--- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/applayerprotocols/httpexamples/nwsswsptrhnd/CNwssWspSession.cpp Tue Feb 02 01:09:52 2010 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,1164 @@
+// Copyright (c) 2002-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+// All rights reserved.
+// This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+// under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+// which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+// at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
+// Initial Contributors:
+// Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+// Contributors:
+// Description:
+// System includes
+#include <wsp/mwspproxyinfoprovider.h>
+#include <http/framework/csecuritypolicy.h>
+#include <http/framework/securitypolicypluginstrings.h>
+#include <wsperror.h>
+#include <http/framework/logging.h>
+// Local includes
+#include "tnwsswsptrhndpanic.h"
+#include "mconnectioninfoprovider.h"
+#include "testoom.h"
+// Class signature
+#include "cnwsswspsession.h"
+const TInt KWtlsMaxFieldSize = 256;
+ {
+ }
+CNwssWspSession::CNwssWspSession(RStringPool& aStringPool,
+ MNwssWapServer& aWapStackProvider,
+ MConnectionInfoProvider& aConnInfoProvider,
+ MSecurityPolicy& aSecurityPolicy):
+ CActive(CActive::EPriorityStandard), iStringPool(aStringPool),
+ iWapStackProvider(aWapStackProvider), iConnInfoProvider(aConnInfoProvider),
+ iState(EDisconnected), iSecurityPolicy(aSecurityPolicy)
+ {
+ CActiveScheduler::Add(this);
+ }
+void CNwssWspSession::BaseConstructL()
+ {
+ // Add the security policy plug-in string table to the string pool
+ iStringPool.OpenL(SecurityPolicyProperties::Table);
+ }
+void CNwssWspSession::InitiateProxyConnection()
+ {
+ if (iState == EDisconnected)
+ CompleteSelf();
+ }
+CNwssWspSession::TState CNwssWspSession::State() const
+ {
+ return iState;
+ }
+TInt CNwssWspSession::SessionDisconnectedCallback()
+ {
+ TInt err = CloseWspSession();
+ if (err == KErrNone)
+ iState = EDisconnected;
+ return err;
+ }
+void CNwssWspSession::RunL()
+ {
+ switch (iState)
+ {
+ case EDisconnected:
+ {
+ __LOG("--Running in state EDisconnected")
+ // Make initial connection to the WAP Stack
+ TBool useWtls = OpenWapProxyL();
+ if (useWtls)
+ iState = ESessionOpen;
+ else
+ iState = EReady;
+ CompleteSelf();
+ } break;
+ case ESessionOpen:
+ {
+ __LOG("--Running in state ESessionOpen")
+ // Do pre-handshake setup, followed by phase 1 of the connection
+ DoWTLSConnectionPreHandshakeL();
+ DoWTLSConnectionPhaseOne(ETrue);
+ iHandshakeWasAnonymous = EFalse;
+ iState = EDoingWtlsPhase1;
+ } break;
+ case EDoingWtlsPhase1:
+ {
+ __LOG("--Running in state EDoingWtlsPhase1")
+ // Did phase 1 succeed?
+ TInt completionCode = iStatus.Int();
+ switch (completionCode)
+ {
+ case RWTLS::EHandshakeOk:
+ {
+ __LOG("--Phase 1 result is EHandshakeOK")
+ __LOG("--indicates that an anonymous handshake was performed.");
+ __LOG("--proceeding to check negotiated configuration")
+ // The handshake is fully complete after one phase. Since we always initiate a 2-phase
+ // handshake, this indicates that anonymous key exchange suites were agreed.
+ // Note - it would seem sensible to do a phase 2 to complete the handshake, since we initiated
+ // it as 2 phase. However doing so never works (ConnectPhase2() returns EErrGeneral). So we'll
+ // have to consider the handshake complete now.
+ // Store 'was anonymous' flag for the next AO iteration, where we will check against the policy
+ // to ensure anonymous acceptable.
+ iHandshakeWasAnonymous = ETrue;
+ iState = ECheckingNegotiated;
+ CompleteSelf();
+ } break;
+ case RWTLS::EServerCertificateValid:
+ {
+ __LOG("--Phase 1 result is EServerCertificateValid")
+ __LOG("--proceeding to do handshake phase 2")
+ // Note - this error code indicates that the server certificate is valid, and that it
+ // was verified by the WAP Stack against a root cert held on the device. First get
+ // the server certificate in case the client asks to see it and then move to phase 2.
+ GetServerCertL();
+ DoWTLSConnectionPhaseTwo();
+ iState = EDoingWtlsPhase2;
+ } break;
+ case RWTLS::EServerCertificateNotValid:
+ {
+ __LOG("--Phase 1 result is EServerCertificateNotValid")
+ // Note - this error code indicates that although all fields of the server certificate
+ // were valid, the WAP Stack couldn't verify the server identity against a root cert.
+ // For a 2-phase (authenticating) handshake, this means we present the cert to the user
+ // for verification
+ __LOG("--proceeding to check untrusted server certificate")
+ // Check the server cert before phase 2 of the handshake
+ iState = ECheckingServerCert;
+ GetServerCertL();
+ ValidateUntrustedServerCertL();
+ } break;
+ case RWTLS::EHandshakeError:
+ case RWTLS::EHandshakeUserAbort:
+ case RWTLS::ECertificateRequested:
+ {
+#ifdef _DEBUG
+ if (completionCode == RWTLS::EHandshakeError)
+ {
+ __LOG("--Phase 1 result is EHandshakeError")
+ }
+ else if (completionCode == RWTLS::EHandshakeUserAbort)
+ {
+ __LOG("--Phase 1 result is EHandshakeUserAbort")
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // Presumably this refers to a client cert? Not supported by this client if that's the case.
