changeset 0 b16258d2340f
child 30 b7f26243ec94
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/applayerprotocols/httptransportfw/Test/T_HttpIntegration/Gt0149.cpp	Tue Feb 02 01:09:52 2010 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,462 @@
+// Copyright (c) 2002-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+// All rights reserved.
+// This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+// under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+// which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+// at the URL "".
+// Initial Contributors:
+// Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+// Contributors:
+// Description:
+// $Header$
+// GT0149 Applications Protocol Integration Test Harness
+// blank application
+// created by: mark j davey
+// mjd systems solutions ltd
+// This is the 'main' code entry point for the Test Harness Application.
+// As other projects adopt policy, then separate DLL's will be created for
+// each group which can be specified (or colocated) for inclusion.
+// This way the harness is sanitized from the project knowledge domain
+#include <e32base.h>
+#include <e32cons.h>
+#include <uri8.h>
+#include <bacline.h>
+//  application specific includes
+#include "GT0149.h"
+#include "ECommandIDs.h"
+#include "ErrorCodes.h"
+#include "TEngine.h"
+#include "CCmdFamily.h"
+#include "CCmdBase.h"
+#include "CCmdStandard.h"
+#include "CCmdMisc.h"
+#include "CCmdLog.h"
+#include "CLogFile.h"
+#include "HttpSessionCmds.h"
+#include "HttpTransactionCmds.h"
+#if defined (HTTP_INTEGRATION)
+// for StartC32()
+#if !defined __C32COMM_H__
+	#include <c32comm.h>
+#if !defined __IN_SOCK_H__
+	#include <in_sock.h>
+#if defined (__WINS__)
+	#define PDD_NAME		_L("ECDRV")
+	#define PDD_NAME		_L("EUART1")
+	#define PDD2_NAME		_L("EUART2")
+	#define PDD3_NAME		_L("EUART3")
+	#define PDD4_NAME		_L("EUART4")
+#define LDD_NAME		_L("ECOMM")
+//	Integration Domain specific includes
+#include "CHTTPFamily.h"
+//  create this (Console) ONLY if we're NOT being driven from the command line
+LOCAL_D CConsoleBase *Console;
+//	Global Defines for 
+GLDEF_D TBool exitConsoleAtExit = ETrue;
+GLDEF_D TBool consoleRequired = EFalse;
+GLDEF_D TBool debugRequired = EFalse;
+GLDEF_D TInt sysError = KErrNone;
+TPtrC ScriptFilename;
+TBuf<256> Arguments;
+TInt nArgs;
+//  method defs
+LOCAL_C TInt ExecuteManagerL(void);
+LOCAL_C TInt CreateFrameworkCommandsL(CCmdFamily *);
+LOCAL_C void TestHarnessMainL(void);
+LOCAL_C void pressAnyKey(void);
+LOCAL_C void reportError(void);
+LOCAL_C void processCommandLine(void);
+#if defined (HTTP_INTEGRATION)
+//	specialist commands here...
+//	ideally this is a method from a dynamically loaded DLL...
