changeset 0 b16258d2340f
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/applayerprotocols/wapbase/inc/CBNFParser.h	Tue Feb 02 01:09:52 2010 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,557 @@
+// Copyright (c) 2000-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+// All rights reserved.
+// This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+// under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+// which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+// at the URL "".
+// Initial Contributors:
+// Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+// Contributors:
+// Description:
+// This class provides a mechanism to use a BNF tree to parse an input stream.
+// The notation of the EBNF is based upon that described in the XML1.0 specification.
+// The BNF tree form used is a variation on Extended BNF and has the following rule types,
+// where the input stream must:
+// , Exact - match exactly with the provided string.
+// , Range - next character must be in the specified range.
+// , Select - next character must exist in the selected string.
+// If the select string starts with ^ it is a NOT Select.
+// , And - match all of the given sub rules
+// , Or - match one of the given sub rules
+// , NMore - match N or more times the the SINGLE subrule.
+// , Optional - match 0/1 times to the SINGLE subrule.
+// , Without - match the first subrule but NOT the second.
+// , Reference - match the referred to rule.
+// The iterative parser not only validates an input stream against the 
+// BNF grammer but allows pre/post actions to be performed during the parsing.
+// Partial parsing is also allowed in that the input stream does not have to
+// completed before parsing can begin. As soon as data is added the parser
+// attempts to parse it.
+// Numerous methods are provided to assist in the building of the BNF Tree this parser uses.
+// To use this class:
+// Create a derivation and implement the virtual method TreeL() to creat a BNF rule tree
+// (the assistance methods NewBNF/NewRule etc should be used) - see DTDModel 
+// To use your new parser invoke Reset and pass input data using the ProcessData method.
+#ifndef __CBNFPARSER_H__
+#define __CBNFPARSER_H__
+#include <e32std.h>
+#include <mdataproviderobserver.h>
+#include <cstack.h>
+#include <cfragmentedstring.h>
+#include <cbnfnode.h>
+// forward class declarations
+class CAttributeLookupTable;
+// Rule Tree node type definitions
+/** Defines types of node in a BNF tree (CBNFParser).
+Except for ERoot, EIncomplete, EReference, and ELastParserNodeType, the 
+types define different types of rule that the input stream must meet to 
+satisfy the grammar. */
+enum TParserNodeTypes
+	{
+	/** Root node. */
+	ERoot, 
+	/** Incomplete node. */
+	EIncomplete, 
+	/** Exact rule: match exactly with the provided string. */
+	EExact, 
+	/** Range rule: next character must be in the specified range.
+	The start of the range is specified by a CBNFNode::KRangeStart() 
+	attribute; the end by a CBNFNode::KRangeEnd() attribute. */
+	ERange, 
+	/** Select rule: next character must exist in the selected string.
+	If the select string starts with ^, it is a NOT Select. */
+	ESelect, 
+	/** And rule: match all of the given sub-rules.
+	Sub-rules are defined by the child nodes of the AND rule node. */
+	EAnd, 
+	/** Or rule: match one of the given sub-rules.
+	Sub-rules are defined by the child nodes of the OR rule node. */
+	EOr, 
+	/** NMore rule: match a single subrule N or more times.
+	A minimum is specified by a CBNFNode::KNMoreMinimum() attribute; a maximum by 
+	a CBNFNode::KNMoreMaximum() attribute; an exact figure by a CBNFNode::KNMoreCount() attribute. */
+	ENMore, 
+	/** Optional rule: match a single sub-rule 0/1 times.
+	A sub-rule is defined by the child node of the Optional rule node. */
+	EOptional, 
+	/** Without rule: match the first sub-rule but not the second.
+	Sub-rules are defined by the child nodes of the Without rule node. */
+	EWithout, 
+	/** Reference rule: match the referred to rule.
+	The target rule name is identified by a CBNFNode::KReference() attribute. */
+	EReference, 
+	/** Indicates final node type. */
+	ELastParserNodeType	
+	};
+// Parser states
+// When a  the state is EActive. 
+// Setting the parser state to something else in a pre-/post-rule callback function
+// causes the parser to exit on next loop in ParseL. If the state is set to EStopped
+// we have finished the parser operation (e.g. in event of an error), in state EPaused
+// we are likely to resume the parser operation after some external operations.
