url, httpCookieCheck2Url
   434 	}
   436 /**
   437 	This test gets two cookies.
   438 	It may leave with any of the system wide error codes.
   439 */
   440 void CTextModeTestCookies::DoCookieTest8L()
   441 	{
   442 	HBufC8* httpCookie2Set1Url = TSrvAddrVal::ReplaceHostNameL(KHttpCookie2Set1Url(), iIniSettingsFile);
   443 	CleanupStack::PushL(httpCookie2Set1Url);
   445 	DoGenericCookieTestL(httpCookie2Set1Url, httpCookie2Set1Url, NULL);
   447 	CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(httpCookie2Set1Url);
   448 	}
   450 /**
   451 	This test gets a cookie while the domain name is passed with port number
   452 	and checks if the right cookie is sent.
   453 	It may leave with any of the system wide error codes.
   454 */
   455 void CTextModeTestCookies::DoCookieTest9L()
   456 	{
   457 	HBufC8* httpCookie2PortSetUrl = TSrvAddrVal::ReplaceHostNameL(KHttpCookie2PortSetUrl(), iIniSettingsFile);
   458 	CleanupStack::PushL(httpCookie2PortSetUrl);
   460 	DoGenericCookieTestL(httpCookie2PortSetUrl, NULL, httpCookie2PortSetUrl);
   462 	CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(httpCookie2PortSetUrl);
   463 	}
   465 /**
   466 	This test gets a cookie while the domain name is passed with bad port 
   467 	number.
   468 	It may leave with any of the system wide error codes.
   469 */
   470 void CTextModeTestCookies::DoCookieTest10L()
   471 	{
   472 	HBufC8* httpCookie2BadPortSetUrl = TSrvAddrVal::ReplaceHostNameL(KHttpCookie2BadPortSetUrl(), iIniSettingsFile);
   473 	CleanupStack::PushL(httpCookie2BadPortSetUrl);
   475 	DoGenericCookieTestL(httpCookie2BadPortSetUrl, NULL, NULL);
   477 	CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(httpCookie2BadPortSetUrl);
   478 	}
   480 /**
   481 	This test gets a cookie twice.
   482 	It may leave with any of the system wide error codes.
   483 */
   484 void CTextModeTestCookies::DoCookieTest12L()
   485 	{
   486 	HBufC8* httpCookieSetTwiceUrl = TSrvAddrVal::ReplaceHostNameL(KHttpCookieSetTwiceUrl(), iIniSettingsFile);
   487 	CleanupStack::PushL(httpCookieSetTwiceUrl);
   489 	DoGenericCookieTestL(httpCookieSetTwiceUrl, NULL, NULL);
   491 	CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(httpCookieSetTwiceUrl);
   492 	}
   494 /**
   495 	This function is called by all the cookie tests.  This function is called
   496 	3 times as it processes once for each parameter.  i.e., First if executes
   497 	for aCookie1, and comes back to this function and executes for aCookie2 and
   498 	then comes back to execute for aCookie3.
   499 	It may leave with any of the system wide error codes.
   501 	@param	aCookie1	The URI to get a cookie
   502 	@param	aCookie2	The URI to get a cookie
   503 	@param	aCookie3	The URI to check if we sent the correct cookies.
   504 */
   505 void CTextModeTestCookies::DoGenericCookieTestL(const TDesC8* aCookie1, const TDesC8* aCookie2, const TDesC8* aCookie3)
   506 	{
   507 	if(aCookie1)
   508 		{
   509 		// Go to the first URI where we will get a cookie
   510 		CreateTransArrayL(*aCookie1);
   511 		iFailureError = KErrNone;
   512 		CActiveScheduler::Start();
   513 		}
   515 	if(aCookie2)
   516 		{
   517 		// Go to the second URI where we will get a cookie
   518 		CreateTransArrayL(*aCookie2);
   519 		iFailureError = KErrNone;
   520 		CActiveScheduler::Start();
   521 		}
   523 	if(aCookie3)
   524 		{
   525 		// Go to the third URI where we check that we sent the correct cookies
   526 		CreateTransArrayL(*aCookie3);
   527 		iFailureError = KErrNone;
