--- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/applayerpluginsandutils/httpprotocolplugins/WspProtocolHandler/CWspCOProtocolHandler.h Tue Feb 02 01:09:52 2010 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,559 @@
+// Copyright (c) 2001-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+// All rights reserved.
+// This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+// under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+// which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+// at the URL "".
+// Initial Contributors:
+// Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+// Contributors:
+// Description:
+// System includes
+#include <e32base.h>
+#include <http/framework/cprotocolhandler.h>
+#include <wsp/mwspcosessioncallback.h>
+#include <wsp/mwspcapabilityprovider.h>
+#include <wsp/mwspsessionheadersprovider.h>
+// User includes
+#include "mconnectiontimercallback.h"
+#include "mwspprimitivesendercallback.h"
+#include "mwspcomethodobserver.h"
+// Forward declarations
+class CWspCapabilityInfo;
+class CWspProxyInfoProvider;
+class CWspTransportHandler;
+class MWspCOSessionInvoker;
+class MWspCOMethodInvoker;
+class CConnectionTimer;
+class CWspPrimitiveSender;
+class CRxData;
+class CWspHeaderUtils;
+// @todo docing
+class CWspCOProtocolHandler : public CProtocolHandler, public MWspCOSessionCallback,
+ public MWspCapabilityProvider,
+ public MWspSessionHeadersProvider,
+ public MConnectionTimerCallback,
+ public MWspPrimitiveSenderCallback,
+ public MWspCOMethodObserver,
+ public MProtHandlerInterface
+ {
+public: // Methods
+/** Static factory constructor.
+ @since 7.0
+ @leave Leaves with KErrNoMemory if there was not enough memory to
+ create the object.
+ @param aSession A pointer to an RHTTPSession object.
+ @return A pointer to newly created object.
+ //##ModelId=3C4C439101F4
+ static CWspCOProtocolHandler* NewL(TAny* aSession);
+/** Standard destructor.
+ @since 7.0
+ //##ModelId=3C4C439101D6
+ ~CWspCOProtocolHandler();
+private: // Methods from CProtocolHandler
+ @see CProtocolHandler
+ //##ModelId=3C4C43910172
+ virtual void CreateCodecL();
+ @see CProtocolHandler
+ //##ModelId=3C4C439100BD
+ virtual CProtTransaction* CreateProtTransactionL(RHTTPTransaction aTransaction);
+ @see CProtocolHandler
+ //##ModelId=3C4C43910009
+ virtual TBool ServiceL(CProtTransaction& aTrans);
+ @see CProtocolHandler
+ //##ModelId=3C4C4390033D
+ virtual void ClosedTransactionHook(CProtTransaction* aTrans);
+ @see CProtocolHandler
+ //##ModelId=3C4C4390029D
+ virtual void CancelTransactionHook(CProtTransaction& aTransaction);
+ @see CProtocolHandler
+ //##ModelId=3C4C439001F2
+ virtual void NotifyNewRequestBodyPart(CProtTransaction& aTransaction);
+ virtual void GetInterfaceL(TUid aInterfaceId, MProtHandlerInterface*& aInterfacePtr);
+ /** Get the Server Certificate for the current session.
+ @param aServerCert A TCertInfo which will be filled with the certificate information
+ @return An error code. KErrNone if aServerCert has been completed, otherwise one of
+ the system wide error codes
+ */
+ TInt SessionServerCert(TCertInfo& aServerCert);
+ /** Get the Server Certificate for the specified transaction. This function returns
+ KErrNotSupported because for WSP the certificate applies to the whole session.