+/** CBNFParser parser states. */
+enum TParseState
+	{
+	/** Parser has stopped. */
+	EStopped, 
+	/** Rarser is running. */
+	EActive, 
+	/** Parser has paused: e.g. waiting for further input to continue. */
+	EPaused
+	};
+class CBNFParser : public CBase, public MDataProviderObserver
+/** Base class for parsers that use a BNF tree to parse an input stream.
+The BNF tree form used is a variation on Extended BNF described in the XML1.0 
+specification. The general form of the tree is as follows:
+Each node in the tree defines a rule that the input stream must meet to satisfy the grammar.
+1. a node type is set to the rule type, as defined in TParserNodeTypes
+2. node data stores any string required by the rule: e.g. for a comparison rule, the string 
+	to match against
+3. the parser allows callback functions to be called either before or after the rule is processed.
+	 If these are present, they are stored as attributes of the node.
+4. some rules allow sub-rules: for example, the AND rule expects a number of sub-rules, all 
+	of which must be successful if the AND rule itself is to succeed. Each sub-rule is 
+	represented as a child node of the parent rule. Sub-rules in turn can have sub-rules.
+5. reference rule nodes are also allowed: these do not define themselves rules, but direct the 
+	parser to another rule. They can link rules to each other and so build rule sequences more 
+	complex than a simple tree.
+All the top-level rules are stored as attributes of the root node. The attribute type is a string
+ that names the rule; the attribute value is a pointer to the node that implements the rule.
+The class supplies functions that encapsulate adding rules appropriately to the tree. The parser 
+provider creates a derived class that implements the virtual method TreeL() that uses these 
+functions to create a BNF rule tree.
+The user of the parser initialises the parser with ResetL(), and then passes input data to the 
+parser using ProcessData(). The parser supports partial parsing: the input stream does not have 
+to completed before parsing can begin. As soon as data is added, the parser attempts to parse it.
+	@publishedAll
+	@deprecated
+	{
+	/** Defines a type to handle a stack of rules. */
+	typedef CStack<CBNFNode, EFalse> CRuleStack;
+	/** Type definition for a callback function pointer
+		Callback functions need to get a reference to the parser as parameter
+		and they need to be static. */
+	typedef void (TRuleCallback)(CBNFParser&);
+	// Constructor for a new parser instance
+	//
+	// Input:
+	// aLUT - reference to attribute lookuptable; used to store all the stuff in the parser rule tree
+	//
+	//##ModelId=3B6669EA00F8
+	IMPORT_C static CBNFParser* NewL(CAttributeLookupTable& aLUT);
+	//##ModelId=3B6669EA00F7
+	IMPORT_C virtual ~CBNFParser();
+	// Prepare the parser to take in fresh stream of data.
+	// Calls TreeL in order to create the parsing rule tree if no tree already
+	// exists.
+	//##ModelId=3B6669EA00EF
+	IMPORT_C virtual void ResetL();
+	/** Checks if the input stream was completely processed
+	@return ETrue if all of the data was processed, EFalse if the data didn't match to the parsing rules
+	*/
+	//##ModelId=3B6669EA00EE
+	TBool Valid() const { return iStringComplete && (iString.Length() == 0); }
+	/** Concatenates the rest of the input stream (which hasn't yet been processed)
+	into a single string. The ownership of the string is given to the caller.
+	@return String containing the remaining data to be parsed. OWNERSHIP PASSED TO CALLED. */
+	//##ModelId=3B6669EA00ED
+	HBufC* StringL() const { return iString.StringL(); }
+	/** Gets a pointer to the rule node currently being processed.
+	@return Rule node */
+	//##ModelId=3B6669EA00E3
+	CBNFNode* CurrentRule() { return iCurrentRule; }
+	// Set reference to an attribute lookup table
+	//##ModelId=3B6669EA00C5
+	void SetAttributeLookupTable(CAttributeLookupTable& aAttributeLookupTable);
+	// methods to allow the input stream to be marked so that the callbacks
+	// can determine those parts which successfully matched
+	/** Set a mark to the current position of the input stream. 
+	The mark acts as a tag in the stream currently being processed.
