// Copyright (c) 2002-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
// All rights reserved.
// This component and the accompanying materials are made available
// under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
// which accompanies this distribution, and is available
// at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
// Initial Contributors:
// Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
// Contributors:
// Description:
// $Header$
// This module implements the collection of HTTP Framework related integration
// test commands and tools
// by: mjdavey, symbian@mjdss.com, August 2002
// for: Typhoon (7.0s) & JetStream (8.0)
// Include Files
#include "CHTTPFamily.h"
#include "HttpSessionCmds.h"
#include "HttpFrmwrk.h"
#include "CWspEventDispatcher.h"
// Command: CONNECT command.
// Form:
// CONNECT <framework> <connection name>
// Example:
// CONNECT HTTP framework1
// The connection made is assigned the name <connection name> e.g. 'framework1'
// and is referenced by subsequent tagname replacement.
// the connection session is then associated with this tagname and can be
// used until the corresponding DISCONNECT <connection name> is encountered.
// The 'Engine' has an arbitrary collection object that is used to maintain these
// links
CCmdConnect *CCmdConnect::NewL(TInt aCommandId, const TDesC& aKeyphrase, const TDesC& aHelpPhrase)
CCmdConnect *self = NewLC( aCommandId, aKeyphrase, aHelpPhrase);
return self;
CCmdConnect *CCmdConnect::NewLC( TInt aCommandId, const TDesC& aKeyphrase, const TDesC& aHelpPhrase)
CCmdConnect *self = new (ELeave) CCmdConnect();
self->ConstructL(aCommandId, aKeyphrase, aHelpPhrase);
return self;
void CCmdConnect::ConstructL(TInt aCommandId, const TDesC& aKeyphrase, const TDesC& aHelpPhrase)
CCmdBase::ConstructL(aCommandId, aKeyphrase, aHelpPhrase);
// create the Active Object interface
iEventDispatcher = CWspEventDispatcher::NewL(*this);
WaitForNextEvent (THTTPSessionEvent::EDisconnected);
delete iEventDispatcher;
// void WaitForNextEvent(TInt);
void CCmdConnect::DisconnectL(const TDesC& aLabel)
CAnyObject *obj = (CAnyObject *)Machine()->Domains()->Name(aLabel);
CFrmwrkSession *frmwk = (CFrmwrkSession *) obj->Ptr();
TPtrC myName = frmwk->Name() ;
Log(_L("CCmdConnect::DisconnectL, Session %S"), &myName);
void CCmdConnect::DisconnectL(const TInt &aIndex)
CAnyObject *obj = (CAnyObject *)Machine()->Domains()->At(aIndex);
CFrmwrkSession *frmwk = (CFrmwrkSession *) obj->Ptr();
TPtrC myName = frmwk->Name() ;
Log(_L("CCmdConnect::DisconnectL, Session %S"), &myName);
void CCmdConnect::Delete(const TDesC& aLabel)
CAnyObject *obj = (CAnyObject *)Machine()->Domains()->Name(aLabel);
CFrmwrkSession *frmwk = (CFrmwrkSession *) obj->Ptr();
TPtrC myName = frmwk->Name() ;
Log(_L("CCmdConnect::Delete, Session %S"), &myName);
delete frmwk;
TInt CCmdConnect::ProcessL( const TDesC& aCommand )
// Complete the test machine - will then get the next cmd
TPtrC framework;
TPtrC conname;
TInt error;
if (( error = ParseCmdArgs( aCommand, framework, conname )) != KErrNone)
return error;
if (conname.Size() != 0)
// Check if the connection already is defined.
// If it is return error, if not create a session and ptr!
