--- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/applayerprotocols/httpexamples/httpexampleclient/httpexampleclient.cpp Tue Feb 02 01:09:52 2010 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,1123 @@
+// Copyright (c) 2001-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+// All rights reserved.
+// This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+// under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+// which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+// at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
+// Initial Contributors:
+// Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+// Contributors:
+// Description:
+#include <uri8.h>
+#include <e32base.h>
+#include <http.h>
+#include <chttpformencoder.h>
+#include <ssl.h>
+#include <signed.h>
+#include "httpexampleclient.h"
+#include "httpexampleutils.h"
+// format for output of data/time values
+_LIT(KDateFormat,"%D%M%Y%/0%1%/1%2%/2%3%/3 %:0%H%:1%T%:2%S.%C%:3");
+// Format for hook file name and location for hooks
+_LIT(KHookFormat, "Z:\\httptest\\%S.esk");
+_LIT(KHookDir, "C:\\System\\Data\\");
+_LIT(KEnterProx, "Enter Proxy authority");
+_LIT(KEnterHook, "Enter Hook name (preface with '-' to delete)");
+_LIT(KEnterSessId, "Enter Session ID (positive integer or 'none')");
+/* If the file httpexampleclient.txt exists in the root directory of a drive
+ it will be used to provide default initial values for when setting the URL,
+ proxy, etc. The file format is:
+ [var] = [value]
+ for example:
+ PROXY = my.proxy.co.uk:5473
+ URL = http://www.example.org/dir/file.html
+ whitespace is ignored.
+ Note: these are the the values set at run time, they are merely the default
+ options presented to the user. In the above example the proxy is not turned
+ on by default, but the string "my.proxy.co.uk:5473" is presetned as the default
+ option when the use hits "p", saving them the need to have to type it in.
+ */
+// Defaults
+_LIT(KHookString, "HOOK");
+_LIT(KProxyString, "PROXY");
+_LIT(KURLString, "URL");
+_LIT(KSessionIdString, "SESSIONID");
+_LIT(KNone, "none");
+_LIT(KSchemeHttps, "https");
+// File system root
+// Standard headers used by default
+_LIT8(KUserAgent, "HTTPExampleClient (1.0)");
+_LIT8(KAccept, "*/*");
+_LIT(KHttpExampleClientPanic, "HTTP-EC");
+enum THttpExampleClientPanics
+ {
+ EReqBodySumitBufferNotAllocated,
+ KBodyWithInvalidSize,
+ KCouldntNotifyBodyDataPart
+ };
+// Size of buffer used when submitting request bodies
+const TInt KMaxSubmitSize = 1024;
+const TInt KMaxHeaderNameLen = 32;
+const TInt KMaxHeaderValueLen = 128;
+// Implementation of CHttpClient
+// Supplied as the name of the test program to CHttpExampleUtils
+_LIT(KHttpExampleClientTestName, "HttpExample");
+ : iReqBodySubmitBufferPtr(0,0)
+ {
+ // Initial timestamp is time now
+ ResetTimeElapsed();
+ }
+ {
+ iSess.Close();
+ iFileServ.Close();
+ delete iReqBodySubmitBuffer;
+ delete iTransObs;
+ delete iFormEncoder;
+ delete iUtils;
+ }
+CHttpClient* CHttpClient::NewLC()
+ {
+ CHttpClient* me = new(ELeave) CHttpClient;
+ CleanupStack::PushL(me);
+ me->ConstructL();
+ return me;
+ }
+CHttpClient* CHttpClient::NewL()
+ {
+ CHttpClient* me = NewLC();
+ CleanupStack::Pop(me);
+ return me;
+ }
+void CHttpClient::ConstructL()
+ {
+ iUtils = CHttpExampleUtils::NewL(KHttpExampleClientTestName);
+ // Open the RHTTPSession
+ iSess.OpenL();
+ // Install this class as the callback for authentication requests
+ InstallAuthenticationL(iSess);
+ User::LeaveIfError(iFileServ.Connect());
+ iTransObs = CHttpEventHandler::NewL(*iUtils);
+ }
+TBool CHttpClient::ClearHook(TPtrC aHook)
+ {
+ TInt err = KErrNone;
+ if(aHook.Length()!=0)
+ {
+ err=iFileServ.Delete(aHook);
+ }
+ else if(iHookFileName.Length()>0)
+ {
+ err=iFileServ.Delete(iHookFileName);
+ if(err==KErrNone)
+ {
+ iHookFileName.Zero();
+ }
+ }