+LOCAL_C void InitCommsL();
+LOCAL_C TInt CreateHTTPIntegrationCommands(CCmdFamily *);
+//	Register the fundamental 'framework' commands
+LOCAL_C TInt CreateFrameworkCommandsL(CCmdFamily *aList)
+aList->RegisterL(CCmdRemark::NewL(THA_KCmdRemark, THA_TxtCmdRemark)); 
+aList->RegisterL(CCmdRemark::NewL(THA_KCmdComment, THA_TxtCmdComment)); 
+aList->RegisterL(CCmdExit::NewL(THA_KCmdExit, THA_TxtCmdExit )); 
+aList->RegisterL(CCmdExit::NewL(THA_KCmdExit, THA_TxtCmdQuit )); 
+aList->RegisterL(CCmdExit::NewL(THA_KCmdExit, THA_TxtCmdStop )); 
+aList->RegisterL(CCmdEchoMode::NewL( THA_KCmdEchoMode, THA_TxtCmdEchoMode));
+aList->RegisterL(CCmdPause::NewL(THA_KCmdPause, THA_TxtCmdPause));
+aList->RegisterL(CCmdHold::NewL(THA_KCmdHold, THA_TxtCmdHold));
+aList->RegisterL(CCmdLogPath::NewL(THA_KCmdLogPath, THA_TxtCmdLogPath));
+aList->RegisterL(CCmdLogFile::NewL(THA_KCmdLogFile, THA_TxtCmdLogFile));
+aList->RegisterL(CCmdEndLog::NewL(THA_KCmdEndLog, THA_TxtCmdEndLog));
+aList->RegisterL(CCmdSetPrompt::NewL(THA_KCmdSetPrompt, THA_TxtCmdSetPrompt));
+aList->RegisterL(CCmdSetPath::NewL(THA_KCmdSetPath, THA_TxtCmdSetPath));
+aList->RegisterL(CCmdCall::NewL(THA_KCmdCall, THA_TxtCmdCall, THA_TxtCmdCallHelp));
+aList->RegisterL(CCmdReturn::NewL(THA_KCmdReturn, THA_TxtCmdReturn));
+aList->RegisterL(CCmdCheckMode::NewL(THA_KCmdCheckMode, THA_TxtCmdCheckMode));
+aList->RegisterL(CCmdPrint::NewL(THA_KCmdPrint, THA_TxtCmdPrint, THA_TxtCmdPrintHelp));
+aList->RegisterL(CCmdDefine::NewL(THA_KCmdDefine, THA_TxtCmdDefine, THA_TxtCmdDefineHelp));
+aList->RegisterL(CCmdListAll::NewL(THA_KCmdListAll, THA_TxtCmdListAll, THA_TxtCmdListAllHelp)); 
+//	new command: IF, ELSE, ENDIF
+aList->RegisterL(CCmdIf::NewL(THA_KCmdIf, THA_TxtCmdIf, THA_TxtCmdIfHelp)); 
+aList->RegisterL(CCmdElse::NewL(THA_KCmdElse, THA_TxtCmdElse, THA_TxtCmdElseHelp)); 
+aList->RegisterL(CCmdEndIf::NewL(THA_KCmdEndIf, THA_TxtCmdEndIf, THA_TxtCmdEndIfHelp)); 
+// Register CASE and SELECT COMMANDS (TVi)
+aList->RegisterL(CCmdCase::NewL(ECase, KTxtCase));
+aList->RegisterL(CCmdEndCase::NewL(EEndCase, KTxtEndCase));
+aList->RegisterL(CCmdSelect::NewL(ECmdSelect, KTxtCmdSelect));
+return KErrNone;
+#if defined (HTTP_INTEGRATION)
+//	provide any framework infrastructure configuration
+LOCAL_C void InitCommsL()
+TInt ret = User::LoadPhysicalDevice(PDD_NAME);
+User::LeaveIfError(ret == KErrAlreadyExists ? KErrNone : ret);
+#ifndef __WINS__
+ret = User::LoadPhysicalDevice(PDD2_NAME);
+ret = User::LoadPhysicalDevice(PDD3_NAME);
+ret = User::LoadPhysicalDevice(PDD4_NAME);
+ret = User::LoadLogicalDevice(LDD_NAME);
+User::LeaveIfError(ret == KErrAlreadyExists?KErrNone:ret);
+ret = StartC32();
+User::LeaveIfError(ret == KErrAlreadyExists?KErrNone:ret);
+//	Register the fundamental 'framework' commands
+LOCAL_C TInt CreateHTTPIntegrationCommands(CCmdFamily *aList)
+aList->RegisterL(CCmdConnect::NewL(THA_KHTTP_Connect, THA_TxtCmdConnect, THA_TxtCmdConnectHelp)); 
+aList->RegisterL(CCmdDisconnect::NewL(THA_KHTTP_Disconnect, THA_TxtCmdDisconnect, THA_TxtCmdDisconnectHelp)); 