+	As we process further along the stream after adding the mark, we can perform
+	a rollback to the most previously set mark and start processing again (e.g. OR rule
+	works this way). The string fragments won't be consumed (deleted) until
+	all the marks on a fragment (and fragments before that) are deleted. */
+	//##ModelId=3B6669EA00BC
+	void Mark() { iString.Mark(); }; // **Mark can leave**
+	/** Get string between the "cursor position" and the latest mark on the stream.
+	@return Pointer to the string from the previous mark on to the current position
+			of processed string. OWNERSHIP OF THE STRING GIVEN TO THE CALLER. */
+	//##ModelId=3B6669EA00BB
+	HBufC* MarkedL() { return iString.MarkedL(); };
+	/** Gets the marked string with a string added before the mached string.
+	@see MarkedL()
+	@return A string cosisting of aInitialText appended with the marked string.
+	//##ModelId=3B6669EA009E
+	HBufC* MarkedWithInitialTextL(const TDesC& aInitialText) { return iString.MarkedWithInitialTextL(aInitialText); };
+	/** Removes the latest mark. All the marks are stored in a stack and this removes
+	the topmost mark.*/
+	//##ModelId=3B6669EA009D
+	void DeleteMark() { iString.DeleteMark(); };
+	// methods to determine it the used rule actually matched (typically used in post callbacks)
+	/** Tests if the used rule matched.
+	This is typically used in post-rule callbacks.
+	@return True if the used rule matched; otherwise false
+	*/
+	//##ModelId=3B6669EA0094
+	TBool RuleMatched() const { return iSubRuleMatched; };
+	/** Tests if an Optional node sub-rule matched.
+	@return True if the sub- rule matched; otherwise false
+	*/
+	//##ModelId=3B6669EA0093
+	TBool OptionalMatched() const { return iOptionalMatched; };
+	// Create new rule tree root node.
+	// This method creates a new single instance of CBNFNode, which shall act as the root
+	// node of the rule tree, which implements the BNF rules for parsing the input stream.
+	// All the other rules are attached as attributes to this node.
+	// The root node should have single child node, which should be a reference to the
+	// "logical root" of the rule tree. This can be done be attaching the logical root
+	// rule as a component to the root rule.
+	//##ModelId=3B6669EA0089
+	// Add a new rule to a rule tree.
+	//
+	// Input:
+	//	aRootRule - Pointer to the root bnf node (created with NewBNFL() ).
+	//	aRuleName - Reference to a string identifying this rule. The string is used
+	//				to make references to this rule from other rule's subtrees.
+	//	aData	  - Pointer to a data string; used with EExact and ESelect type rules
+	//              to match actual text strings.
+	//	aPreRule  - Function pointer to a prerule function that gets called _BEFORE_
+	//				we start processing this rule and its children (i.e. the rule subtree)
+	//	aPostRule - Function pointer to a postrule function which is called _AFTER_
+	//              we have processed this rule (i.e. when we return up from the subtree
+	//              and this rule is finished).
+	//
+	// Return:
+	//	CBNFNode& - Reference to the newly created rule node in the rule tree
+	//
+	//##ModelId=3B6669E90326
+	IMPORT_C CBNFNode& NewRuleL(CBNFNode* aRootRule, 
+					const TDesC& aRuleName, 
+					TParserNodeTypes aRuleType, 
+					HBufC* aData, 
+					TRuleCallback* aPreRule, 
+					TRuleCallback* aPostRule);
+	// Overridden version of the NewRuleL. Takes reference to the data instead of owning it.
+	//##ModelId=3B6669E903D1
+	IMPORT_C CBNFNode& NewRuleL(CBNFNode* aRootRule, 
+					const TDesC& aRuleName, 
+					TParserNodeTypes aRuleType, 
+					const TDesC& aData, 
+					TRuleCallback* aPreRule, 
+					TRuleCallback* aPostRule);
+	// construct a new rule component not attached to a rule.
+	//##ModelId=3B6669E9018C
+	IMPORT_C CBNFNode* NewComponentL(TParserNodeTypes aRuleType, const TDesC& aData);
+	//##ModelId=3B6669E901B4
+	IMPORT_C CBNFNode* NewComponentL(TParserNodeTypes aRuleType, HBufC* aData = NULL, TRuleCallback* aPreRule = NULL, TRuleCallback* aPostRule = NULL);
+	// create a reference component to the rule of the given name
+	// which is not attached to any rule.