+ if(err == KErrNone)
+ {
+ User::InfoPrint(_L("Hook revmoved. Need to restart "));
+ return ETrue;
+ }
+ return EFalse;
+ }
+// return true if need to quit
+void CHttpClient::SetHookL(TDesC& aHook)
+ {
+ iHookFileName.Format(KHookFormat, &aHook);
+ CFileMan* fileMan = CFileMan::NewL(iFileServ);
+ CleanupStack::PushL(fileMan);
+ TInt err = fileMan->Copy( iHookFileName, KHookDir, CFileMan::EOverWrite );
+ if( err != KErrNone && err != KErrNotFound)
+ {
+ User::Leave(err);
+ }
+ CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(fileMan);
+ User::InfoPrint(_L("Hook installed. Need to restart "));
+ }
+// to avoid code bloat
+#define CHECKVAL(name) if(var==K ##name##String) {a##name.Copy(val);}
+void CHttpClient::SetDefaults(TDes& aURL, TDes& aProxy, TDes& aHook, TDes& aSessionId)
+ {
+ TFileName filename;
+ RFile file;
+ filename.Format(KDefaultFileFormat, 'C');
+ TInt err = file.Open(iFileServ, filename, EFileRead);
+ if(err != KErrNone)
+ {
+ filename.Format(KDefaultFileFormat, 'Z');
+ err = file.Open(iFileServ, filename, EFileRead);
+ }
+ if(err == KErrNone)
+ {
+ TFileText line;
+ line.Set(file);
+ TInt err = line.Read(filename);
+ while(err == KErrNone || err ==KErrTooBig)
+ {
+ filename.Trim();
+ TInt div = filename.Locate('=');
+ if(div>0)
+ {
+ TInt i;
+ for (i=div-1;i>0 && filename[i]==' ';i--); // ibid
+ TPtrC var = filename.Left(i+1);
+ for (i=div+1;i<filename.Length() && filename[i]==' ';i++); //ibid
+ TPtrC val = filename.Right(filename.Length()-i);
+ else CHECKVAL(Proxy)
+ else CHECKVAL(SessionId);
+ }
+ err = line.Read(filename);
+ }
+ }
+ file.Close();
+ }
+void CHttpClient::StartClientL()
+ {
+ ResetTimeElapsed();
+ TBuf<256> url;
+ TBuf<256> prox;
+ TBuf<256> hook;
+ TBuf<16> sessid;
+ SetDefaults(url, prox, hook, sessid);
+ RStringPool strP = iSess.StringPool();
+ // Repeat until user selects quit
+ TBool done = EFalse;
+ while (!done)
+ {
+ // Get user command from menu
+ iUtils->Test().Console()->ClearScreen();
+ _LIT(KSelectOption, " Select an option \n\n");
+ iUtils->Test().Printf(KSelectOption);
+ _LIT(KPossibleSelectionsText, " 1 Get \n 2 Post \n 3 Head \n 4 Trace \n 5 Toggle Verbose \n p Set Proxy\n s Set Session ID\n h Set Hook\n 6 Quit \n");
+ _LIT(KPossibleSelections,"123456psh");
+ TInt selection = iUtils->GetSelection(KPossibleSelectionsText, KPossibleSelections);
+ RStringF method;
+ iHasARequestBody = EFalse;
+ // Set the method to use and ask for a url
+ switch (selection)
+ {
+ case EGet:
+ method = strP.StringF(HTTP::EGET,RHTTPSession::GetTable());
+ break;
+ case EPost:
+ method = strP.StringF(HTTP::EPOST,RHTTPSession::GetTable());
+ iHasARequestBody = ETrue;
+ break;
+ case EHead:
+ method = strP.StringF(HTTP::EHEAD,RHTTPSession::GetTable());
+ break;
+ case ETrace:
+ method = strP.StringF(HTTP::ETRACE,RHTTPSession::GetTable());
+ break;
+ case EToggleVerbosity:
+ {
+ TBool verbose = iTransObs->Verbose();
+ iTransObs->SetVerbose(!verbose);
+ if (!verbose)
+ User::InfoPrint(_L("Verbosity is ON "));
+ else
+ User::InfoPrint(_L("Verbosity is OFF"));
+ }
+ break;
+ case EQuit:
+ done = ETrue;
+ break;
+ case EHook:
+ iUtils->GetAnEntry(KEnterHook, hook);
+ if(hook.Length() > 0)
+ {
+ if(hook[0]=='-')
+ {
+ hook.Replace(0,1,KHookDir);
+ hook.Append(_L(".esk"));
+ done = ClearHook(hook);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ SetHookL(hook);
+ done = ETrue;
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ case ESession:
+ iUtils->GetAnEntry(KEnterSessId, sessid);
+ if(sessid.Length() > 0)
+ {
+ TLex number(sessid);
+ TInt val;
+ if(number.Val(val)==KErrNone)
+ {
+ iSess.ConnectionInfo().SetPropertyL(strP.StringF(HTTP::ESessionId,RHTTPSession::GetTable()), val);
+ }
+ else if (sessid==KNone)
+ {
+ iSess.ConnectionInfo().RemoveProperty(strP.StringF(HTTP::ESessionId,RHTTPSession::GetTable()));
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ case EProxy:
