--- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/applayerpluginsandutils/bookmarksupport/src/bookmarkdb.cpp Tue Feb 02 01:09:52 2010 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,719 @@
+// Copyright (c) 2005-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+// All rights reserved.
+// This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+// under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+// which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+// at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
+// Initial Contributors:
+// Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+// Contributors:
+// Description:
+#include <bookmarkdatabase.h>
+#include "bkmrkdb.h"
+#include "bkmrk.h"
+#include "bkmrkfolder.h"
+#include "propertyreg.h"
+RBkDatabase constructor
+EXPORT_C RBkDatabase::RBkDatabase() : iDatabase(NULL)
+ {
+ }
+Creates the bookmark database object and tries to connect to the repository. The client can
+register an observer if it wants to be notitied of external changes to the database.
+@param aVisibility The visibility condition under which the database should be opened
+@param aObserver Pointer to an observer that will be notified of changes to the database
+EXPORT_C void RBkDatabase::OpenL(Bookmark::TVisibility aVisibility, MBookmarkObserver* aObserver)
+ {
+ if (iDatabase)
+ {
+ // the database is already open so do nothing
+ return;
+ }
+ iDatabase = CBookmarkDb::NewL(aVisibility, aObserver);
+ }
+Closes the connection to the repository and frees all resources. Does not commit changes
+so you must call CommitL() if you want to save before calling Close().
+EXPORT_C void RBkDatabase::Close()
+ {
+ delete iDatabase;
+ iDatabase = NULL;
+ }
+Refreshes the bookmark tree. Ususally called in response to a notification that
+the database has been changed from an external source.
+EXPORT_C void RBkDatabase::RefreshL()
+ {
+ // The handle must be open and attached to a concrete bookmark object
+ __ASSERT_ALWAYS(iDatabase, User::Panic(Bookmark::KBookmarkErrHandleNotOpen, Bookmark::KErrNotOpen));
+ iDatabase->RefreshL();
+ }
+Runs through the folder tree and commits any changes. Also commits any changes to icons,
+registered custom properties and database-wide data.
+The central repository, which the bookmark database uses, provides no locking mechanism.
+Concurrent accesses are simply queued. Although this should cause no problems it is worth
+remembering if you find any timing and commiting issues.
+EXPORT_C void RBkDatabase::CommitL()
+ {
+ // The handle must be open and attached to a concrete bookmark object
+ __ASSERT_ALWAYS(iDatabase, User::Panic(Bookmark::KBookmarkErrHandleNotOpen, Bookmark::KErrNotOpen));
+ iDatabase->CommitL();
+ }
+Retrieves the root folder and constructs the internal folder and bookmark tree if it doesn't
+yet exist. Only includes folders and bookmarks that are visible to this application.
+@return An open handle to the root folder.
+EXPORT_C RBkFolder RBkDatabase::OpenRootL() const
+ {
+ // The handle must be open and attached to a concrete bookmark object
+ __ASSERT_ALWAYS(iDatabase, User::Panic(Bookmark::KBookmarkErrHandleNotOpen, Bookmark::KErrNotOpen));
+ return iDatabase->RootL().OpenFolder();
+ }
+Creates a new bookmark. If a parent folder is supplied then it is added to this folder.
+If no parent is supplied then it is placed in the root. The newly created bookmark item is
+writable. The new bookmark will be permanently added to the database once there is a call
+to CommitL().
+@param aParent The new bookmark will be placed in this folder. The bookmark will be placed in the root is this is NULL.
+@return An open handle to the created bookmark. This is pushed to cleanup stack.
+EXPORT_C RBkBookmark RBkDatabase::CreateBookmarkL(RBkFolder* aParent)
+ {
+ // The handle must be open and attached to a concrete bookmark object
+ __ASSERT_ALWAYS(iDatabase, User::Panic(Bookmark::KBookmarkErrHandleNotOpen, Bookmark::KErrNotOpen));
+ CBookmarkFolder* parent = NULL;
+ if (aParent)
+ {
+ parent = aParent->Folder();
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ parent = &(iDatabase->RootL());
+ }
+ return iDatabase->CreateBookmarkL(*parent).OpenBookmark();
+ }
+Creates a new folder. If a parent folder is supplied then it is added to this folder.
