--- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/applayerpluginsandutils/httpprotocolplugins/httpclient/chttpconnectionmanager.cpp Tue Feb 02 01:09:52 2010 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,1449 @@
+// Copyright (c) 2003-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+// All rights reserved.
+// This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+// under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+// which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+// at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
+// Initial Contributors:
+// Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+// Contributors:
+// Description:
+#include "chttpconnectionmanager.h"
+#include <authority8.h>
+#include <httperr.h>
+#include <x509cert.h>
+#include "msocketfactory.h"
+#include "msocketconnector.h"
+#include "moutputstream.h"
+#include "minputstream.h"
+#include "mhttprequest.h"
+#include "mhttpresponse.h"
+#include "chttpconnectioninfo.h"
+#include "chttprequestbatcher.h"
+CHttpConnectionManager* CHttpConnectionManager::NewL(MSocketFactory& aSocketFactory,
+ MHttpBatchingPropertiesCallback& aCallback,
+ CHttpPipelineFallback& aPipelineFallback,
+ TInt aMaxTransactionsToPipeline,
+ TBool aEnableOptimalPipeline)
+ {
+ CHttpConnectionManager* self = new (ELeave) CHttpConnectionManager(aSocketFactory, aCallback, aPipelineFallback, aMaxTransactionsToPipeline, aEnableOptimalPipeline);
+ return self;
+ }
+ {
+ iPendingRequests.Reset();
+ iPendingResponses.Reset();
+ // Close down connect, if exists
+ if( iSocketConnector )
+ {
+ iSocketConnector->StopConnect();
+ }
+ CloseConnection();
+ delete iConnectionInfo;
+ iTunnelHost.Close();
+ delete iRequestBatcher;
+ delete iOptimiser;
+ }
+CHttpConnectionManager::CHttpConnectionManager(MSocketFactory& aSocketFactory,
+ MHttpBatchingPropertiesCallback& aCallback,
+ CHttpPipelineFallback& aPipelineFallback,
+ TInt aMaxTransactionsToPipeline,
+ TBool aEnableOptimalPipeline):
+ iEnableOptimalPipeline(aEnableOptimalPipeline), iMaxTransactionsToPipeline(aMaxTransactionsToPipeline),
+ iSocketFactory(aSocketFactory), iCallback(aCallback), iPipelineFallback(aPipelineFallback)
+ {
+ }
+void CHttpConnectionManager::SubmitL(CHttpConnectionInfo& aConnectionInfo, MHttpRequest& aRequest, MHttpResponse& aResponse)
+ {
+ // Check state - may need to close connection
+ TBool secure = EFalse;
+ if( iState == EIdleConnected )
+ {
+ secure = iConnectionInfo->IsSecure();
+ // Can the current connection be re-used?
+ if( !iConnectionInfo->HostAndPortMatches(aConnectionInfo) ||
+ secure && !aConnectionInfo.IsSecure() )
+ {
+ __ASSERT_DEBUG( iPendingResponses.Count() == 0, User::Invariant() );
+ // Nope - either the current connection is to the wrong host or the
+ // current connection is secure and need a non-secure connection.
+ CloseConnection();
+ }
+ }
+ else if( iState == EClosing )
+ {
+ __ASSERT_DEBUG( iConnectionInfo->IsNonPersistent(), User::Invariant() );
+ __ASSERT_DEBUG( iPendingResponses.Count() == 0, User::Invariant() );
+ // The connection was non-persistent and the remote host has yet to
+ // close the connection - close it now.
+ CloseConnection();
+ }
+ if ( iState == EIdleConnected || iState == EConnected )
+ {
+ __ASSERT_DEBUG( iInputStream, User::Invariant() );
+ iInputStream->Restart ();
+ }
+ // Cleanup old connection info and take ownership of the new connection info.
+ delete iConnectionInfo;
+ iConnectionInfo = &aConnectionInfo;
+ // Store the request and response in appropriate place
+ if( iCurrentRequest == NULL )
+ {
+ // Make this the current request
+ iCurrentRequest = &aRequest;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ __ASSERT_DEBUG( !CannotPipeline(), User::Invariant() );
+ // Append to the pending request queue
+ User::LeaveIfError(iPendingRequests.Append(&aRequest));
+ }
+ if( iCurrentResponse == NULL )
+ {
+ // Make this the current response
+ iCurrentResponse = &aResponse;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ __ASSERT_DEBUG( !CannotPipeline(), User::Invariant() );
+ // Append to the pending response queue
+ TInt err = iPendingResponses.Append( &aResponse );
+ // The request is already added into the array. Remove it from the array
+ // in case of any error and leave with the error code.
+ // This is required because a checking is going on in CancelSubmission fn.
+ // That function expects: if a request object is present in the array there "must" be a
+ // corresponding response object.
+ if ( err != KErrNone )
+ {
+ TInt requestIndex = FindRequest( aRequest );
+ if( requestIndex != KErrNotFound )
+ {
+ iPendingRequests.Remove( requestIndex );
+ }
+ User::Leave ( err );
+ }
+ }
+ switch( iState )
+ {
+ case EIdle:
+ {
+ __FLOG_4(
+ _T8("Start connection to host %S, remote port %d (secure : %d, nonpersistent : %d)"),
+ &iConnectionInfo->Host(),
+ iConnectionInfo->Port(),
+ iConnectionInfo->IsSecure(),
+ iConnectionInfo->IsNonPersistent()
+ );
+ // Need to start connection to the appropriate host
+ iSocketConnector = &iSocketFactory.ConnectL(
+ *this,
+ iConnectionInfo->Host(),
+ iConnectionInfo->Port()
+ );
+ if (!CannotPipeline())
+ {
+ // we are pipelining so set this flag
+ iFlags.Set(EFirstTransaction);
+ }
+ // Move to Connecting state
+ iState = EConnecting;
+ } break;
+ case EIdleConnected:
+ {
+ // A connection is already established with the appropriate host and it
+ // is currently not being used by any other transaction. Check to see if
+ // an upgrade to a secure connection is required.