+ iUtils->GetAnEntry(KEnterProx, prox);
+ if(prox.Length() > 0)
+ {
+ iSess.ConnectionInfo().SetPropertyL(iSess.StringPool().StringF(HTTP::EProxyUsage,RHTTPSession::GetTable()), iSess.StringPool().StringF(HTTP::EUseProxy,RHTTPSession::GetTable()));
+ TBuf8<256> prox8;
+ prox8.Copy(prox);
+ RStringF proxy = iSess.StringPool().OpenFStringL(prox8);
+ CleanupClosePushL(proxy);
+ iSess.ConnectionInfo().SetPropertyL(iSess.StringPool().StringF(HTTP::EProxyAddress,RHTTPSession::GetTable()), proxy);
+ CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(&proxy);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ iSess.ConnectionInfo().SetPropertyL(iSess.StringPool().StringF(HTTP::EProxyUsage,RHTTPSession::GetTable()), iSess.StringPool().StringF(HTTP::EDoNotUseProxy,RHTTPSession::GetTable()));
+ }
+ break;
+ default:
+ break;
+ }
+ if (!done && (selection >= 0) && (selection <= 3))
+ {
+ // Get the URL
+ _LIT(KEnterUrl, "Enter Url");
+ iUtils->GetAnEntry(KEnterUrl, url);
+ if (url.Length() > 0) // back to main menu if we still have an empty URL
+ {
+ // Get a filename to submit as our request body, for methods that need one
+ if (iHasARequestBody)
+ {
+ GetRequestBodyL(method);
+ }
+ // Start the method off
+ TBuf8<256> url8;
+ url8.Copy(url);
+ InvokeHttpMethodL(url8, method);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ _LIT(KEmptyUrlErrorText, "You must supply a non empty url");
+ iUtils->Test().Printf(KEmptyUrlErrorText);
+ User::After(1000000);
+ }
+ }
+ } // while
+ // End of tests
+ DisplayTimeElapsed();
+ iUtils->PressAnyKey();
+/** Get the post body data from the user.
+The user supplies name and value pairs. These are then encoded as added by CHTTPFormEncoder which acts as a data supplier
+for this request. This is typically how a form body for a html form submission that uses POST might be constructed.
+void CHttpClient::GetPostBodyManuallyL()
+ {
+ if (iFormEncoder)
+ {
+ delete iFormEncoder;
+ iFormEncoder = NULL;
+ }
+ iFormEncoder = CHTTPFormEncoder::NewL();
+ TBuf<256> name;
+ TBuf<256> value;
+ TBuf8<256> name8;
+ TBuf8<256> value8;
+ _LIT(KGetPostName, "Enter Name (END to finish)");
+ _LIT(KGetPostValue, "Enter Value ");
+ _LIT(KEnd, "END");
+ do
+ {
+ iUtils->GetAnEntry(KGetPostName, name);
+ if (name.CompareF(KEnd) != 0)
+ {
+ iUtils->GetAnEntry(KGetPostValue, value);
+ name8.Copy(name);
+ value8.Copy(value);
+ iFormEncoder->AddFieldL(name8, value8);
+ }
+ }
+ while (name.CompareF(KEnd) != 0);
+ }
+/** Gets the body that you wish to submit when using a POST Method
+This can be supplied as a file or can be input manually in name,value pairs
+void CHttpClient::GetRequestBodyL(RStringF& aMethod)
+ {
+ if (aMethod== iSess.StringPool().StringF(HTTP::EPOST,RHTTPSession::GetTable()))
+ {
+ // get a post body by file or contruct manually?
+ _LIT(KConstructPostManually, "\n> Construct Post Manually? Yes | No ");
+ _LIT(KYesNo, "YyNn");
+ TInt selection = iUtils->GetSelection(KConstructPostManually,KYesNo);
+ if (selection < 2) // 2 is NO
+ {
+ iManualPost = ETrue;
+ GetPostBodyManuallyL();
+ return;
+ }
+ // else carry on as usual and get post data from a file
+ }
+ iManualPost = EFalse;
+ _LIT(KRequestPathPrompt, "Enter path to request body file: ");
+ iUtils->GetAnEntry(KRequestPathPrompt, iReqBodyFileName);
+ _LIT(KRequestBodyContentType, "Enter request body content-type: ");
+ iUtils->GetAnEntry(KRequestBodyContentType, iReqBodyContentType);
+ iParsedFileName.Set(KFileSystemRoot,&iReqBodyFileName,NULL);
+ // Check it exists and open a file handle
+ if (iFileServ.IsValidName(iReqBodyFileName))
+ {
+ TInt err= iReqBodyFile.Open(iFileServ, iParsedFileName.FullName(), EFileRead);
+ if(err!=KErrNone)
+ {
+ _LIT(KFileNotOpen, "Unable to open a file.\n");
+ iUtils->Test().Printf(KFileNotOpen);
+ User::Leave(KErrNotFound);
+ }
+ delete iReqBodySubmitBuffer;
