changeset 0 b16258d2340f
equal deleted inserted replaced
-1:000000000000 0:b16258d2340f
     1 // Copyright (c) 2003-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
     2 // All rights reserved.
     3 // This component and the accompanying materials are made available
     4 // under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
     5 // which accompanies this distribution, and is available
     6 // at the URL "".
     7 //
     8 // Initial Contributors:
     9 // Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
    10 //
    11 // Contributors:
    12 //
    13 // Description:
    14 // Symbian Telnet Control class definition
    15 // 
    16 //
    18 /**
    19  @file 
    20 */
    22 #include "TELRESOL.H"
    23 #include "IOBUFFER.H"
    24 #include "TELCTRL.H"
    25 #include "ACTIVEIO.H"
    26 #include "TELDEBUG.H"
    27 #include "TELFSM.H"
    29 CTelnetControl::CTelnetControl()
    30 /**
    31 Constructor
    32 */
    33 	{
    34 	}
    36 CTelnetControl::~CTelnetControl()
    37 /**
    38 Destructor
    39 */
    40 	{
    41 	__FLOG_STATIC(KTelnetLoggingCompnt(),KTelnetLoggingTag(),_L("CTelnetControl::D'Tor"));
    43 	// Active Object
    44 	// It's Destructor :-
    45 	//   Close() resolver
    46 	//   Close() socket
    47 	//   Close() socket server
    48 	//   Cancel's()
    49 	delete iTelnetResolver;
    51 	// Active Objects
    52 	// All Socket stuff is already closed therefore :-
    53 	//   Their Destructors
    54 	//   Cancel() only
    55 	// 
    56 	delete iPortReader;
    57 	delete iPortWriter;
    59 	// Not active and no new'd resource
    60 	delete iPortIOControl;
    62 	// Not Active
    63 	// deletes all the RFC objects it new'd
    64 	delete iProto;
    66 	}
    68 CTelnetControl* CTelnetControl::NewL(const TTelnetConfig& aConfig,MTelnetNotification* aTelnetNotification)
    69 	{
    70 	CTelnetControl* self = new(ELeave) CTelnetControl;
    71 	CleanupStack::PushL(self);
    72 	self->ConstructL(aConfig,aTelnetNotification);
    73 	CleanupStack::Pop();
    74 	return self;
    75 	}
    77 void CTelnetControl::ConstructL(const TTelnetConfig& aConfig,MTelnetNotification* aTelnetNotification)
    78 	{
    79 	iTelnetNotification = aTelnetNotification;
    81 	iPortReadBuffer.SetLength(0);
    82 	iClientReadBuffer.SetLength(0);
    83 	iClientWriteOutstanding = FALSE;
    84 	// Create support objects
    86 	// Create the socket handler, pass in MTelnetResolver
    87 	iTelnetResolver = CTelnetResolver::NewL(this);
    89 	// Create the port i/o cooperating objects
    90 	// IO control talks to us so pass in our MIONotification
    91 	iPortIOControl = CIOBufferControl::NewL(this);
    92 	// Port reader and write Active objects talk to PortIOControl so pass in it's MIONotification
    93 	iPortWriter = CActiveWriter::NewL(iPortIOControl);
    94 	iPortReader = CActiveReader::NewL(iPortIOControl);
    96 	// Create the Telnet Protocol handler
    97 	iProto = CProto::NewL(aConfig,this);
    98 	}
   100 // Two overloaded connect methods 
   102 TInt CTelnetControl::Connect(const TDesC& aServerName, TUint aPort)
   103 // Use host name resolver
   104 	{
   105 	if (iTelnetResolver->State() != CTelnetResolver::EDisconnected)
   106 		return KErrInUse;
   107 	Reset();
   108 	TInt err;
   109 	err = iTelnetResolver->IssueConnect(aServerName, aPort);
   110 	return err;
   111 	}
   113 TInt CTelnetControl::Connect(const TInetAddr& aInetAddr, TUint aPort)
   114 // Straight IP address
   115 	{
   116 	if (iTelnetResolver->State() != CTelnetResolver::EDisconnected)
   117 		return KErrInUse;
   118 	Reset();
   119 	TInt err;
   120 	err = iTelnetResolver->IssueConnect(aInetAddr, aPort);
   121 	return err;
   122 	}
   124 void CTelnetControl::ResolverConnectedL()
   125 	{
   126 	__FLOG_STATIC(KTelnetLoggingCompnt(),KTelnetLoggingTag(),_L("CTelnetControl::ResolverConnected()"));
   128 	// Resolver has called us back to say we're connected
   129 	// Give the read and write active objects a pointer to the socket
   130 	iPortWriter->SetSocket(iTelnetResolver->Socket());
   131 	iPortReader->SetSocket(iTelnetResolver->Socket());
   132 	iPortIOControl->SetWriter(iPortWriter);
   133 	iPortIOControl->SetReader(iPortReader);
   135 	TBuf8<128> tempBuffer;
   136 	// Call into CProto to see if we need to issue any Telnet Protocol requests following connection
   137 	iProto->GetInitOptions(tempBuffer);
   138 	if(tempBuffer.Length())
   139 		{
   140 		// Allocate a heap buffer of the correct size, copy data into it and send it to buffer
   141 		// Control class.