+ if( iConnectionInfo->IsSecure() && !secure )
+ {
+ // Upgrade the connection to be secure.
+ UpgradeConnectionL();
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // Move to Connected state and notify the current request to start.
+ // Specifies that this transaction is waiting to write its
+ // request to the supposedly connected connection. Due timing issues
+ // the server may have closed connection but connection manager has
+ // not been notified yet.
+ iState = EConnected;
+ iFlags.Set(EPendingWriteInConnectedState);
+ iCurrentRequest->StartRequest();
+ }
+ } break;
+ case EConnecting:
+ {
+ __ASSERT_DEBUG( !CannotPipeline(), User::Invariant() );
+ // Can only submit in this state is a transaction is being pipelined and
+ // pipelining is enabled. A connection is being established with the
+ // appropriate host for an earlier request. Do nothing.
+ } break;
+ case EConnected:
+ {
+ __ASSERT_DEBUG( !CannotPipeline(), User::Invariant() );
+ // Can only submit in this state is a transaction is being pipelined and
+ // pipelining is enabled. A connection has already been establised with
+ // the appropriate host but is currently being used by other transactions.
+ // Check to see if this request is now the current request.
+ if( iCurrentRequest == &aRequest )
+ {
+ // It is - start the request...
+ iCurrentRequest->StartRequest();
+ }
+ } break;
+ case EUpgrading:
+ {
+ __ASSERT_DEBUG( !CannotPipeline(), User::Invariant() );
+ // Can only submit in this state is a transaction is being pipelined and
+ // pipelining is enabled. A connection has already been established with
+ // the appropriate host and is currently being upgraded to be secure. Do
+ // nothing.
+ } break;
+ default:
+ User::Invariant();
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+CHttpConnectionManager::TConnectionStatus CHttpConnectionManager::Status() const
+ {
+ // Check the state for correct status value.
+ CHttpConnectionManager::TConnectionStatus status;
+ switch( iState )
+ {
+ case EIdle:
+ case EClosing:
+ {
+ status = ENotConnected;
+ } break;
+ case EIdleConnected:
+ {
+ status = EConnectedAndAvailable;
+ } break;
+ case EConnecting:
+ {
+ if(iEnableOptimalPipeline)
+ {
+ status = EConnectingNotAvailable;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ case EUpgrading:
+ case EConnected:
+ default:
+ {
+ // Number of requests is the number of Pending Responses + the current response
+ TInt numberResponses = iPendingResponses.Count();
+ if (iCurrentResponse != NULL)
+ {
+ numberResponses +=1;
+ }
+ if( (!CannotPipeline() && !iConnectionInfo->IsNonPersistent()) &&
+ numberResponses < iMaxTransactionsToPipeline)
+ {
+ // The connection can be used to pipeline requests - connect and busy.
+ status = EConnectedAndBusy;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // Other states, connected and not available.
+ status = EConnectedNotAvailable;
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ return status;
+ }
+const CHttpConnectionInfo& CHttpConnectionManager::ConnectionInfo() const
+ {
+ return *iConnectionInfo;
+ }
+void CHttpConnectionManager::CancelSubmission(MHttpRequest& aRequest, MHttpResponse& aResponse)
+ {
+ __FLOG_0(_T8("!! Cancel submission"));
+ // If the request has not yet been sent, then just remove the request and
+ // response from the pending queues. Everything can carry on as normal. But
+ // the request is in the process of being sent or has already been sent and
+ // is waiting for a response, then need to close the connection, notifying
+ // the other responses of the connection closure.
+ TInt requestIndex = FindRequest(aRequest);
+ TInt responseIndex = FindResponse(aResponse);
+ TBool stopConnection = EFalse;
+ if( requestIndex != KErrNotFound )
+ {
+ __ASSERT_DEBUG( responseIndex != KErrNotFound, User::Invariant() );
+ // The request has not been made - just need to remove the request and
+ // response objects from the pending queues.
+ iPendingRequests.Remove(requestIndex);
+ iPendingResponses.Remove(responseIndex);
+ }
+ else if( responseIndex != KErrNotFound )
+ {
+ // The request has been sent but the response has not yet been received
+ // and therefore need to stop the connection and remove response from
+ // the pending queue.
+ iPendingResponses.Remove(responseIndex);
+ stopConnection = ETrue;
+ }
+ // Is this request/response active?
+ if( stopConnection || iCurrentRequest == &aRequest || iCurrentResponse == &aResponse )
+ {
+ // Yep - need to stop the connection. Check state as could be still
+ // trying to connect.
+ if( iState == EConnecting )
+ {
+ __FLOG_4(
+ _T8("-> stopping connection to host %S, remote port %d (secure : %d, nonpersistent : %d)"),
+ &iConnectionInfo->Host(),
+ iConnectionInfo->Port(),
+ iConnectionInfo->IsSecure(),
+ iConnectionInfo->IsNonPersistent()
+ );
+ // Stop the connection - move to Idle state
+ iSocketConnector->StopConnect();
+ iSocketConnector = NULL;
+ SetIdleState();
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // As the connection had been established, then the request/response
+ // could be in progress - cancel them.