+ iReqBodySubmitBuffer = NULL;
+ iReqBodySubmitBuffer = HBufC8::NewMaxL(KMaxSubmitSize);
+ iReqBodySubmitBufferPtr.Set(iReqBodySubmitBuffer->Des());
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ _LIT(KFileNameNotValid, "The specified filename is not valid!.\n");
+ iUtils->Test().Printf(KFileNameNotValid);
+ User::Leave(KErrBadName);
+ }
+ }
+TBool CHttpClient::GetNextDataPart(TPtrC8& aDataPart)
+ {
+ __ASSERT_DEBUG(iReqBodySubmitBuffer, User::Panic(KHttpExampleClientPanic, EReqBodySumitBufferNotAllocated));
+ // Read from the request body file
+ iNoMoreDate = EFalse;
+ TInt err = iReqBodyFile.Read(iReqBodySubmitBufferPtr);
+ if (err == KErrNone)
+ {
+ aDataPart.Set(iReqBodySubmitBufferPtr);
+ ++iDataChunkCount;
+ iNoMoreDate = (iReqBodySubmitBufferPtr.Length() == 0);
+ }
+ return iNoMoreDate;
+ }
+void CHttpClient::ReleaseData()
+ {
+ // Clear out the submit buffer
+ TPtr8 buff = iReqBodySubmitBuffer->Des();
+ buff.Zero();
+ if (iNoMoreDate==EFalse)
+ {
+ // Notify HTTP of more data available immediately, since it's being read from file
+ TRAPD(err, iTrans.NotifyNewRequestBodyPartL());
+ if (err != KErrNone)
+ User::Panic(KHttpExampleClientPanic, KCouldntNotifyBodyDataPart);
+ }
+ }
+TInt CHttpClient::OverallDataSize()
+ {
+ TInt size = 0;
+ TInt err = iReqBodyFile.Size(size);
+ if (err < 0)
+ User::Panic(KHttpExampleClientPanic,KBodyWithInvalidSize);
+ return size;
+ }
+TInt CHttpClient::Reset()
+ {
+ if (iHasARequestBody)
+ {
+ // Reset to beginning of file
+ TInt pos = 0;
+ iReqBodyFile.Seek(ESeekStart, pos);
+ return KErrNone;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ return KErrNotSupported;
+ }
+ }
+/** Invoke the http method
+This actually creates the transaction, sets the headers and body and then starts the transaction
+void CHttpClient::InvokeHttpMethodL(const TDesC8& aUri, RStringF aMethod)
+ {
+ // Set the protocol, before the first transaction gets started
+/* if (iUseWspProtocol)
+ {
+ RHTTPConnectionInfo ci = iSess.ConnectionInfo();
+ ci.SetPropertyL(iSess.StringPool().StringF(HTTP::EProtocol,RHTTPSession::GetTable()),
+ THTTPHdrVal(iSess.StringPool().StringF(HTTP::EWSP,RHTTPSession::GetTable())));
+ }*/
+ iDataChunkCount = 0;
+ TUriParser8 uri;
+ uri.Parse( aUri );
+ HBufC* scheme = uri.DisplayFormL( EUriScheme );
+ iTransObs->SetSecuredHttp( !scheme->CompareF( KSchemeHttps ) );
+ delete scheme;
+ iTrans = iSess.OpenTransactionL(uri, *iTransObs, aMethod);
+ RHTTPHeaders hdr = iTrans.Request().GetHeaderCollection();
+ // Add headers appropriate to all methods
+ SetHeaderL(hdr, HTTP::EUserAgent, KUserAgent);
+ SetHeaderL(hdr, HTTP::EAccept, KAccept);
+ // Add headers and body data for methods that use request bodies
+ if (iHasARequestBody)
+ {
+ // Content type header
+ TBuf8<KMaxContentTypeSize> contTypeBuf;
+ contTypeBuf.Copy(iReqBodyContentType);
+ RStringF contTypeStr = iSess.StringPool().OpenFStringL(contTypeBuf);
+ CleanupClosePushL(contTypeStr);
+ THTTPHdrVal contType(contTypeStr);
+ hdr.SetFieldL(iSess.StringPool().StringF(HTTP::EContentType,RHTTPSession::GetTable()), contType);
+ CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(&contTypeStr);
+ MHTTPDataSupplier* dataSupplier = this;
+ if (iManualPost)
+ dataSupplier = iFormEncoder;
+ iTrans.Request().SetBody(*dataSupplier);
+ }
+ /*
+ //Set TimeOut Values
+ RStringF sendTimeOutProp = iSess.StringPool().StringF(HTTP::ESendTimeOutValue, iSess.GetTable());
+ THTTPHdrVal sendTimeOutPropValue;
+ sendTimeOutPropValue.SetInt(10);
+ iTrans.PropertySet().SetPropertyL(sendTimeOutProp, sendTimeOutPropValue);
+ RStringF recvTimeOutProp = iSess.StringPool().StringF(HTTP::EReceiveTimeOutValue, iSess.GetTable());
+ THTTPHdrVal recvTimeOutPropValue;
+ recvTimeOutPropValue.SetInt(10);
+ iTrans.PropertySet().SetPropertyL(recvTimeOutProp, recvTimeOutPropValue);
+ */
+ // submit the transaction
