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--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/applayerprotocols/telnetengine/Documentation/README.TXT	Tue Feb 02 01:09:52 2010 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,264 @@
+File        :     README.TXT
+Author      :     Robert Cripps for Symbian Ltd May 1999
+                  (c) Copyright Symbian Ltd 1998
+Abstract    :     Overview of the design of the Symbian Telnet implementation
+                  and miscellaneous handover notes for BETA Release 1.0
+1)  Overall Structure
+The Symbian Telnet (Telsess.dll) export entry points are declared in telsess.h
+and described in TelApi.Doc .There is a basic sample Telnet Client TTelnet.exe
+with Source code that demonstrates most of the API calls.
+2)  Class Overview
+2.1) CTelnetSession
+Main derivation from CBase
+Top level class created by client applications.
+Creates the CTelnetControl control object and contains the export entry
+points for client applications.
+2.2) CTelnetControl
+Main derivation from CBase
+Created by CTelnetSession.
+The main Symbian Telnet control object handles client calls/callbacks and
+generally coordinates Symbian Telnet operation.
+Creates instances of :-
+2.3) CTelnetResolver
+Main derivation from CActive
+Handles connection/disconnection to Telnet Server using state machine
+Owns the Socket handle 
+2.4) CActiveWriter
+Main derivation from CActive
+Handles Writes to the Socket
+2.5) CActiveReader
+Main derivation from CActive
+Handles Reads from the Socket
+2.6) CIOBufferControl
+Main derivation from CBase
+Provides buffering between the ActiveRead/Write objects and the
+CTelnetControl control object.
+2.7) CProto
+Main derivation from CBase
+The Telnet Protocol handler coordinates RFC 854
+Manipulates data stream to and from the Telnet Server.
+ALL calls into this object are effectively synchronous.
+Contains the main Server receive state machine.
+Creates instances of :-
+CBinaryOption            RFC 856
+CWindowSizeOption        RFC 1073
+CTerminalTypeOption      RFC 1091
+CTerminalSpeedOption     RFC 1079
+CSuppressGAOption        RFC 858
+CStatusOption            RFC 859
+CEchoOption              RFC 857
+CLogoutOption            RFC 727
+The above RFC classes are derived from CRFCOptionBase which conatins an 
+option negotiation state machine as described in RFC 1143
+3)  Creation Heirarchy
+                               CTelnetSession
+                                     |
+                                     |            
+                              CTelnetControl
+                                     |            
+      |--------------|---------------|--------------|----------------|
+      |              |               |              |                |
+      |              |               |              |                |
+ CActiveReader  CActiveWriter     CProto    CTelnetResolver  CIOBufferControl
+                                     |
+                                     |                               
+                               CBinaryOption
+                             CWindowSizeOption
+                            CTerminalTypeOption
+                            CTerminalSpeedOption
+                              CSuppressGAOption
+                                CStatusOption
+                                CEchoOption
+                               CLogoutOption
+                               CUnknownOption
+4) File Overview
+4.1)  Telsess.cpp & Telsess.h
+Symbian Telnet DLL export methods
+4.2)  Telcontrol.cpp & Telcontrol
+Code & declarations for the Symbian Telnet control class CTelnetControl
+4.3)  Telfsm.cpp & Telfsm.h
+Implementation of all the Telnet RFC's
+4.4)  Telresol.cpp & Telresol.h
+Code & declarations for the Symbian Telnet Resolver class CTelnetResolver
+4.5)  IOBuffers.cpp & IOBuffers.h
+Code & declarations for the intermmediate buffering class CIOBufferControl 
+4.6)  ActiveIO.cpp & ActiveIO.h
+Code & declarations for the Socket write and Socket read Active Objects
+CActiveReader, CActiveWriter 
+5) Connect/Disconnect overview
+Data paths travelling from Server to the Client contain notification
+(M)Interface callbacks.
