// Copyright (c) 2002-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
// All rights reserved.
// This component and the accompanying materials are made available
// under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
// which accompanies this distribution, and is available
// at the URL "".
// Initial Contributors:
// Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
// Contributors:
// Description:
#include "chttpgeneralheaderreader.h"
#include <http/rhttpsession.h>
#include <httpstringconstants.h>
#include <httperr.h>
#include <inetprottextutils.h>
_LIT8(KCommaSpaceSep,", ");
_LIT8(KCommaNewline, ",\n");
_LIT8(KEqualQuote, "=\"");
CHttpGeneralHeaderReader* CHttpGeneralHeaderReader::NewL(RStringPool aStringPool)
Factory constructor.
@param aStringPool The current string pool.
@return A pointer to a fully initialised object.
@leave KErrNoMemory Not enough memory to create object.
return new(ELeave) CHttpGeneralHeaderReader(aStringPool);
*/ {
CHttpGeneralHeaderReader::CHttpGeneralHeaderReader(RStringPool aStringPool)
: CHttpHeaderReader(aStringPool)
@param aStringPool The current string pool.
void CHttpGeneralHeaderReader::DecodeCacheControlL(RHeaderField& aHeader) const
Decodes a Cache-Control header. RFC 2616 section 14.9 -
Cache-Control = "Cache-Control" ":" 1#cache-directive
cache-directive = cache-request-directive
| cache-response-directive
cache-request-directive = "no-cache"
| "no-store"
| "max-age" "=" delta-seconds
| "max-stale" [ "=" delta-seconds ]
| "min-fresh" "=" delta-seconds
| "no-transform"
| "only-if-cached"
| cache-extension
cache-response-directive= "public"
| "private" [ "=" <"> 1#field-name <"> ]
| "no-cache" [ "=" <"> 1#field-name <"> ]
| "no-store"
| "no-transform"
| "must-revalidate"
| "proxy-revalidate"
| "max-age" "=" delta-seconds
| "s-maxage" "=" delta-seconds
| cache-extension
cache-extension = token [ "=" ( token | quoted-string ) ]
The cache-control header value is a comma separated list of values with at
least one value.
@param aHeader The cache-control header field to decode.
@leave CHttpReader::DecodeGenericL
@todo Is there any point in this? Why not call DecodeGenericL() straight away
TPtrC8 rawData;
TInt remaining = rawData.Length();
TPtrC8 token;
TInt tokensFound =0;
RStringF maxAge = iStrPool.StringF(HTTP::EMaxAge, iStringTable);
RStringF maxStale = iStrPool.StringF(HTTP::EMaxStale, iStringTable);
RStringF minFresh = iStrPool.StringF(HTTP::EMinFresh, iStringTable);
RStringF smaxAge = iStrPool.StringF(HTTP::ESMaxAge, iStringTable);
while(remaining > 0)
remaining -= InetProtTextUtils::ExtractNextTokenFromList(rawData, token, KCommaNewline());
if(token.Locate('=') == KErrNotFound)
SetNewFStringPartL(aHeader, tokensFound, token);
CHeaderFieldPart* part = SetNewFStringPartL(aHeader, tokensFound, KNullDesC8());
TPtrC8 paramName;
InetProtTextUtils::ExtractNextTokenFromList(token, paramName, '=');
if ( (paramName.Compare(maxAge.DesC()) == 0) ||
(paramName.Compare(maxStale.DesC()) == 0) ||
(paramName.Compare(minFresh.DesC()) == 0)||
(paramName.Compare(smaxAge.DesC()) == 0) )
SetNewIntegerParamL(*part, paramName, token);
SetNewFStringParamL(*part, paramName, token);
void CHttpGeneralHeaderReader::DecodeConnectionL(RHeaderField& aHeader) const
Decodes the Connection header. RFC2616 section 14.10 -
Connection = "Connection" ":" 1#(connection-token)
connection-token = token
The connection header value is a comma separated list of values with at least
one value.
@param aHeader The connection header field to decode.
@leave CHttpReader::DecodeGenericL
@todo Is there any point in this? Why not call DecodeGenericL() straight away
DecodeGenericL(aHeader, KCommaNewline);
void CHttpGeneralHeaderReader::DecodeTransferEncodingL(RHeaderField& aHeader) const
Decodes the transfer-encoding header. RFC2616 section 14.41 -
Transfer-Encoding = "Transfer-Encoding" ":" 1#transfer-coding
transfer-coding = "chunked" | transfer-extension
transfer-extension = token *( ";" parameter )
parameter = attribute "=" value
attribute = token
value = token | quoted-string
The transfer-encoding header is a comma separated list of values with at
least one value.
@param aHeader The transfer-encoding header field to decode.
