changeset 0 b16258d2340f
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/applayerpluginsandutils/httpprotocolplugins/httpheadercodec/chttpclientheaderreader.cpp	Tue Feb 02 01:09:52 2010 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,246 @@
+// Copyright (c) 2002-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+// All rights reserved.
+// This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+// under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+// which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+// at the URL "".
+// Initial Contributors:
+// Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+// Contributors:
+// Description:
+#include "chttpclientheaderreader.h"
+#include <http/rhttpsession.h>
+#include <httpstringconstants.h>
+#include <httperr.h>
+#include <inetprottextutils.h>
+_LIT8(KFieldSeparator, "\n");
+_LIT8(KCommaNewline, ",\n");
+CHttpClientHeaderReader* CHttpClientHeaderReader::NewL(RStringPool aStringPool)
+	{
+	return new (ELeave) CHttpClientHeaderReader(aStringPool);
+	}
+	{
+	// The reader and writer classes are owned and destroyed by the base class CHeaderCodec
+	}
+CHttpClientHeaderReader::CHttpClientHeaderReader(RStringPool aStringPool)
+: CHttpHeaderReader(aStringPool)
+	{
+	}
+void CHttpClientHeaderReader::DecodeSetCookieL(RHeaderField& aHeader) const
+	{
+	// The generic header will add each cookie on a separate line. Each cookie forms 1 part.
+	// Each cookie will be made up of a number of parameters with name being the first and value the second, following that 
+	// will be just the actual parameters that form part of a cookie.
+	TPtrC8 buffer;
+	aHeader.RawDataL(buffer);	
+	TInt remainingSize = buffer.Length();
+	TPtrC8 token;
+	TInt cookieCount = 0;
+	while (remainingSize > 0)
+		{
+		// Extract tokens seperated by header field separator defined as KFieldSeparator in textmodestd.h
+		remainingSize -= InetProtTextUtils::ExtractNextTokenFromList(buffer, token, KFieldSeparator);
+		DecodeOneCookieL(aHeader, token, cookieCount);
+		++cookieCount;
+		}
+	}
+void CHttpClientHeaderReader::DecodeOneCookieL(RHeaderField& aHeader, const TDesC8& aCookieData, TInt aCookieNumber) const
+	{
+	// NETSCAPE Persistent Client State HTTP Cookies (
+	// SetCookie: NAME=VALUE [; expires=DATE] [; path=PATH] [; domain= DOMAIN_NAME] [; secure]
+	// RFC 2109
+	// set-cookie = "Set-Cookie:" 1#cookie
+	// cookie = NAME "=" VALUE *(";" cookie-av)
+	// cookie-av = "Comment" "=" value | "Domain" "=" value | "Max-Age" "=" value | "Path" "=" value | "Secure" |
+	//				| "Version" "=" 1*DIGIT
+	// RFC 2965 
+	// set-cookie = "Set-Cookie2:" 1#cookie
+	// cookie = NAME "=" VALUE *(";" set-cookie-av)
+	// set-cookie-av = "Comment" "=" value | CommentURIL "=" <"> http_URL <">| "Discard" | "Domain" "=" value 
+	//					| "Max-Age" "=" value | "Path" "=" value | "Port" ["=" <"> portlist <">] |
+	//					"Secure" | "Version" "=" 1*DIGIT
+	// portlist = 1#portnum
+	// portnum = 1*DIGIT
+	CHeaderFieldPart* cookie = SetNewFStringPartL(aHeader, aCookieNumber, iStrPool.StringF(HTTP::ECookie,iStringTable).DesC());
+	TPtrC8 buffer(aCookieData);
+	TInt remainingSize = buffer.Length();
+	TPtrC8 token;
+	TBool setCookieNameAndValue = EFalse;
+	while (remainingSize > 0)
+		{
+		remainingSize -= InetProtTextUtils::ExtractNextTokenFromList(buffer, token, ';');
+		if (setCookieNameAndValue)
+			{
+			// first attribute is NAME = VALUE which needs to be stored as 2 attributes
+			SetParamNameAndValueL(*cookie, token, EFalse);
+			}
+		else
+			{
+			SetCookieNameAndValueL(*cookie, token);
+			setCookieNameAndValue = ETrue;
+			}
+		}
+	}
+void CHttpClientHeaderReader::SetCookieNameAndValueL(CHeaderFieldPart& aCookie, const TDesC8& aNameValue) const
+	{
+	TInt equalPos = aNameValue.Locate('=');
+	if (equalPos <= 0)
+		User::Leave(KErrHttpDecodeCookie);
+	TPtrC8 nameVal(aNameValue.Left(equalPos));
+	InetProtTextUtils::RemoveWhiteSpace(nameVal, InetProtTextUtils::ERemoveBoth);
+	TPtrC8 name(iStrPool.StringF(HTTP::ECookieName,iStringTable).DesC());
+	SetNewStringParamL(aCookie, name ,nameVal);
+	TPtrC8 valueVal(aNameValue.Right(aNameValue.Length() - (equalPos+1)));
+	InetProtTextUtils::RemoveWhiteSpace(valueVal, InetProtTextUtils::ERemoveBoth);
+	TPtrC8 value(iStrPool.StringF(HTTP::ECookieValue,iStringTable).DesC());
+	SetNewStringParamL(aCookie, value ,valueVal);
+	}
+// Convert the WWW-Authenticate header field from OTA to generic form.