+ __LOG("--Phase 1 result is ECertificateRequested")
+ }
+ // Cancel phase 1 - the connect could not be established
+ CancelWTLSConnectionPhaseOne();
+ User::Leave(KWtlsErrPhase1HandshakeFailed);
+ } break;
+ default:
+ {
+ __LOG1("--Phase 1 result is unknown (%d)", completionCode)
+ // Other error codes from completion of phase 1 connect
+ if (completionCode >= 0)
+ completionCode = KWtlsErrPhase1HandshakeFailed;
+ User::Leave(completionCode);
+ } break;
+ }
+ } break;
+ case ECheckingServerCert:
+ {
+ __LOG("--Running in state ECheckingServerCert")
+ // Was the server cert accepted? If not, leave
+ TInt completionCode = iStatus.Int();
+ User::LeaveIfError(completionCode);
+ // Enter second phase of handshake
+ DoWTLSConnectionPhaseTwo();
+ iState = EDoingWtlsPhase2;
+ } break;
+ case EDoingWtlsPhase2:
+ {
+ __LOG("--Running in state EDoingWtlsPhase2")
+ // Did phase 2 succeed? If not, leave
+ TInt completionCode = iStatus.Int();
+ if ( (completionCode != RWTLS::EHandshakeOk) &&
+ (iHandshakeWasAnonymous && (completionCode != RWTLS::EErrGeneral) ) )
+ User::Leave( (completionCode > 0)?KWtlsErrPhase2HandshakeFailed:completionCode );
+ // Move straight on to check the negotiated values
+ iState = ECheckingNegotiated;
+ CompleteSelf();
+ } break;
+ case ECheckingNegotiated:
+ {
+ __LOG("--Running in state ECheckingNegotiated")
+ // Finalise the handshake by checking the negotiated settings
+ DoWTLSConnectionPostHandshakeL();
+ // Authenticating handshake has completed successfully
+ iState = EReady;
+ CompleteSelf();
+ } break;
+ case EReady:
+ {
+ __LOG("--Running in state EReady")
+ // Can now complete the WSP session connection to the proxy
+ CompleteProxyConnectionL();
+ } break;
+ default:
+ {
+ TNwssWspTrHndPanic::Panic(TNwssWspTrHndPanic::EInvalidState);
+ } break;
+ }
+ }
+TInt CNwssWspSession::RunError(TInt aError)
+ {
+ __LOG1("--Handling WAP stack error code %d", aError)
+ switch (iState)
+ {
+ case EDisconnected:
+ {
+ // Failed to open the WSP session
+ DoRunError(aError);
+ } break;
+ case ESessionOpen:
+ {
+ DoRunError(KWtlsErrConfigurationFailed);
+ } break;
+ case EDoingWtlsPhase1:
+ {
+ // If error is KErrNotSupported then this is usually an error of insufficient crypto strength
+ __ASSERT_DEBUG(aError != KErrNotSupported,
+ TNwssWspTrHndPanic::Panic(TNwssWspTrHndPanic::EInsufficientCryptoStrength));
+ // Only expect an 'invalid server certificate' or 'phase 1 handshake failed' error in this state
+ __ASSERT_DEBUG(aError == KWtlsErrInvalidServerCert || aError == KWtlsErrPhase1HandshakeFailed,
+ TNwssWspTrHndPanic::Panic(TNwssWspTrHndPanic::EInvalidState));
+ DoRunError(aError);
+ } break;
+ case ECheckingServerCert:
+ {
+ // Only expect an 'invalid/untrusted server certificate' error in this state
+ __ASSERT_DEBUG(aError == KWtlsErrInvalidServerCert || aError == KWtlsErrUntrustedServerCert,
+ TNwssWspTrHndPanic::Panic(TNwssWspTrHndPanic::EInvalidState));
+ DoRunError(aError);
+ } break;
+ case EDoingWtlsPhase2:
+ {
+ DoRunError(KWtlsErrPhase2HandshakeFailed);
+ } break;
+ case ECheckingNegotiated:
+ {
+ DoRunError(KWtlsErrNegotiatedConfigRejected);
+ } break;
+ case EReady:
+ {
+ DoRunError(aError);
+ } break;
+ default:
+ {
+ // State machine screw-up!
+ __ASSERT_DEBUG(ETrue, TNwssWspTrHndPanic::Panic(TNwssWspTrHndPanic::EInvalidState));
+ } break;
+ }
+ // State after handling an error returns to 'disconnected'
+ iState = EDisconnected;
+ return KErrNone;
+ }
+void CNwssWspSession::DoCancel()
+ {
+ // Some cancellations will return the state machine to EDisconnected
+ switch (iState)
+ {
+ case EDoingWtlsPhase1:
+ {
+ // Outstanding request is the phase 1 connect
+ CancelWTLSConnectionPhaseOne();
+ iState = EDisconnected;
+ } break;
+ case ECheckingServerCert:
+ {
+ // Cancel the validation
+ CancelValidateUntrustedServerCert();
+ iState = EDisconnected;
+ } break;
+ case EDoingWtlsPhase2:
+ {
+ // Outstanding request is the phase 2 connect
+ CancelWTLSConnectionPhaseTwo();
+ iState = EDisconnected;
+ } break;
+ case EReady:
+ {
+ // Defer to sub-class. The SubDoCancel() returns a flag if it wishes to move the state machine
+ // back to 'disconnected'.