   142 		// Ownership of the heap buffer is passed to Buffer Control
   143 		HBufC8* actionBuffer = HBufC8::New(tempBuffer.Length());
   144 		if(actionBuffer==NULL)
   145 			{
   146 			iTelnetNotification->Error(KErrNoMemory);
   147 			User::Leave(KErrNoMemory);
   148 			}
   149 		TPtr8 ptr = actionBuffer->Des();
   150 		ptr = tempBuffer;
   151 		if(iPortIOControl->Write(actionBuffer) != KErrNone)
   152 			delete actionBuffer;
   153 		}
   155 	// Notify the client that we've connected
   156 	// Client should issue first read from here
   157 	iTelnetNotification->Connected();
   158 	}
   160 void CTelnetControl::ResolverDisconnected()
   161 /**
   162 Socket handler has notified us that the TCP connection is closed
   163 */
   164 	{
   165 	__FLOG_STATIC(KTelnetLoggingCompnt(),KTelnetLoggingTag(),_L("CTelnetControl::ResolverDisconnected()"));
   167 	// M interface call to the client app
   168 	iTelnetNotification->ConnectionClosed();
   170 	}
   172 TInt CTelnetControl::Disconnect()
   173 /**
   174 Client app request to close the connection
   175 */
   176 	{
   177 	__FLOG_STATIC(KTelnetLoggingCompnt(),KTelnetLoggingTag(),_L("CTelnetControl::Disconnect()"));
   178 	// Let the socket handler do this
   179 	return(iTelnetResolver->IssueDisconnect());
   180 	}
   182 TInt CTelnetControl::Read()
   183 /**
   184 Client app has issued a read
   185 */
   186 	{
   187 	if (iTelnetResolver->State() == CTelnetResolver::EDisconnected)
   188 		return KErrDisconnected;
   190 	iPortReadBuffer.SetLength(0);
   191 	return(iPortIOControl->Read(iPortReadBuffer));
   192 	}
   195 // Two overloaded write methods
   197 TInt CTelnetControl::Write(TTelnetUserControl& aControlCode)
   198 /**
   199 Sends one of the Telnet control codes defined in Telsess.h
   200 Certain of these characters require data to be sent as urgent
   201 */
   202 	{
   203 	TInt err = KErrNone;
   205 	if (iTelnetResolver->State() != CTelnetResolver::EConnected)
   206 		return KErrDisconnected;
   209 	TBuf8<20> tempBuffer;
   210 	TBuf8<20> tempUrgentBuffer;
   211 	// Pass an ordinary buffer and a buffer for urgent data
   212 	if((err = iProto->ProtoWrite(aControlCode,tempBuffer,tempUrgentBuffer)) == KErrNone)
   213 		{
   214 		if(tempUrgentBuffer.Length())
   215 			// Urgent data to send
   216 			// Get a HBuf and copy
   217 			{
   218 			// Allocate a heap buffer of the correct size, copy data into it and send it to buffer
   219 			// Control class.
   220 			// Ownership of the heap buffer is passed to Buffer Control
   221 			HBufC8* urgentBuffer = HBufC8::New(tempUrgentBuffer.Length());
   222 			if(urgentBuffer==NULL)
   223 				return KErrNoMemory;
   224 			TPtr8 urgentPtr = urgentBuffer->Des();
   225 			urgentPtr = tempUrgentBuffer;
   226 			if((err = iPortIOControl->WriteUrgent(urgentBuffer)) != KErrNone)
   227 				delete urgentBuffer;
   228 			}
   229 		if(err == KErrNone && tempBuffer.Length())
   230 			{
   231 			// Allocate a heap buffer of the correct size, copy data into it and send it to buffer
   232 			// Control class.