+aList->RegisterL(CCmdTransaction::NewL(THA_KHTTP_Transaction, THA_TxtCmdTransaction, THA_TxtCmdTransactionHelp)); 
+aList->RegisterL(CCmdEndTransaction::NewL(THA_KHTTP_EndTransaction, THA_TxtCmdEndTrans, THA_TxtCmdEndTransHelp)); 
+aList->RegisterL(CCmdShowTransaction::NewL(THA_KHTTP_ShowTransaction, THA_TxtCmdShowTrans, THA_TxtCmdShowTransHelp)); 
+return KErrNone;
+//	This is where it's at
+//	Create the scheduler, the Command Tree, Look for PlugIn Language DLL's etc
+//	Offer Console *or* script processing
+LOCAL_C TInt ExecuteManagerL(void)
+TInt StackObjects = 0;
+//	Create scheduler etc
+CActiveScheduler *Scheduler = new (ELeave) CActiveScheduler;
+//	no problems, so install it
+if (Console)
+	Console->Printf(KTHAWelcomeMessage);
+//	create the Test Engine and get it cracking...
+CTEngine *Engine = CTEngine::NewLC(Console);
+//	create command list and register
+CCmdFamily *Commands = CCmdFamily::NewLC();
+if (Engine)
+	{
+	//	we have a basic 'set' of framework commands that are applicable whatever the project
+	//	area. as a result these are 'static'
+	CreateFrameworkCommandsL(Commands);
+	//	now determine if there are any app specific commands to add to 'Commands'
+	//	since this is the 'dynamic' part of the system. All the project commands are
+	//	to be supplied in a separate '.dll' which we load and append the commands.
+	//	e.g.	we have a set of WAP framework commands
+	//	CreateWAPFrameworkCommandsL(Commands);
+#if defined (HTTP_INTEGRATION)
+	InitCommsL();
+	//	ideally do search and load of "dll's"
+	CreateHTTPIntegrationCommands(Commands);
+	//	now register the command list to the Test Harness Engine
+	Engine->SetCmdFamily(Commands);
+	//	Set our own prompt for the console
+	if (Console)
+		(void) Engine->SetPrompt(THA_CommandPrompt);
+	if (nArgs > 1)
+		sysError = Engine->Run(ScriptFilename, Arguments);
+	else
+		{
+		sysError = KErrNone;
+		Engine->Run();
+		}
+	}
+	sysError = KErrUnabletoCreateTestEngine;
+//	and start it!
+if (sysError != KErrNone)
+	//	reset the scheduler to run 'as interactive'
+	Engine->Run();
+//	kick off the scheduler...
+//  finish Console
+	CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(StackObjects); 
+//	unnecessary (since global!)
+return sysError;
+//  must have some command lines. 
+//  <scriptname[.ths]> must be first parameter
+//  -c = Console required once script executed
+//  -d = debug mode on (log to Console as well)
+//  read the command line
+//  If we've got a script provided, then do not create a Console object
+//  unless we have a -d (for debug) mode command
+LOCAL_C void processCommandLine(void)
+TInt iIgnore;
+CCommandLineArguments *cmdArgs = CCommandLineArguments::NewLC();
+nArgs = cmdArgs->Count();
+iIgnore = nArgs;
+if (nArgs == 1)  //  arg(0) is '.exe' name (arg==1)
+	// no args (apart from Exename) means assume Interactive (Console) session required
+  consoleRequired = ETrue;
+	{
+	//  get the Command File name - why?
