changeset 0 b16258d2340f
equal deleted inserted replaced
-1:000000000000 0:b16258d2340f
     1 // Copyright (c) 1998-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
     2 // All rights reserved.
     3 // This component and the accompanying materials are made available
     4 // under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
     5 // which accompanies this distribution, and is available
     6 // at the URL "".
     7 //
     8 // Initial Contributors:
     9 // Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
    10 //
    11 // Contributors:
    12 //
    13 // Description:
    14 //
    16 #include "TUIEDIT.H"
    18 CLineEdit::CLineEdit()
    19 //
    20 // Constructor
    21 //
    22 	{
    24 //	iHistory=NULL;
    25 //	iConsole=NULL;
    26 //	iMaxHistory=0;
    27 //	iWidth=0;
    28 //	iHeight=0;
    29 //	iPos=0;
    30 //	iOrigin=0;
    31 //	iLine=0;
    32 //	iRecall=0;
    33 //	iBuf=NULL;
    34 //	iPrompt=_L("");
    35 	__DECLARE_NAME(_S("CLineEdit"));
    36 	}
    39 CLineEdit::~CLineEdit()
    40 //
    41 // Destroy the line editor
    42 //
    43 	{
    45 	TInt count=iHistory->Count();
    46 	while (count--)
    47 		User::Free((*iHistory)[count]);
    48 	delete iHistory;
    49 	}
    51 EXPORT_C CLineEdit* CLineEdit::NewL(CConsoleBase* aConsole,TInt aMaxHistory)
    52 //
    53 // Create a new line editor
    54 //
    55 	{
    57 	CLineEdit* pE=new(ELeave) CLineEdit;
    58 	pE->iHistory=new(ELeave) CArrayFixFlat<HBufC*>(aMaxHistory+2);
    59 	pE->iConsole=aConsole;
    60 	pE->iMaxHistory=aMaxHistory;
    61 	pE->iWidth=pE->iConsole->ScreenSize().iWidth;
    62 	pE->iHeight=pE->iConsole->ScreenSize().iHeight;
    63 	return(pE);
    64 	}
    66 TInt CLineEdit::Lines()
    67 //
    68 // The number of lines being edited.
    69 //
    70     {
    72     TInt nL=1;
    73     if (Buf().Length()>=iWidth-2-iOrigin)
    74 		nL+=(Buf().Length()+iOrigin)/(iWidth-2);
    75     return(nL);
    76     }
    78 TPoint CLineEdit::Where()
    79 //
    80 // Return the real cursor position.
    81 //
    82     {
    84     if (iPos>=(iWidth-2-iOrigin))
    85 		return(TPoint((iPos+iOrigin)%(iWidth-2),((iPos+iOrigin)/(iWidth-2))+iLine));
    86 	return(TPoint(iPos+iOrigin,iLine));
    87     }
    89 void CLineEdit::ClearLine()
    90 //
    91 // Clears the line being edited.
    92 //
    93     {
    95     if (Buf().Length())
    96 		{
    97 		TInt nL=Lines();
    98 		while (nL--)
    99 	    	{
   100 	    	iConsole->SetPos(nL ? 0 : iOrigin,iLine+nL);
   101 	    	iConsole->ClearToEndOfLine();
   102 	    	}
   103 		Buf().Zero();
   104 		iPos=0;
   105 		}
   106     }
   108 void CLineEdit::ClearLast(TInt aCnt)
   109 //
   110 // Clears the last aCnt characters.
   111 //
   112     {
   114     TInt aPos=iPos;
   115     iPos=((TInt)Buf().Length())-aCnt;
   116     while (iPos<((TInt)Buf().Length()))
   117 		{
   118 		TPoint p=Where();
   119 		iConsole->SetCursorPosAbs(p);
   120 		iConsole->ClearToEndOfLine();
   121 		iPos+=(iWidth-p.iX);
   122 		}
   123     iPos=aPos;
   124     }
   126 void CLineEdit::Recall()
   127 //
   128 // Recall a line for editing.
