// Copyright (c) 2005-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
// All rights reserved.
// This component and the accompanying materials are made available
// under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
// which accompanies this distribution, and is available
// at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
// Initial Contributors:
// Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
// Contributors:
// Description:
#include <e32base.h>
#include <http.h>
#include <escapeutils.h>
#include "testwebbrowser.h"
#include "httpexampleutils.h"
const TInt KMaxURISize = 256;
const TInt KMaxFilePathLength = 512;
const TInt KHttpSchemeLength = 7;
_LIT ( KDirPath, "c:\\TestWebBrowser\\");
_LIT ( KDefaultFilePath, "index.html" );
_LIT ( KQuit, "quit" );
_LIT ( KSelectOption, " Select an option \n\n" );
_LIT ( KPossibleSelectionsText, " 1 Download URL \n 2 Set Proxy\n 3 Quit \n" );
_LIT ( KPossibleSelections,"123" );
_LIT ( KEnterUrl, "Enter URL: " );
_LIT ( KEnterProxy, "Enter Proxy Address: " );
// Invalid characters that can appear in a URL. These values must be replaced
// with a valid character to generate the full file path.
_LIT ( KInvalidChars, "<>:\"|*?");
const TUint KReplaceChar = '_';
void ChangePathSeparator( TDes& aDesPtr, TUint aPathSeperatorFrom, TUint aPathSeperatorTo )
for( TInt offset = aDesPtr.Length() - 1; offset >= 0; offset-- )
if ( aDesPtr[offset] == aPathSeperatorFrom )
aDesPtr[offset] = TUint16( aPathSeperatorTo );
CTestWebBrowser::CTestWebBrowser ( CHttpExampleUtils& aUtils )
: CActive ( EPriorityStandard ),
iTestUtils ( aUtils ),
iCurrentState ( EMainMenu )
//Add this active object to the active schedeler
__ASSERT_DEBUG( !IsActive(),User::Panic(_L("Reader"), KErrCorrupt) );
// Wait for request to be handled.
CTestWebBrowser::~CTestWebBrowser ()
// Close the HTTP session.
iTransArray.ResetAndDestroy ();
iTransArray.Close ();
delete iBaseUri;
CTestWebBrowser* CTestWebBrowser::NewLC ( CHttpExampleUtils& aUtils )
CTestWebBrowser* me = new (ELeave) CTestWebBrowser ( aUtils );
CleanupStack::PushL ( me );
me->ConstructL ();
return me;
void CTestWebBrowser::ConstructL ()
// Open a HTTP session.
iHttpSession.OpenL ();
// Install the callback into the session.
InstallAuthenticationL ( iHttpSession );
iBaseUri = HBufC8::NewL ( KMaxURISize );
CTestWebBrowser* CTestWebBrowser::NewL ( CHttpExampleUtils& aUtils )
CTestWebBrowser* me = CTestWebBrowser::NewLC ( aUtils );
CleanupStack::Pop ( me );
return me;
Set HTTP proxy information for the session.
@param aProxyAddr [in] Proxy address to set for the session
void CTestWebBrowser::SetProxyL ( const TDesC8& aProxyAddr )
RHTTPConnectionInfo connInfo = iHttpSession.ConnectionInfo();
// Set the proxy usage property.
THTTPHdrVal proxyUsage( iHttpSession.StringPool().StringF( HTTP::EUseProxy, RHTTPSession::GetTable() ) );
connInfo.SetPropertyL( iHttpSession.StringPool().StringF( HTTP::EProxyUsage, RHTTPSession::GetTable() ), proxyUsage );
RStringF proxyAddr = iHttpSession.StringPool ().OpenFStringL ( aProxyAddr );
CleanupClosePushL ( proxyAddr );
// Set the proxy address property.
THTTPHdrVal proxyAddrHdr( proxyAddr );
connInfo.SetPropertyL( iHttpSession.StringPool().StringF( HTTP::EProxyAddress, RHTTPSession::GetTable() ), proxyAddrHdr );
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy (); // Pop and destroy proxyAddr
Get the credentials from the user.
@param aURI [in] The URI being requested
@param aRealm [out] The realm being requested
@param aAuthenticationType [out] The type of authentication.