CAnyObject *cnx = (CAnyObject *)Machine()->Domains()->Name(conname);
if (cnx != NULL) // already exists
return Error(KErrAlreadyExists, THA_KErrCnxionExists, &conname);
CFrmwrkSession *cithc = CFrmwrkSession::NewLC(conname, framework, Machine());
cithc->iEventDispatcher = iEventDispatcher ;
TRAPD(error, cithc->OpenL());
if (error == KErrNone)
TRAP(error, cithc->ConnectL());
if (error == KErrNone)
// now create reference to name in domains
// note: the value is 1 for HTTP and 0 for WSP
Machine()->Domains()->AddL(conname, 0, THA_KHTTP_Connect, (TAny *) cithc);
Log(_L("Connection '%S' has been opened!"), &conname);
Error(error, KTxtErrConnectFailed);
CleanupStack::Pop(); // cithc
(void) ShowSessions () ;
return error;
TInt CCmdConnect::ParseCmdArgs( const TDesC& aCommand, TPtrC& aFramework, TPtrC& aConName )
aFramework.Set(NULL, 0);
aConName.Set(NULL, 0);
TInt error = KErrNone;
// get the command into a local string
TPtrC param;
TRAP(error, param.Set(ParamsL(aCommand)));
if (error != KErrNone)
return Error(error, TFR_KFmtErrBadCmd, &Keyphrase());
// check its' valid
TLex parse(param);
if (!parse.Eos() && !parse.Peek().IsSpace())
return Error(error, TFR_KFmtErrBadCmd, &Keyphrase());
// remove any spaces and see if its got params
if ( parse.Eos() ) // no params
return error;
// Get framework name, must not exceed 16 characters.
// should be http or wsp (currently)
TRAP(error, aFramework.Set(TfrLex::GetL(parse)));
if ( error != KErrNone)
return Error(KErrArgument, TFR_KFmtErrBadCmd, &aFramework);
// check is valid length
if ( aFramework.Length() > 16 )
return Error(KErrArgument, THA_KErrParameterLong, &aFramework);
// check aFramework type valid (HTTP or WSP)
// Param shall be HTTP (True) or WSP (False)
aFramework.Set( TfrLex::TrimAndPeel(aFramework) );
TBool value = (aFramework.CompareF(THA_KTxtFrameworkHTTP) == 0);
if ( !value && (aFramework.CompareF(THA_KTxtFrameworkWSP) != 0))
return Error(KErrArgument, THA_KErrFrameworkErr, &aFramework);
// Get connection/session name value.
if ( error != KErrNone)
return Error(KErrArgument, TFR_KFmtErrBadCmd, &aConName);
// There shall not be anything more.
TPtrC remainder = TfrLex::Trim(parse.Remainder());
if ( remainder.Length() > 0 )
return Error(KErrArgument, TFR_KFmtErrBadCmd, &remainder);
if (aConName.Length() <= 0)
return Error(KErrArgument, THA_KErrInvalidConnect, &Keyphrase());
return (KErrNone);
void CCmdConnect::ShowSessions ()
CObjCatalogue *cnxns = Machine()->Domains();
TInt iCnxns = 0;
if (cnxns->Count() == 0)
Log(_L("\tNo connections have been defined"));
Log(_L("\t Name Framework"));
for (TInt i = 0; i < cnxns->Count(); ++i)
CAnyObject *obj = (CAnyObject *)cnxns->At(i);
if (obj->Tag() == THA_KHTTP_Connect)
TPtrC label = obj->Name();
TPtrC frmwrk = ((TBool) ((CFrmwrkSession *) obj->Ptr())->UseWSPProtocol()) ? _L("WSP") : _L("HTTP");
Log(_L("\t%d %S - %S"), iCnxns, &label, &frmwrk);
// Command: DISCONNECT command.
// Form:
// DISCONNECT <connection name>
// Example:
// DISCONNECT framework1
CCmdDisconnect *CCmdDisconnect::NewL(TInt aCommandId, const TDesC& aKeyphrase, const TDesC& aHelpPhrase)
CCmdDisconnect *self = NewLC( aCommandId, aKeyphrase, aHelpPhrase);
return self;
CCmdDisconnect *CCmdDisconnect::NewLC( TInt aCommandId, const TDesC& aKeyphrase, const TDesC& aHelpPhrase)
CCmdDisconnect *self = new (ELeave) CCmdDisconnect();
self->ConstructL(aCommandId, aKeyphrase, aHelpPhrase);
return self;
void CCmdDisconnect::ConstructL( TInt aCommandId, const TDesC& aKeyphrase, const TDesC& aHelpPhrase)
CCmdBase::ConstructL(aCommandId, aKeyphrase, aHelpPhrase);
TInt CCmdDisconnect::ParseCmdArgs( const TDesC& aCommand, TPtrC& aConName )
aConName.Set(NULL, 0);
// get the command into a local string
TPtrC param;
TRAPD(error, param.Set(ParamsL(aCommand)));
if (error != KErrNone)
return Error(error, TFR_KFmtErrBadCmd, &Keyphrase());
// check its' valid
TLex parse(param);
if (!parse.Eos() && !parse.Peek().IsSpace())
return Error(error, TFR_KFmtErrBadCmd, &Keyphrase());
// remove any spaces and see if its got params
if (parse.Eos() )
// If no params return error
return Error(error, TFR_KFmtErrBadCmd, &Keyphrase());
// Get connection/session name value.
if (error != KErrNone)
return Error(KErrArgument, TFR_KFmtErrBadCmd, &Keyphrase());
// There shall not be anything more.