+ if ( SubDoCancel() )
+ iState = EDisconnected;
+ } break;
+ default:
+ {
+ // Other states do not require asynch request cancellation
+ } break;
+ }
+ }
+TBool CNwssWspSession::OpenWapProxyL()
+ {
+ // Get details of the desired WAP proxy from the client's connection info provider
+ MWspProxyInfoProvider& prov = iConnInfoProvider.ProxyInfoProvider();
+ const TDesC8& addr = prov.ProxyAddress();
+ __LOG1("--Proxy Address is '%S'", &addr)
+ TUint16 remPort = prov.RemotePort();
+ __LOG1("--Remote Port is %d", remPort)
+ TUint16 locPort = prov.LocalPort();
+ __LOG1("--Local Port is %d", locPort)
+ TWspBearer bearer = prov.Bearer();
+ const TDesC8& svcCentNum = prov.ServiceCentreNumber();
+ TWspSession sessSvc = prov.WspSessionService();
+ __LOG1("--WSP Session Type is %d (0 = CO, 1 = CL)", sessSvc)
+ TBool isSecure = prov.SecureConnection();
+ __LOG1("--Security is %d (0 = off, 1 = on)", isSecure)
+ // It is an error for ConnectReq() to be used when the proxy specifies a CL session!
+ __ASSERT_ALWAYS(sessSvc == EWspConnectionOriented,
+ TNwssWspTrHndPanic::Panic(TNwssWspTrHndPanic::EWrongSessionType));
+ // Need to supply different parameters, according to whether the bearer is IP or
+ // SMS
+ TInt error = KErrNone;
+ switch (bearer)
+ {
+ // scope enumerations to the global namespace since that's where they were
+ // defined in <wapcli.h> :(
+ case ::EIP:
+ {
+ __LOG("--Bearer is IP")
+ // Open the WSP CO connection with the WAP stack, using IP bearer
+ error = OpenWspSession(addr, remPort, locPort, (TBearer)bearer, isSecure);
+ } break;
+ case ::EWAPSMS7:
+ case ::EWAPSMS:
+ {
+ __LOG("--Bearer is SMS")
+ __LOG1("--Service Centre Number is '%S'", &svcCentNum)
+ // Open the WSP CO connection with the WAP stack, using SMS bearer
+ error = OpenWspSession(svcCentNum, remPort, locPort, (TBearer)bearer, isSecure);
+ } break;
+ case ::ESMS7:
+ case ::ESMS:
+ case ::EAll:
+ default:
+ TNwssWspTrHndPanic::Panic(TNwssWspTrHndPanic::EWrongBearerType));
+ }
+ __LOG1("--RWSPCOConn::Open() returned with %d", error)
+ User::LeaveIfError(error);
+ // Return the secure flag, so the state machine can go on to make the WTLS
+ // handshake if appropriate, for secure proxies
+ return isSecure;
+ }
+void CNwssWspSession::MapToPanic(TInt aErrorCode) const
+ {
+ // Error handling is severe, since all WSP state management is expected to be done
+ // in the client.
+ TNwssWspTrHndPanic::TNwssWspTrHndPanicCode panic;
+ switch (aErrorCode)
+ {
+ case RWAPConn::EBearerError:
+ panic = TNwssWspTrHndPanic::EBearerError;
+ break;
+ case RWAPConn::EPortAlreadyBound:
+ panic = TNwssWspTrHndPanic::EPortAlreadyBound;
+ break;
+ case RWAPConn::ECannotOpenPort:
+ panic = TNwssWspTrHndPanic::ECannotOpenPort;
+ break;
+ case RWAPConn::ETooManyConnections:
+ panic = TNwssWspTrHndPanic::ETooManyConnections;
+ break;
+ case RWAPConn::EBadConnection:
+ panic = TNwssWspTrHndPanic::EBadConnection;
+ break;
+ case RWAPConn::EBufferTooSmall:
+ panic = TNwssWspTrHndPanic::EBufferTooSmall;
+ break;
+ case RWSPCOConn::EBufferTooSmall:
+ panic = TNwssWspTrHndPanic::EBufferTooSmall;
+ break;
+ case RWSPCOConn::EInvalidSession:
+ panic = TNwssWspTrHndPanic::EInvalidSession;
+ break;
+ case RWSPCOConn::EInvalidTransaction:
+ panic = TNwssWspTrHndPanic::EInvalidTransaction;
+ break;
+ case RWSPCOConn::EParameterError:
+ panic = TNwssWspTrHndPanic::EParameterError;
+ break;
+ case RWSPCOConn::ESessionNotConnected:
+ panic = TNwssWspTrHndPanic::ESessionNotConnected;
+ break;
+ case RWSPCOConn::ENotSupported:
+ panic = TNwssWspTrHndPanic::ENotSupported;
+ break;
+ case RWSPCOConn::EInvalidState:
+ panic = TNwssWspTrHndPanic::EInvalidState;
+ break;
+ case RWSPCOConn::ESessionClosed:
+ panic = TNwssWspTrHndPanic::ESessionClosed;
+ break;
+ case RWSPCOConn::EMRUExceeded:
+ panic = TNwssWspTrHndPanic::EMRUExceeded;
+ break;
+ case RWSPCOConn::EInvalidBufferSize:
+ panic = TNwssWspTrHndPanic::EInvalidBufferSize;
