--- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/applayerprotocols/telnetengine/SRC/TELFSM.H Tue Feb 02 01:09:52 2010 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,500 @@
+* Copyright (c) 2003 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+* All rights reserved.
+* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+* at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
+* Initial Contributors:
+* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+* Contributors:
+* Description:
+#ifndef _TELFSM_
+#define _TELFSM_
+#include <telsess.h>
+// RFC defined codes/commands
+End of subnegotiation
+static const TUint8 KTelnetSE = 240;
+No Operation
+static const TUint8 KTelnetNOP = 241;
+Data Mark
+static const TUint8 KTelnetDM = 242;
+NVT character Break
+static const TUint8 KTelnetBRK = 243;
+NVT Interrupt Process
+static const TUint8 KTelnetIP = 244;
+NVT Abort Output
+static const TUint8 KTelnetAO = 245;
+NVT Are You There
+static const TUint8 KTelnetAYT = 246;
+NVT Erase Character
+static const TUint8 KTelnetEC = 247;
+NVT Erase Line
+static const TUint8 KTelnetEL = 248;
+NVT Go Ahead Signal
+static const TUint8 KTelnetGA = 249;
+Start of subnegotiation
+static const TUint8 KTelnetSB = 250;
+Indicates the desire to begin/confirm option
+static const TUint8 KTelnetWILL = 251;
+Indicates the refusal to begin/continue option
+static const TUint8 KTelnetWONT = 252;
+Indicates the request that the other party begin/confirmation of option
+static const TUint8 KTelnetDO = 253;
+Indicates the demand to stop/confirm that the option is no longer expected
+static const TUint8 KTelnetDONT = 254;
+NVT Interpret As Command escape character
+static const TUint8 KTelnetIAC = 255;
+static const TUint8 KTelnetCommandSEND = 1;
+static const TUint8 KTelnetCommandIS = 0;
+// Supported RFC defined options
+static const TUint8 KTelnetProtOptionEcho = 1;
+static const TUint8 KTelnetProtOptionSuppressGA = 3;
+static const TUint8 KTelnetProtOptionBinary = 0;
+static const TUint8 KTelnetProtOptionTerminalSpeed = 32;
+static const TUint8 KTelnetProtOptionTerminalType = 24;
+static const TUint8 KTelnetProtOptionWindowSize = 31;
+static const TUint8 KTelnetProtOptionLogoff = 18;
+static const TUint8 KTelnetProtOptionStatus = 5;
+// RFC defined NVT Character constants
+static const TUint8 KTelnetCR = 0x0D;
+static const TUint8 KTelnetLF = 0x0A;
+static const TUint8 KTelnetNULL = 0x00;
+class MProtoEvent;
+class TOptionFSM
+RFC 1143 Bidirectional RFC option negotiation
+This class contains the core Us/Him state machine as defined in RFC 1143
+ /** Option Negotiation requests for both directions */
+ enum TRequests
+ {
+ ENoOption,EClientDo = 1,EClientWill = 2,EServerDo = 4, EServerWill = 8,
+ EClientWont,EClientDont,EServerWont,EServerDont
+ };
+ /** Return values from Request */
+ enum TRequestReturns
+ {
+ EErrNone,EProtocolError,EPermissionsError
+ };
+ /** Actions as a result of Request */
+ enum TActions
+ {
+ ENoAction,ESendDo,ESendWill,ESendDont,ESendWont
+ };
+ /** Events as a result of Request */
+ enum TEvents
+ {
+ ENoEvent,EServerEnabled = 1,EServerDisabled = 2,EClientEnabled = 4,EClientDisabled = 8
+ };
+ // Key RFC 1143 method that takes requests from client or server side
+ TInt32 Request(const TInt32 aRequest,TInt32& aAction,TInt32& aEvent);