@leave RHeaderField::RawDataL
@leave CHttpReader::SetNewFStringPartL
@leave CHttpReader::SetNewFStringParamL
@leave KErrHttpDecodeTransferEncoding There was a transfer-extension
with no token before the
TPtrC8 rawData;
TInt remaining = rawData.Length();
TInt xfrCodingsFound = 0;
// Iterate over the token list
while( remaining > 0 )
// locate a token and set the new header part at the appropriate position.
// Note - the token delimiter may be a '\n' or a ','
TPtrC8 xfrCoding;
remaining -= InetProtTextUtils::ExtractNextTokenFromList(rawData, xfrCoding, KCommaNewline);
// Search for ';' separator to determine if there is a parameter within
// this transfer-coding. Don't bother check for 'chunked' per se, just
// treat it as equivalent to a transfer-extension which means we would
// erroneously store parameters passed with 'chunked' (which the RFC doesn't allow)
TInt pos = xfrCoding.Locate(';');
if( pos == 0 )
// No transfer extension before the parameter pair!
if( pos == KErrNotFound )
// A transfer encoding with no parameter. Trim surrounding whitespace.
InetProtTextUtils::RemoveWhiteSpace(xfrCoding, InetProtTextUtils::ERemoveBoth);
// Create and set the new header part at position zero
SetNewFStringPartL(aHeader, xfrCodingsFound, xfrCoding);
// Found the ';' separator - presumably a parameter/value pair.
TPtrC8 xfrExtn;
InetProtTextUtils::RemoveWhiteSpace(xfrExtn, InetProtTextUtils::ERemoveBoth);
// Set the transfer extension as a new header part
CHeaderFieldPart* part = SetNewFStringPartL(aHeader, xfrCodingsFound, xfrExtn);
// Get the param. Advance over the separator to the attrib-value pair.
xfrCoding.Set(xfrCoding.Mid(pos + 1));
// Search for '=' separator. If not found, then the param/value pair
// is badly formed - ignore for the sake of robustness.
pos = xfrCoding.Locate(TChar('='));
if( pos > 0 ) // shortest parameter name, 1 char
TPtrC8 parameter;
InetProtTextUtils::RemoveWhiteSpace(parameter, InetProtTextUtils::ERemoveBoth);
TPtrC8 paramValue;
paramValue.Set(xfrCoding.Mid(pos + 1));
InetProtTextUtils::RemoveWhiteSpace(paramValue, InetProtTextUtils::ERemoveBoth);
// set the parameter of the header part
SetNewFStringParamL(*part, parameter, paramValue);
void CHttpGeneralHeaderReader::DecodeContentTypeL(RHeaderField& aHeader) const
Decodes the content-type header. RFC2616 section 14.17
Content-Type = "Content-Type" ":" media-type
media-type = type "/" subtype *( ";" parameter )
type = token
subtype = token
parameter = attribute '=' value
attribute = token
value = token | quoted-string
The content-type header has a single media-type value. The atttribute
is normally the 'charset'. E.g. Content-Type: text/html; charset=ISO-8859-4
@param aHeader The content-type header field to decode.
@leave RHeaderField::RawDataL
@leave CHttpReader::SetNewFStringPartL
@leave CHttpReader::SetNewFStringParamL
@leave KErrHttpDecodeContentType There was a transfer-extension with
no token before the parameter.
TPtrC8 rawData;
TInt remaining = rawData.Length();
// Search for '\n' separator. In the case when a duplicate header has been received,
// only use the first instance of the valid data.
TInt newLinePos = rawData.Locate('\n');
if (newLinePos != KErrNotFound)
// Search for ';' separator
TInt pos = rawData.Locate(TChar(';'));
if( pos == 0 )
// No media type!
if( pos == KErrNotFound )
// Media type only - no parameter. Trim surrounding whitespace.
InetProtTextUtils::RemoveWhiteSpace(rawData, InetProtTextUtils::ERemoveBoth);
// create and set the new header part at position zero
SetNewFStringPartL(aHeader, 0, rawData);
// found the separator; there is presumably a parameter/value pair
TPtrC8 mediaType;
InetProtTextUtils::RemoveWhiteSpace(mediaType, InetProtTextUtils::ERemoveBoth);
// set the media type as a new header part
CHeaderFieldPart* part = SetNewFStringPartL(aHeader, 0, mediaType); // part 0, i.e. the first (and only) part
// get the param
remaining -= pos;
if (remaining <= 0)
rawData.Set(rawData.Mid(pos + 1)); // move rawData onto the string after the ; char
TPtrC8 token;
while (remaining > 0)
remaining -= InetProtTextUtils::ExtractNextTokenFromList(rawData, token, ';');
if (!token.Length())
// no more tokens.