+If no parent is supplied then it is placed in the root. The newly created bookmark item is
+writable. The new folder will be permanently added to the database once there is a call
+to CommitL();
+@param aTitle Title text for the folder. Each folder's title text must be unique
+@param aParent The new folder will be placed in this folder. The folder will be placed in the root is this is NULL.
+@return An open handle to the created folder. This is pushed to cleanup stack.
+EXPORT_C RBkFolder RBkDatabase::CreateFolderL(const TDesC& aTitle, RBkFolder* aParent)
+ {
+ // The handle must be open and attached to a concrete bookmark object
+ __ASSERT_ALWAYS(iDatabase, User::Panic(Bookmark::KBookmarkErrHandleNotOpen, Bookmark::KErrNotOpen));
+ CBookmarkFolder* parent = NULL;
+ if (aParent)
+ {
+ parent = aParent->Folder();
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ parent = &(iDatabase->RootL());
+ }
+ return iDatabase->CreateFolderL(aTitle, *parent).OpenFolder();
+ }
+Deletes a bookmark item. If the item is a folder and aRecursive is false,
+all its children are set to the root folder. If aRecursive is true all child
+bookmarks and folders are also deleted.
+@param aBookmarkId Id of the bookmark item
+@param aRecursive Set to ETrue to delete all child bookmarks and subfolders
+@return An error if the item to be deleted is read only
+EXPORT_C void RBkDatabase::DeleteItemL(Bookmark::TItemId aBookmarkId, TBool aRecursive)
+ {
+ // The handle must be open and attached to a concrete bookmark object
+ __ASSERT_ALWAYS(iDatabase, User::Panic(Bookmark::KBookmarkErrHandleNotOpen, Bookmark::KErrNotOpen));
+ iDatabase->ConstructTreeL();
+ iDatabase->DeleteItemL(aBookmarkId, aRecursive);
+ }
+Finds a bookmark given a bookmark Id. Leaves if the item can not be found
+@param aBookmarkID Id of the bookmark item
+@return An open handle to the found bookmark.
+EXPORT_C RBkBookmark RBkDatabase::OpenBookmarkL(Bookmark::TItemId aBookmarkID) const
+ {
+ // The handle must be open and attached to a concrete bookmark object
+ __ASSERT_ALWAYS(iDatabase, User::Panic(Bookmark::KBookmarkErrHandleNotOpen, Bookmark::KErrNotOpen));
+ iDatabase->ConstructTreeL();
+ CBookmarkBase* item = iDatabase->FindItem(aBookmarkID);
+ if (!item || item->Type() != Bookmark::ETypeBookmark)
+ {
+ User::Leave(KErrNotFound);
+ }
+ RBkNode handle = item->OpenItemL();
+ CleanupClosePushL(handle);
+ RBkBookmark bookmark;
+ bookmark = handle.OpenBookmarkL();
+ CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(&handle);
+ return bookmark;
+ }
+Finds a folder given a folder Id. Leaves if the item can not be found
+@param aFolderID Id of the folder item
+@return An open handle to the found folder.
+EXPORT_C RBkFolder RBkDatabase::OpenFolderL(Bookmark::TItemId aFolderID) const
+ {
+ // The handle must be open and attached to a concrete bookmark object
+ __ASSERT_ALWAYS(iDatabase, User::Panic(Bookmark::KBookmarkErrHandleNotOpen, Bookmark::KErrNotOpen));
+ iDatabase->ConstructTreeL();
+ CBookmarkBase* item = iDatabase->FindItem(aFolderID);
+ if (!item || item->Type() != Bookmark::ETypeFolder)
+ {
+ User::Leave(KErrNotFound);
+ }
+ RBkNode handle = item->OpenItemL();
+ CleanupClosePushL(handle);
+ RBkFolder folder;
+ folder = handle.OpenFolderL();
+ CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(&handle);
+ return folder;
+ }
+Finds a folder with the given title text. Leaves if the item can not be found
+@param aFolderTitle Title text to find
+@return An open handle to the found folder.