+	//##ModelId=3B6669E90204
+	IMPORT_C CBNFNode* NewComponentL(CBNFNode* aRootRule, const TDesC& aRuleName);
+	// Methods to create a new subrule to the given parent rule.
+	// These methods can be used to build the subtrees to the "main rules" attached to the root node.
+	//
+	// Input:
+	//	aParentRule - The rule for which the new rule shall be added as a child
+	//  aRuleType - Type of the new rule
+	//  aData - Data for the rule; the string to match for an EExact rule, the selection character set for ESelect
+	//
+	//	aPreRule - Pre rule callback function pointer
+	//  aPostRule - Post rule callback function pointer
+	// Return:
+	//	CBNFNode& - reference to the new rule
+	//
+	//##ModelId=3B6669E9022C
+	IMPORT_C CBNFNode& NewComponentL(CBNFNode &aParentRule, TParserNodeTypes aRuleType, const TDesC& aData);
+	//##ModelId=3B6669E90268
+	IMPORT_C CBNFNode& NewComponentL(CBNFNode &aParentRule, TParserNodeTypes aRuleType, HBufC* aData = NULL, TRuleCallback* aPreRule = NULL, TRuleCallback* aPostRule = NULL);
+	// Create a reference to another rule and attach this reference as a child of the given parent.
+	// Creates a child node of type EReference for the parent. This reference node
+	// hold the pointer to the rule we are refering to.
+	// Using references we can link rules to each other and build complex rule trees
+	// even though they don't physically form a complete tree.
+	// Notice, that the rule we are refering to does not necessarily need to exist, yet!
+	//
+	// Input:
+	//	aRootRule - The Root node to the rule tree (created with NewBNFL). This is needed to
+	//				find the rule we are refering to with the string.
+	//	aParentRule - The parent rule of the newly created reference 
+	//	aRuleName - The "id string" of the rule we are refering to.
+	//##ModelId=3B6669E902CC
+	IMPORT_C CBNFNode& NewComponentL(CBNFNode* aRootRule, CBNFNode &aParentRule, const TDesC& aRuleName);
+	// add additional attributes to components of rules (i.e. range values)
+	//##ModelId=3B6669E900F6
+	IMPORT_C void AddComponentAttributeL(CBNFNode& aRule, CBNFNodeAttributeType aAttribute, TInt aInt);
+	// re-implementations of MDataProviderObserver methods
+	//##ModelId=3B6669E900D8
+	IMPORT_C virtual void ProcessDataL(HBufC8& aData);
+	//##ModelId=3B6669E900AF
+	IMPORT_C virtual void SetStatus(TInt aStatus = KErrNone);
+	//##ModelId=3B6669E90069
+	IMPORT_C virtual void SetDocumentTypeL(const TDesC&);
+	//##ModelId=3B6669E90087
+	IMPORT_C virtual void SetDocumentTypeL(const TDesC&, const TDesC&);
+	//##ModelId=3B6669E90055
+	IMPORT_C virtual void SetDataExpected(TInt);
+	//##ModelId=3B6669E90041
+	IMPORT_C virtual void SetBaseUriL(const TDesC* aBaseUri);
+	//##ModelId=3B6669E90038
+	IMPORT_C virtual void MDataProviderObserverReserved1();
+	//##ModelId=3B6669E90037
+	IMPORT_C virtual void MDataProviderObserverReserved2();
+	// Tell the parser, that we all the data has been passed in.
+	// This method attempts to parse what ever is left of the input stream if it wasn't
+	// already finished.
+	//##ModelId=3B6669E9002E
+	IMPORT_C void CommitL();
+	/** Get the current state of the parser. 
+	@return Parser state */
+	//##ModelId=3B6669E9002D
+	TParseState State() const {return(iParsing);};
+	IMPORT_C CBNFParser(CAttributeLookupTable& aLUT);
+	// Each of the following functions is a handler method for a specific type of a rule
+	// node. For example, ReferenceL handles reference nodes etc.
