changeset 0 b16258d2340f
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/applayerpluginsandutils/uripermissionservices/server/src/uriqueryfilter.cpp	Tue Feb 02 01:09:52 2010 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,230 @@
+// Copyright (c) 2007-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+// All rights reserved.
+// This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+// under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+// which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+// at the URL "".
+// Initial Contributors:
+// Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+// Contributors:
+// Description:
+#include <e32base.h>
+#include <ineturilistdef.h>
+#include <tldlistdef.h>
+#include "dbaccessor.h"
+#include "uriqueryfilter.h"
+#include "urilist.h"
+CUriQueryFilter* CUriQueryFilter::NewL ( MDBTransaction* aDBTrans )
+	{
+	CUriQueryFilter* self = new ( ELeave ) CUriQueryFilter;
+	// Pass the ownnership
+	self->Initialize ( aDBTrans );
+	return self;
+	}
+CUriQueryFilter::CUriQueryFilter ()
+	{
+	}
+CUriQueryFilter::~CUriQueryFilter ()
+	{
+	if ( iDBTransaction )
+		iDBTransaction->Release();		
+	}
+MDBTransaction& CUriQueryFilter::DBTransaction() const
+	{
+	return *iDBTransaction;	
+	}
+TBool CUriQueryFilter::MatchRecordL ()
+	{
+	return ETrue;		
+	}
+Counts the number of records present for the operation performed.
+TInt CUriQueryFilter::MatchRecordCountL ()
+	{
+	TInt totalCount = 0;
+	while ( iDBTransaction->Next() && MatchRecordL () )
+		{
+		++totalCount;					
+		}
+	return totalCount;			
+	}
+void CUriQueryFilter::Initialize ( MDBTransaction* aDbTrans )
+	{
+	iDBTransaction = aDbTrans;		
+	}
+// -------------------------------
+CUriPathFilter* CUriPathFilter::NewL ( MDBTransaction* aDBTrans, InetUriList::TURIMatch aMatch, const TDesC8& aPartialPath )
+	{
+	CUriPathFilter* self = new (ELeave)CUriPathFilter;
+	CleanupStack::PushL ( self );
+	self->ConstructL (  aDBTrans, aPartialPath, aMatch );
+	CleanupStack::Pop (); // self
+	return self;
+	}
+CUriPathFilter::CUriPathFilter ( )
+	{		
+	}
+void CUriPathFilter::ConstructL ( MDBTransaction* aDBTrans, const TDesC8& aPartialPath, InetUriList::TURIMatch aMatch )
+	{
+	_LIT8 ( KMatchChar, "*" );
+	iPartialPath = HBufC8::NewL ( aPartialPath.Length() + 1 );
+	TPtr8 ptr ( iPartialPath->Des() );
+	ptr.Copy ( aPartialPath );
+	if ( aMatch == InetUriList::EPartialPrefixPath )
+		{
+		ptr.Append ( KMatchChar() );
+		}
+	else if ( aMatch == InetUriList::EPartialSuffixPath )
+		{
+		ptr.Insert ( 0, KMatchChar() );
+		}
+	// Now it is safe to pass the ownership of the aDbTrans object
+	Initialize ( aDBTrans );
+	}
+CUriPathFilter::~CUriPathFilter ()
+	{
+	delete iPartialPath;		
+	}
+Only partial suffix & prefix mathes will be performed. If the path search criteria matches function returns 
+ETrue. If the search criteria doesn't match function returns EFalse
+TBool CUriPathFilter::MatchRecordL ()
+	{
+	TPtrC8 path ( iDBTransaction->ColumnTextL ( URILIST::EPath ) );
+	TInt ret = path.Match ( *iPartialPath );
+	return (ret != KErrNotFound) ? ETrue : EFalse;
+	}
+// ------------------------------------
+CUriDomainFilter* CUriDomainFilter::NewL ( MDBTransaction* aDBTrans, const TDesC8& aDomainName )
+	{
+	CUriDomainFilter* self = new (ELeave)CUriDomainFilter;
+	CleanupStack::PushL ( self );
+	self->ConstructL ( aDBTrans, aDomainName );
+	CleanupStack::Pop (); // self
+	return self;
+	}
+CUriDomainFilter::CUriDomainFilter ( )
+	{		
+	}
+void CUriDomainFilter::ConstructL ( MDBTransaction* aDBTrans, const TDesC8& aDomainName )
+	{
+	iDomainName = aDomainName.AllocL ();
+	iComparisonStr.Set ( IsHDNStringWithNBForm ( *iDomainName ) );
+	// Now it is safe to pass the ownership of the aDbTrans object
+	Initialize ( aDBTrans );	
+	}
+CUriDomainFilter::~CUriDomainFilter ()
+	{
+	delete iDomainName;		
+	}
+Filters the query results for domain matching. The domain matching algorithm is 
+implemented as said in RFC2965 Sec 1
+TBool CUriDomainFilter::MatchRecordL ()
+	{
+	TPtrC8 host ( iDBTransaction->ColumnTextL ( URILIST::EHost ) );
+	TPtrC8 domainPtr ( iDomainName->Des() );
+	// RFC2965 Sec 1 says	
+	// Host A's name domain-matches host B's if
+    // *  their host name strings string-compare equal; or
+    // * A is a HDN string and has the form NB, where N is a non-empty
+    // name string, B has the form .B', and B' is a HDN string.  (So,
+    // domain-matches but not
+    TBool result = EFalse;
+    // First look for exact mathc
+	if ( domainPtr.Compare( host ) == 0 )
+		{
+		result = ETrue;				
+		}
+	else if ( iComparisonStr.Length() )
+		{
+		TPtrC8 hostComparisonPtr ( IsHDNStringWithNBForm ( host ) );
+		// Compare with the extracted string or do a direct compare with host.
+		if ( ( iComparisonStr.Compare ( hostComparisonPtr ) == 0 )  ||
+			 ( iComparisonStr.Compare ( host ) == 0 ) )
+			result = ETrue;				
+		}			
+	return result;	
+	}
+Checks the domain name is in NB form. See CUriDomainFilter::MatchRecordL for more
+details for the NB form.
+TPtrC8 CUriDomainFilter::IsHDNStringWithNBForm ( const TDesC8& aDomainName )
+	{
+	const TChar KDot = '.';
+	TInt firstDotPos = 	aDomainName.Locate ( KDot );
+	if ( firstDotPos == KErrNotFound || ( ( firstDotPos + 1 ) > aDomainName.Length() ) )
+		return KNullDesC8(); // Not a valid domain name
+	TPtrC8 midPtr ( aDomainName.Mid ( firstDotPos + 1 ) );
+	if ( midPtr.Locate( KDot ) != KErrNotFound )
+		return midPtr;
+	return KNullDesC8();
+	}
+CTldPolicyDataFilter* CTldPolicyDataFilter::NewL ( MDBTransaction* aDBTrans )
+	{
+	CTldPolicyDataFilter* self = new ( ELeave ) CTldPolicyDataFilter;
+	// Pass the ownnership
+	self->ConstructL ( aDBTrans );
+	return self;
+	}
+void CTldPolicyDataFilter::ConstructL ( MDBTransaction* aDBTrans )
+	{
+	Initialize ( aDBTrans );
+	}
+CTldPolicyDataFilter::CTldPolicyDataFilter ()
+	{
+	}
+CTldPolicyDataFilter::~CTldPolicyDataFilter ()
+	{
+	}
+TBool CTldPolicyDataFilter::MatchRecordL ()
+	{
+	return ETrue;		
+	}