+ break;
+ case RWSPCOConn::EDataNotAvailable:
+ panic = TNwssWspTrHndPanic::EDataNotAvailable;
+ break;
+ case RWSPCOConn::EErrorTimeout:
+ panic = TNwssWspTrHndPanic::EErrorTimeout;
+ break;
+ default:
+ panic = TNwssWspTrHndPanic::EUnknownPanic;
+ }
+ TNwssWspTrHndPanic::Panic(panic);
+ }
+void CNwssWspSession::CompleteSelf()
+ {
+ if (!IsActive())
+ {
+ TRequestStatus* pStat = &iStatus;
+ User::RequestComplete(pStat, KErrNone);
+ SetActive();
+ }
+ }
+void CNwssWspSession::DoWTLSConnectionPreHandshakeL()
+ {
+ // Set the Key Exchange Suites. There might be several desired cipher suites, so
+ // they are returned as an array
+ const RArray<TWtlsKeyExchangeSuite>& keyExchSuites =
+ iSecurityPolicy.GetWtlsKeyExchangeSuites();
+ TInt idx = 0;
+ const TInt numKeyExchSuites = keyExchSuites.Count();
+ RWTLS::TKeyExchangeSuite stackSuite;
+ RWTLS::TIdType stackIdType;
+ for (idx = 0; idx < numKeyExchSuites; ++idx)
+ {
+ // Get the next suite, convert and set
+ TWtlsKeyExchangeSuite suite = keyExchSuites[idx];
+ stackSuite = (RWTLS::TKeyExchangeSuite)suite.iKeyExchangeSuite;
+ stackIdType = (RWTLS::TIdType)suite.iKeyIdType;
+#ifdef _DEBUG
+ DumpKeyExchangeSuite(stackSuite, stackIdType, ETrue);
+ __TESTOOMD(stkErr, WtlsHnd().SetKeyExchangeSuite(stackSuite, stackIdType, suite.iKeyId));
+ if (stkErr < 0)
+ {
+ __LOG1("--RWTLS::SetKeyExchangeSuite returned %d", stkErr);
+ __LOG1("--Offensive key ex suite is %d", suite.iKeyExchangeSuite);
+ User::Leave(stkErr);
+ }
+ }
+ // Set the Cipher Suites. There might be several desired cipher suites, so
+ // they are returned as an array
+ const RArray<TWtlsCipherSuite>& cipherSuites =
+ iSecurityPolicy.GetWtlsCipherSuites();
+ const TInt numCipherSuites = cipherSuites.Count();
+ if(numCipherSuites>0)
+ {
+ // Make an array to pass in to RWTLS::SetCipherSuites
+ RWTLS::CipherSuiteArray* stackSuites =
+ new (ELeave) RWTLS::CipherSuiteArray(numCipherSuites);
+ CleanupStack::PushL(stackSuites);
+ for (idx = 0; idx < numCipherSuites; ++idx)
+ {
+ // Get the next suite, convert and append to the stack array
+ TWtlsCipherSuite suite = cipherSuites[idx];
+ RWTLS::TCipherSuite stackSuite;
+ stackSuite.iBulkEncryptionAlgorithm =
+ (RWTLS::TBulkEncryptionAlgorithm)suite.iBulkEncryptionAlgorithm;
+ stackSuite.iMacAlgorithm =
+ (RWTLS::TMacAlgorithm)suite.iMacAlgorithm;
+#ifdef _DEBUG
+ DumpCipherSuite(stackSuite, ETrue);
+ stackSuites->AppendL(stackSuite);
+ }
+ __TESTOOMD(stkErr, WtlsHnd().SetCipherSuites(*stackSuites));
+ if (stkErr < 0)
+ {
+ __LOG1("--RWTLS::SetCipherSuites returned %d", stkErr);
+ User::Leave(stkErr);
+ }
+ CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(stackSuites);
+ }
+ // Set the Sequence Number Mode.
+ RString seqNumModeValStr;
+ RString seqNumModePropName =
+ iStringPool.String(SecurityPolicyProperties::ESequenceNumberMode,
+ SecurityPolicyProperties::Table);
+ RStringF seqNumName = iStringPool.OpenFStringL(seqNumModePropName.DesC());
+ CleanupClosePushL(seqNumName);
+ TInt policyErr = iSecurityPolicy.GetNamedPolicyProperty(seqNumName,
+ seqNumModeValStr);
+ CleanupClosePushL(seqNumModeValStr);
+ if (policyErr == KErrNone)
+ {
+ RWTLS::TSequenceNumberMode stackMode;
+ switch (seqNumModeValStr.Index(SecurityPolicyProperties::Table))
+ {
+ case SecurityPolicyProperties::EImplicit:
+ stackMode = RWTLS::EImplicit;
+ break;
+ case SecurityPolicyProperties::EExplicit:
+ stackMode = RWTLS::EExplicit;
+ break;
+ case SecurityPolicyProperties::ENotUsed:
+ default:
+ stackMode = RWTLS::ENotUsed;
+ break;
+ }
+#ifdef _DEBUG
+ DumpSequenceNumberMode(stackMode, ETrue);
+ __TESTOOMD(stkErr, WtlsHnd().SetSequenceNumberMode(stackMode));
+ if (stkErr < 0)
+ {
+ __LOG1("--RWTLS::SetSequenceNumberMode returned %d", stkErr);
+ User::Leave(stkErr);
+ }
+ }
+ CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(2); // seqNumName, seqNumModeValStr
+ // Set the Key Refresh Rate.