+ @param aServerCert A TCertInfo which will be filled with the certificate information
+ @param aTransaction The transaction for which the certificate info is requested
+ @return KErrNotSupported
+ */
+ TInt TransactionServerCert(TCertInfo& aServerCert, RHTTPTransaction aTransaction);
+private: // Methods from MHTTPFilterBase
+ @see MHTTPFilterBase
+ //##ModelId=3C4C43900152
+ virtual void MHFSessionRunL(const THTTPSessionEvent& aEvent);
+ @see MHTTPFilterBase
+ //##ModelId=3C4C43900076
+ virtual TInt MHFSessionRunError(TInt aError, const THTTPSessionEvent& aEvent);
+private: // Methods from MWspCOSessionCallback
+ @see MWspCOSessionCallback
+ //##ModelId=3C4C43900026
+ virtual void ConnectCnf();
+ @see MWspCOSessionCallback
+ //##ModelId=3C4C438F03B4
+ virtual void ResumeCnf();
+ @see MWspCOSessionCallback
+ //##ModelId=3C4C438F0223
+ virtual void DisconnectInd(
+ TWspReason aReason,
+ TBool aRedirectSecurity,
+ TWspRedirectedAddress& aRedirectAddress,
+ const TDesC8& aErrorHeader,
+ const TDesC8& aErrorBody
+ );
+ @see MWspCOSessionCallback
+ //##ModelId=3C4C438F0197
+ virtual void SuspendInd(TWspReason aReason);
+ @see MWspCOSessionCallback
+ //##ModelId=3C4C438F0115
+ virtual void ExceptionInd(const TDesC8& aExceptionData);
+private: // Methods from MWspCapabilityProvider
+ @see MWspCapabilityProvider
+ //##ModelId=3C4C438F00CF
+ virtual const MWspCapabilityViewer& ClientCapabilities() const;
+ @see MWspCapabilityProvider
+ //##ModelId=3C4C438F0092
+ virtual MWspCapabilitySetter& ServerCapabilities() const;
+private: // Methods from MWspSessionHeadersProvider
+ @see MWspSessionHeadersProvider
+ //##ModelId=3C4C438F004C
+ virtual const TDesC8& ClientHeaders() const;
+ @see MWspSessionHeadersProvider
+ //##ModelId=3C4C438E03C6
+ virtual void SetServerHeadersL(const TDesC8& aBuffer);
+private: // Methods from MConnectionTimerCallback
+ @see MConnectionTimerCallback
+ //##ModelId=3C4C438E038A
+ virtual void HandleConnectionTimedOut();
+private: // Methods from MWspPrimitiveSenderCallback
+ @see MWspPrimitiveSenderCallback
+ //##ModelId=3C4C438E0326
+ virtual void SendPrimitiveL(TWspPrimitive aPrimitive);
+ @see MWspPrimitiveSenderCallback
+ //##ModelId=3C4C438E02C2
+ virtual TInt WspPrimitiveSenderCallbackError(TInt aError);
+private: // Methods from MWspCOMethodObserver
+ @see MWspCOMethodObserver
+ //##ModelId=3C4C438E025E
+ virtual void HandleMethodAbort(CWspCOTransaction& aTransaction);
+ @see MWspCOMethodObserver
+ virtual void NotifyPendingCompletingMethod();
+ @see MWspCOMethodObserver
+ virtual void NotifyMethodComplete();
+private: // Methods from MRxDataObserver, inherited via MWspCOMethodObserver
+ @see MRxDataObserver
+ //##ModelId=3C4C438E01DC
+ virtual void SetStatusL(CRxData& aRecv, TInt aStatus);
+private: // Methods from MProtHandlerInterface
+ /** Get the Server Certificate for the specified transaction. This function returns
+ NULL because for WSP the certificate applies to the whole session.
+ @return NULL
+ */
+ const CCertificate* SessionServerCert();
+ /** Get the Server Certificate for the current session.
+ @param aTransaction The transaction for which the certificate is requested
+ @return A pointer to CCertificate, or NULL if not found.
+ */
+ const CCertificate* TransactionServerCert(RHTTPTransaction aTransaction);
+private: // Methods
+ @since 7.0
+ @param aSession The HTTP session.
+ //##ModelId=3C4C438E013B
+ CWspCOProtocolHandler(RHTTPSession aSession);
+ @since 7.0
+ @todo leaves
+ @pre First phase construction has been done.
+ @post The object is fully initialised.
+ //##ModelId=3C4C438E0127
+ void ConstructL();
+/**Initiates a session connection.
+ @since 7.0
+ @warning This function will panic with KWspPanicSessionNotInValidState
+ if the WSP session cannot be connected.
+ @todo leaves
+ @pre The WSP session is in the Null state.