   129 //
   130     {
   132 	if (iRecall!=(-1))
   133 		{
   134 		ClearLine();
   135 		HBufC* pL=(*iHistory)[iRecall];
   136 		Buf()=(*pL);
   137 		iConsole->Write(Buf());
   138 		iPos=Buf().Length();
   139 		TInt nL=Lines();
   140 		if ((iLine+nL)>(iHeight-2))
   141 	    	iLine=iHeight-2-nL;
   142 		Buf()=(*pL);
   143 		}
   144     }
   146 TInt CLineEdit::WordLeft()
   147 //
   148 // Position the cursor to the next word left.
   149 //
   150     {
   152     TInt x=iPos-1;
   153     while (x && TChar(Buf()[x]).IsSpace())
   154 		x--;
   155     while (x && TChar(Buf()[x]).IsGraph())
   156 		x--;
   157     if (TChar(Buf()[x]).IsSpace())
   158 		x++;
   159     return(x);
   160     }
   162 TInt CLineEdit::WordRight()
   163 //
   164 // Position the cursor to the next word right.
   165 //
   166     {
   168     TInt x=iPos;
   169     while (x<(TInt)Buf().Length() && TChar(Buf()[x]).IsGraph())
   170 		x++;
   171     while (x<(TInt)Buf().Length() && TChar(Buf()[x]).IsSpace())
   172 		x++;
   173     return(x);
   174     }
   176 void CLineEdit::Cursor()
   177 //
   178 // Position the cursor.
   179 //
   180     {
   182     iConsole->SetCursorPosAbs(Where());
   183     }
   185 void CLineEdit::Refresh()
   186 //
   187 // Refresh the line.
   188 //
   189     {
   191 	iConsole->SetCursorHeight(ECursorNone);
   192     iConsole->SetPos(iOrigin,iLine);
   193     iConsole->Write(Buf());
   194 	Cursor();
   195 	iConsole->SetCursorHeight(iMode==EEditOverWrite ? ECursorNormal : ECursorInsert);
   196     }
   198 EXPORT_C void CLineEdit::Edit(const TDesC& aPrompt,TDes* aBuf)
   199 //
   200 // Start the editor or a single key fetch.
   201 //
   202     {
   204 	iBuf=aBuf;
   205     iPos=0;
   206 	Buf().Zero();
   207 	iMode=EEditOverWrite;
   208 	iConsole->SetCursorHeight(iMode==EEditOverWrite ? ECursorNormal : ECursorInsert);
   209     iConsole->Write(aPrompt);
   210 	iOrigin=iConsole->WhereX();
   211 	iLine=iConsole->WhereY();
   212 	iRecall=(-1);
   213     TInt hCount=iHistory->Count();
   214     if (hCount>iMaxHistory)
   215 		hCount=iMaxHistory;
   216 	FOREVER
   217 		{
   218 		TChar gChar=iConsole->Getch();
   219 		switch (gChar)
   220 	    	{
   221 		case EKeyEscape:
   222 	    	ClearLine();
   223 			iRecall=(-1);
   224 	    	break;
   225 		case EKeyHome:
   226 	    	iPos=0;
   227 	    	Cursor();
   228 	    	break;
   229 		case EKeyLeftArrow:
   230 	    	if (iPos)
   231                 {
   232                 if(iConsole->KeyModifiers()==EModifierCtrl)
   233                     iPos=WordLeft();
   234                 else
   235     				iPos--;
   236                 Cursor();
   237                 }
   238 	    	break;
   239 		case EKeyRightArrow:
   240 	    	if (iPos<((TInt)Buf().Length()))
   241                 {
   242                 if(iConsole->KeyModifiers()==EModifierCtrl)
   243                     iPos=WordRight();
   244                 else
   245     				iPos++;
   246                 Cursor();
   247                 }
   248 	    	break;
   249 		case EKeyEnd:
   250 	    	iPos=((TInt)Buf().Length());
   251 	    	Cursor();
   252 	    	break;
   253 		case EKeyPageUp:
   254 	    	if (hCount==0)
   255 				break;
   256 	    	iRecall=hCount-1;
   257 	    	Recall();
   258 	    	break;
   259 		case EKeyUpArrow:
   260 	    	if (iRecall==(-1))
   261 				{
   262 				if (hCount==0)