+ if( iCurrentRequest && iCurrentRequest == &aRequest)
+ {
+ __FLOG_0(_T8("-> cancelling request"));
+ iCurrentRequest->CancelRequest();
+ }
+ if( iCurrentResponse == NULL && iPendingResponses.Count() == 0 )
+ {
+ iCurrentResponse = &aResponse;
+ }
+ if( iCurrentResponse && iCurrentResponse == &aResponse )
+ {
+ __FLOG_0(_T8("-> completing response"));
+ DoResponseCompletion ();
+ __FLOG_0(_T8("-> cancelling response"));
+ iCurrentResponse->CancelResponse();
+ // Need connection closure?
+ if ( stopConnection ||
+ ( iCurrentResponse && iCurrentResponse == &aResponse && !iCurrentResponse->ResponseCompleted () ) )
+ {
+ __FLOG_4(
+ _T8("-> closing connection to host %S, remote port %d (secure : %d, nonpersistent : %d)"),
+ &iConnectionInfo->Host(),
+ iConnectionInfo->Port(),
+ iConnectionInfo->IsSecure(),
+ iConnectionInfo->IsNonPersistent()
+ );
+ CloseConnection ();
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ ResponseDataParsed ();
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if ( iCurrentResponse && iState == EIdle )
+ {
+ if ( stopConnection )
+ {
+ __FLOG_0(_T8("-> Notifying current and pending transactions"));
+ // The current transaction was not the one to cancel - need to
+ // notify it. This request has already sent and no response has been received.
+ // Need to resend the request to maintain the correct request/response state
+ // which is needed by the request/response composer/parser.
+ iCurrentResponse->ConnectionError(KErrHttpNonPipeliningError);
+ }
+ NotifyPendingTransactions(KErrHttpNonPipeliningError);
+ // Current request and response are no longer valid
+ iCurrentRequest = NULL;
+ iCurrentResponse = NULL;
+ return;
+ }
+ if ( iState == EIdle && iPendingRequests.Count() > 0 )
+ {
+ // connection is closed explicitly by the connection manager or not active. If we are
+ // having pending requests to be sent need to reconnect here.
+ __FLOG_0(_T8("-> Reconnecting and sending the first pending request."));
+ // Set the current request & response
+ iCurrentRequest = iPendingRequests[0];
+ iCurrentResponse = iPendingResponses[0];
+ // Remove it from the pending queue
+ iPendingRequests.Remove (0);
+ iPendingResponses.Remove (0);
+ // Now do a reconnect
+ TRAPD ( err, ReconnectSocketL () );
+ if ( err != KErrNone )
+ {
+ ReportSocketError ( err );
+ }
+ return;
+ }
+ if ( iCurrentRequest && iCurrentRequest == &aRequest )
+ {
+ iCurrentRequest = NULL;
+ }
+ if ( iCurrentResponse && iCurrentResponse == &aResponse )
+ {
+ iCurrentResponse = NULL;
+ }
+ }
+ else if( CannotPipeline() && !iCurrentRequest && !iCurrentResponse )
+ {
+ // Closing the connection since pipelining has been disabled and both the request and
+ // response have been completed.
+ __FLOG_4(
+ _T8("-> closing connection to host %S, remote port %d (secure : %d, nonpersistent : %d)"),
+ &iConnectionInfo->Host(),
+ iConnectionInfo->Port(),
+ iConnectionInfo->IsSecure(),
+ iConnectionInfo->IsNonPersistent()
+ );
+ CloseConnection();
+ }
+ // Otherwise - do nothing. This submission has already completed.
+#if defined (_DEBUG) && defined (_LOGGING)
+ __FLOG_0(_T8("-> This submission has already completed. Do nothing"));
+ }
+const CX509Certificate* CHttpConnectionManager::ServerCert()
+ {
+ __ASSERT_DEBUG( iOutputStream != NULL, User::Invariant() );
+ return iOutputStream->ServerCert();
+ }
+TInt CHttpConnectionManager::CipherSuite(TDes8& aCipherSuite)
+ {
+ __ASSERT_DEBUG( iOutputStream != NULL, User::Invariant() );
+ return iOutputStream->CipherSuite(aCipherSuite);
+ }
+void CHttpConnectionManager::TunnelConnection(RStringF aHost)
+ {
+ __ASSERT_DEBUG( iState == EConnected, User::Invariant() );
+ // Copy the host information (includes port info) for where the tunnel leads.
+ iTunnelHost.Close();
+ iTunnelHost = aHost.Copy();
+ iTunnel = ETrue;
+ __FLOG_0(_T8("!! Tunnel establised"));
+ __FLOG_5(
+ _T8("-> tunnel to %S via host %S, remote port %d (secure : %d, nonpersistent : %d)"),
+ &iTunnelHost.DesC(),
+ &iConnectionInfo->Host(),
+ iConnectionInfo->Port(),
+ iConnectionInfo->IsSecure(),
+ iConnectionInfo->IsNonPersistent()
+ );
+ }
+TBool CHttpConnectionManager::TunnelMatches(RStringF aHost) const
+ {
+ return (iTunnel && iTunnelHost == aHost);
+ }
+void CHttpConnectionManager::CloseConnection()
+ {
+ if( iInputStream )
+ {
+ // Flag that connection
+ iState = EClosing;
+ // Close the input stream
+ iInputStream->Close();
+ iInputStream = NULL;
+ }
+ // NOTE - there is no need to close the output stream as by closing the
+ // input stream it would have been notified and closed anyway. Also, the
+ // state should have moved to Idle.
+ __ASSERT_DEBUG( iState == EIdle, User::Invariant() );
+ }
+void CHttpConnectionManager::UpgradeConnectionL()
+ {
+ __ASSERT_DEBUG( iOutputStream != NULL, User::Invariant() );
+ __FLOG_0(_T8("!! Upgrading to secure"));
+ // Request upgrade to a secure connection - move to Upgrading state.