+EXPORT_C RBkFolder RBkDatabase::OpenFolderL(const TDesC& aFolderTitle) const
+ {
+ // The handle must be open and attached to a concrete bookmark object
+ __ASSERT_ALWAYS(iDatabase, User::Panic(Bookmark::KBookmarkErrHandleNotOpen, Bookmark::KErrNotOpen));
+ iDatabase->ConstructTreeL();
+ CBookmarkFolder* folder = iDatabase->FindFolder(aFolderTitle);
+ if (!folder)
+ {
+ User::Leave(KErrNotFound);
+ }
+ return folder->OpenFolder();
+ }
+Creates a new icon and adds it to the database's icon list. The database retains ownership of
+the icon and the new item's ID is returned.
+@param aIconData Descriptor containing the icon's raw data
+@return The new icon's Id.
+EXPORT_C Bookmark::TAttachmentId RBkDatabase::CreateIconL(const TDesC8& aIconData)
+ {
+ // The handle must be open and attached to a concrete bookmark object
+ __ASSERT_ALWAYS(iDatabase, User::Panic(Bookmark::KBookmarkErrHandleNotOpen, Bookmark::KErrNotOpen));
+ return iDatabase->CreateIconL(aIconData);
+ }
+Gets the icon with the given icon Id.
+@param aIconId Id of the icon to find.
+@return A reference to a descriptor containing the icon's raw data
+EXPORT_C const TDesC8& RBkDatabase::GetIconL(Bookmark::TAttachmentId aIconId) const
+ {
+ // The handle must be open and attached to a concrete bookmark object
+ __ASSERT_ALWAYS(iDatabase, User::Panic(Bookmark::KBookmarkErrHandleNotOpen, Bookmark::KErrNotOpen));
+ return iDatabase->IconL(aIconId);
+ }
+Deletes an icon with the given icon Id.
+@param aIconId Id of the icon to delete.
+@return An error if the icon id can't be found.
+EXPORT_C TInt RBkDatabase::DeleteIconL(Bookmark::TAttachmentId aIconId)
+ {
+ // The handle must be open and attached to a concrete bookmark object
+ __ASSERT_ALWAYS(iDatabase, User::Panic(Bookmark::KBookmarkErrHandleNotOpen, Bookmark::KErrNotOpen));
+ return iDatabase->DeleteIconL(aIconId);
+ }
+Gets the database version number
+@return The version number.
+EXPORT_C TVersion RBkDatabase::Version() const
+ {
+ // The handle must be open and attached to a concrete bookmark object
+ __ASSERT_ALWAYS(iDatabase, User::Panic(Bookmark::KBookmarkErrHandleNotOpen, Bookmark::KErrNotOpen));
+ return iDatabase->Version();
+ }
+Method for getting the home page bookmark. Leaves if no home page has been set.
+@return An open handle to the home page bookmark
+EXPORT_C RBkBookmark RBkDatabase::OpenHomeL() const
+ {
+ // The handle must be open and attached to a concrete bookmark object
+ __ASSERT_ALWAYS(iDatabase, User::Panic(Bookmark::KBookmarkErrHandleNotOpen, Bookmark::KErrNotOpen));
+ iDatabase->ConstructTreeL();
+ CBookmark* home = iDatabase->Home();
+ if (!home)
+ {
+ User::Leave(KErrNotFound);
+ }
+ return home->OpenBookmark();
+ }
+Method for setting the home page bookmark.
+@param aHome Reference to the new home page
+EXPORT_C void RBkDatabase::SetHomeL(const RBkBookmark& aHome)
+ {
+ // The handle must be open and attached to a concrete bookmark object
+ __ASSERT_ALWAYS(iDatabase, User::Panic(Bookmark::KBookmarkErrHandleNotOpen, Bookmark::KErrNotOpen));
+ iDatabase->ConstructTreeL();
+ CBookmark* home = aHome.Bookmark();
+ iDatabase->SetHome(home);
+ }
+Method for getting the home page text.