+ iTrans.SubmitL();
+ // Start the scheduler, once the transaction completes or is cancelled on an error the scheduler will be
+ // stopped in the event handler
+ CActiveScheduler::Start();
+ // all done
+ iUtils->PressAnyKey();
+ // close the request body file, if one was opened
+ if (iHasARequestBody)
+ iReqBodyFile.Close();
+ }
+void CHttpClient::SetHeaderL(RHTTPHeaders aHeaders, TInt aHdrField, const TDesC8& aHdrValue)
+ {
+ RStringF valStr = iSess.StringPool().OpenFStringL(aHdrValue);
+ CleanupClosePushL(valStr);
+ THTTPHdrVal val(valStr);
+ aHeaders.SetFieldL(iSess.StringPool().StringF(aHdrField,RHTTPSession::GetTable()), val);
+ CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(&valStr);
+ }
+void CHttpClient::ResetTimeElapsed()
+// Resets timestamp to time now
+ {
+ iLastTimeStamp.UniversalTime();
+ }
+void CHttpClient::DisplayTimeElapsed()
+// Calculate elapsed time since last measurement, and display
+ {
+ TTime timeNow;
+ timeNow.UniversalTime();
+ TTimeIntervalMicroSeconds elapsedMicroSec =
+ timeNow.MicroSecondsFrom(iLastTimeStamp);
+ iLastTimeStamp = timeNow;
+ iUtils->Test().Printf(
+ _L("Time elapsed since last measurement is: %d ms\n"),
+ elapsedMicroSec.Int64()/1000
+ );
+ }
+/** Called when a authenticated page is requested
+Asks the user for a username and password that would be appropriate for the url that was
+TBool CHttpClient::GetCredentialsL(const TUriC8& aURI, RString aRealm,
+ RStringF aAuthenticationType,
+ RString& aUsername,
+ RString& aPassword)
+ {
+ TBuf<KMaxUserEntrySize> scratch;
+ TBuf8<KMaxUserEntrySize> scratch8;
+ // Convert to 16 bit to display
+ HBufC* uriDesBuf = HBufC::NewLC(aURI.UriDes().Length());
+ TPtr uriDesPtr = uriDesBuf->Des();
+ uriDesPtr.Copy(aURI.UriDes());
+ HBufC* uriRealmBuf = HBufC::NewLC(aRealm.DesC().Length());
+ TPtr uriRealmPtr = uriRealmBuf->Des();
+ uriRealmPtr.Copy(aRealm.DesC());
+ // Prompt user for credentials.
+ iUtils->Test().Printf(_L("Enter credentials for URL %S, realm %S\n"), &uriDesPtr, & uriRealmPtr);
+ CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(2, uriDesBuf);
+ scratch.Copy(aAuthenticationType.DesC());
+ iUtils->Test().Printf(_L("Using %S authentication\n"), &scratch);
+ iUtils->GetAnEntry(_L("Username (or QUIT to give up): "), scratch);
+ scratch8.Copy(scratch);
+ if (scratch8.CompareF(_L8("quit")))
+ {
+ TRAPD(err, aUsername = aRealm.Pool().OpenStringL(scratch8));
+ if (!err)
+ {
+ iUtils->GetAnEntry(_L("Password: "), scratch);
+ scratch8.Copy(scratch);
+ TRAP(err, aPassword = aRealm.Pool().OpenStringL(scratch8));
+ if (!err)
+ return ETrue;
+ }
+ }
+ return EFalse;
+ }
+// Implementation of class CHttpEventHandler
+void CHttpEventHandler::ConstructL()
+ {
+ User::LeaveIfError(iFileServ.Connect());
+ }
+CHttpEventHandler::CHttpEventHandler(CHttpExampleUtils& aUtils) :
+ iUtils(aUtils)
+ {
+ }
+ {
+ iFileServ.Close();
+ }
+CHttpEventHandler* CHttpEventHandler::NewLC(CHttpExampleUtils& aUtils)
+ {
+ CHttpEventHandler* me = new(ELeave)CHttpEventHandler(aUtils);
+ CleanupStack::PushL(me);
+ me->ConstructL();
+ return me;
+ }
+CHttpEventHandler* CHttpEventHandler::NewL(CHttpExampleUtils& aUtils)
+ {
+ CHttpEventHandler* me = NewLC(aUtils);
+ CleanupStack::Pop(me);
+ return me;
+ }
+void CHttpEventHandler::SetVerbose(TBool aVerbose)
+ {
+ iVerbose = aVerbose;
+ }
+TBool CHttpEventHandler::Verbose() const
+ {
+ return iVerbose;
+ }
+void CHttpEventHandler::SetSecuredHttp( TBool aSecuredHttp )
+ {
+ iSecuredHttp = aSecuredHttp;
+ }
+TBool CHttpEventHandler::SecuredHttp() const
+ {
+ return iSecuredHttp;
+ }
+void CHttpEventHandler::MHFRunL(RHTTPTransaction aTransaction, const THTTPEvent& aEvent)
+ {
+ switch (aEvent.iStatus)
+ {
+ case THTTPEvent::EGotResponseHeaders:
+ {
+ // HTTP response headers have been received. We can determine now if there is
+ // going to be a response body to save.