+ // Set the permissission on an option, maximum of :-
+ // EClientDo | EClientWill | EServerDo | EServerWill
+ void SetPermission(const TInt32 aRequestPermissions){Allowed = aRequestPermissions;}
+ // There are intermmediate WANT states but we only return enabled/disabled
+ TBool ServerEnabled(){return(Him == EYes);}
+ TBool ClientEnabled(){return(Us == EYes);}
+ // Reset the state machine
+ void Reset();
+ TOptionFSM();
+ ~TOptionFSM(){}
+ // Permissions, maximum of :-
+ // EClientDo | EClientWill | EServerDo | EServerWill
+ TInt32 Allowed;
+ // Defined in RFC 1143
+ TInt8 Us;
+ TInt8 UsQ;
+ TInt8 Him;
+ TInt8 HimQ;
+ // values for HimQ,UsQ
+ enum TQueueStates
+ {
+ ENone,EEmpty,EOpposite
+ };
+ // Values for Us,Him
+ enum TOptionStates
+ {
+ ENo,EYes,EWantYes,EWantNo
+ };
+NONSHARABLE_CLASS(CUnknownOption) : public CBase
+Handles any unsupported RFC options
+ {
+ CUnknownOption(){}
+ ~CUnknownOption();
+ void RequestUnknown(TInt8 aOption,TInt32 aRequest,TDes8& aAction,TInt32& aEvent);
+ void Reset(){iFSM.Reset();}
+ static CUnknownOption* NewL();
+ void ConstructL();
+ TOptionFSM iFSM;
+ };
+NONSHARABLE_CLASS(CRFCOptionBase) : public CBase
+ {
+ CRFCOptionBase(){}
+ ~CRFCOptionBase();
+ static void CreateOptionResponse(TInt8 aOption,TInt32 aAction,TDes8& aBuffer);
+ void Reset(){iFSM.Reset();}
+ void SetRequestPermission(const TInt32 aAllowed){iFSM.SetPermission(aAllowed);}
+ virtual TInt32 RequestOption(const TInt32 aRequest,TDes8& aAction,TInt32& aEvent) = 0;
+ virtual void GetTelnetOptionStatus(TDes8& aCurrentStatus) = 0;
+ TOptionFSM iFSM;
+ };
+NONSHARABLE_CLASS(CSuppressGAOption) : public CRFCOptionBase
+TELNET Suppress Go Ahead RFC 858
+ {
+ CSuppressGAOption(){}
+ ~CSuppressGAOption(){}
+ static CSuppressGAOption* NewL();
+ TInt32 RequestOption(const TInt32 aRequest,TDes8& aAction,TInt32& aEvent);
+ void GetTelnetOptionStatus(TDes8& aCurrentStatus);
+ void ConstructL();
+ };
+NONSHARABLE_CLASS(CStatusOption) : public CRFCOptionBase
+TELNET Status Option RFC 859
+ {
+ CStatusOption(){}
+ ~CStatusOption(){}
+ static CStatusOption* NewL();
+ TInt32 RequestOption(const TInt32 aRequest,TDes8& aAction,TInt32& aEvent);
+ void GetTelnetOptionStatus(TDes8& aCurrentStatus);
+ TBool ReceiveStatus(){return(iFSM.ServerEnabled());}
+ TBool SendStatus(){return(iFSM.ClientEnabled());}
+ void ConstructL();
+ };
+NONSHARABLE_CLASS(CSpeedOption) : public CRFCOptionBase
+TELNET Terminal Speed Option RFC 1079
+ {
+ CSpeedOption(){}
+ ~CSpeedOption(){}
+ static CSpeedOption* NewL();
+ TInt32 RequestOption(const TInt32 aRequest,TDes8& aAction,TInt32& aEvent);
+ void GetTelnetOptionStatus(TDes8& aCurrentStatus);
+ void GetTelnetSubOption(TDes8& aOutBuffer);
+ TBool Set(const TDesC8& aSpeed);
+ TBool SendSpeed(){return(iFSM.ClientEnabled());}
+ void ConstructL();
+ TBuf8<20> iTermSpeed;
+ };
+NONSHARABLE_CLASS(CLogoutOption) : public CRFCOptionBase
+TELNET Logout Option RFC 727
+ {
+ CLogoutOption(){}
+ ~CLogoutOption(){}
+ static CLogoutOption* NewL();
+ TInt32 RequestOption(const TInt32 aRequest,TDes8& aAction,TInt32& aEvent);
+ void GetTelnetOptionStatus(TDes8& aCurrentStatus);
+ void ConstructL();
+ };
+NONSHARABLE_CLASS(CTerminalTypeOption) : public CRFCOptionBase
+TELNET Terminal Type Option RFC 1091
+ {
+ CTerminalTypeOption(){}
+ ~CTerminalTypeOption(){}
+ static CTerminalTypeOption* NewL();