+void CHttpClientHeaderReader::DecodeWWWAuthenticateL( RHeaderField& aHeader ) const
+	{
+	// RFC2616, section 14.47 WWW-Authenticate
+	// RFC2617, 'HTTP Authentication: Basic and Digest Access Authentication'
+	//
+	// WWW-Authenticate  = "WWW-Authenticate" ":" 1#challenge
+	// challenge   = auth-scheme 1*SP 1#auth-param
+	// auth-scheme    = token
+	// auth-param     = token "=" ( token | quoted-string )
+	// There may be one or more challenge, in a comma-separated list.
+	TPtrC8 buffer;
+	aHeader.RawDataL( buffer );
+	TInt totalBytesConsumed = 0;
+	TInt numChallenges = 0;
+	CHeaderFieldPart* part = NULL;
+	TBool done = EFalse;
+	while ( !done )
+		{
+		_LIT8( commaSpaceNewline, ", \n" );
+		TPtrC8 token;
+		TInt bytesConsumed = InetProtTextUtils::ExtractNextTokenFromList( buffer, token, commaSpaceNewline );
+		done = (bytesConsumed == 0);
+		if ( done && ( numChallenges == 0 ) ) // if we didn't find _anything_ at all...
+			{
+			User::Leave( KErrHttpDecodeWWWAuthenticate );
+			}
+		if ( !done && ( token.Length() > 0 ) )
+			{
+			totalBytesConsumed += bytesConsumed;
+			TBool equalsPresent = ( token.Locate( '=' ) != KErrNotFound );
+			if ( ( totalBytesConsumed == bytesConsumed ) && equalsPresent )
+				{
+				// The first token has an equals sign in it. That
+				// can't be as it has to be an authentication scheme
+				User::Leave( KErrHttpDecodeWWWAuthenticate );
+				}
+			if ( !equalsPresent )
+				{
+				// Got a new part. Add it.
+				++numChallenges;
+				part = SetNewFStringPartL( aHeader, numChallenges - 1, token );
+			if( token.Compare( iStrPool.StringF(HTTP::ENTLM, iStringTable).DesC() ) == 0 )
+				{
+ 					TInt consumed = InetProtTextUtils::ExtractNextTokenFromList( buffer, token, commaSpaceNewline );
+ 					if( consumed > 0 )
+ 						{
+ 						++numChallenges;
+ 						part = SetNewFStringPartL( aHeader, numChallenges -1, token );
+						}
+					}
+				}
+			else
+				{
+				// Got a param & parameter value.
+				TPtrC8 paramName;
+				TInt paramBytesConsumed = InetProtTextUtils::ExtractNextTokenFromList( token, paramName, '=' );
+				if ( paramBytesConsumed == 0 )
+					{
+					User::Leave( KErrHttpDecodeBasicAuth );
+					}
+				// Obtain the parameter value. It is a string which
+				// may or may not be quoted. 
+				TPtrC8 paramVal;
+				if ( token.Length() > 0 && token[0] == '"' )
+					{
+					bytesConsumed += InetProtTextUtils::ExtractQuotedStringL( token, paramVal );
+					}
+				else
+					{
+					paramVal.Set( token );
+					}
+				SetNewStringParamL( *part, paramName, paramVal );
+				}
+			}
+		}
+	}
+ *	Methods from CHeaderReader
+ */
+void CHttpClientHeaderReader::DecodeHeaderL(RHeaderField& aHeader)
+	{
+	RStringF fieldStr = iStrPool.StringF(aHeader.Name()); // this doesn't have to be closed
+	switch(fieldStr.Index(iStringTable))
+		{
+		case HTTP::EWWWAuthenticate:
+			{
+			DecodeWWWAuthenticateL(aHeader);
+			} break;
+		case HTTP::ESetCookie:
+		case HTTP::ESetCookie2:
+			DecodeSetCookieL(aHeader);
+			break;
+		case HTTP::EAge:
+			DecodeGenericNumberL(aHeader);
+			break;
+		case HTTP::EVary:
+		case HTTP::EContentLanguage:
+		case HTTP::EUpgrade:
+			DecodeGenericL(aHeader, KCommaNewline);
+			break;
+		case HTTP::ELastModified:
+			DecodeDateL(aHeader);
+			break;
+		default:
+			User::Leave(KErrNotSupported);
+		}
+	}