+ RHTTPResponse resp = aTransaction.Response();
+ TInt status = resp.StatusCode();
+ RStringF statusStr = resp.StatusText();
+ TBuf<32> statusStr16;
+ statusStr16.Copy(statusStr.DesC());
+ iUtils.Test().Printf(_L("Status: %d (%S)\n"), status, &statusStr16);
+ // Dump the headers if we're being verbose
+ if (iVerbose)
+ {
+ DumpRespHeadersL(aTransaction);
+ if ( iSecuredHttp )
+ {
+ CheckCertificatesL( aTransaction );
+ }
+ }
+ // Determine if the body will be saved to disk
+ iSavingResponseBody = EFalse;
+ TBool cancelling = EFalse;
+ if (resp.HasBody() && (status >= 200) && (status < 300) && (status != 204))
+ {
+ TInt dataSize = resp.Body()->OverallDataSize();
+ if (dataSize >= 0)
+ iUtils.Test().Printf(_L("Response body size is %d\n"), dataSize);
+ else
+ iUtils.Test().Printf(_L("Response body size is unknown\n"));
+ TInt selection = iUtils.GetSelection(_L("\n> Save response to disk? Yes | No | Cancel"), _L("YyNnCc"));
+ iSavingResponseBody = (selection < 2);
+ cancelling = (selection == 4) || (selection == 5);
+ }
+ // If we're cancelling, must do it now..
+ if (cancelling)
+ {
+ iUtils.Test().Printf(_L("\nTransaction Cancelled\n"));
+ aTransaction.Close();
+ CActiveScheduler::Stop();
+ }
+ else if (iSavingResponseBody) // If we're saving, then open a file handle for the new file
+ {
+ iUtils.GetAnEntry(_L("Enter filename including path to save response body"), iRespBodyFileName);
+ iParsedFileName.Set(KFileSystemRoot,&iRespBodyFileName,NULL);
+ // Check it exists and open a file handle
+ TInt valid = iFileServ.IsValidName(iRespBodyFileName);
+ if (!valid)
+ {
+ iUtils.Test().Printf(_L("The specified filename is not valid!.\n"));
+ iSavingResponseBody = EFalse;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ TInt err = iRespBodyFile.Replace(iFileServ,
+ iParsedFileName.FullName(),
+ EFileWrite|EFileShareExclusive);
+ if (err)
+ {
+ iSavingResponseBody = EFalse;
+ User::Leave(err);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ } break;
+ case THTTPEvent::EGotResponseBodyData:
+ {
+ // Get the body data supplier
+ iRespBody = aTransaction.Response().Body();
+ // Some (more) body data has been received (in the HTTP response)
+ if (iVerbose)
+ DumpRespBody(aTransaction);
+ else
+ iUtils.Test().Printf(_L("*"));
+ // Append to the output file if we're saving responses
+ if (iSavingResponseBody)
+ {
+ TPtrC8 bodyData;
+ TBool lastChunk = iRespBody->GetNextDataPart(bodyData);
+ iRespBodyFile.Write(bodyData);
+ if (lastChunk)
+ iRespBodyFile.Close();
+ }
+ // Done with that bit of body data
+ iRespBody->ReleaseData();
+ } break;
+ case THTTPEvent::EResponseComplete:
+ {
+ // The transaction's response is complete
+ iUtils.Test().Printf(_L("\nTransaction Complete\n"));
+ } break;
+ case THTTPEvent::ESucceeded:
+ {
+ iUtils.Test().Printf(_L("Transaction Successful\n"));
+ aTransaction.Close();
+ CActiveScheduler::Stop();
+ } break;
+ case THTTPEvent::EFailed:
+ {
+ iUtils.Test().Printf(_L("Transaction Failed\n"));
+ aTransaction.Close();
+ CActiveScheduler::Stop();
+ } break;
+ case THTTPEvent::ERedirectedPermanently:
+ {
+ iUtils.Test().Printf(_L("Permanent Redirection\n"));
+ } break;
+ case THTTPEvent::ERedirectedTemporarily:
+ {
+ iUtils.Test().Printf(_L("Temporary Redirection\n"));
+ } break;
+ case THTTPEvent::ERedirectRequiresConfirmation:
+ {
+ // 301(Moved Permanently), 302(Found) or 307(Temporary Redirect) status is received
+ // from a transaction and hence ERedirectRequiresConfirmation is sent by filter
+ // client has opted to close the transaction
+ iUtils.Test().Printf(_L("Redirect requires confirmation\n"));
+ aTransaction.Close();
+ CActiveScheduler::Stop();
+ } break;