   528 		CActiveScheduler::Start();
   529 		}
   530 	}
   532 /**
   533 	This function is called to validate the request.
   535 	@leave	Leaves with a standard error
   536 */
   537 void CTextModeTestCookies::ValidateRequestL()
   538 	{
   539 	const TInt transCount = iTransArray.Count();
   540 	RHTTPTransaction trans = iTransArray[transCount - 1];
   541 	RHTTPRequest request = trans.Request();
   542 	RHTTPHeaders headers = request.GetHeaderCollection();
   544 	CheckForCookiesL(headers, iTestNumber, transCount);
   545 	}
   547 /**
   548 	This function is called to validate the response.
   549 	It may leave with any of the system wide error codes.
   550 */
   551 void CTextModeTestCookies::ValidateResponseL()
   552 	{
   553 	const TInt transCount = iTransArray.Count();
   554 	RHTTPTransaction trans = iTransArray[transCount - 1];
   555 	RHTTPResponse response = trans.Response();
   556 	RHTTPHeaders headers = response.GetHeaderCollection();
   558 	CheckForSetCookiesL(headers, iTestNumber, transCount);
   559 	}
   560 /**
   561 	This function is called to check for the exisiting cookies.
   563 	@leave KErrNotFound, if the set cookies are not found
   564 */
   566 void CTextModeTestCookies::CheckForSetCookiesL(RHTTPHeaders aHeaders, TInt /*aTestNumber*/, TInt /*aTransNumber*/)
   567 	{
   568 	RStringF cookieHeaderFieldName = iSession.StringPool().StringF(HTTP::ESetCookie, iSession.GetTable());
   570 	const TInt numCookies = aHeaders.FieldPartsL(cookieHeaderFieldName);
   572 	if (numCookies!=2)
   573 		{
   574 		User::Leave(KErrNotFound);
   575 		}
   576 	}
   578 /**
   579 	This function is called to check for the exisiting cookies.
   581 	@leave KErrNotFound, if the cookies being checked for are not found
   582 */
   583 void CTextModeTestCookies::CheckForCookiesL(RHTTPHeaders aHeaders, TInt aTestNumber, TInt aTransNumber)
   584 	{
   585 	RStringF cookieHeaderFieldName = iSession.StringPool().StringF(HTTP::ECookie, iSession.GetTable());
   587 	const TInt numCookies = aHeaders.FieldPartsL(cookieHeaderFieldName);
   589 	RStringF stringToMatch = StringToMatchL(aTestNumber, aTransNumber, 0);
   590 	const TDesC8& matchDes = stringToMatch.DesC();
   591 	CleanupClosePushL(stringToMatch);
   593 	TBool found = EFalse;
   594 	if(stringToMatch != RStringF())
   595 		{
   596 		THTTPHdrVal hdr;
   597 		for(TInt index=0; (index<numCookies) && !found; ++index)
   598 			{
   599 			User::LeaveIfError(aHeaders.GetField(cookieHeaderFieldName, 0, hdr));
   600 			const TDesC8& hdrDes = hdr.StrF().DesC();
   602 			if(hdrDes.Find(matchDes) != KErrNotFound)
   603 				{
   604 				found = ETrue;
   605 				}
   607 			}
   608 		if(!found)
   609 			{
   610 			User::Leave(KErrNotFound);
   611 			}
   612 		}
   614 	CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(&stringToMatch);
   615 	}
   617 /**
   618 	This function is called to get the strings that is to be matched for each test case
   620 	@leave	KErrCookieTestFailed, if the cookie count is more than what is expected.