   233 			// Ownership of the heap buffer is passed to Buffer Control
   234 			HBufC8* buffer = HBufC8::New(tempBuffer.Length());
   235 			if(buffer==NULL)
   236 				return KErrNoMemory;
   237 			TPtr8 ptr = buffer->Des();
   238 			ptr = tempBuffer;
   239 			if((err= iPortIOControl->Write(buffer)) != KErrNone)
   240 				delete buffer;
   241 			else
   242 				iClientWriteOutstanding = TRUE;
   243 			}
   244 		}
   245 	return(err);
   246 	}
   248 TInt CTelnetControl::Write(const TDesC8& aBuffer)
   249 /**
   250 Ordinary Client application write
   251 We allocate a heap buffer of adequate size then pass it to I/O Buffer control
   252 Ownership is also transferred
   253 */
   254 	{
   256 	if(iTelnetResolver->State() != CTelnetResolver::EConnected)
   257 		return(KErrDisconnected);
   258 	if(iClientWriteOutstanding)
   259 		return KErrInUse;
   261 	TInt err=KErrNone;
   263 	// Create room for escapes + possible protocol appends
   264 	HBufC8* buffer = HBufC8::New((aBuffer.Length() * 2) + 128);
   265 	if(buffer==NULL)
   266 		return KErrNoMemory;
   267 	TPtr8 ptr = buffer->Des();
   269 	// Proto method performs escapes etc
   270 	err = iProto->ProtoWrite(aBuffer,ptr);
   272 	if(err != KErrNone || !ptr.Length())
   273 		{
   274 		delete buffer;
   275 		return err;
   276 		}
   277 	// Send the data to the server
   278 	if((err = iPortIOControl->Write(buffer)) != KErrNone)
   279 		delete buffer;
   280 	else
   281 		iClientWriteOutstanding = TRUE;
   282 	return err;
   283 	}
   285 TInt CTelnetControl::SetConfig(const TTelnetConfig& aConfig)
   286 /**
   287 Client call to modify Telnet Configuration
   288 In connected state we pass a buffer, because CProto may decide to negotiate an option
   289 */
   290 	{
   291 	TInt err = KErrNone;
   292 	if (iTelnetResolver->State() == CTelnetResolver::EConnected)
   293 		{
   294 		TBuf8<128> tempBuffer;
   295 		iProto->ModifyConfig(aConfig,&tempBuffer);
   296 		if(tempBuffer.Length())
   297 			{
   298 			// Allocate a heap buffer of the correct size, copy data into it and send it to buffer
   299 			// Control class.
   300 			// Ownership of the heap buffer is passed to Buffer Control
   301 			HBufC8* actionBuffer = HBufC8::New(tempBuffer.Length());
   302 			if(actionBuffer==NULL)
   303 				return KErrNoMemory;
   304 			TPtr8 ptr = actionBuffer->Des();
   305 			ptr = tempBuffer;
   306 			if((err = iPortIOControl->Write(actionBuffer)) != KErrNone)
   307 				delete actionBuffer;
   308 			}
   309 		}
   310 	else
   311 		// Config change with connection down
   312 		iProto->ModifyConfig(aConfig,NULL);
   313 	return err;
   314 	}
   317 TInt CTelnetControl::OptionStatus(TOptionStatus& aStatus)
   318 /**
   319 Client call to read the Telnet RFC options state
   320 */
   321 	{
   322 	if (iTelnetResolver->State() != CTelnetResolver::EConnected)
   323 		return KErrDisconnected;
   324 	TInt err = KErrNone;
   325 	// Synchronous call into the CProto object
   326 	iProto->OptionStatus(aStatus);
   327 	// If RFC 859 is enabled for the Server, we can retrieve the server's perceived state of the options
   329 	TBuf8<128> tempBuffer;
   330 	iProto->ServerOptionStatus(tempBuffer);
   331 	if(tempBuffer.Length())
   332 		{
   333 		// Allocate a heap buffer of the correct size, copy data into it and send it to buffer
   334 		// Control class.
   335 		// Ownership of the heap buffer is passed to Buffer Control
   336 		HBufC8* actionBuffer = HBufC8::New(tempBuffer.Length());
   337 		if(actionBuffer==NULL)
   338 			return KErrNoMemory;
   339 		TPtr8 ptr = actionBuffer->Des();
   340 		ptr = tempBuffer;
   341 		// Tell server to send it's perceived state of the RFC options
   342 		// Currently we do nothing with them when the server returns them
   343 		if((err = iPortIOControl->Write(actionBuffer)) != KErrNone)
   344 			delete actionBuffer;
   345 		}
   346 	return err;
   347 	}
   349 TInt CTelnetControl::SetOption(const TInt aOption)
   350 /**
   351 Client trying to enable an RFC option 
   352 */
   353 	{
   354 	if (iTelnetResolver->State() != CTelnetResolver::EConnected)
   355 		return KErrDisconnected;
   356 	TInt err = KErrNone;
   358 	TBuf8<128> tempBuffer;
   359 	TInt32 event;
   360 	// Call straight into CProto
   361 	iProto->ClientRequestOption(aOption,tempBuffer,event);
   362 	if(tempBuffer.Length())
   363 		{
   364 		// Allocate a heap buffer of the correct size, copy data into it and send it to buffer
   365 		// Control class.