+ TPtrC8 host;
+ if( iTunnel )
+ {
+ __FLOG_5(
+ _T8("-> tunnel to %S via host %S, remote port %d (secure : %d, nonpersistent : %d)"),
+ &iTunnelHost.DesC(),
+ &iConnectionInfo->Host(),
+ iConnectionInfo->Port(),
+ iConnectionInfo->IsSecure(),
+ iConnectionInfo->IsNonPersistent()
+ );
+ // Host info is in the tunnel host name - this is an authority form data
+ // and so needs to be parsed.
+ TAuthorityParser8 authority;
+ User::LeaveIfError(authority.Parse(iTunnelHost.DesC()));
+ host.Set(authority.Extract(EAuthorityHost));
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ __FLOG_4(
+ _T8("-> connection to host %S, remote port %d (secure : %d, nonpersistent : %d)"),
+ &iConnectionInfo->Host(),
+ iConnectionInfo->Port(),
+ iConnectionInfo->IsSecure(),
+ iConnectionInfo->IsNonPersistent()
+ );
+ // Just a normal connection - host info is in the connection info.
+ host.Set(iConnectionInfo->Host());
+ }
+ iOutputStream->SecureClientReq(host);
+ iState = EUpgrading;
+ }
+void CHttpConnectionManager::HandleSocketError(TInt aError)
+ {
+ // Is this due to the connection manager closing the connection?
+ if( iState != EClosing )
+ {
+#if defined (_DEBUG) && defined (_LOGGING)
+ if( iState == EConnecting )
+ {
+ __FLOG_1(_T8("!! Error : %d"), aError);
+ __FLOG_4(
+ _T8("-> could not connect to host %S, remote port %d (secure : %d, nonpersistent : %d)"),
+ &iConnectionInfo->Host(),
+ iConnectionInfo->Port(),
+ iConnectionInfo->IsSecure(),
+ iConnectionInfo->IsNonPersistent()
+ );
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ __FLOG_1(_T8("!! Error : %d"), aError);
+ __FLOG_4(
+ _T8("-> connection closed to host %S, remote port %d (secure : %d, nonpersistent : %d)"),
+ &iConnectionInfo->Host(),
+ iConnectionInfo->Port(),
+ iConnectionInfo->IsSecure(),
+ iConnectionInfo->IsNonPersistent()
+ );
+ }
+ if ( ( aError == KErrEof || aError == KErrCancel ) )
+ {
+ if ( IsPendingWriteInConnectedState() && !iCurrentRequest->NeedDisconnectNotification() )
+ {
+ // Server shut down the connect before the current transaction had
+ // a chance to send any of its data - attempt re-connect to server.
+ // Cancel the current request
+ iCurrentRequest->CancelRequest ();
+ TRAPD(err, ReconnectSocketL());
+ if(err != KErrNone)
+ {
+ // Re-connection to server failed at 1st hurdle - give up and
+ // report the error.
+ ReportSocketError(aError);
+ }
+ else
+ return; // need early exit to maintain correct state - doh!
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // Report the socket error
+ ReportSocketError(aError);
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // Report the socket error
+ ReportSocketError(aError);
+ }
+ }
+#if defined (_DEBUG) && defined (_LOGGING)
+ else
+ {
+ __FLOG_4(_T8("!! Connection closed to host %S, remote port %d (secure : %d, nonpersistent : %d)"),
+ &iConnectionInfo->Host(),
+ iConnectionInfo->Port(),
+ iConnectionInfo->IsSecure(),
+ iConnectionInfo->IsNonPersistent()
+ );
+ if( iConnectionInfo->IsNonPersistent() && aError == KErrEof )
+ {
+ __FLOG_0(_T8("-> non-persistent connection : expected shutdown"));
+ }
+ }
+ // Move to Idle state...
+ SetIdleState();
+ }
+void CHttpConnectionManager::ReportSocketError(TInt aError)
+ {
+ if( iCurrentResponse != NULL )
+ {
+ __FLOG_0(_T8("-> notifying waiting response(s)"));
+ TInt error = aError;
+ // If we have a current request/response, cancel them
+ if( iCurrentRequest )
+ {
+ __FLOG_0(_T8("-> cancelling request"));
+ iCurrentRequest->CancelRequest();
+ }
+ if( iCurrentResponse )
+ {
+ __FLOG_0(_T8("-> cancelling response"));
+ iCurrentResponse->CancelResponse();
+ }
+ iCurrentResponse->ConnectionError(error);
+ if( iState != EConnecting && iPendingResponses.Count() > 0 )
+ {
+ __FLOG_0(_T8("-> there are pipelined transactions - re-submit without pipelining"));
+ __FLOG_2(_T8("-> reporting %d (KErrHttpPipeliningError) instead of %d"), KErrHttpPipeliningError, aError);
+ // Change reported error as KErrHttpPipeliningError - this
+ // indicates that those transaction can be re-submitted but
+ // should not be pipelined.
+ error = KErrHttpPipeliningError;
+ // Insert the host to probable pipeline list
+ if(iConnectionInfo)
+ {
+ __FLOG_1(_T8("-> Insert host: %S to probable pipelined host list"), &iConnectionInfo->Host());
+ iPipelineFallback.InsertPipelineFailedHost(iConnectionInfo->Host());
+ }
+ }
+ // Notify any pending (pipelined) transactions and the current
+ // transaction of the error.
+ NotifyPendingTransactions(error);
+ // The current response and request are now no longer valid.