+ case THTTPEvent::EReceiveTimeOut:
+ {
+ iUtils.Test().Printf(_L("Receive TimeOut\n"));
+ }break;
+ case THTTPEvent::ESendTimeOut:
+ {
+ iUtils.Test().Printf(_L("Send TimeOut\n"));
+ }break;
+ default:
+ {
+ iUtils.Test().Printf(_L("<unrecognised event: %d>\n"), aEvent.iStatus);
+ // close off the transaction if it's an error
+ if (aEvent.iStatus < 0)
+ {
+ aTransaction.Close();
+ CActiveScheduler::Stop();
+ }
+ } break;
+ }
+ }
+TInt CHttpEventHandler::MHFRunError(TInt aError, RHTTPTransaction /*aTransaction*/, const THTTPEvent& /*aEvent*/)
+ {
+ iUtils.Test().Printf(_L("MHFRunError fired with error code %d\n"), aError);
+ return KErrNone;
+ }
+void CHttpEventHandler::DumpRespHeadersL(RHTTPTransaction& aTrans)
+ {
+ RHTTPResponse resp = aTrans.Response();
+ RStringPool strP = aTrans.Session().StringPool();
+ RHTTPHeaders hdr = resp.GetHeaderCollection();
+ THTTPHdrFieldIter it = hdr.Fields();
+ TBuf<KMaxHeaderNameLen> fieldName16;
+ TBuf<KMaxHeaderValueLen> fieldVal16;
+ while (it.AtEnd() == EFalse)
+ {
+ RStringTokenF fieldName = it();
+ RStringF fieldNameStr = strP.StringF(fieldName);
+ THTTPHdrVal fieldVal;
+ if (hdr.GetField(fieldNameStr,0,fieldVal) == KErrNone)
+ {
+ const TDesC8& fieldNameDesC = fieldNameStr.DesC();
+ fieldName16.Copy(fieldNameDesC.Left(KMaxHeaderNameLen));
+ switch (fieldVal.Type())
+ {
+ case THTTPHdrVal::KTIntVal:
+ iUtils.Test().Printf(_L("%S: %d\n"), &fieldName16, fieldVal.Int());
+ break;
+ case THTTPHdrVal::KStrFVal:
+ {
+ RStringF fieldValStr = strP.StringF(fieldVal.StrF());
+ const TDesC8& fieldValDesC = fieldValStr.DesC();
+ fieldVal16.Copy(fieldValDesC.Left(KMaxHeaderValueLen));
+ iUtils.Test().Printf(_L("%S: %S\n"), &fieldName16, &fieldVal16);
+ }
+ break;
+ case THTTPHdrVal::KStrVal:
+ {
+ RString fieldValStr = strP.String(fieldVal.Str());
+ const TDesC8& fieldValDesC = fieldValStr.DesC();
+ fieldVal16.Copy(fieldValDesC.Left(KMaxHeaderValueLen));
+ iUtils.Test().Printf(_L("%S: %S\n"), &fieldName16, &fieldVal16);
+ }
+ break;
+ case THTTPHdrVal::KDateVal:
+ {
+ TDateTime date = fieldVal.DateTime();
+ TBuf<40> dateTimeString;
+ TTime t(date);
+ t.FormatL(dateTimeString,KDateFormat);
+ iUtils.Test().Printf(_L("%S: %S\n"), &fieldName16, &dateTimeString);
+ }
+ break;
+ default:
+ iUtils.Test().Printf(_L("%S: <unrecognised value type>\n"), &fieldName16);
+ break;
+ }
+ // Display realm for WWW-Authenticate header
+ RStringF wwwAuth = strP.StringF(HTTP::EWWWAuthenticate,RHTTPSession::GetTable());
+ if (fieldNameStr == wwwAuth)
+ {
+ // check the auth scheme is 'basic'
+ RStringF basic = strP.StringF(HTTP::EBasic,RHTTPSession::GetTable());
+ RStringF realm = strP.StringF(HTTP::ERealm,RHTTPSession::GetTable());
+ THTTPHdrVal realmVal;
+ if ((fieldVal.StrF() == basic) &&
+ (!hdr.GetParam(wwwAuth, realm, realmVal)))
+ {
+ RStringF realmValStr = strP.StringF(realmVal.StrF());
+ fieldVal16.Copy(realmValStr.DesC());
+ iUtils.Test().Printf(_L("Realm is: %S\n"), &fieldVal16);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ ++it;
+ }
+ }
+void CHttpEventHandler::DumpRespBody(RHTTPTransaction& aTrans)
+ {
+ MHTTPDataSupplier* body = aTrans.Response().Body();
+ TPtrC8 dataChunk;
+ TBool isLast = body->GetNextDataPart(dataChunk);
+ DumpIt(dataChunk);
+ if (isLast)
+ iUtils.Test().Printf(_L("Got last data chunk.\n"));
+ }
+void CHttpEventHandler::DumpIt(const TDesC8& aData)
+//Do a formatted dump of binary data
+ {
+ // Iterate the supplied block of data in blocks of cols=80 bytes
+ const TInt cols=16;
+ TInt pos = 0;
+ TBuf<KMaxFileName - 2> logLine;
+ TBuf<KMaxFileName - 2> anEntry;
+ const TInt dataLength = aData.Length();
+ while (pos < dataLength)
+ {