+@return Descriptor containing the text
+EXPORT_C const TDesC& RBkDatabase::HomePageText() const
+ {
+ // The handle must be open and attached to a concrete bookmark object
+ __ASSERT_ALWAYS(iDatabase, User::Panic(Bookmark::KBookmarkErrHandleNotOpen, Bookmark::KErrNotOpen));
+ return iDatabase->HomePageText();
+ }
+Method for setting the home page text.
+@param aHomePageText Descriptor containing the new text
+EXPORT_C void RBkDatabase::SetHomePageTextL(const TDesC& aHomePageText)
+ {
+ // The handle must be open and attached to a concrete bookmark object
+ __ASSERT_ALWAYS(iDatabase, User::Panic(Bookmark::KBookmarkErrHandleNotOpen, Bookmark::KErrNotOpen));
+ iDatabase->SetHomePageTextL(aHomePageText);
+ }
+Method for getting the search page Uri.
+@return Descriptor containing the Uri.
+EXPORT_C const TDesC8& RBkDatabase::SearchUri() const
+ {
+ // The handle must be open and attached to a concrete bookmark object
+ __ASSERT_ALWAYS(iDatabase, User::Panic(Bookmark::KBookmarkErrHandleNotOpen, Bookmark::KErrNotOpen));
+ return iDatabase->SearchUri();
+ }
+Method for setting the search page Uri.
+@param aUri Descriptor containing the new Uri.
+EXPORT_C void RBkDatabase::SetSearchUriL(const TDesC8& aUri)
+ {
+ // The handle must be open and attached to a concrete bookmark object
+ __ASSERT_ALWAYS(iDatabase, User::Panic(Bookmark::KBookmarkErrHandleNotOpen, Bookmark::KErrNotOpen));
+ iDatabase->SetSearchUriL(aUri);
+ }
+Method for getting the default proxy.
+@return Id for identifying the proxy entry in the commdb
+EXPORT_C TUint32 RBkDatabase::DefaultProxy() const
+ {
+ // The handle must be open and attached to a concrete bookmark object
+ __ASSERT_ALWAYS(iDatabase, User::Panic(Bookmark::KBookmarkErrHandleNotOpen, Bookmark::KErrNotOpen));
+ return iDatabase->DefaultProxy();
+ }
+Method for setting the default proxy.
+@param aServiceId Id for identifying the proxy entry in the commdb
+EXPORT_C void RBkDatabase::SetDefaultProxy(TUint32 aServiceId)
+ {
+ // The handle must be open and attached to a concrete bookmark object
+ __ASSERT_ALWAYS(iDatabase, User::Panic(Bookmark::KBookmarkErrHandleNotOpen, Bookmark::KErrNotOpen));
+ iDatabase->SetDefaultProxy(aServiceId);
+ }
+Method for getting the default nap.
+@return Id for identifying the nap entry in the commdb
+EXPORT_C TUint32 RBkDatabase::DefaultNap() const
+ {
+ // The handle must be open and attached to a concrete bookmark object
+ __ASSERT_ALWAYS(iDatabase, User::Panic(Bookmark::KBookmarkErrHandleNotOpen, Bookmark::KErrNotOpen));
+ return iDatabase->DefaultNap();
+ }
+Method for setting the default nap.
+@param aNetworkId Id for identifying the nap entry in the commdb
+EXPORT_C void RBkDatabase::SetDefaultNap(TUint32 aNetworkId)
+ {
+ // The handle must be open and attached to a concrete bookmark object
+ __ASSERT_ALWAYS(iDatabase, User::Panic(Bookmark::KBookmarkErrHandleNotOpen, Bookmark::KErrNotOpen));
+ iDatabase->SetDefaultNap(aNetworkId);
+ }
+Method for registering a custom database property
+@param aCustomId Unique identifier to assign for this property.
+@param aDataType The type of data this property will contain.
+EXPORT_C void RBkDatabase::RegisterDatabasePropertyL(TUid aCustomId, Bookmark::TPropertyType aDataType)
+ {
+ // The handle must be open and attached to a concrete bookmark object
+ __ASSERT_ALWAYS(iDatabase, User::Panic(Bookmark::KBookmarkErrHandleNotOpen, Bookmark::KErrNotOpen));
+ iDatabase->CreateDefaultRepositoriesL ();
+ iDatabase->PropertyRegister().RegisterPropertyL(CPropertyReg::EGroupDatabase, aCustomId, aDataType);
+ }
+Method for registering a custom folder property
+@param aCustomId Unique identifier to assign for this property.