+ iCurrentRequest = NULL;
+ iCurrentResponse = NULL;
+ }
+#if defined (_DEBUG) && defined (_LOGGING)
+ else
+ {
+ __FLOG_0(_T8("-> connection not being used - no waiting transactions"));
+ }
+ }
+void CHttpConnectionManager::ReconnectSocketL()
+ {
+ __FLOG_0(_T8("-> Attempting to re-connect to server"));
+ // Need to re-connect to the server. Clear the flags
+ iFlags.Clear(EPendingWriteInConnectedState);
+ __FLOG_4(
+ _T8("Re-connecting to host %S, remote port %d (secure : %d, nonpersistent : %d)"),
+ &iConnectionInfo->Host(),
+ iConnectionInfo->Port(),
+ iConnectionInfo->IsSecure(),
+ iConnectionInfo->IsNonPersistent()
+ );
+ // Need to start connection to the appropriate host
+ iSocketConnector = &iSocketFactory.ConnectL(
+ *this,
+ iConnectionInfo->Host(),
+ iConnectionInfo->Port()
+ );
+ // Move to Connecting state...
+ iState = EConnecting;
+ }
+void CHttpConnectionManager::MakeConnectionNonPersistent()
+ {
+ // Is the connection already non-persistent?
+ if( !iConnectionInfo->IsNonPersistent() )
+ {
+ // Nope - change to be non-persistent...
+ iConnectionInfo->SetPersistentState(CHttpConnectionInfo::ENonPersistent);
+ __FLOG_0(_T8("!! Converting to non-persistent connection"));
+ __FLOG_4(
+ _T8("-> connection to host %S, remote port %d (secure : %d, nonpersistent : %d)"),
+ &iConnectionInfo->Host(),
+ iConnectionInfo->Port(),
+ iConnectionInfo->IsSecure(),
+ iConnectionInfo->IsNonPersistent()
+ );
+ // Flag that this connection now cannot pipeline - cancel any pending
+ // trasactions with a non-pipelining error code. This indicates that
+ // those transaction can be re-submitted and still be pipelined.
+ iFlags.Set(ECannotPipeline);
+ NotifyPendingTransactions(KErrHttpPipeliningError);
+ iCurrentRequest = NULL;
+ }
+ }
+void CHttpConnectionManager::CheckRequestComplete(MHttpRequest& aRequest)
+ {
+ // Check to see if the current request matches the request to be stopped.
+ if( !IsFirstTransaction() && iCurrentRequest == &aRequest)
+ {
+ __FLOG_0(_T8("!! Incomplete request"));
+ __FLOG_0(_T8("-> cancelling request and moving to non-persistent connection"));
+ // Ok, this request is not complete - cancel it.
+ if (aRequest.CheckRequestPendingComplete())
+ {
+ // Request was done anyway. Just make sure to discard the next confirmation of
+ // data sent.
+ iFlags.Set(EDiscardSndDataCnf);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // Change connection to non-persistent - this should take care of any
+ // pipelined requests.
+ MakeConnectionNonPersistent();
+ }
+ if(iCurrentRequest)
+ {
+ iCurrentRequest->CancelRequest();
+ iCurrentRequest = NULL;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+TInt CHttpConnectionManager::FindRequest(MHttpRequest& aRequest)
+ {
+ TInt ii = iPendingRequests.Count();
+ while( ii > 0)
+ {
+ if( &aRequest == iPendingRequests[--ii] )
+ {
+ // Found the request - pass the appropriate index value.
+ return ii;
+ }
+ }
+ return KErrNotFound;
+ }
+TInt CHttpConnectionManager::FindResponse(MHttpResponse& aResponse)
+ {
+ TInt ii = iPendingResponses.Count();
+ while( ii > 0)
+ {
+ if( &aResponse == iPendingResponses[--ii] )
+ {
+ // Found the response - pass the appropriate index value.
+ return ii;
+ }
+ }
+ return KErrNotFound;
+ }
+void CHttpConnectionManager::NotifyPendingTransactions(TInt aError)
+ {
+ TInt ii = iPendingResponses.Count();
+ while( ii > 0 )
+ {
+ // Notify the waiting transaction of the error
+ iPendingResponses[--ii]->ConnectionError(aError);
+ }
+ // Reset the pending request and response queues.
+ iPendingRequests.Reset();
+ iPendingResponses.Reset();
+ }
+void CHttpConnectionManager::DisablePipelining()
+ {
+ __ASSERT_DEBUG( iState == EIdle || iState == EIdleConnected || iState == EClosing, User::Invariant() );
+ __ASSERT_DEBUG( !CannotPipeline(), User::Invariant() );
+ iFlags.Set(ECannotPipeline);
+ }
+void CHttpConnectionManager::SetIdleState()
+ {
+ // The connection is now Idle - reset tunnel and pipeline flags.
+ iState = EIdle;
+ iTunnel = EFalse;
+ iFlags.Clear(ECannotPipeline);
+ iFlags.Clear(EPendingWriteInConnectedState);
+ }
+ * Methods from MHttpRequestObserver
+ */
+void CHttpConnectionManager::SendRequestDataL(const TDesC8& aData)
+ {
+ __ASSERT_DEBUG( iState == EConnected, User::Invariant() );
+ iOutputStream->SendDataReqL(aData);
+ }
+void CHttpConnectionManager::RequestComplete()
+ {
+ __ASSERT_DEBUG( iState == EConnected, User::Invariant() );
+ //Start the Receive Timer
+ StartRecvTimer();
+ // Current request is complete.
+ if( !IsFirstTransaction() )
+ {
+ iCurrentRequest = NULL;
+ if( iPendingRequests.Count() > 0 )
+ {
+ // More requests are pending - start the next one. Remove it from the
+ // pending queue.
