--- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/applayerpluginsandutils/httpprotocolplugins/WspProtocolHandler/CWspCOTxData.h Tue Feb 02 01:09:52 2010 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,363 @@
+// Copyright (c) 2001-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+// All rights reserved.
+// This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+// under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+// which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+// at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
+// Initial Contributors:
+// Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+// Contributors:
+// Description:
+#ifndef __CWSPCOTXDATA_H__
+#define __CWSPCOTXDATA_H__
+// System includes
+#include <e32base.h>
+#include <http/framework/ctxdata.h>
+// Forward declarations
+class MWspCOTxDataCallback;
+class MWspCapabilityViewer;
+class MHTTPDataSupplier;
+// @todo docing
+class CWspCOTxData : public CTxData
+ {
+public: // Methods
+/** @fn NewL(CProtTransaction& aTransaction, MWspCOTxDataCallback& aObserver, MWspCapabilityViewer& aNegotiatedCapInfo)
+ Intended Usage : Static factory constructor.
+ @since 7.0
+ @leave Leaves with KErrNoMemory if there was not enough memory to
+ create the object.
+ @param aTransaction The protocol transaction object
+ associated with the Tx data object.
+ @param aObserver A reference to the Tx data observer
+ @param aNegotiatedCapInfo A reference to the negotiated
+ capability viewer object.
+ @return A pointer to newly created object.
+ //##ModelId=3C4C41A801D3
+ static CWspCOTxData* NewL(
+ CProtTransaction& aTransaction,
+ MWspCOTxDataCallback& aObserver,
+ MWspCapabilityViewer& aNegotiatedCapInfo
+ );
+/** @fn ~CWspCOTxData()
+ Intended Usage : Standard destructor.
+ @since 7.0
+ //##ModelId=3C4C41A801C9
+ ~CWspCOTxData();
+/** @fn RequestHeadersData()
+ Intended Usage : Provides a buffer with the request headers.
+ @since 7.0
+ @return A const reference to a buffer that contains the request
+ headers.
+ //##ModelId=3C4C41A801B5
+ const TDesC8& RequestHeadersData();
+/** @fn RequestBodyData()
+ Intended Usage : Provides the data supplier object for the request
+ body data. This data supplier supplies the more data
+ flag via the return from GetNextDataPart().
+ @since 7.0
+ @return A reference to a MHTTPDataSupplier object that provides the
+ request body.
+ //##ModelId=3C4C41A801AB
+ MHTTPDataSupplier& RequestBodyData();
+/** @fn SetRequestDataL()
+ Intended Usage :
+ @since 7.0
+ @todo finish docing
+ //##ModelId=3C4C41A80197
+ void SetRequestDataL();
+/** @fn ReceivedCnf()
+ The cnf for the current invoke primitive has been received. If there is more
+ data to send, then the observer is asked to send an S-MethodInvokeData
+ primitive. If there is no more data to send and the request is not complete
+ then wait for the client to send more data.
+ @since 7.0
+ @pre The state is either EDone or EGotMoreData.
+ @post The has changed to EIdle if the originally EDone. This
+ indicates that the request is complete. If the state was
+ EGotMoreData then the state is EDone if the remaining data
+ can be sent in the next SDU, EGotMoreData if the remaining
+ data cannot be all sent in the next SDU, or EWaitForData if
+ the request is not complete and remaining data does not fill
+ the next SDU.
+ void ReceivedCnf();
+/** @fn NotifyMoreRequestData()
+ Intended Usage : The client has got more request data.
+ @since 7.0
+ @post The fact that the client has nore request data has been flagged.
+ //##ModelId=3C4C41A80179
+ void NotifyMoreRequestData();
+private: // Methods from MHTTPDataSupplier
+/** @fn GetNextDataPart(TPtrC8& aDataPart)
+ @see MHTTPDataSupplier
+ //##ModelId=3C4C41A8013C
+ virtual TBool GetNextDataPart(TPtrC8& aDataPart);
+/** @fn ReleaseData()
+ @see MHTTPDataSupplier
+ //##ModelId=3C4C41A80128
+ virtual void ReleaseData();
+/** @fn OverallDataSize()
+ @see MHTTPDataSupplier
+ //##ModelId=3C4C41A80114
+ virtual TInt OverallDataSize();
+/** @fn Reset()
+ @see MHTTPDataSupplier
+ //##ModelId=3C4C41A80100
+ virtual TInt Reset();
+private: // Methods
+/** @fn CWspCOTxData(CProtTransaction& aTransaction, MWspCOTxDataCallback& aObserver, MWspCapabilityViewer& aNegotiatedCapInfo)
+ Intended Usage : First phase constructor.
+ @since 7.0
+ @param aTransaction The protocol transaction object
+ associated with the Tx data object.
+ @param aObserver A reference to the Tx observer.
+ @param aNegotiatedCapInfo A reference to the negotiated
+ capability viewer object.
+ //##ModelId=3C4C41A8009C
+ CWspCOTxData(
+ CProtTransaction& aTransaction,
+ MWspCOTxDataCallback& aObserver,
+ MWspCapabilityViewer& aNegotiatedCapInfo
+ );
+/** @fn SetSessionPropertyL(TInt aProperty, THTTPHdrVal aFieldValue)
+ Intended Usage :
+ @since 7.0
+ @todo docing
+ @param aProperty An integer specifying the property to be
+ set.