   621 */
   623 RStringF CTextModeTestCookies::StringToMatchL(TInt aTestNumber, TInt aTransNumber, TInt aCookieCount)
   624 	{
   625 	// To add to this function:
   626 	// Add to the switch statement for the test you are writing and return a 
   627 	// string to search for in the cookie header (a good choice is the name of
   628 	// the cookie you expect to find).  If you do not expect to find a cookie 
   629 	// then make that check here and leave if you want to fail the test 
   630 	// (return RStringF() if you want to pass.
   631 	// 
   633 	_LIT8(KTest1Trans1String, "TEST_PARTA");
   634 	_LIT8(KTest1Trans2String, "TEST_PARTB");
   635 	_LIT8(KTest3String, "TEST3");
   636 	_LIT8(KTest5String, "TEST5");
   637 	_LIT8(KTest6String, "TEST6");
   638 	_LIT8(KTest7Trans1String, "TEST_PARTB");
   639 	_LIT8(KTest7Trans2String, "TEST_PARTC");
   640 	_LIT8(KTest8String, "feroz");
   641 	_LIT8(KTest9String, "scooby");
   642 	_LIT8(KTest10String, "FOX");
   643 	_LIT8(KTest11String, "BADGER");
   645 	RStringF returnString;
   647 	switch(aTestNumber)
   648 		{
   649 		case 1:
   650 			if(aTransNumber == 2)
   651 				{
   652 				returnString = iSession.StringPool().OpenFStringL(KTest1Trans1String());
   653 				}
   654 			else if(aTransNumber == 3)
   655 				{
   656 				returnString = iSession.StringPool().OpenFStringL(KTest1Trans2String());
   657 				}
   658 			break;
   659 		case 2:
   660 			if(iCookieManager->CookieCount() != 0)
   661 				{
   662 				iFailureError = KErrCookieTestFailed;
   663 				User::Leave(KErrCookieTestFailed);
   664 				}
   665 			break;
   666 		case 3:
   667 			if(aTransNumber == 2)
   668 				{
   669 				returnString = iSession.StringPool().OpenFStringL(KTest3String());
   670 				}
   671 			break;
   672 		case 4:
   673 			if(iCookieManager->CookieCount() != 0)
   674 				{
   675 				iFailureError = KErrCookieTestFailed;
   676 				User::Leave(KErrCookieTestFailed);
   677 				}
   678 			break;
   679 		case 5:
   680 			if(aTransNumber == 2)
   681 				{
   682 				returnString = iSession.StringPool().OpenFStringL(KTest5String());
   683 				}
   684 			break;
   685 		case 6:
   686 			if(aTransNumber == 2)
   687 				{
   688 				returnString = iSession.StringPool().OpenFStringL(KTest6String());
   689 				}
   690 			break;
   691 		case 7:
   692 			if(aTransNumber == 2)
   693 				{
   694 				returnString = iSession.StringPool().OpenFStringL(KTest7Trans1String());
   695 				}
   696 			else if(aTransNumber == 3)
   697 				{
   698 				returnString = iSession.StringPool().OpenFStringL(KTest7Trans2String());
   699 				}
   700 			break;
   701 		case 8:
   702 			if(aTransNumber == 2)
   703 				{
   704 				returnString = iSession.StringPool().OpenFStringL(KTest8String());
   705 				}
   706 			break;
   707 		case 9:
   708 			if(aTransNumber == 3)
   709 				{
   710 				returnString = iSession.StringPool().OpenFStringL(KTest9String());
   711 				}
   712 			break;
   713 		case 10:
   714 			if(iCookieManager->CookieCount() != 0)
   715 				{
   716 				iFailureError = KErrCookieTestFailed;
   717 				User::Leave(KErrCookieTestFailed);
   718 				}
   719 			break;
   720 		case 11:
   721 			break;
   722 		case 12:
   723 			if (aCookieCount == 0)
   724 				{
   725 				returnString = iSession.StringPool().OpenFStringL(KTest10String());
   726 				}
   727 			else
   728 				{
   729 				returnString = iSession.StringPool().OpenFStringL(KTest11String());
   730 				}
   731 			break;
   732 		default:
   733 			break;
   734 		}
   736 	return returnString;
   737 	}