+ iCurrentRequest = iPendingRequests[0];
+ iPendingRequests.Remove(0);
+ iCurrentRequest->StartRequest();
+ }
+ }
+ }
+void CHttpConnectionManager::SendingBodyData(TBool aValue)
+ {
+ if(iOutputStream)
+ {
+ iOutputStream->SetTCPCorking(aValue);
+ }
+ }
+ * Methods from MHttpResponseObserver
+ */
+void CHttpConnectionManager::ResponseDataParsed()
+ {
+ __ASSERT_DEBUG( iState == EConnected, User::Invariant() );
+ if( iCurrentResponse == NULL )
+ {
+ // The current response has finished with the connection - was it a
+ // non-persistent connection?
+ if( IsFirstTransaction() )
+ {
+ iFlags.Clear(EFirstTransaction);
+ iCurrentRequest = NULL;
+ }
+ // More requests are pending - start the next one,
+ // and remove it from the pending queue.
+ if ( iPendingRequests.Count() > 0 )
+ {
+ iCurrentRequest = iPendingRequests[0];
+ iPendingRequests.Remove(0);
+ if( iPendingResponses.Count() > 0 )
+ {
+ iCurrentResponse = iPendingResponses[0];
+ iPendingResponses.Remove(0);
+ }
+ iState = EConnected;
+ iFlags.Set(EPendingWriteInConnectedState);
+ iCurrentRequest->StartRequest();
+ }
+ else if( iConnectionInfo->IsNonPersistent() )
+ {
+ __FLOG_0(_T8("!! Non-persistent connection : expect server to close connection"));
+ __FLOG_4(
+ _T8("-> moving to Closing state on connection to host %S, remote port %d (secure : %d, nonpersistent : %d)"),
+ &iConnectionInfo->Host(),
+ iConnectionInfo->Port(),
+ iConnectionInfo->IsSecure(),
+ iConnectionInfo->IsNonPersistent()
+ );
+ __ASSERT_DEBUG( iPendingResponses.Count() == 0, User::Invariant() );
+ iFlags.Clear(ECannotPipeline);
+ iState = EClosing;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // Connection is persistent and no longer waiting for any more
+ // response data - going to IdleConnected state. Also, allow
+ // pipelining to occur on this connection.
+ iState = EIdleConnected;
+ iFlags.Clear(ECannotPipeline);
+ }
+ //Start the Receive Timer
+ StartRecvTimer();
+ // Update the state and notify the input stream that the received data
+ // is no longer needed.
+ iInputStream->ReceivedDataRes();
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // Check to see if there is any excess data.
+ if( iExcessData.Length() > 0 )
+ {
+ // Spoof receiving this data.
+ __FLOG_5(_T8("Received %d bytes of data on connection to host %S, remote port %d (secure : %d, nonpersistent : %d)"),
+ iExcessData.Length(),
+ &iConnectionInfo->Host(),
+ iConnectionInfo->Port(),
+ iConnectionInfo->IsSecure(),
+ iConnectionInfo->IsNonPersistent()
+ );
+ // The current transaction should be given the data. Once passed to
+ // the response, reset the excess data.
+ iCurrentResponse->ResponseDataReceived(iExcessData);
+ iExcessData.Set(KNullDesC8());
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ //Start the Receive Timer
+ if(!iCurrentResponse->ResponseInformational())
+ {
+ StartRecvTimer();
+ }
+ // Notify the input stream that the received data is no longer needed
+ iInputStream->ReceivedDataRes();
+ }
+ }
+ }
+void CHttpConnectionManager::ResponseComplete(const TDesC8& aExcessData)
+ {
+ // Remove the current response.
+ iCurrentResponse = NULL;
+ __FLOG_1(_T8("Received %d bytes of excess data"), aExcessData.Length());
+ // Need to store the excess data.
+ if( iPendingResponses.Count() > 0 )
+ {
+ iExcessData.Set(aExcessData);
+ if( !IsFirstTransaction())
+ {
+ // More responses are pending - get the next one. Remove it from the
+ // pending queue.
+ iCurrentResponse = iPendingResponses[0];
+ iPendingResponses.Remove(0);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ * Methods from MSocketConnectObserver
+ */
+void CHttpConnectionManager::ConnectionMadeL(MInputStream& aInputStream, MOutputStream& aOutputStream)
+ {
+ // Connector object no longer valid
+ iSocketConnector = NULL;
+ // Bind to the input stream
+ iInputStream = &aInputStream;
+ iOutputStream = &aOutputStream;
+ if(iOptimiser)
+ {
+ delete iOptimiser;
+ iOptimiser = NULL;
+ }
+ __FLOG_4(
+ _T8("Connected to host %S, remote port %d (secure : %d, nonpersistent : %d)"),
+ &iConnectionInfo->Host(),
+ iConnectionInfo->Port(),
+ iConnectionInfo->IsSecure(),
+ iConnectionInfo->IsNonPersistent()
+ );
+ TBool batchingEnabled = EFalse;
+ MHttpDataOptimiser* dataOptimiser = iCurrentRequest->HttpDataOptimiser( batchingEnabled );
+ if (!CannotPipeline())
+ {
+ TInt bufferSize = 0;
+ bufferSize = iCallback.GetMaxBatchingBufferSize();
+ if (bufferSize > 0) // Therefore, implicitly, batching is supported
+ {
+ if (iRequestBatcher)
+ {
+ delete iRequestBatcher;
+ iRequestBatcher = NULL;
+ }
+ if( dataOptimiser && batchingEnabled )
+ {
+ // dataOptimiser has been set for the current session
+ iOptimiser = CHttpClientOptimiser::NewL(*iOutputStream, *this);
+ iOptimiser->BindOptimiser(*dataOptimiser);
+ iRequestBatcher = CHttpRequestBatcher::NewL(*iOptimiser, bufferSize);
+ __FLOG_0(_T8("-> Created request batcher"));
+ __FLOG_0(_T8("-> HTTP Data Optimiser has been set"));
+ iInputStream->Bind(*iOptimiser);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ iRequestBatcher = CHttpRequestBatcher::NewL(*iOutputStream, bufferSize);
+ __FLOG_0(_T8("-> Created request batcher"));
+ iOutputStream->Bind(*iRequestBatcher);
+ iInputStream->Bind(*this);
+ }
+ iRequestBatcher->Bind(*this);
+ iOutputStream = iRequestBatcher;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // We are pipelining but not batching
+ __FLOG_0(_T8("-> Did not create request batcher as batching disabled"));
+ CreateOptimiserL( dataOptimiser );
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // We are not pipelining
+ __FLOG_0(_T8("-> Did not create request batcher as pipelining disabled"));
+ CreateOptimiserL( dataOptimiser );
+ }
+ if( iConnectionInfo->IsSecure() )
+ {
+ // Upgrade the connection to be secure.