+ TInt32 RequestOption(const TInt32 aRequest,TDes8& aAction,TInt32& aEvent);
+ void GetTelnetOptionStatus(TDes8& aCurrentStatus);
+ void GetTelnetSubOption(TDes8& aOutBuffer);
+ TBool Set(const TDesC8& aType);
+ TBool SendTerminalType(){return(iFSM.ClientEnabled());}
+ const TDesC8& TerminalType(){return(iTermType);}
+ void ConstructL();
+ TBuf8<40> iTermType;
+ };
+NONSHARABLE_CLASS(CWindowSizeOption) : public CRFCOptionBase
+TELNET Window Size Option RFC 1073
+ {
+ CWindowSizeOption(){}
+ ~CWindowSizeOption(){}
+ static CWindowSizeOption* NewL();
+ TInt32 RequestOption(const TInt32 aRequest,TDes8& aAction,TInt32& aEvent);
+ void GetTelnetOptionStatus(TDes8& aCurrentStatus);
+ void GetTelnetSubOption(TDes8& aOutBuffer);
+ TBool Set(const TTelnetConfig::TWindowSize& aSize);
+ TBool SendWindowSize(){return(iFSM.ClientEnabled());}
+ void ConstructL();
+ TTelnetConfig::TWindowSize iWindowSize;
+ };
+NONSHARABLE_CLASS(CEchoOption) : public CRFCOptionBase
+TELNET Echo Option RFC 857
+ {
+ CEchoOption(){}
+ ~CEchoOption(){}
+ static CEchoOption* NewL();
+ TInt32 RequestOption(const TInt32 aRequest,TDes8& aAction,TInt32& aEvent);
+ void GetTelnetOptionStatus(TDes8& aCurrentStatus);
+ TBool ReceiveEcho(){return(iFSM.ServerEnabled());}
+ void ConstructL();
+ };
+NONSHARABLE_CLASS(CBinaryOption) : public CRFCOptionBase
+TELNET Binary Option RFC 856
+ {
+ CBinaryOption(){}
+ ~CBinaryOption(){}
+ static CBinaryOption* NewL();
+ TInt32 RequestOption(const TInt32 aRequest,TDes8& aAction,TInt32& aEvent);
+ void GetTelnetOptionStatus(TDes8& aCurrentStatus);
+ TBool ReceiveBinary(){return(iFSM.ServerEnabled());}
+ TBool SendBinary(){return(iFSM.ClientEnabled());}
+ void ConstructL();
+ };
+NONSHARABLE_CLASS(CProto) : public CBase
+The main TELNET RFC 854 coordinating class
+ {
+ CProto();
+ ~CProto();
+ static CProto* NewL(const TTelnetConfig& aConfig,MProtoEvent* aNotifier);
+ TInt ProtoWrite(const TDesC8& aInBuffer,TDes8& aOutBuffer);
+ TInt ProtoWrite(const TTelnetUserControl& aControlCode,TDes8& aBuffer,TDes8& aUrgentBuffer);
+ TInt ProtoRead(const TDesC8& aPortReadBuffer,TDes8& aClientReadBuffer,TDes8& aProtoBuffer);
+ TInt ClientRequestOption(TInt32 aOptionRequest,TDes8& aAction,TInt32& aEvent);
+ void ModifyConfig(const TTelnetConfig& aConfig,TDes8* aAction);
+ void ReceiveUrgent(TInt aUrgentData);
+ void OptionStatus(TOptionStatus& aStatus);
+ void ServerOptionStatus(TDes8& aActionBuffer);
+ void GetInitOptions(TDes8& aActionBuffer);
+ void Reset();
+ enum TLineEvents
+ {
+ EEventNone,
+ EEventUrgentData
+ };
+ enum TReceiveState
+ {
+ ENormal,EIAC,ECommand,ESubOpt
+ };
+ enum TSubOptState
+ {
+ ESB,EOption,ERequest,EEndIAC
+ };
+ TBool iUrgentFlag;
+ TInt iUrgentData;
+ TReceiveState iReceiveState;
+ TSubOptState iSubOptState;
+ TBuf8<128> iProtReadBuffer;
+ TBuf8<128> iServerStatus;
+ CBinaryOption* iBinary;
+ CEchoOption* iEcho;
+ CWindowSizeOption* iWindowSize;
+ CTerminalTypeOption* iTerminalType;
+ CLogoutOption* iLogout;
+ CSpeedOption* iSpeed;
+ CSuppressGAOption* iGA;
+ CStatusOption* iStatus;
+ CUnknownOption* iUnknown;
+ void GetOptionStatus(TDes8& aOutBuffer);
+ MProtoEvent* iNotifier;
+protected :
+ void ConstructL(const TTelnetConfig& aConfig,MProtoEvent* aNotifier);
+ };
+class MProtoEvent
+ {
+ virtual void ProtoError(TInt aError) = 0;
+ virtual void ProtoEvent() = 0;
+ };