--- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/applayerpluginsandutils/httpprotocolplugins/wspinc/CWspTransportHandler.h Tue Feb 02 01:09:52 2010 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,298 @@
+// Copyright (c) 2001-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+// All rights reserved.
+// This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+// under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+// which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+// at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
+// Initial Contributors:
+// Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+// Contributors:
+// Description:
+ @file CWspTransportHandler.h
+ @warning : This file contains Rose Model ID comments - please do not delete
+// System includes
+#include <e32base.h>
+#include <stringpool.h>
+#include <http/framework/csecuritypolicy.h>
+// Forward class declarations
+class MWspCOSessionCallback;
+class MWspProxyInfoProvider;
+class MWspCapabilityProvider;
+class MWspSessionHeadersProvider;
+class MWspCOSessionInvoker;
+class MWspCOMethodInvoker;
+class MWspCOPushInvoker;
+class MWspCLMethodInvoker;
+class MWspCLPushInvoker;
+class CWspTransportHandler : public CBase, public MSecurityPolicy
+@since 7.0
+The WSP Transport Handler API. The WSP TH provides its client with WSP services.
+It defines a set of interfaces that abstract the behaviour of the top-level of a
+WAP protocol stack - ie. the WSP layer.
+Five distinct services are offered:
+* MWspCOSessionInvoker a Connection-Oriented Session service.
+* MWspCOMethodInvoker a Connection-Oriented Transaction service.
+* MWspCOPushInvoker a Connection-Oriented Push service.
+* MWspCLMethodInvoker a Connection-Less Session service.
+* MWspCLPushInvoker a Connection-Less Push service.
+The API is specified as an ECOM interface. Specific implementations may offer
+some or all of the five services.
+All implementations must provide default security policy settings via the
+MSecurityPolicy interface. The defaults shall be used when no security policy
+plug-in is supplied by the caller of CWspTransportHandler::NewL(). This might
+occur if the plug-in could not be located on the device,
+ {
+public: // type definitions and enumerations
+/** A bit-field type that is set to contain a union of the services supported by the
+ WSP transport handler.
+ typedef TUint8 TWspSupportedServices;
+/** The five different service types that may be supported
+ enum TWspService
+ {
+ ECOSessionService = 0x01,
+ ECOMethodInvocationService = 0x02,
+ ECOPushService = 0x04,
+ ECLSessionService = 0x08,
+ ECLPushService = 0x10
+ };
+public: // methods
+/**Factory construction - instantiates the transport handler plug-in.
+ @since 7.0
+ @param aStringPool (in) An open string pool reference.
+ @param aSecurityPolicy (in) (optional) A security policy provider
+ @param aSessionCB (in) A client callback API for CO session events.
+ @param aProxyInfoProv (in) A client API that provides WAP proxy details
+ @param aCapProv (in) A client API for capability negotatiation.
+ @param aSessHdrProv (in) A client API for exchange of session headers
+ @return The constructed plug-in.
+ @leave KErrNotFound - if an ECOM implementation of the interface is not present on the device.
+ @leave It could also leave with other ECOM error codes.
+ //##ModelId=3C4C453103DD
+ inline static CWspTransportHandler* NewL(RStringPool aStringPool,
+ MSecurityPolicy* aSecurityPolicy,
+ MWspCOSessionCallback& aSessionCB,
+ MWspProxyInfoProvider& aProxyInfoProv,
+ MWspCapabilityProvider& aCapProv,
+ MWspSessionHeadersProvider& aSessHdrProv);
+/**Class destructor.
+ @since 7.0
+ //##ModelId=3C4C453103AB
+ inline virtual ~CWspTransportHandler();
+public: // General API methods
+/**Query the services supported by this instantiation of the WSP
+ transport handler plug-in.
+ @since 7.0
+ @return A union of flags describing the services supported by the WSP transport
+ handler
+ //##ModelId=3C4C45310256
+ virtual TWspSupportedServices SupportedServices() const = 0;
+ /** Get the Server Certificate for the current session.
+ @param aServerCert A TCertInfo which will be filled with the certificate information
+ @return An error code. KErrNone if aServerCert has been completed, otherwise one of
+ the system wide error codes
+ */
+ virtual TInt ServerCert(TCertInfo& aCertInfo) const = 0;
+ /** Get the Server Certificate for this session.
+ @return The certificate information (in an CWtlsCertificate object)
+ or NULL if it is not available.
+ */
+ virtual const CCertificate* ServerCert() = 0;
+public: // Connection-Oriented WSP API methods
+/**Obtain the connection-oriented session invocation API.
+ @since 7.0
+ @return The API object that should be used by the client for CO session
+ invocations.
+ @leave This method will panic if the service isn't supported by a particular
+ implementation of the API.