+ UpgradeConnectionL();
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // Move to Connected state and notify the current request to start.
+ iState = EConnected;
+ iCurrentRequest->StartRequest();
+ }
+ }
+TInt CHttpConnectionManager::HandleConnectError(TInt aError)
+ {
+ // Ok, the connector object is now invalid
+ iSocketConnector = NULL;
+ // Handle the error...
+ HandleSocketError(aError);
+ __ASSERT_DEBUG( iState == EIdle, User::Invariant() );
+ return KErrNone;
+ }
+void CHttpConnectionManager::MSocketConnectObserver_Reserved()
+ {
+ User::Invariant();
+ }
+ * Methods from MInputStreamObserver
+ */
+void CHttpConnectionManager::ReceivedDataIndL(const TDesC8& aBuffer)
+ {
+ if( iCurrentResponse != NULL )
+ {
+ __FLOG_5(_T8("Received %d bytes of data on connection to host %S, remote port %d (secure : %d, nonpersistent : %d)"),
+ aBuffer.Length(),
+ &iConnectionInfo->Host(),
+ iConnectionInfo->Port(),
+ iConnectionInfo->IsSecure(),
+ iConnectionInfo->IsNonPersistent()
+ );
+ // The current transaction should be given the data.
+ iCurrentResponse->ResponseDataReceived(aBuffer);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ __FLOG_1(_T8("!! Spurious data : %d bytes of data ignored"), aBuffer.Length());
+ __FLOG_4(
+ _T8("-> data received on connection to host %S, remote port %d (secure : %d, nonpersistent : %d)"),
+ &iConnectionInfo->Host(),
+ iConnectionInfo->Port(),
+ iConnectionInfo->IsSecure(),
+ iConnectionInfo->IsNonPersistent()
+ );
+ //Start the Receive Timer
+ StartRecvTimer();
+ // This data does not belong to any transaction - ignore it.
+ iInputStream->ReceivedDataRes();
+ }
+ }
+void CHttpConnectionManager::SecureServerCnf()
+ {
+ User::Invariant();
+ }
+void CHttpConnectionManager::InputStreamCloseInd(TInt aError)
+ {
+ // The input stream is no longer of any use as the connection has closed.
+ iInputStream = NULL;
+ // Handle the error only if the output stream observer has not done so
+ // already.
+ if( iOutputStream != NULL )
+ {
+ HandleSocketError(aError);
+ }
+ }
+void CHttpConnectionManager::MInputStreamObserver_Reserved()
+ {
+ User::Invariant();
+ }
+ * Methods from MOutputStreamObserver
+ */
+void CHttpConnectionManager::SendDataCnfL()
+ {
+ if (DiscardSndDataCnf())
+ {
+ __FLOG_0(_T8("-> Disgarding Confirmation that data was sent"));
+ iFlags.Clear(EDiscardSndDataCnf);
+ if (iState == EConnected)
+ {
+ RequestComplete();
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ __FLOG_0(_T8("-> Initialising iCurrentRequest"));
+ iCurrentRequest=NULL;
+ }
+ }
+ // Notify the current request that its data has been sent.
+ else if( iCurrentRequest)
+ {
+ iCurrentRequest->RequestDataSent();
+ // The request has now sent data - reset the pending write flag.
+ iFlags.Clear(EPendingWriteInConnectedState);
+ }
+ }
+void CHttpConnectionManager::SecureClientCnf()
+ {
+ __ASSERT_DEBUG( iState == EUpgrading, User::Invariant() );
+#if defined (_DEBUG) && defined (_LOGGING)
+ __FLOG_0(_T8("!! Secure connection establised"));
+ if( iTunnel )
+ {
+ __FLOG_5(
+ _T8("-> secure tunnel to %S via host %S, remote port %d (secure : %d, nonpersistent : %d)"),
+ &iTunnelHost.DesC(),
+ &iConnectionInfo->Host(),
+ iConnectionInfo->Port(),
+ iConnectionInfo->IsSecure(),
+ iConnectionInfo->IsNonPersistent()
+ );
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ __FLOG_4(
+ _T8("-> secure connection to host %S, remote port %d (secure : %d, nonpersistent : %d)"),
+ &iConnectionInfo->Host(),
+ iConnectionInfo->Port(),
+ iConnectionInfo->IsSecure(),
+ iConnectionInfo->IsNonPersistent()
+ );
+ }
+ // Move to Connected state and notify the current request to start.
+ iState = EConnected;
+ iCurrentRequest->StartRequest();
+ }
+void CHttpConnectionManager::OutputStreamCloseInd(TInt aError)
+ {
+ // The output stream is no longer of any use as the connection has closed.
+ iOutputStream = NULL;
+ // Handle the error only if the input stream observer has not done so
+ // already.