+ @post The WSP session is in the Connecting state. The connection
+ timer has been started.
+ //##ModelId=3C4C438E0109
+ void SessionConnectL();
+/**Initiates a session resume.
+ @since 7.0
+ @warning This function will panic with KWspPanicSessionNotInValidState
+ if the WSP session cannot be resumed.
+ @todo leaves
+ @pre The WSP session is in the Connected, Suspending or
+ Suspended state. The Suspend Resume facility is supported
+ in this WSP session.
+ @post The WSP session is in the Resuming state. The connection
+ timer has been started.
+ //##ModelId=3C4C438E00EB
+ void SessionResumeL();
+/**The session should be disconnected.
+ @since 7.0
+ @warning This function will panic with KWspPanicSessionNotInValidState
+ if the WSP session cannot be disconnected.
+ @todo leaves
+ @pre The WSP session is in the Connecting, Connected, Suspending,
+ Suspended, or Resuming state.
+ @post The WSP session is in the Closing state. The connection
+ timer has been cancelled.
+ //##ModelId=3C4C438E00A5
+ void SessionDisconnect(TWspReason aReason);
+/**The session should be suspended.
+ @since 7.0
+ @warning This function will panic with KWspPanicSessionNotInValidState
+ if the WSP session cannot be suspended.
+ @todo leaves
+ @pre The WSP session is in the Connected or Resuming state. The
+ Suspend Resume facility is supported in this WSP session.
+ @post The WSP session is in the Closing state. The connection
+ timer has been cancelled.
+ //##ModelId=3C4C438E0087
+ void SessionSuspend();
+/**Processes the session connected event.
+ @since 7.0
+ @pre
+ @post
+ //##ModelId=3C4C438E0073
+ void DoSessionConnectedL();
+/**Processes the session connected event, this is a non-leaving
+ method of DoSessionConnectedL()
+ @since 7.0
+ @pre
+ @post
+ void DoSessionConnected();
+/** @since 7.0
+ @todo docing
+ @param aEvent The session event to send.
+ @pre
+ @post
+ //##ModelId=3C4C438E0037
+ void SendSessionEvent(THTTPSessionEvent aEvent);
+/**@since 7.0
+ @todo docing
+ @leave Leaves with KErrNotFound if the WSP transport handler cannot
+ be found. Leaves with KErrNotSupported if the loaded WSP
+ transport handler does not support Connection-Orientated
+ Session Management facility and Method Invocation facility.
+ @post The
+ //##ModelId=3C4C438D03BB
+ void CreateWspTransportHandlerL();
+/**Updates the client session headers that is supplied to
+ the transport handler
+ @since 7.0
+ @leave Leaves with KErrNoMemory if the header buffer cannot be
+ created.
+ @post The client session headers buffer is upto date.
+ //##ModelId=3C4C438D039D
+ void UpdateClientSessionHeadersL();
+/**Checks the properties in the HTTP session for any client
+ proposed capablities and a specified connection time-out
+ value.
+ @since 7.0
+ @post The client proposed capabilities and the connection time-out
+ value have been updated.
+ //##ModelId=3C4C438D0389
+ void CheckClientCapabilities();
+/**Checks the client-requested capabilities against the
+ corresponding negotiated capabilities to see if they
+ have been reduced or denied.
+ @since 7.0
+ @todo leaves
+ @return A boolean value of ETrue if one or more of the client-
+ requested capabilities have been reduced or denied.
+ @pre The negotiated capabilities have been passed up from the
+ transport handler. The S-Connect.cnf primitive has been
+ received.
+ @post If any of the client-requested capabilities have been
+ reduced or rejected, the session property representing that
+ capabililty is set the appropriate negotiated value.
+ //##ModelId=3C4C438D0375
+ TBool UpdateNegotiatedCapabilitiesL();
+ Handles the receipt of a EConnect session event. Will inform the client if
+ the WSP session is not in the appropriate state to receive this event.
+ @since 7.0
+ @leave This function will leave if the session connect/resume fails.
+ //##ModelId=3C4C438D0361
+ void HandleConnectRequestL();
+ Handles the receipt of a EDisconnect session event. Will inform the client if
+ the WSP session is not in the appropriate state to receive this event.