+ //start-line hexadecimal( a 4 digit number)
+ anEntry.Format(TRefByValue<const TDesC>_L("%04x : "), pos);
+ logLine.Append(anEntry);
+ // Hex output
+ TInt offset;
+ for (offset = 0; offset < cols; ++offset)
+ {
+ if (pos + offset < aData.Length())
+ {
+ TInt nextByte = aData[pos + offset];
+ anEntry.Format(TRefByValue<const TDesC>_L("%02x "), nextByte);
+ logLine.Append(anEntry);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ //fill the remaining spaces with blanks untill the cols-th Hex number
+ anEntry.Format(TRefByValue<const TDesC>_L(" "));
+ logLine.Append(anEntry);
+ }
+ }
+ anEntry.Format(TRefByValue<const TDesC>_L(": "));
+ logLine.Append(anEntry);
+ // Char output
+ for (offset = 0; offset < cols; ++offset)
+ {
+ if (pos + offset < aData.Length())
+ {
+ TInt nextByte = aData[pos + offset];
+ if ((nextByte >= ' ') && (nextByte <= '~'))
+ {
+ anEntry.Format(TRefByValue<const TDesC>_L("%c"), nextByte);
+ logLine.Append(anEntry);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ anEntry.Format(TRefByValue<const TDesC>_L("."));
+ logLine.Append(anEntry);
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ anEntry.Format(TRefByValue<const TDesC>_L(" "));
+ logLine.Append(anEntry);
+ }
+ }
+ iUtils.Test().Printf(TRefByValue<const TDesC>_L("%S\n"), &logLine);
+ logLine.Zero();
+ // Advance to next byte segment (1 seg= cols)
+ pos += cols;
+ }
+ }
+void CHttpEventHandler::CheckCertificatesL(RHTTPTransaction& aTrans)
+ {
+ if ( aTrans.Session().ServerCert() )
+ {
+ iUtils.Test().Printf( _L("Session CCertificate found\n") );
+ const CCertificate* sessTCert;
+ sessTCert = aTrans.ServerCert();
+ if( sessTCert )
+ {
+ TPtrC8 serialNo8(sessTCert->SerialNumber());
+ TBuf<KMaxUserEntrySize> serialNo16;
+ serialNo16.Copy(serialNo8);
+ HBufC16* issuer(sessTCert->IssuerL());
+ iUtils.Test().Printf( _L("Serial No: %S, \n"),&serialNo16 );
+ iUtils.Test().Printf( _L("Issuer: %S, "),issuer );
+ delete issuer;
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ iUtils.Test().Printf( _L("Session CCertificate NULL\n") );
+ }
+ if ( aTrans.ServerCert() )
+ {
+ iUtils.Test().Printf( _L("Transaction CCertificate found\n") );
+ const CCertificate* transTCert;
+ transTCert = aTrans.ServerCert();
+ if( transTCert )
+ {
+ TPtrC8 serialNo8(transTCert->SerialNumber());
+ TBuf<KMaxUserEntrySize> serialNo16;
+ serialNo16.Copy(serialNo8);
+ HBufC16* issuer(transTCert->IssuerL());
+ iUtils.Test().Printf( _L("Serial No: %S, \n"),&serialNo16 );
+ iUtils.Test().Printf( _L("Issuer: %S, \n"),issuer );
+ delete issuer;
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ iUtils.Test().Printf( _L("Transaction CCertificate NULL\n") );
+ }
+ }
+// Main implementation
+LOCAL_D void TestL()
+// Create a test object, invoke the tests using it and remove
+ {
+ // Start C32 and initalize some device drivers. This is necessary when running a test console as these won't
+ // have been started
+ CHttpExampleUtils::InitCommsL();
+ // create an active scheduler to use
+ CActiveScheduler* scheduler = new(ELeave) CActiveScheduler();
+ CleanupStack::PushL(scheduler);
+ CActiveScheduler::Install(scheduler);
+ // Create and start the client
+ CHttpClient* httpCli = CHttpClient::NewLC();
+ httpCli->StartClientL();
+ CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(2); // httpCli, scheduler
+ }
+GLDEF_C TInt E32Main()
+// Main program - run the tests within a TRAP harness, reporting any errors that
+// occur via the panic mechanism. Test for memory leaks using heap marking.
+ {
+ CTrapCleanup* tc=CTrapCleanup::New();
+ TRAPD(err,TestL());
+ if (err!=KErrNone)
+ User::Panic(_L("Test failed with error code: %i"), err);
+ delete tc;
+ return KErrNone;
+ }