+ if( iInputStream != NULL )
+ {
+ HandleSocketError(aError);
+ }
+ }
+void CHttpConnectionManager::DoResponseCompletion ()
+ {
+ __ASSERT_DEBUG( iCurrentResponse != NULL, User::Invariant() );
+ // We do these operations only for 3xx responses and the response parsing
+ // hasn't happened completely
+ if ( iCurrentResponse->NeedCompletion() && !iCurrentResponse->ResponseCompleted () )
+ {
+ // Try to complete the response. Parser may have the data but not processed.
+ TBool responseCompleted = iCurrentResponse->CompleteResponse ( KNullDesC8() );
+ while ( !responseCompleted )
+ {
+ // Read and try complete the response
+ TPtrC8 data;
+ __FLOG_0(_T8("!! doing an immediate socket read"));
+ TInt ret = iInputStream->ImmediateRead ( data );
+ if ( ( iPendingResponses.Count() == 0 ) || ret <= KErrNone )
+ {
+ __FLOG_0(_T8("!! Breaking from the loop"));
+ // no further data is expected or there is a socket error
+ break;
+ }
+ responseCompleted = iCurrentResponse->CompleteResponse ( data );
+ }
+ }
+ }
+void CHttpConnectionManager::MOutputStreamObserver_Reserved()
+ {
+ User::Invariant();
+ }
+MHttpResponse* CHttpConnectionManager::CurrentResponse()
+ {
+ return iCurrentResponse;
+ }
+void CHttpConnectionManager::CreateOptimiserL(MHttpDataOptimiser* aDataOptimiser)
+ {
+ if( aDataOptimiser )
+ {
+ // The dataOptimiser has been set, it does not matter if it is for session or transaction
+ iOptimiser = CHttpClientOptimiser::NewL(*iOutputStream, *this);
+ iOptimiser->BindOptimiser(*aDataOptimiser);
+ __FLOG_0(_T8("-> HTTP Data Optimiser has been set"));
+ iInputStream->Bind(*iOptimiser);
+ iOutputStream = iOptimiser;
+ iOutputStream->Bind(*this);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ iInputStream->Bind(*this);
+ iOutputStream->Bind(*this);
+ }
+ }
+void CHttpConnectionManager::OnReceiveTimeOut()
+ {
+ if(iCurrentResponse)
+ {
+ iCurrentResponse->OnResponseReceiveTimeOut();
+ }
+ }
+void CHttpConnectionManager::OnSendTimeOut()
+ {
+ if(iCurrentRequest)
+ {
+ iCurrentRequest->OnRequestSendTimeOut();
+ }
+ }
+TInt CHttpConnectionManager::SendTimeOutVal()
+ {
+ if(iCurrentRequest)
+ {
+ return iCurrentRequest->SendTimeOutValue();
+ }
+ return 0;
+ }
+void CHttpConnectionManager::StartRecvTimer()
+ {
+ if(iCurrentResponse)
+ {
+ TInt timeoutValue = iCurrentResponse->ReceiveTimeOutValue();
+ if(iInputStream)
+ {
+ iInputStream->StartReceieveTimer(timeoutValue);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+void CHttpConnectionManager::InsertPipelineFailedHost(const TDesC8& aHost)
+ {
+ iPipelineFallback.InsertPipelineFailedHost(aHost);
+ }
+CHttpHostElement* CHttpHostElement::New(const TDesC8& aHost)
+ {
+ CHttpHostElement* self = new CHttpHostElement;
+ if(self && self->Construct(aHost))
+ {
+ return self;
+ }
+ delete self;
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ {
+ delete iHost;
+ }
+TBool CHttpHostElement::Construct(const TDesC8& aHost)
+ {
+ iHost = aHost.Alloc();
+ return (iHost != NULL);
+ }
+: iPipelineFailedHosts(16), // With granularity 16
+ {
+ }
+CHttpPipelineFallback* CHttpPipelineFallback::NewL()
+ {
+ return new(ELeave)CHttpPipelineFallback;
+ }
+ {
+ iPipelineFailedHosts.ResetAndDestroy();
+ // Free up the objects pointed by the list
+ CHttpHostElement* element;
+ TSglQueIter<CHttpHostElement> it(iProbablePipelineFailedHosts);
+ while((element = it++) != NULL)
+ {
+ iProbablePipelineFailedHosts.Remove(*element);
+ delete element;
+ }
+ }
+TBool CHttpPipelineFallback::NeedPipelineFallback(const TDesC8& aHost)
+ {
+ TInt count = iPipelineFailedHosts.Count();
+ for(TInt i = count - 1; i >= 0; --i)
+ {
+ if(aHost.CompareF(*(iPipelineFailedHosts[i])) == 0)
+ return ETrue;
+ }
+ return EFalse;
+ }
+void CHttpPipelineFallback::InsertPipelineFailedHost(const TDesC8& aHost)
+ {
+ // Already failed. no need to check further.
+ if(NeedPipelineFallback(aHost))
+ {
+ return;
+ }
+ CHttpHostElement* element = NULL;
+ TSglQueIter<CHttpHostElement> it(iProbablePipelineFailedHosts);
+ while((element = it++) != NULL)
+ {
+ if(element->Host().CompareF(aHost) == 0)
+ {
+ // Remove from the list and push into the pipeline failed array
+ iProbablePipelineFailedHosts.Remove(*element);
+ iPipelineFailedHosts.Append(element->AcquireHost()); // No need to check the return code
+ // as, a failure does not matter here.
+ delete element; // Delete the host element.
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ // A new host has failed on the pipelining. Add into the list
+ element = CHttpHostElement::New(aHost);
+ if(element)
+ {
+ iProbablePipelineFailedHosts.AddLast(*element);
+ }
+ }