+	// These methods are called by PerformRuleL.
+	//
+	// Input:
+	//	aRule - reference to the rule being processed
+	//	aMatched - reference to a CFragmentedString::TStringMatch variable, which holds
+	//             the information if the string or character we previously were trying to
+	//             match actually matched.
+	// Return:
+	//	TBool - We return ETrue if we have completed processing this node. If the processing
+	//          still continues we return EFalse. For example, an EAnd rule would return
+	//          ETrue if all of its chidren had matched or if a rule didn't match. In the first
+	//          case the EAnd rule would have turned out to be true (aMatched = EMatched) since
+	//          all of its children were true, but in the latter case we can stop processing the
+	//          EAnd rule, since a subrule to the And didn't match and this means that the And
+	//          expression can not be true. Either way, the processing of the And ends and we
+	//          may return ETrue;
+	//
+	//##ModelId=3B6669E90005
+    IMPORT_C virtual TBool ReferenceL(CBNFNode& aRule, CFragmentedString::TStringMatch& aMatched);
+	//##ModelId=3B6669E803BB
+    IMPORT_C virtual TBool ExactL(CBNFNode& aRule, CFragmentedString::TStringMatch& aMatched);
+	//##ModelId=3B6669E80389
+    IMPORT_C virtual TBool RangeL(CBNFNode& aRule, CFragmentedString::TStringMatch& aMatched);
+	//##ModelId=3B6669E80343
+    IMPORT_C virtual TBool SelectL(CBNFNode& aRule, CFragmentedString::TStringMatch& aMatched);
+	//##ModelId=3B6669E80311
+    IMPORT_C virtual TBool WithoutL(CBNFNode& aRule, CFragmentedString::TStringMatch& aMatched);
+	//##ModelId=3B6669E802D5
+    IMPORT_C virtual TBool AndL(CBNFNode& aRule, CFragmentedString::TStringMatch& aMatched);
+	//##ModelId=3B6669E80299
+    IMPORT_C virtual TBool OrL(CBNFNode& aRule, CFragmentedString::TStringMatch& aMatched);
+	//##ModelId=3B6669E80271
+    IMPORT_C virtual TBool OptionalL(CBNFNode& aRule, CFragmentedString::TStringMatch& aMatched);
+	//##ModelId=3B6669E8023F
+    IMPORT_C virtual TBool NMoreL(CBNFNode& aRule, CFragmentedString::TStringMatch& aMatched);
+	// A method to add a callback to a rule
+	//
+	// Input:
+	//	aRule - The rule to which the callback is to be added
+	//	aCallbackID - Either CBNFNode::KPreRuleCallback() or CBNFNode::KPostRuleCallback()
+	//                Defines the type of the callback function (i.e. is it to be called before
+	//                or after the rule has been processed).
+	//	aCallback - The callback function pointer
+	//
+	//##ModelId=3B6669E80203
+    IMPORT_C virtual void AddRuleCallbackL(CBNFNode& aRule, const TDesC* aCallbackID, TRuleCallback* aCallback);
+	//##ModelId=3B6669E801EF
+    IMPORT_C virtual void ExecutePreRuleCallbackL(CBNFNode& aRule);
+	//##ModelId=3B6669E801D1
+    IMPORT_C virtual void ExecutePostRuleCallbackL(CBNFNode& aRule);
+	// the method TreeL() should be reimplemented to generate a BNF rule tree and return
+	// ownership of it. This is the rule tree which will be to parse the input stream.
+	// See XmlPars.cpp or DTDMDL.cpp for example.
+	//##ModelId=3B6669E801D0
+	IMPORT_C virtual CBNFNode* TreeL();
+	// methods which are invoked when the parser encounters a conditional
+	// point in the BNF grammar (i.e. And/Or)
+	//##ModelId=3B6669E801B2
+    IMPORT_C virtual void StartConditional(TParserNodeTypes aRuleType);
+	//##ModelId=3B6669E80180
+	IMPORT_C virtual void EndConditional(TParserNodeTypes aRuleType, TBool aSuccess);
+	// A callback function to insert a mark to the current position of the stream
+	// being processed. Adding mark is a very common callback operation befor starting
+	// to process a rule, hence the method is provided by the parser.