+ //##ModelId=3BC577C202B2
+ virtual MWspCOSessionInvoker& COSessionInvoker() = 0;
+/**Obtain the connection-oriented transaction invocation API.
+ @since 7.0
+ @return The API object that should be used by the client for transaction
+ invocations.
+ @leave This method will panic if the service isn't supported by a particular
+ implementation of the API.
+ //##ModelId=3BC577C70165
+ virtual MWspCOMethodInvoker& COTransactionInvoker() = 0;
+/**Obtain the connection-oriented push invocation API.
+ @since 7.0
+ @return The API object that should be used by the client to signal
+ readiness to receive CO push invocations.
+ @leave This method will panic if the service isn't supported by a particular
+ implementation of the API.
+ //##ModelId=3C4C45310206
+ virtual MWspCOPushInvoker& COPushInvoker() = 0;
+public: // Connection-Less WSP API methods
+/**Obtain the connection-less method invocation API.
+ @since 7.0
+ @return The API object that should be used by the client for CL method
+ invocations.
+ @leave This method will panic if the service isn't supported by a particular
+ implementation of the API.
+ //##ModelId=3C4C453101DE
+ virtual MWspCLMethodInvoker& CLMethodInvoker() = 0;
+/**Obtain the connection-less push invocation API.
+ @since 7.0
+ @return The API object that should be used by the client to signal
+ readiness to receive CL push invocations.
+ @leave This method will panic if the service isn't supported by a particular
+ implementation of the API.
+ //##ModelId=3C4C453101CA
+ virtual MWspCLPushInvoker& CLPushInvoker() = 0;
+protected: // type definitions
+ /**
+ @struct SInstantiationParams
+ A structure containing the instantiation parameters to NewL, passed across
+ via ECOM to the sub-class NewL
+ */
+ struct SInstantiationParams
+ {
+ /**
+ An open string pool reference.
+ */
+ RStringPool* iStringPool;
+ /**
+ The security policy plugin.
+ */
+ MSecurityPolicy* iSecurityPolicy;
+ /**
+ A client callback API for CO session events.
+ */
+ MWspCOSessionCallback* iSessionCB;
+ /**
+ A client API that provides WAP proxy details.
+ */
+ MWspProxyInfoProvider* iProxyInfoProv;
+ /**
+ A client API for capability negotatiation.
+ */
+ MWspCapabilityProvider* iCapProv;
+ /**
+ A client API for exchange of session headers.
+ */
+ MWspSessionHeadersProvider* iSessHdrProv;
+ };
+protected: // methods
+/**Normal constructor. Creates an instance of the plug-in base.
+ @since 7.0
+ @param aStringPool (in) An open string pool reference.
+ @param aSecurityPolicy (in) (optional) A security policy plug-in instance
+ @param aSessionCB (in) A client callback API for CO session events.
+ @param aProxyInfoProv (in) A client API that provides WAP proxy details
+ @param aCapProv (in) A client API for capability negotatiation.
+ @param aSessHdrProv (in) A client API for exchange of session headers
+ @return The constructed plug-in.
+ inline CWspTransportHandler(RStringPool aStringPool,
+ MSecurityPolicy* aSecurityPolicy,
+ MWspCOSessionCallback& aSessionCB,
+ MWspProxyInfoProvider& aProxyInfoProv,
+ MWspCapabilityProvider& aCapProv,
+ MWspSessionHeadersProvider& aSessHdrProv);
+protected: // attributes
+ /** Handle for a string pool used by the WSP transport handler. This is owned
+ and managed elsewhere.
+ */
+ //##ModelId=3C4C453101A2
+ RStringPool iStringPool;
+ /** An optional security policy plug-in. If a plug-in was not supplied, the
+ value is NULL.
+ */
+ //##ModelId=3C4C4531018E
+ MSecurityPolicy* iSecurityPolicy;
+ /** The client's callback for session events
+ */
+ //##ModelId=3C4C4531017C
+ MWspCOSessionCallback& iSessionCB;
+ /** The client's provider of proxy information
+ */
+ //##ModelId=3C4C45310170
+ MWspProxyInfoProvider& iProxyInfoProv;
+ /** The client's provider of capabilities information
+ */
+ //##ModelId=3C4C4531015C
+ MWspCapabilityProvider& iCapProv;
+ /** THe client's provider of session headers
+ */
+ //##ModelId=3C4C45310148
+ MWspSessionHeadersProvider& iSessHdrProv;
+private: // attributes
+ /** D'tor Key identification required for ECOM
+ @internalAll
+ */
+ /** D'tor Key identification required for ECOM
+ */
+ //##ModelId=3C4C45310134
+ TUid iDtor_ID_Key;
+ };
+#include <wsp/cwsptransporthandler.inl>