// Copyright (c) 2002-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
// All rights reserved.
// This component and the accompanying materials are made available
// under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
// which accompanies this distribution, and is available
// at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
// Initial Contributors:
// Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
// Contributors:
// Description:
// $Header$
// This header file introduces the CLogFile amnd the CLogFilePile classes.
#ifndef __CLOGFILE_H__
#define __CLOGFILE_H__
#include <e32base.h>
#include <f32file.h>
class TLogFileOverflow : public TDes16Overflow
virtual void Overflow( TDes16& aDes );
class CLogFile : public CBase
public: // Constructors and destructors
// aMaxLength sets the maximum length of formatted output.
static CLogFile* NewL ( TInt aMaxLength = 512 );
static CLogFile* NewLC( TInt aMaxLength = 512 );
~CLogFile( );
private: // Constructors and destructors
void ConstructL( TInt aMaxLength = 512 );
CLogFile( ) {};
public: // New functions
// Open. Closes the present file.
TInt Open( const TDesC& aFileName );
// Reopen after closed.
TInt Open( );
// Close iff is open. Preserves the file name.
void Close( );
// Is open?
TBool IsOpen( );
// Get file name.
TPtrC FileName( ) const;
// Get last error code; is set by Open and Prints.
TInt Error( );
// Print standard format heading iff file is open.
void PrintHeading( );
// Print unformatted text iff file is open.
// Will be removed - please use the Writes.
void Print ( const TDesC& aText );
void Println( const TDesC& aText );
void Println( ); // end-line = \r\n
// Write unformatted text iff file is open.
void Write ( const TDesC& aText );
void Writeln( const TDesC& aText );
void Writeln();
// Printf formatted text iff file is open.
void Printf( TRefByValue<const TDesC> aFmt, ... );
void Printf( TRefByValue<const TDesC> aFmt, VA_LIST& aList );
// Open file.
TInt DoOpen ( );
// Close file.
void DoClose( );
// Flush file.
TInt DoFlush( );
// Write heading.
TInt DoHeading( );
// Write formatted.
TInt DoWrite( TRefByValue<const TDesC> aFmt, VA_LIST& aList );
// Write unformatted.
TInt DoWrite( const TDesC& aText );
#ifdef _UNICODE
// Write 8-bit string.
TInt DoWrite( const TDesC8& aText );
private: // Data
// Is open?
TBool iIsOpen;
// File name.
TFileName iFileName;
// File server session.
RFs iFs;
// File handle.
RFile iFile;
// Last error.
TInt iError;
// Buffer length.
TInt iBufLength;
// Buffer itself.
HBufC* iBuffer;
// Overflow handler.
TLogFileOverflow iOverflow;
#endif //__CLOGFILE_H__
// End of File