SetParamNameAndValueL(*part, token, ETrue);
void CHttpGeneralHeaderReader::DecodeContentDispositionL(RHeaderField& aHeader) const
Decodes the content-dispostion header. RFC2183 section 2
disposition := "Content-Disposition" ":"
*(";" disposition-parm)
disposition-type := "inline"
/ "attachment"
/ extension-token
; values are not case-sensitive
disposition-param := filename-parm
/ creation-date-parm
/ modification-date-parm
/ read-date-parm
/ size-parm
/ parameter
filename-parm := "filename" "=" value
creation-date-parm := "creation-date" "=" quoted-date-time
modification-date-parm := "modification-date" "=" quoted-date-time
read-date-parm := "read-date" "=" quoted-date-time
size-parm := "size" "=" 1*DIGIT
quoted-date-time := quoted-string
; contents MUST be an RFC 822 `date-time'
; numeric timezones (+HHMM or -HHMM) MUST be used
@param aHeader The content-disposition header field to decode.
@leave RHeaderField::RawDataL
@leave CHttpReader::SetNewFStringPartL
@leave CHttpReader::SetNewFStringParamL
@leave KErrHttpDecodeContentDisposition There was a transfer-extension with
no token before the parameter.
TPtrC8 rawData;
TInt remaining = rawData.Length();
// Search for '\n' separator. In the case when a duplicate header has been received,
// only use the first instance of the valid data.
TInt newLinePos = rawData.Locate('\n');
if (newLinePos != KErrNotFound)
// Search for ';' separator
TInt pos = rawData.Locate(TChar(';'));
if( pos == 0 )
// No disposition type!
if( pos == KErrNotFound )
// Disposition type only - no parameter. Trim surrounding whitespace.
InetProtTextUtils::RemoveWhiteSpace(rawData, InetProtTextUtils::ERemoveBoth);
// create and set the new header part at position zero
SetNewFStringPartL(aHeader, 0, rawData);
// found the separator; there is presumably a parameter/value pair
TPtrC8 mediaType;
InetProtTextUtils::RemoveWhiteSpace(mediaType, InetProtTextUtils::ERemoveBoth);
// set the disposition type as a new header part
CHeaderFieldPart* part = SetNewFStringPartL(aHeader, 0, mediaType); // part 0, i.e. the first (and only) part
// get the param
remaining -= pos;
if (remaining <= 0)
rawData.Set(rawData.Mid(pos + 1)); // move rawData onto the string after the ; char
while (remaining > 0)
if ( rawData.Find(KEqualQuote) != KErrNotFound )
TPtrC8 rawDataBuf;
TPtrC8 param;
InetProtTextUtils::ExtractNextTokenFromList(rawDataBuf, param, '=');
TPtrC8 paramVal;
if(rawDataBuf.Locate('"') == 0)
// Go past the first '"' after the '='
if ( rawDataBuf.Length() > 0)
InetProtTextUtils::ExtractNextTokenFromList(rawDataBuf, paramVal, '"');
if (rawData.Locate(';') != KErrNotFound)
// Go past the ';' character.
SetNewFStringParamL(*part, param, paramVal);
// No value for the param, so set an empty param.
SetNewFStringParamL(*part, param, KNullDesC8());
InetProtTextUtils::ExtractNextTokenFromList(rawDataBuf, paramVal, ';');
SetNewFStringParamL(*part, param, paramVal);
TPtrC8 token;
remaining -= InetProtTextUtils::ExtractNextTokenFromList(rawData, token,';' );
if (!token.Length())
// no more tokens.
SetParamNameAndValueL(*part, token, ETrue);
* Methods from CHeaderReader
void CHttpGeneralHeaderReader::DecodeHeaderL(RHeaderField& aHeader)
Decodes the raw header field value.
@param aHeader The header field to decode.
@leave CHttpGeneralHeaderReader::DecodeCacheControlL
@leave CHttpGeneralHeaderReader::DecodeConnectionL
@leave CHttpGeneralHeaderReader::DecodeContentTypeL
@leave CHttpReader::DecodeDateL
@leave CHttpReader::DecodeGenericL
@leave CHttpReader::DecodeGenericNumberL
@leave KErrNotSupported The reader was asked to decode a header that
is does not support.
RStringF fieldStr = iStrPool.StringF(aHeader.Name());
switch( fieldStr.Index(iStringTable) )
case HTTP::ECacheControl:
} break;
case HTTP::EConnection:
} break;
case HTTP::EDate:
case HTTP::EExpires:
} break;
case HTTP::EPragma:
case HTTP::EContentLanguage:
case HTTP::EContentLocation: // Only expect one value
case HTTP::EContentMD5: // Only expect one value
case HTTP::EUpgrade:
DecodeGenericL(aHeader, KCommaNewline());
} break;
case HTTP::ETransferEncoding:
} break;
case HTTP::EContentEncoding:
DecodeTokenListHeaderL(aHeader, KCommaSpaceSep());
} break;
case HTTP::EContentLength:
} break;
case HTTP::EContentType:
} break;
case HTTP::EContentDisposition:
} break;