+ RString keyRefreshRateValStr;
+ RString keyRefreshRatePropName =
+ iStringPool.String(SecurityPolicyProperties::EKeyRefreshRate,
+ SecurityPolicyProperties::Table);
+ RStringF refreshRateName = iStringPool.OpenFStringL(keyRefreshRatePropName.DesC());
+ CleanupClosePushL(refreshRateName);
+ policyErr = iSecurityPolicy.GetNamedPolicyProperty(refreshRateName,
+ keyRefreshRateValStr);
+ CleanupClosePushL(keyRefreshRateValStr);
+ if (policyErr == KErrNone)
+ {
+ TUint8 stackKRR = 0;
+ TLex8 lexer(keyRefreshRateValStr.DesC());
+ User::LeaveIfError( lexer.Val(stackKRR, EDecimal) );
+#ifdef _DEBUG
+ DumpKeyRefreshRate(stackKRR, ETrue);
+ __TESTOOMD(stkErr, WtlsHnd().SetKeyRefreshRate(stackKRR));
+ if (stkErr < 0)
+ {
+ __LOG1("--RWTLS::SetKeyRefreshRate returned %d", stkErr);
+ User::Leave(stkErr);
+ }
+ }
+ CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(2); // refreshRateName, keyRefreshRateValStr
+ // Set the Shared Secret
+ RString sharedSecretValStr;
+ RString sharedSecretPropName =
+ iStringPool.String(SecurityPolicyProperties::ESharedSecret,
+ SecurityPolicyProperties::Table);
+ RStringF sharedSecretName = iStringPool.OpenFStringL(sharedSecretPropName.DesC());
+ CleanupClosePushL(sharedSecretName);
+ policyErr = iSecurityPolicy.GetNamedPolicyProperty(sharedSecretName,
+ sharedSecretValStr);
+ CleanupClosePushL(sharedSecretValStr);
+ if (policyErr == KErrNone)
+ {
+ const TDesC8& stackSS = sharedSecretValStr.DesC();
+#ifdef _DEBUG
+ DumpSharedSecret(stackSS);
+ __TESTOOMD(stkErr, WtlsHnd().SetSharedSecret(stackSS));
+ if (stkErr < 0)
+ {
+ __LOG1("--RWTLS::SetSharedSecret returned %d", stkErr);
+ User::Leave(stkErr);
+ }
+ }
+ CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(2); // sharedSecretName, sharedSecretValStr
+ // Set the Record Length Usage.
+ RString recordLengthUsageValStr;
+ RString recordLengthUsagePropName =
+ iStringPool.String(SecurityPolicyProperties::ERecordLengthUsage,
+ SecurityPolicyProperties::Table);
+ RStringF recLenUsageName = iStringPool.OpenFStringL(recordLengthUsagePropName.DesC());
+ CleanupClosePushL(recLenUsageName);
+ policyErr = iSecurityPolicy.GetNamedPolicyProperty(recLenUsageName,
+ recordLengthUsageValStr);
+ CleanupClosePushL(recordLengthUsageValStr);
+ if (policyErr == KErrNone)
+ {
+ TBool stackRLU = EFalse;
+ switch (recordLengthUsageValStr.Index(SecurityPolicyProperties::Table))
+ {
+ case SecurityPolicyProperties::EUsed:
+ stackRLU = ETrue;
+ break;
+ case SecurityPolicyProperties::ENotUsed:
+ default:
+ stackRLU = EFalse;
+ break;
+ }
+#ifdef _DEBUG
+ DumpRecordLengthUsage(stackRLU, ETrue);
+ __TESTOOMD(stkErr, WtlsHnd().SetRecordLengthUsage(stackRLU));
+ if (stkErr < 0)
+ {
+ __LOG1("--RWTLS::SetRecordLengthUsage returned %d", stkErr);
+ User::Leave(stkErr);
+ }
+ }
+ CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(2); // recLenUsageName, recordLengthUsageValStr
+ }
+void CNwssWspSession::DoWTLSConnectionPhaseOne(TBool aTwoPhaseHandshake)
+ {
+ WtlsHnd().Connect(iStatus, aTwoPhaseHandshake);
+ SetActive();
+ __LOG1("--WTLS::Connect(phase 1 of %d)", (aTwoPhaseHandshake?2:1));
+ }
+void CNwssWspSession::CancelWTLSConnectionPhaseOne()
+ {
+ WtlsHnd().CancelConnect();
+ __LOG("--WTLS - CancelConnect() phase 1");
+ }
+void CNwssWspSession::ValidateUntrustedServerCertL()
+ {
+ // Make request of security policy plugin for validation
+ iSecurityPolicy.ValidateUntrustedServerCert(iServerCert, iStatus);
+ SetActive();
+ }
+void CNwssWspSession::GetServerCertL()
+ {
+ iServerCertValid = EFalse;
+ // Create space for subject, issuer and fingerprint fields in cert info
+ TBuf8<KWtlsMaxFieldSize> subject;
+ TBuf8<KWtlsMaxFieldSize> issuer;
+ TBuf8<KWtlsMaxFieldSize> fingerprint;
+ RCertificate::TInfo wtlsCertInfo;
+#ifdef _DEBUG
+ // shut up some WINS UDEB compiler warnings...