+ @param aFieldValue The value the property is to be set to.
+ @post The property has been set to the specified value/
+ //##ModelId=3C4C41A80056
+ void SetSessionPropertyL(TInt aProperty, THTTPHdrVal aFieldValue);
+/** @fn SetHeaderDataL(RHTTPRequest aRequest)
+ Intended Usage :
+ @since 7.0
+ @todo finish docing
+ @param aRequest The request object.
+ @pre
+ @post
+ //##ModelId=3C4C41A8002E
+ void SetHeaderDataL(RHTTPRequest aRequest);
+/** @fn EncodeHeadersL(RHTTPHeaders aHeaders)
+ Intended Usage :
+ @since 7.0
+ @todo finish docing
+ @param aHeaders The headers object
+ @pre
+ @post
+ //##ModelId=3C4C41A80006
+ void EncodeHeadersL(RHTTPHeaders aHeaders);
+/** @fn SetBodyDataL(MHTTPDataSupplier& aRequestBody)
+ Intended Usage :
+ @since 7.0
+ @todo finish docing
+ @param aRequestBody The data supplier for the request body data.
+ @pre
+ @post
+ //##ModelId=3C4C41A703D0
+ void SetBodyDataL(MHTTPDataSupplier& aRequestBody);
+/** @fn UpdateBodyData()
+ Intended Usage :
+ @since 7.0
+ @todo finish docing
+ @pre
+ @post
+ //##ModelId=3C4C41A703C6
+ void UpdateBodyData();
+/** @fn CalculateUIntVarLength(TUint32 aUint)
+ Intended Usage : A utility function to calculate how many bytes are
+ required to represent a number in UIntVar format, as
+ defined by the WSP Specification, July 2001.
+ @since 7.0
+ @param aUint The unsigned positive number for which to calculate
+ the length of its UIntVar representation.
+ @return The number of bytes required to represent the input integer
+ as a UIntVar.
+ //##ModelId=3C4C41A70394
+ TInt CalculateUIntVarLength(TUint32 aUint);
+/** @fn UpdateState()
+ @since 7.0
+ void UpdateState();
+/** @fn CheckTrailer()
+ @since 7.0
+ void CheckTrailer();
+/** @fn DecideObserverAction()
+ @since 7.0
+ void DecideObserverAction();
+/** @fn Cleanup()
+ @since 7.0
+ void Cleanup();
+private: // Enums
+ /** The TRequestState type represents the states of the
+ request data object.
+ */
+ enum TRequestState
+ {
+ /**
+ */
+ EIdle = 0,
+ /**
+ */
+ EDone,
+ /**
+ */
+ EGotMoreData,
+ /**
+ */
+ EWaitForMoreData,
+ /**
+ */
+ EAbortMethod
+ };
+private: // Attributes
+ /** The state of the request data.
+ */
+ TRequestState iState;
+ /** A reference to Tx data callback object.
+ */
+ //##ModelId=3C4C41A7038A
+ MWspCOTxDataCallback& iObserver;
+ /** A reference to the negotiated capability viewer.
+ */
+ //##ModelId=3C4C41A70376
+ MWspCapabilityViewer& iNegotiatedCapInfo;
+ /** A pointer to the request body data supplier. Not owned.
+ */
+ //##ModelId=3C4C41A70362
+ MHTTPDataSupplier* iBodyDataSupplier;
+ /** A buffer with the encoded request header data.
+ */
+ //##ModelId=3C4C41A70350
+ HBufC8* iHeaderData;
+ /** A buffer with the encoded request trailer header data.
+ */
+ //##ModelId=3C4C41A70344
+ HBufC8* iTrailerData;
+ /** A buffer with the current request data.
+ */
+ HBufC8* iBodyData;
+ /** A flag indicating that there are trailer header data.
+ */
+ //##ModelId=3C4C41A70312
+ TBool iHasTrailer;
+ /** A flag that indicates whether all the request data has been received
+ from the client.
+ */
+ //##ModelId=3C4C41A702F4
+ TBool iRequestComplete;
+ /** A flag that indicates whether there is a current request body data part.
+ */
+ //##ModelId=3C4C41A702D6
+ TBool iGotBodyData;
+ /** A descriptor pointer to a buffer containing the current request body
+ data part.
+ */
+ //##ModelId=3C4C41A702C4
+ TPtrC8 iDataPart;
+ /** The overall size of the body data. If this is not known, e.g. the
+ resquest is divided over several primitives, then this is set to
+ KErrNotFound.
+ */
+ //##ModelId=3C4C41A702B8
+ TInt iOverallDataSize;
+ /** The remaining server SDU space for the current primitive.
+ */
+ //##ModelId=3C4C41A702A6
+ TUint32 iRemainingSDUSpace;
+ /** The remaining server message space.
+ */
+ //##ModelId=3C4C41A7029A
+ TUint32 iRemainingMessageSpace;
+ /** A flag to indicate whether LDT is supported.
+ */
+ //##ModelId=3C4C41A70287
+ TBool iSupportLDT;
+ /** The length of the trailer header info.
+ */
+ TUint32 iTrailerInfoLength;
+ /** A flag to indicate wether the Server Message is limited.
+ */
+ TBool iLimitedMessageSize;
+ };
+#endif // __CWSPCOTXDATA_H__