   263 		    		break;
   264 				iRecall=0;
   265 				}
   266 	    	else if (iRecall>=(hCount-1))
   267 				{
   268 				ClearLine();
   269 				iRecall=(-1);
   270 				break;
   271 				}
   272 	    	else
   273 				iRecall++;
   274 	    	Recall();
   275 	    	break;
   276 		case EKeyDownArrow:
   277 	    	if (iRecall==(-1))
   278 				{
   279 				if (hCount==0)
   280 		    		break;
   281 				iRecall=hCount-1;
   282 				}
   283 	    	else if (iRecall==0)
   284 				{
   285 				ClearLine();
   286 				iRecall=(-1);
   287 				break;
   288 				}
   289 	    	else
   290 				iRecall--;
   291 	    	Recall();
   292 	    	break;
   293 		case EKeyPageDown:
   294 	    	if (hCount==0)
   295 				break;
   296 	    	iRecall=0;
   297 	    	Recall();
   298 	    	break;
   299 		case EKeyEnter:
   300 	    	iConsole->SetCursorHeight(ECursorNone);
   301 	    	iConsole->SetPos(0,iLine+Lines()-1); // CR on the last line
   302 	    	iConsole->Write(_L("\n")); // Just a line feed
   303 //			iConsole->SetCursorHeight(iDefaultMode==EEditOverWrite ? ECursorNormal : ECursorInsert);
   304 	    	iRecall=(-1);
   305 	    	if (Buf().Length()>2)
   306 				{
   307 				if (iHistory->Count()==iMaxHistory+1)
   308 					{
   309 					User::Free((*iHistory)[iMaxHistory]);
   310 		    		iHistory->Delete(iMaxHistory);
   311 					}
   312 				HBufC* pB=Buf().Alloc();
   313 				if (pB!=NULL)
   314 					{TRAPD(r,iHistory->InsertL(0,pB));}
   315 				}
   316 	    	return;
   317 		case EKeyBackspace:
   318 	    	if (iPos)
   319 				{
   320 				TInt iN=1;
   321 				if (iConsole->KeyModifiers()==EModifierCtrl)
   322 		    		iN=iPos-WordLeft();
   323 				ClearLast(iN);
   324 				iPos-=iN;
   325 				Buf().Delete(iPos,iN);
   326 				Refresh();
   327 				}
   328 	    	break;
   329 		case EKeyDelete:
   330 	    	if (iPos<((TInt)Buf().Length()))
   331 				{
   332 				TInt iN=1;
   333 				if (iConsole->KeyModifiers()==EModifierCtrl)
   334 		    		iN=WordRight()-iPos;
   335 				ClearLast(iN);
   336 				Buf().Delete(iPos,iN);
   337 				Refresh();
   338 				}
   339 	    	break;
   340 		case EKeyInsert:
   341 	    	iMode=(iMode==EEditOverWrite ? EEditInsert : EEditOverWrite);
   342 			iConsole->SetCursorHeight(iMode==EEditOverWrite ? ECursorNormal : ECursorInsert);
   343 	    	break;
   344 		default:
   345    	    	if (!gChar.IsPrint())
   346 				break;
   347 	    	if (iMode==EEditOverWrite && iPos<((TInt)Buf().Length()))
   348 				Buf()[iPos++]=(TText)gChar;
   349 	    	else if (Buf().Length()<0x100)
   350 				{
   351 				TInt oL=Lines();
   352 				TBuf<0x02> b;
   353 				b.Append(gChar);
   354 				Buf().Insert(iPos++,b);
   355 				TInt nL=Lines();
   356 				if (nL!=oL)
   357 		    		{
   358 		    		iConsole->SetCursorHeight(ECursorNone);
   359 		    		iConsole->SetPos(0,iLine+oL-1);
   360 		    		iConsole->Write(_L("\n"));
   361 		    		iConsole->SetPos(0,iLine);
   362 		    		if (iLine+nL>iHeight-2)
   363 						iLine=iHeight-2-nL;
   364 		    		}
   365 				}
   366 			else
   367 				{
   368 				iConsole->Write(_L("\7"));
   369 				iConsole->SetPos((iOrigin+iPos)%(iWidth-2),iLine+Lines()-1);
   370 				break;
   371 				}
   372 			Refresh();
   373 			}
   374 		}
   375 	}
   378 EXPORT_C void ClientStubOrdinal1() 
   379 	{
   380 	_LIT(KStubPanic, "tuiedit.dll Stub");
   381 	User::Panic(KStubPanic, KErrNotSupported);
   382 	}