+@param aDataType The type of data this property will contain.
+EXPORT_C void RBkDatabase::RegisterFolderPropertyL(TUid aCustomId, Bookmark::TPropertyType aDataType)
+ {
+ // The handle must be open and attached to a concrete bookmark object
+ __ASSERT_ALWAYS(iDatabase, User::Panic(Bookmark::KBookmarkErrHandleNotOpen, Bookmark::KErrNotOpen));
+ iDatabase->CreateDefaultRepositoriesL ();
+ iDatabase->PropertyRegister().RegisterPropertyL(CPropertyReg::EGroupFolder, aCustomId, aDataType);
+ }
+Method for registering a custom bookmark property
+@param aCustomId Unique identifier to assign for this property.
+@param aDataType The type of data this property will contain.
+EXPORT_C void RBkDatabase::RegisterBookmarkPropertyL(TUid aCustomId, Bookmark::TPropertyType aDataType)
+ {
+ iDatabase->CreateDefaultRepositoriesL ();
+ iDatabase->PropertyRegister().RegisterPropertyL(CPropertyReg::EGroupBookmark, aCustomId, aDataType);
+ }
+Method for deregistering a custom database property
+@param aCustomId The identifier of the property.
+@return An error if a property with this aCustomId does not exist
+EXPORT_C TInt RBkDatabase::DeregisterDatabasePropertyL(TUid aCustomId)
+ {
+ // The handle must be open and attached to a concrete bookmark object
+ __ASSERT_ALWAYS(iDatabase, User::Panic(Bookmark::KBookmarkErrHandleNotOpen, Bookmark::KErrNotOpen));
+ return iDatabase->PropertyRegister().DeregisterPropertyL(CPropertyReg::EGroupDatabase, aCustomId);
+ }
+Method for deregistering a custom folder property
+@param aCustomId The identifier of the property.
+@return An error if a property with this aCustomId does not exist
+EXPORT_C TInt RBkDatabase::DeregisterFolderPropertyL(TUid aCustomId)
+ {
+ // The handle must be open and attached to a concrete bookmark object
+ __ASSERT_ALWAYS(iDatabase, User::Panic(Bookmark::KBookmarkErrHandleNotOpen, Bookmark::KErrNotOpen));
+ return iDatabase->PropertyRegister().DeregisterPropertyL(CPropertyReg::EGroupFolder, aCustomId);
+ }
+Method for deregistering a custom bookmark property
+@param aCustomId The identifier of the property.
+@return An error if a property with this aCustomId does not exist
+EXPORT_C TInt RBkDatabase::DeregisterBookmarkPropertyL(TUid aCustomId)
+ {
+ // The handle must be open and attached to a concrete bookmark object
+ __ASSERT_ALWAYS(iDatabase, User::Panic(Bookmark::KBookmarkErrHandleNotOpen, Bookmark::KErrNotOpen));
+ return iDatabase->PropertyRegister().DeregisterPropertyL(CPropertyReg::EGroupBookmark, aCustomId);
+ }
+Gets a custom database property for the given property ID.
+@param aPropertyId The ID of the property you wish to get
+@param aValue An integer that will hold the data value
+EXPORT_C void RBkDatabase::GetCustomPropertyL(TUid aPropertyId, TInt& aValue) const
+ {
+ // The handle must be open and attached to a concrete bookmark object
+ __ASSERT_ALWAYS(iDatabase, User::Panic(Bookmark::KBookmarkErrHandleNotOpen, Bookmark::KErrNotOpen));
+ User::LeaveIfError(iDatabase->CustomProperties().GetCustomProperty(aPropertyId, aValue));
+ }
+Gets a custom database property for the given property ID.