+ wtlsCertInfo.iValidNotBefore = 0;
+ wtlsCertInfo.iValidNotAfter = 0;
+ wtlsCertInfo.iSubjectCharacterSet = 0;
+ wtlsCertInfo.iIssuerCharacterSet = 0;
+ wtlsCertInfo.iServerCertificateStatus = RCertificate::EOk;
+ wtlsCertInfo.iSubject = &subject;
+ wtlsCertInfo.iIssuer = &issuer;
+ wtlsCertInfo.iFingerPrint = &fingerprint;
+ // Get the certificate from the WAP stack
+ RCertificate wtlsCert = WtlsHnd().ServerCert();
+ __TESTOOMD(stkErr, wtlsCert.Info(wtlsCertInfo));
+ if (stkErr != KErrNone)
+ User::Leave(KWtlsErrInvalidServerCert);
+ // Convert to a form accepted by the security policy plugin
+ _LIT(KUnixEpochStart,"19700000:000000.000000");
+ // Start date
+ TTime startTime(KUnixEpochStart);
+ TTimeIntervalSeconds addTime = wtlsCertInfo.iValidNotBefore;
+ iServerCert.iStartValDate = startTime + addTime;
+ // End date
+ TTime endTime(KUnixEpochStart);
+ addTime = wtlsCertInfo.iValidNotAfter;
+ iServerCert.iEndValDate = endTime + addTime;
+ // Subject. Ignore the character set from the WTLS cert - it should be UTF-8
+ TInt len = Min((wtlsCertInfo.iSubject)->Length(),
+ iServerCert.iSubjectDNInfo.iCommonName.MaxLength());
+ iServerCert.iSubjectDNInfo.iCommonName.Copy((wtlsCertInfo.iSubject)->Left(len));
+ // Issuer. Ignore the character set from the WTLS cert - it should be UTF-8
+ len = Min((wtlsCertInfo.iIssuer)->Length(),
+ iServerCert.iIssuerDNInfo.iCommonName.MaxLength());
+ iServerCert.iIssuerDNInfo.iCommonName.Copy((wtlsCertInfo.iIssuer)->Left(len));
+ // Ignore server certificate status - no field exists for it in TCertInfo
+ // Fingerprint
+ len = Min((wtlsCertInfo.iFingerPrint)->Length(), iServerCert.iFingerprint.MaxLength());
+ iServerCert.iFingerprint.Copy((wtlsCertInfo.iFingerPrint)->Left(len));
+ // We have a complete TCertInfo
+ iServerCertValid = ETrue;
+ // Log certificate data
+ __LOG("--Server Certificate:");
+ __LOG("-----------------------------------");
+ __LOG1("--Subject: %S", wtlsCertInfo.iSubject);
+ __LOG1("--Issuer: %S", wtlsCertInfo.iIssuer);
+ __LOG1("--Fingerprint: %S", wtlsCertInfo.iFingerPrint);
+#ifdef _DEBUG
+ _LIT(KDateFormat,"%D%M%Y%/0%1%/1%2%/2%3%/3 %:0%H%:1%T%:2%S.%C%:3");
+ TBuf<40> dateTimeString;
+ TBuf8<40> dateTimeString8;
+ iServerCert.iStartValDate.FormatL(dateTimeString, KDateFormat);
+ dateTimeString8.Copy(dateTimeString);
+ __LOG1("--Start Date: %S", &dateTimeString8);
+ iServerCert.iEndValDate.FormatL(dateTimeString, KDateFormat);
+ dateTimeString8.Copy(dateTimeString);
+ __LOG1("--Start Date: %S", &dateTimeString8);
+ __LOG("-----------------------------------");
+ }
+void CNwssWspSession::CancelValidateUntrustedServerCert()
+ {
+ iSecurityPolicy.CancelValidateUntrustedServerCert();
+ }
+void CNwssWspSession::DoWTLSConnectionPhaseTwo()
+ {
+ WtlsHnd().ConnectPhaseTwo(iStatus);
+ SetActive();
+ __LOG("--WTLS::Connect(phase 2 of 2)");
+ }
+void CNwssWspSession::CancelWTLSConnectionPhaseTwo()
+ {
+ WtlsHnd().CancelConnectPhaseTwo();
+ __LOG("--WTLS - CancelConnect() phase 2");
+ }
+void CNwssWspSession::DoWTLSConnectionPostHandshakeL()
+ {
+ TInt stkErr = KErrNone;
+ // Dump the negotiated cipher suite and sequence number mode (debug only)
+#ifdef _DEBUG
+ // Find out which cipher suite was negotiated
+ RWTLS::TCipherSuite cipherSuite;
+ // shut up some WINS UDEB compiler warnings
+ cipherSuite.iBulkEncryptionAlgorithm = RWTLS::EBulkNull;
+ cipherSuite.iMacAlgorithm = RWTLS::ESha_0;
+ __TESTOOM(stkErr, WtlsHnd().GetCipherSuite(cipherSuite));
+ if (stkErr)
+ {
+ __LOG1("--RWTLS::GetCipherSuite() returned %d", stkErr);
+ }
+ else
+ DumpCipherSuite(cipherSuite, EFalse);
+ // Find out which sequence number mode was negotiated
+ RWTLS::TSequenceNumberMode mode = RWTLS::ENotUsed;
+ __TESTOOM(stkErr, WtlsHnd().GetSequenceNumberMode(mode));
+ if (stkErr)
+ {
+ __LOG1("--RWTLS::GetSequenceNumberMode() returned %d", stkErr);
+ }
+ else
+ DumpSequenceNumberMode(mode, EFalse);
+ // Find out which key exchange suite was negotiated
+ RWTLS::TKeyExchangeSuite keyExchSuite(RWTLS::ESharedSecret);
+ __TESTOOM(stkErr, WtlsHnd().GetKeyExchangeSuite(keyExchSuite));
+ if (stkErr == KErrNone)
+ {
+#ifdef _DEBUG
+ // Dump the negotiated key exch suite (debug only)
+ DumpKeyExchangeSuite(keyExchSuite, (RWTLS::TIdType)KErrNotFound, EFalse);
+ // Figure out if we got an anonymous one or not. Note, this is
+ // authoritative, so overwrite any flag set earlier.