   366 		// Ownership of the heap buffer is passed to Buffer Control
   367 		HBufC8* actionBuffer = HBufC8::New(tempBuffer.Length());
   368 		if(actionBuffer==NULL)
   369 			return KErrNoMemory;
   370 		TPtr8 ptr = actionBuffer->Des();
   371 		ptr = tempBuffer;
   372 		// Resultant write to the server
   373 		if((err = iPortIOControl->Write(actionBuffer)) != KErrNone)
   374 			delete actionBuffer;
   375 		}
   376 	return(err);
   377 	}
   379 void CTelnetControl::Reset()
   380 /**
   381 Called before connection attempts
   382 Clears states and zeros buffers
   383 Calls subordinate objects to reset
   384 */
   385 	{
   386 	iPortReadBuffer.SetLength(0);
   387 	iClientReadBuffer.SetLength(0);
   388 	iClientWriteOutstanding = FALSE;
   390 	iPortIOControl->Reset();
   391 	iProto->Reset();
   392 	}
   396 //
   397 // M Interface callbacks from CIOBufferControl
   399 void CTelnetControl::WriteComplete()
   400 /**
   401 Propogates the completion to the client if it has a write outstanding
   402 */
   403 	{
   404 	if(iClientWriteOutstanding)
   405 		{
   406 		iClientWriteOutstanding = FALSE;
   407 		iTelnetNotification->WriteComplete();
   408 		}
   409 	}
   411 void CTelnetControl::Event(TInt aEvent,TInt aEventCode)
   412 /**
   413 Urgent data event is the only one we're intersted in
   414 aEventCode will be the byte that the TCP urgent pointed to
   415 */
   416 	{
   417 	if(aEvent == CProto::EEventUrgentData)
   418 		{
   419 		iProto->ReceiveUrgent(aEventCode);
   420 		}
   421 	}
   424 void CTelnetControl::ReadCompleteL()
   425 	{
   426 	iClientReadBuffer.SetLength(0);
   427 	// Call into the protocol object
   428 	// ClientReadBuffer will have it's length set if there is client data
   429 	TBuf8<256> tempBuffer;
   430 	// Call the protocol object which will
   431 	iProto->ProtoRead(iPortReadBuffer,iClientReadBuffer,tempBuffer);
   433 	if(tempBuffer.Length())
   434 		{
   435 		// Allocate a heap buffer of the correct size, copy data into it and send it to buffer
   436 		// Control class.
   437 		// Ownership of the heap buffer is passed to Buffer Control
   438 		HBufC8* actionBuffer = HBufC8::New(tempBuffer.Length());
   439 		if(actionBuffer==NULL)
   440 			{
   441 			iTelnetNotification->Error(KErrNoMemory);
   442 			User::Leave(KErrNoMemory);
   443 			}
   444 		TPtr8 ptr = actionBuffer->Des();
   445 		// Copy the protocol data from stack copy
   446 		ptr = tempBuffer;
   447 		if(iPortIOControl->Write(actionBuffer) != KErrNone)
   448 			delete actionBuffer;
   449 		}
   450 	if(iClientReadBuffer.Length())
   451 		{
   452 		iTelnetNotification->ReadComplete(iClientReadBuffer);
   453 		}
   454 	else
   455 		{
   456 		// Re-request a read if there was no data for the client
   457 		iPortReadBuffer.SetLength(0);
   458 		iPortIOControl->Read(iPortReadBuffer);
   459 		}
   460 	}
   463 void CTelnetControl::ReadComplete(TInt aError)
   464 /**
   465 Will be a Read Error on the socket
   466 We could pass the reason up to the client but is it worth it ?
   467 the majority of the time it will be an ordinary disconnect.
   468 Log the error and start close of the socket
   469 */
   470 	{
   471 	aError = aError;
   472 	__FLOG_STATIC1(KTelnetLoggingCompnt(),KTelnetLoggingTag(),_L("CTelnetControl::ReadComplete() Disconnect Reason = %d"),aError);
   473 	iTelnetResolver->HandleEof();
   474 	}
   476 void CTelnetControl::WriteError(TInt aError)
   477 /**
   478 Will be a Write error on the socket
   479 */
   480 	{
   481 	iTelnetNotification->Error(aError);
   482 	}
   484 void CTelnetControl::ResolverError(TInt aError)
   485 /**
   486 Client not interested at the moment so ignore
   487 */
   488 	{
   489 	iTelnetNotification->Error(aError);
   490 	}
   492 void CTelnetControl::ProtoError(TInt aError)
   493 /**
   494 Error from a RFC Option request
   495 */
   496 	{
   497 	iTelnetNotification->Error(aError);
   498 	}
   500 void CTelnetControl::ProtoEvent()
   501 /**
   502 RFC Option state has changed to Enabled/Disabled
   503 Tell the Client
   504 */
   505 	{
   506 	iTelnetNotification->OptionsChanged();	
   507 	}