+ @since 7.0
+ //##ModelId=3C4C438D034D
+ void HandleDisconnectRequest();
+ Checks to see if a method is waiting. If so it sets the base class active
+ so that the next pending transaction gets serviced.
+ @since 7.0
+ //##ModelId=3C4C438D0339
+ void CheckWaitingMethod();
+ Indicates if the Suspend Resume facility is supported by
+ the WSP session.
+ @since 7.0
+ @return A boolean value of ETrue if the WSP session can support the
+ Suspend Resume facility.
+ //##ModelId=3C4C438D0325
+ TBool SupportSuspendResume() const;
+/**Indicates whether the WSP session can be resumed. The
+ Suspend Resume facility must be supported and the WSP
+ session must in the Connected, Suspending or Suspended
+ state.
+ @since 7.0
+ @return A boolean value of ETrue if the WSP session can be resumed.
+ //##ModelId=3C4C438D0311
+ TBool CanResume() const;
+/**Indicates whether the WSP session can be suspended. The
+ Suspend Resume facility must be supported and the WSP
+ session must in the Connected or Resuming state.
+ @since 7.0
+ @return A boolean value of ETrue if the WSP session can be suspended.
+ //##ModelId=3C4C438D02F2
+ TBool CanSuspend() const;
+/**Resets the state of the protocol handler to that upon
+ initial construction, without changing the transport
+ handler. This is NOT a published mechanism!
+ @since 7.0
+ //##ModelId=3C4C438D02E8
+ void ResetAll();
+private: // Attributes
+ /** A pointer to the Wsp Transport Handler.
+ */
+ //##ModelId=3C4C438D02CA
+ CWspTransportHandler* iTransportHandler;
+ /** A pointer to the CO Session Invoker object. Owned by the transport
+ handler.
+ */
+ //##ModelId=3C4C438D02B6
+ MWspCOSessionInvoker* iSessionInvoker;
+ /** An object that holds the negotiated capabilties for the current Wsp
+ session.
+ */
+ //##ModelId=3C4C438D02A2
+ CWspCapabilityInfo* iNegotiatedCapInfo;
+ /** An object that holds the proposed client capabilities.
+ */
+ //##ModelId=3C4C438D0284
+ CWspCapabilityInfo* iClientCapInfo;
+ /** A pointer to the proxy info provider.
+ */
+ //##ModelId=3C4C438D0272
+ CWspProxyInfoProvider* iProxyInfoProvider;
+ /** The state of the WSP session.
+ */
+ //##ModelId=3C4C438D0266
+ TWspSessionState iSessionState;
+ /** The connection timed-out value in microseconds. The protocol handler
+ will abort a session connect after this time if a connection has not
+ been established.
+ */
+ //##ModelId=3C4C438D0252
+ TInt iTimedOutValue;
+ /** A pointer to the connection timed-out timer.
+ */
+ //##ModelId=3C4C438D023E
+ CConnectionTimer* iConnectionTimer;
+ /** An active object that is used to invoke the sending of certain WSP
+ primitives.
+ */
+ //##ModelId=3C4C438D022A
+ CWspPrimitiveSender* iPrimitiveSender;
+ /** A buffer holding the encoded client session headers.
+ */
+ //##ModelId=3C4C438D0218
+ HBufC8* iClientSessionHeaders;
+ /** A flag indicating that a session connect or resume has timed-out.
+ */
+ //##ModelId=3C4C438D020C
+ TBool iConnectTimedOut;
+ /** A flag indicating that there is a method transaction waiting to be
+ serviced.
+ */
+ //##ModelId=3C4C438D01F8
+ TBool iWaitingMethod;
+ /** A pointer to the WSP header utils
+ */
+ //##ModelId=3C4C438D01E4
+ CWspHeaderUtils* iHdrUtils;
+ /** The number of methods in Completing state waiting to send the final .res
+ primitive.
+ */
+ TInt iPendingCompletingMethods;
+ /** A flag indicating that the client has requested a disconnect.
+ */
+ TBool iDisconnectRequested;
+ };