+ switch (keyExchSuite)
+ {
+ case RWTLS::EDHAnon:
+ case RWTLS::EDHAnon512:
+ case RWTLS::EDHAnon768:
+ case RWTLS::ERsaAnon:
+ case RWTLS::ERsaAnon512:
+ case RWTLS::ERsaAnon768:
+ case RWTLS::EEcdhAnon:
+ case RWTLS::EEcdhAnon113:
+ case RWTLS::EEcdhAnon131:
+ iHandshakeWasAnonymous = ETrue;
+ default:
+ iHandshakeWasAnonymous = EFalse;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+#ifdef _DEBUG
+ else
+ {
+ __LOG1("--RWTLS::GetKeyExchangeSuite() returned %d", stkErr);
+ }
+ // If it's anonymous, and anonymous is not allowed, then reject now.
+ if (iHandshakeWasAnonymous && !AnonymousAuthenticationAllowedL())
+ User::Leave(KWtlsErrNegotiatedConfigRejected);
+ }
+TBool CNwssWspSession::AnonymousAuthenticationAllowedL()
+ {
+ RString anonAllowedValStr;
+ RString anonAllowedPropName =
+ iStringPool.String(SecurityPolicyProperties::EAnonymousAllowed,
+ SecurityPolicyProperties::Table);
+ RStringF anonAllowName = iStringPool.OpenFStringL(anonAllowedPropName.DesC());
+ TInt policyErr = iSecurityPolicy.GetNamedPolicyProperty(anonAllowName,
+ anonAllowedValStr);
+ TBool retVal = ( (policyErr == KErrNone) &&
+ (anonAllowedValStr == iStringPool.String(SecurityPolicyProperties::EAllowed,
+ SecurityPolicyProperties::Table) ) );
+ anonAllowedValStr.Close();
+ anonAllowName.Close();
+ return retVal;
+ }
+TInt CNwssWspSession::ServerCert(TCertInfo& aCertInfo)
+ {
+ TInt retVal = KErrNotSupported;
+ switch(iState)
+ {
+ case EDisconnected:
+ case ESessionOpen:
+ case EDoingWtlsPhase1:
+ retVal = KErrNotReady;
+ break;
+ case ECheckingServerCert:
+ case EDoingWtlsPhase2:
+ case ECheckingNegotiated:
+ case EReady:
+ if(iServerCertValid)
+ {
+ retVal = KErrNone;
+ aCertInfo = iServerCert;
+ }
+ break;
+ default:
+ break;
+ }
+ return retVal;
+ }
+#ifdef _DEBUG
+void CNwssWspSession::DumpCipherSuite(RWTLS::TCipherSuite aCipherSuite, TBool aRequested)
+ {
+ TBuf8<100> msg;
+ if (aRequested)
+ {
+ _LIT8(KCipherSuiteMsg, "--Requested cipher suite is: (");
+ msg.Append(KCipherSuiteMsg());
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ _LIT8(KCipherSuiteMsg, "--Negotiated cipher suite is: (");
+ msg.Append(KCipherSuiteMsg());
+ }
+ switch (aCipherSuite.iBulkEncryptionAlgorithm)
+ {
+ case RWTLS::EBulkNull:
+ msg.Append(_L("EBulkNull,"));
+ break;
+ case RWTLS::ERc5_cbc_40:
+ msg.Append(_L("ERc5_cbc_40,"));
+ break;
+ case RWTLS::ERc5_cbc_56:
+ msg.Append(_L("ERc5_cbc_56,"));
+ break;
+ case RWTLS::ERc5_cbc:
+ msg.Append(_L("ERc5_cbc,"));
+ break;
+ case RWTLS::EDes_cbc_40:
+ msg.Append(_L("EDes_cbc_40,"));
+ break;
+ case RWTLS::EDes_cbc:
+ msg.Append(_L("EDes_cbc,"));
+ break;
+ case RWTLS::E3Des_cbc_ede:
+ msg.Append(_L("E3Des_cbc_ede,"));
+ break;
+ case RWTLS::EIdea_cbc_40:
+ msg.Append(_L("EIdea_cbc_40,"));
+ break;
+ case RWTLS::EIdea_cbc_56:
+ msg.Append(_L("EIdea_cbc_56,"));
+ break;
+ case RWTLS::EIdea_cbc:
+ msg.Append(_L("EIdea_cbc,"));
+ break;
+ default:
+ msg.Append(_L("<Unknown bulk alg>,"));
+ break;
+ }
+ switch (aCipherSuite.iMacAlgorithm)
+ {
+ case RWTLS::ESha_0:
+ msg.Append(_L("ESha_0)"));
+ break;
+ case RWTLS::ESha_40:
+ msg.Append(_L("ESha_40)"));
+ break;
+ case RWTLS::ESha_80:
+ msg.Append(_L("ESha_80)"));
+ break;
+ case RWTLS::ESha:
+ msg.Append(_L("ESha)"));
+ break;
+ case RWTLS::ESha_xor_40:
+ msg.Append(_L("ESha_xor_40)"));
+ break;
+ case RWTLS::EMd5_40:
+ msg.Append(_L("EMd5_40)"));
+ break;
+ case RWTLS::EMd5_80:
+ msg.Append(_L("EMd5_40)"));
+ break;
+ case RWTLS::EMd5:
+ msg.Append(_L("EMd5)"));
+ break;
+ default:
+ msg.Append(_L("<Unknown mac alg>)"));
+ break;
+ }
+ __LOG1("%S", &msg);
+ }
+void CNwssWspSession::DumpKeyExchangeSuite(RWTLS::TKeyExchangeSuite aKeyExchSuite, RWTLS::TIdType aStackIdType, TBool aRequested)