+	//##ModelId=3B6669E8016C
+	IMPORT_C static void MarkCallback(CBNFParser& aParser);
+	// returns the LUT used by this parser.
+	//##ModelId=3B6669E80163
+	IMPORT_C CAttributeLookupTable& AttributeLUT() const;
+	// method which does the actual iterative parsing
+	//##ModelId=3B6669E80162
+	IMPORT_C TBool ParseL();
+	// A rule to handle a node in the rule tree. This method just calls the appropriate
+	// handler method according to the rule type.
+	//##ModelId=3B6669E8013A
+    IMPORT_C virtual TBool PerformRuleL(CBNFNode& aRule, CFragmentedString::TStringMatch& aMatched);
+	//##ModelId=3B6669E8011C
+	/** Sets the parser state.
+	@param aState Parser state
+	*/
+	void SetState(TParseState aState) {iParsing=aState;};
+	/** Storage object for all the attributes and identifiers in a tree */
+	//##ModelId=3B6669E80108
+	CAttributeLookupTable& iLUT;	
+	/** An utility object which stores all the buffers passed into the parser
+	and represents them as if they would form a single, continuous string.
+	This class also performs the actual physical matching/selection of the strings
+	and holds the marks set onto the string.*/
+	//##ModelId=3B6669E800EA
+	CFragmentedString iString;
+	/** Flag indicating if the input stream has been completely processed. */ 
+	//##ModelId=3B6669E800D6
+	TBool iStringComplete; // more input stream has completed
+	/** The BNF tree the parser is using to parse the input stream.*/
+	//##ModelId=3B6669E800C2
+	CBNFNode* iTree;        // the BNF tree we are using to parse the input stream
+	/** A stack of rules from iTree which are waiting to be completed.
+	The stack basically holds the path along the rule tree. */
+	//##ModelId=3B6669E800AE
+	CRuleStack iRuleStack;  
+	/** The BNF rule that is currently being processed. */
+	//##ModelId=3B6669E80090
+	CBNFNode* iCurrentRule; // the BNF rule we are currently using
+	// when returning to a rule in the rulestack this indicates 
+	// if the child rule matched correctly
+	/** Flag that indicates when returning to a rule in the rulestack if the child rule matched correctly. */
+	//##ModelId=3B6669E8007C
+	TBool iSubRuleMatched;
+	/** Flag that indicates when returning to a rule in the rulestack if an optional rule matched correctly. */
+	//##ModelId=3B6669E8006A
+	TBool iOptionalMatched;
+	/** The child rule we are returning from (if any). 
+	If this is NULL we are new to this BNF rule.*/
+	//##ModelId=3B6669E80054
+	CBNFNode* iSubRule;     
+	/** Parser state. */
+	//##ModelId=3B6669E8004A
+	TParseState iParsing;
+	/** Input stream matched rule flag. */
+	//##ModelId=3B6669E80038
+    CFragmentedString::TStringMatch iMatched;
+	// Storage pointers for strings identifying certain attributes on the rule nodes
+	/** Stores attribute identifier for reference string attributes. */
+	//##ModelId=3B6669E8002C
+	const TDesC* iReferenceString;
+	/** Stores attribute identifier for range start attributes. */
+	//##ModelId=3B6669E8001A
+	const TDesC* iRangeStart;
+	/** Stores attribute identifier for range end attributes. */
+	//##ModelId=3B6669E80010
+	const TDesC* iRangeEnd;
+	/** Stores attribute identifier for nmore minimum attributes. */
+	//##ModelId=3B6669E80006
+	const TDesC* iMoreMinimum;
+	/** Stores attribute identifier for nmore count attributes. */
+	//##ModelId=3B6669E703DA
+	const TDesC* iMoreCount;
+	/** Stores attribute identifier for nmore maximum attributes. */
+	//##ModelId=3B6669E703D0
+	const TDesC* iMoreMaximum;
+	/** Stores attribute identifier for pre-rule callback attributes. */
+	//##ModelId=3B6669E703C6
+	const TDesC* iPreRuleCallback;
+	/** Stores attribute identifier for post-rule callback attributes. */
+	//##ModelId=3B6669E703BC
+	const TDesC* iPostRuleCallback;
+	};