+@param aPropertyId The ID of the property you wish to get
+@param aValue A floating point that will hold the data value
+EXPORT_C void RBkDatabase::GetCustomPropertyL(TUid aPropertyId, TReal& aValue) const
+ {
+ // The handle must be open and at != NULL, User::Panic(Bookmark::KBookmarkErrHandleNotOpen, Bookmark::KErrNotOpen));
+ User::LeaveIfError(iDatabase->CustomProperties().GetCustomProperty(aPropertyId, aValue));
+ }
+Gets a custom database property for the given property ID.
+@param aPropertyId The ID of the property you wish to get
+@param aValue A 16 bit descriptor that will hold the data value
+EXPORT_C void RBkDatabase::GetCustomPropertyL(TUid aPropertyId, TDes& aValue) const
+ {
+ // The handle must be open and attached to a concrete bookmark object
+ __ASSERT_ALWAYS(iDatabase, User::Panic(Bookmark::KBookmarkErrHandleNotOpen, Bookmark::KErrNotOpen));
+ User::LeaveIfError(iDatabase->CustomProperties().GetCustomProperty(aPropertyId, aValue));
+ }
+Gets a custom database property for the given property ID.
+@param aPropertyId The ID of the property you wish to get
+@param aValue An 8 bit descriptor that will hold the data value
+EXPORT_C void RBkDatabase::GetCustomPropertyL(TUid aPropertyId, TDes8& aValue) const
+ {
+ // The handle must be open and attached to a concrete bookmark object
+ __ASSERT_ALWAYS(iDatabase, User::Panic(Bookmark::KBookmarkErrHandleNotOpen, Bookmark::KErrNotOpen));
+ User::LeaveIfError(iDatabase->CustomProperties().GetCustomProperty(aPropertyId, aValue));
+ }
+Assigns a new custom database property value to the bookmark item.
+@param aPropertyId The ID of the property you wish to set
+@param aValue An integer data value
+EXPORT_C void RBkDatabase::SetCustomPropertyL(TUid aPropertyId, TInt aValue)
+ {
+ // The handle must be open and attached to a concrete bookmark object
+ __ASSERT_ALWAYS(iDatabase, User::Panic(Bookmark::KBookmarkErrHandleNotOpen, Bookmark::KErrNotOpen));
+ iDatabase->CustomProperties().SetCustomPropertyL(aPropertyId, aValue);
+ iDatabase->SetDirty();
+ }
+Assigns a new custom database property value to the bookmark item.
+@param aPropertyId The ID of the property you wish to set
+@param aValue A floating point data value
+EXPORT_C void RBkDatabase::SetCustomPropertyL(TUid aPropertyId, TReal aValue) __SOFTFP
+ {
+ // The handle must be open and attached to a concrete bookmark object
+ __ASSERT_ALWAYS(iDatabase, User::Panic(Bookmark::KBookmarkErrHandleNotOpen, Bookmark::KErrNotOpen));
+ iDatabase->CustomProperties().SetCustomPropertyL(aPropertyId, aValue);
+ iDatabase->SetDirty();
+ }
+Assigns a new custom database property value to the bookmark item.
+@param aPropertyId The ID of the property you wish to set
+@param aValue A 16 bit descriptor
+EXPORT_C void RBkDatabase::SetCustomPropertyL(TUid aPropertyId, const TDesC& aValue)
+ {
+ // The handle must be open and attached to a concrete bookmark object
+ __ASSERT_ALWAYS(iDatabase, User::Panic(Bookmark::KBookmarkErrHandleNotOpen, Bookmark::KErrNotOpen));
+ iDatabase->CustomProperties().SetCustomPropertyL(aPropertyId, aValue);
+ iDatabase->SetDirty();
+ }
+Assigns a new custom database property value to the bookmark item.
+@param aPropertyId The ID of the property you wish to set
+@param aValue An 8 bit descriptor
+EXPORT_C void RBkDatabase::SetCustomPropertyL(TUid aPropertyId, const TDesC8& aValue)
+ {
+ // The handle must be open and attached to a concrete bookmark object
+ __ASSERT_ALWAYS(iDatabase, User::Panic(Bookmark::KBookmarkErrHandleNotOpen, Bookmark::KErrNotOpen));
+ iDatabase->CustomProperties().SetCustomPropertyL(aPropertyId, aValue);
+ iDatabase->SetDirty();
+ }