+5.1) Connect to Server
+               Telnet Client            Telnet Client
+                    |                         ^
+                    |                         |
+           CTelnetSession::Connect   (M) CTelnetSession::Connected
+                    |                         |
+                    |                         |
+           CTelnetControl::Connect  (M) CTelnetControl::ResolverConnected           
+                    |                         |
+                    |                         |
+     CTelnetResolver::IssueConnect     CTelnetResolver Async Completion   
+                    |                         |
+                    V                         |
+                    -------Telnet Server------|
+5.2) Disconnect by Server
+               Telnet Server
+                    |
+                    |
+  CTelnetResolver notified of EOF on Socket by CActiveReader
+                    |
+                    |
+      (M) CTelnetControl::ResolverDisconnected
+                    |
+                    |
+      (M) CTelnetSession::ConnectionClosed
+                    |
+                    V
+               Telnet Client
+5.3) Disconnect by Client
+               Telnet Client             Telnet Client      
+                    |                         ^
+                    |                         |
+    CTelnetSession::Disconnect   (M) CTelnetSession::ConnectionClosed
+                    |                         |
+                    |                         |
+       CTelnetControl::Disconnect (M) CTelnetControl::ResolverDisconnected
+                    |                         |
+                    |                         |
+ CTelnetResolver::IssueDisconnect    CTelnetResolver notified of EOF on Socket
+                    |                         |
+                    V                         |
+                    -------Telnet Server------|
+6) Data Transfer
+Data paths travelling from Server to the Client contain notification
+(M)Interface callbacks.
+6.1) Write to Server
+                Telnet Client          Telnet Client
+                    |                        ^
+                    |                        |
+           CTelnetSession::Write      (M) CTelnetSession::WriteComplete
+                    |                        ^
+                    |                        |
+           CTelnetControl::Write -->  (M) CTelnetControl::WriteComplete
+                    |       ^       |        |
+                    V       |       |        |        
+                 CProto::ProtoWrite |        |
+                                    |        |
+                                    |        |
+                    |---------------|        |
+                    |                        |
+        CIOBufferControl::Write      (M) CIOBufferControl::WriteComplete
+                    |                        |
+                    |                        |
+   CActiveWriter::IssueWrite      CActiveWriter Completes Asynchronously
+                    |                        |
+                    V                        |
+                    ------Telnet Server------|
+6.2) Read from Server
+                Telnet Client                       Telnet Client
+                    |                                     ^
+                    |                                     |
+           CTelnetSession::Read              (M) CTelnetSession::ReadComplete
+                    |                                     |           
+                    |                                     |           
+                    |          CProto::ProtoRead--->|     |
+                    |                        |      |     |
+                    |                        |      V     |
+           CTelnetSession::Read    (M) CTelnetControl::ReadComplete 
+                    |                        |
+                    |                        |
+           CIOBufferControl::Read  (M) CIOBufferControl::ReadComplete
+                    |                        |
+                    |                        |
+     CActiveReader::IssueRead      CActiveReader Completes Asynchronously
+                    |                        |
+                    V                        |
+                    ------Telnet Server------|
+7) Sample Telnet Client
+There are only 2 files in this project TTelnet.cpp and TTelnet.h .
+This code is not perfect but is fairly easy to understand.
+8) Miscellaneous Issues
+8.1) Debugs
+Debugging has been left in, mainly for Telnet Protocol events. This can be easily removed
+when it's no longer useful.
+8.2) Testing in Binary Mode
+Binary mode is successfully negotiated if a Terminal Type other than "dumb" is selected,
+however, we do not have a Terminal emulation to test Binary mode properly.
+I have done basic testing to make sure the permitted control signals work in Binary mode
+and have carefully desk checked the code that handles the RFC 854 defined behaviour for
+receive and transmit in Binary.
+As soon as a Terminal emulation, vt100 for example, is "plugged in" over the top of the
+Symbian Telnet API, it should be fairly easy to test that Binary mode is working correctly
+using "vi" or other Unix applications that require more complex client terminal formatting.
+8.3) Finishing Off
+i) Error Checks
+I need to "Epocise" the code for checking buffer overflows etc
+ii) Safe Objects
+I'm not sure whether I need to implement things like safe copy constructors.
+iii) Error Notifications 
+I have not looked into to every single error that can occur on sockets and the resolver,
+therefore I've not documented all the error codes that could be passed up to the client.
+iv) Coding Standards
+Code needs to be checked against the coding standards by myself and then submitted for
+v) Destructive Testing
+Anything I/we can think of to break it.
+vi)  Final Documentation
+Finish off and make the API official.