+ {
+ TBuf8<100> msg;
+ if (aRequested)
+ {
+ _LIT8(KKeyExchSuiteMsg, "--Requested key exchange suite is: ");
+ msg.Append(KKeyExchSuiteMsg());
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ _LIT8(KKeyExchSuiteMsg, "--Negotiated key exchange suite is: ");
+ msg.Append(KKeyExchSuiteMsg());
+ }
+ switch (aKeyExchSuite)
+ {
+ case RWTLS::ESharedSecret:
+ msg.Append(_L("(ESharedSecret,"));
+ break;
+ case RWTLS::EDHAnon:
+ msg.Append(_L("(EDHAnon,"));
+ break;
+ case RWTLS::EDHAnon512:
+ msg.Append(_L("(EDHAnon512,"));
+ break;
+ case RWTLS::EDHAnon768:
+ msg.Append(_L("(EDHAnon768,"));
+ break;
+ case RWTLS::ERsaAnon:
+ msg.Append(_L("(ERsaAnon,"));
+ break;
+ case RWTLS::ERsaAnon512:
+ msg.Append(_L("(ERsaAnon512,"));
+ break;
+ case RWTLS::ERsaAnon768:
+ msg.Append(_L("(ERsaAnon768,"));
+ break;
+ case RWTLS::ERsa:
+ msg.Append(_L("(ERsa,"));
+ break;
+ case RWTLS::ERsa512:
+ msg.Append(_L("(ERsa512,"));
+ break;
+ case RWTLS::ERsa768:
+ msg.Append(_L("(ERsa768,"));
+ break;
+ case RWTLS::EEcdhAnon:
+ msg.Append(_L("(EEcdhAnon,"));
+ break;
+ case RWTLS::EEcdhAnon113:
+ msg.Append(_L("(EEcdhAnon113,"));
+ break;
+ case RWTLS::EEcdhAnon131:
+ msg.Append(_L("(EEcdhAnon131,"));
+ break;
+ case RWTLS::EEcdhEcdsa:
+ msg.Append(_L("(EEcdhEcdsa,"));
+ break;
+ default:
+ msg.Append(_L("(<Unknown key exchange suite>,"));
+ break;
+ }
+ switch (aStackIdType)
+ {
+ case RWTLS::EIdNull:
+ msg.Append(_L("EIdNull)"));
+ break;
+ case RWTLS::EText:
+ msg.Append(_L("EText)"));
+ break;
+ case RWTLS::EBinary:
+ msg.Append(_L("EBinary)"));
+ break;
+ case RWTLS::EKeyHashSha:
+ msg.Append(_L("EKeyHashSha)"));
+ break;
+ case RWTLS::EX509Name:
+ msg.Append(_L("EX509Name)"));
+ break;
+ default:
+ msg.Append(_L("<Unknown ID type>)"));
+ break;
+ }
+ __LOG1("%S", &msg);
+ }
+void CNwssWspSession::DumpSequenceNumberMode(RWTLS::TSequenceNumberMode aSeqNumMode, TBool aRequested)
+ {
+ TBuf8<100> msg;
+ if (aRequested)
+ {
+ _LIT8(KSeqNumModeMsg, "--Requested sequence number mode is: ");
+ msg.Append(KSeqNumModeMsg());
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ _LIT8(KSeqNumModeMsg, "--Negotiated sequence number mode is: ");
+ msg.Append(KSeqNumModeMsg());
+ }
+ switch (aSeqNumMode)
+ {
+ case RWTLS::ENotUsed:
+ msg.Append(_L("ENotUsed"));
+ break;
+ case RWTLS::EImplicit:
+ msg.Append(_L("EImplicit"));
+ break;
+ case RWTLS::EExplicit:
+ msg.Append(_L("EExplicit"));
+ break;
+ default:
+ msg.Append(_L("<Unknown>"));
+ break;
+ }
+ __LOG1("%S", &msg);
+ }
+void CNwssWspSession::DumpKeyRefreshRate(TUint8 aKeyRefreshRate, TBool aRequested)
+ {
+ _LIT8(KReqKeyRefRateMsg, "--Requested key refresh rate is: %d");
+ _LIT8(KNegKeyRefRateMsg, "--Negotiated key refresh rate is: %d");
+ TBuf8<100> msg;
+ if (aRequested)
+ {
+ msg.Format(KReqKeyRefRateMsg(), aKeyRefreshRate);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ msg.Format(KNegKeyRefRateMsg(), aKeyRefreshRate);
+ }
+ __LOG1("%S", &msg);
+ }
+void CNwssWspSession::DumpSharedSecret(const TDesC8& aSharedSecret)
+ {
+ __LOG("--Shared secret is: ");
+ __DUMP("--", "--", aSharedSecret)
+ }
+void CNwssWspSession::DumpRecordLengthUsage(TBool aRecordLengthUsage, TBool aRequested)
+ {
+ _LIT8(KReqRecLenUsageMsg, "--Requested record length usage is: %S");
+ _LIT8(KNegRecLenUsageMsg, "--Negotiated record length usage is: %S");
+ _LIT8(KUsed, "Used");
+ _LIT8(KNotUsed, "Not Used");
+ TBuf8<100> msg;
+ if (aRequested)
+ {
+ msg.Format(KReqRecLenUsageMsg(), aRecordLengthUsage?&(KUsed()):&(KNotUsed()));
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ msg.Format(KNegRecLenUsageMsg(), aRecordLengthUsage?&(KUsed()):&(KNotUsed()));
+ }
+ __LOG1("%S", &msg);
+ }