TPtrC remainder = TfrLex::Trim(parse.Remainder());
if (remainder.Length() > 0)
return Error(KErrArgument, TFR_KFmtErrBadCmd, &Keyphrase());
if (aConName.Length() <= 0)
return Error(KErrArgument, THA_KErrInvalidConnect, &aConName);
return (KErrNone);
TInt CCmdDisconnect::ProcessL(const TDesC& aCommand)
// Complete the test machine - will then get the next cmd
TInt error;
TPtrC conname;
if (( error = ParseCmdArgs( aCommand, conname )) != KErrNone)
return error;
// Check if the connection already is defined.
// If it is return error, if not create a session and ptr!
CAnyObject *obj = (CAnyObject *) Machine()->Domains()->Name(conname);
// at this point we can find the session that the disconnect refers to
// in the Session, save disconnects eventhandler.
if (obj != NULL) // connection (name) exists
// get reference to list in CmdConnect from Family and retrieve the reference to the session
CCmdConnect *iConnect = (CCmdConnect *)Family()->Command(THA_KHTTP_Connect);
TBool frmwrk = ((CFrmwrkSession *) obj->Ptr())->UseWSPProtocol() ;
if (!frmwrk) // HTTP Session so complete request
// check that there are no existing transactions (live) for this session
// and that the session is not already closed (i.e. in error)
// what about the iSessionIndex - this is going to be problematic since we need to track the
// index into the session when it changes...
Log(_L("\tConnection '%S' has been disconnected!"), &conname);
Log(_L("Issued DisconnectL"));
return Error(KErrNotFound, THA_KErrConnectionErr, &conname);
if ( error != KErrNone )
Log(TFR_KFmtErrFailed, &Keyphrase(), error);
return error;
void CCmdConnect::WaitForNextEvent(TInt aEventType)
// Wait for the next event
iEventRequired = aEventType;
void CCmdConnect::HandleWspEvent(TRequestStatus aStatus)
TBool fail = EFalse;
if (aStatus == THTTPSessionEvent::EConnect)
Log(_L("CFrmwrkSession::HandleWspEvent, event EConnect"));
else if (aStatus == THTTPSessionEvent::EConnectedOK)
Log(_L("CFrmwrkSession::HandleWspEvent, event EConnectedOK"));
else if (aStatus == THTTPSessionEvent::EConnectedWithReducedCapabilities)
Log(_L("CFrmwrkSession::HandleWspEvent, event EConnectedWithReducedCapabilities"));
else if (aStatus == THTTPSessionEvent::EDisconnected)
Log(_L("CFrmwrkSession::HandleWspEvent, event EDisconnected"));
fail = ETrue;
else if (aStatus == THTTPSessionEvent::EAuthenticatedOK)
Log(_L("CFrmwrkSession::HandleWspEvent, event EAuthenticatedOK"));
else if (aStatus == THTTPSessionEvent::EAuthenticationFailure)
Log(_L("CFrmwrkSession::HandleWspEvent, event EAuthenticationFailure"));
else if (aStatus == THTTPSessionEvent::EConnectionTimedOut)
Log(_L("CFrmwrkSession::HandleWspEvent, event EConnectionTimedOut"));
fail = ETrue;
Log(_L("CFrmwrkSession::HandleWspEvent, Unrecognised event [%d]"), aStatus.Int());
fail = ETrue;
if (fail)
CObjCatalogue *sessions = Machine()->Domains();
for (TInt i = 0; i < sessions->Count(); ++i)
CAnyObject *obj = (CAnyObject *)sessions->At(i);
if (obj->Tag() == THA_KHTTP_Connect)
CFrmwrkSession *frmwk = (CFrmwrkSession *) obj->Ptr();
if (frmwk->UseWSPProtocol() && (frmwk->iState == CFrmwrkSession::EWSPDisconnected))
TBuf16<256> myNameBuf;
Log(_L("CCmdConnect::HandleWspEvent() : Delete %S\r\n"), &myNameBuf);
WaitForNextEvent (THTTPSessionEvent::EDisconnected);
// End of File