+	TPtrC ExeFilename;
+	ExeFilename.Set(cmdArgs->Arg(0));
+	//  construct call arguments
+	for (TInt i = 1; i < nArgs; ++i)
+		{
+		//  look for command/control flags
+		TInt Pos = cmdArgs->Arg(i).Find(KControlFlagSeparator);
+		if (Pos != KErrNotFound)
+			{
+			//	valid argument (i.e. has a - in front) but is it supported?
+			//	require a Console? (Console created and displayed once script 
+			if (cmdArgs->Arg(i).Find(KControlFlagRequiredScript) != KErrNotFound)
+				{
+				//	remove the -s from the filename and do not add this to the 
+				//	argument list				
+				//ScriptFilename.Set(cmdArgs->Arg(i).Mid(2));
+				ScriptFilename.Set(cmdArgs->Arg(i).Mid(KControlFlagRequiredScript().Length()));
+				sysError = KSysCmdParameter;
+				}
+			//	require a Console? (Console created and displayed once script 
+			else if (cmdArgs->Arg(i).Find(KControlFlagRequireConsole) != KErrNotFound)
+				{
+				consoleRequired = ETrue;
+				sysError = KSysCmdParameter;
+				--iIgnore;
+				}
+			else if (cmdArgs->Arg(i).Find(KControlFlagDebugViaConsole) != KErrNotFound)
+				{
+				debugRequired = ETrue;
+				consoleRequired = ETrue;
+				sysError = KSysCmdParameter;
+				--iIgnore;
+				}
+			else
+				sysError = KErrCommandFlagNotDefined;
+			}
+		//	get the args - use spaces to separate and 'fill out'
+		Arguments.Append(_L(" "));          //  put a space in between them!
+		if (sysError == KAppendParameter)
+			Arguments.Append(cmdArgs->Arg(i));  //  copy in the argument
+		}
+	}
+//	update the num args to those we're really interested in
+nArgs = iIgnore;
+//	clear the error
+sysError = KErrNone;
+//	no longer need them (args) so delete them!
+//  Application Start Point
+//  Integration Test Harness
+//  The application can be passed a parameter <scriptname> which is autoexecuted
+LOCAL_C void TestHarnessMainL(void)
+TInt StackObjects = 0;
+//	see what's cooking on the command line...
+//	create the Console if required and title it
+Console = Console::NewL(_L("GT0149 Integration Test Harness"), TSize(KConsFullScreen, KConsFullScreen));
+//	execute the bit we want
+if (sysError == KErrNone)
+	TRAP(sysError, ExecuteManagerL());
+//	report any errors
+if (sysError != KErrNone)
+	{
+	reportError();
+	if (nArgs != 1)  //  arg(0) is '.exe' name (arg==1)
+		pressAnyKey();
+	}
+//  inform user we're closing...
+if (Console)
+	{
+	Console->Printf(_L("\r\n[press any key]"));
+	//  get the keypress
+	Console->Getch();
+	}
+//  finish Console
+if (StackObjects > 0)
+	CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(StackObjects); //  2=Console & cmdArgs
+//	simple log error message
+LOCAL_C void reportError()
+if (Console)
+  {
+	Console->Printf(_L("\r\nThe following error code was returned: %d"), sysError);
+	Console->Printf(_L("\r\nPlease report this to the appropriate project team"));
+	}
+LOCAL_C void pressAnyKey()
+if (Console)
+	{
+	Console->Printf(_L("\r\n[Press any key]"));
+	Console->Getch();
+	Console->Printf(_L("\n"));
+	}
+GLDEF_C TInt E32Main()
+// Main program - run the Test Harness within a TRAP harness, reporting any errors that
+// occur via the panic mechanism. Test for memory leaks using heap marking.
+CTrapCleanup* tc = CTrapCleanup::New();
+TRAPD(err, TestHarnessMainL());
+if (err!=KErrNone)
+	User::Panic(_L("\r\nIntegration Test Harness failed with error code: %i"), err);
+  delete tc;
+return KErrNone;