@param aUsername [out] User name
@param aPassword [out] Pass word
@return TBool ETrue if credentials being returned else EFalse
TBool CTestWebBrowser::GetCredentialsL( const TUriC8& aURI,
RString aRealm,
RStringF aAuthenticationType,
RString& aUsername,
RString& aPassword )
// Convert to 16 bit to display
HBufC* uriDesBuf = HBufC::NewLC( aURI.UriDes().Length() );
TPtr uriDesPtr( uriDesBuf->Des() );
uriDesPtr.Copy( aURI.UriDes() );
HBufC* uriRealmBuf = HBufC::NewLC( aRealm.DesC().Length() );
TPtr uriRealmPtr( uriRealmBuf->Des() );
uriRealmPtr.Copy( aRealm.DesC() );
HBufC* uriAuthenticationType = HBufC::NewLC ( aAuthenticationType.DesC().Length() );
TPtr uriAuthenticationPtr( uriAuthenticationType->Des() );
uriAuthenticationPtr.Copy ( aAuthenticationType.DesC() );
// Prompt user for input
iTestUtils.Test().Printf ( _L( "Enter credentials for URL %S, realm %S\n"), &uriDesPtr, &uriRealmPtr );
iTestUtils.Test().Printf ( _L("Using %S authentication\n"), &uriAuthenticationPtr );
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy ( 3 ); // Pop and destroy uriDesBuf, uriRealmBuf and uriAuthenticationType
HBufC* userDetails16 = HBufC::NewLC ( KMaxUserEntrySize );
HBufC8* userDetails8 = HBufC8::NewLC ( KMaxUserEntrySize );
TPtr userDetailsPtr16( userDetails16->Des() );
TPtr8 userDetailsPtr8( userDetails8->Des() );
iTestUtils.GetAnEntry ( _L( "Username (or QUIT to give up): " ), userDetailsPtr16 );
TBool set = EFalse;
if ( userDetailsPtr16.CompareF ( KQuit ) )
userDetailsPtr8.Copy ( userDetailsPtr16 );
aUsername = aRealm.Pool().OpenStringL ( userDetailsPtr8 );
iTestUtils.GetAnEntry( _L( "Password: " ), userDetailsPtr16 );
userDetailsPtr8.Copy ( userDetailsPtr16 );
aPassword = aRealm.Pool().OpenStringL ( userDetailsPtr8 );
set = ETrue;
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy ( 2 ); // Pop and destroy userDetails16 & userDetails8
return set;
Create a new transaction. Generate the full uri from a partial uri.
Also, generates the file path where the contents to be saved. Adds the transaction
object into array.
@param aUri [in] URI to download.
@param aParseHtml [in] Parse the downloaded HTML content. Default value: EFalse. ETrue value to parse
the HTML content. Typically the value will be set to ETrue only for the main page.
void CTestWebBrowser::CreateTransactionL ( const TDesC8& aUri, TBool aParseHtml /* = EFalse */ )
TUriParser8 baseUri;
baseUri.Parse ( iBaseUri->Des() );
TUriParser8 refUri;
refUri.Parse ( aUri );
// Resolve uri
CUri8* uriPtr = CUri8::ResolveL( baseUri, refUri );
CleanupStack::PushL ( uriPtr );
// Generate the file path from the full http uri.
HBufC* filePath = GenerateFilePathL ( uriPtr->Uri() );
CleanupStack::PushL ( filePath );
// Create a new HTTP transaction object.
CBrowserTransaction* newTrans = CBrowserTransaction::NewL ( iHttpSession, iTestUtils, this, *filePath, aParseHtml );
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy ( filePath );
CleanupStack::PushL ( newTrans );
iTransArray.AppendL ( newTrans );
// Open and submit the transaction.
newTrans->CreateTransactionL ( uriPtr->Uri().UriDes() );
newTrans->StartTransactionL ();
CleanupStack::Pop ( newTrans );
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy ( uriPtr );
To create a new transaction. This function is a calllback called from
the CHTMLHandler when it finds a new URI to be downloaded.
@param aUri [in] URI to download.
void CTestWebBrowser::OnTransactionCreateL ( const TDesC8& aUri, TBool aParseHtml )
CreateTransactionL ( aUri, aParseHtml );
Delete the transaction. Removes the transaction object from the transaction array
@param aTrans [out] Transaction object to close.
void CTestWebBrowser::OnTransactionClose ( CBrowserTransaction* aTrans )
// Find the transaction object to be deleted and remove it from the
// transaction array.
TInt numTrans = iTransArray.Count ();
for ( TInt i = 0; i < numTrans; ++i )
if ( iTransArray[ i ] == aTrans )
delete aTrans;
iTransArray.Remove ( i );
if ( iTransArray.Count () == 0 )
// All transactions are completed.
iCurrentState = ETransactionCompleted;
IssueAndCompleteRequest ();
Issues a new request if the active object has no outstanding request.
void CTestWebBrowser::IssueAndCompleteRequest()
if ( !IsActive() )
TRequestStatus* status = &iStatus;
User::RequestComplete( status, KErrNone );
void CTestWebBrowser::RunL ()
switch ( iCurrentState )
case EMainMenu:
iTestUtils.Test().Printf ( _L ( "Main menu") );
case EEnterUrl:
AcceptUrlL ();
case ESelectProxy:
AcceptProxyL ();
case EStop:
case EStartTransaction:
CreateTransactionL ( iBaseUri->Des(), ETrue );
case ETransactionStarted:
iTestUtils.Test().Printf ( _L ( "Transaction started. Please wait...") );
case ETransactionCompleted:
void CTestWebBrowser::DoCancel ()
// Do nothing...
Checks whether a uri is valid or not. Will check whether the uri contains
scheme, host and path.
@param aUri [in] URI to validate. Only scheme and host presence is validated.
@return TBool ETrue if the URI is successfully validated else EFalse.
TBool CTestWebBrowser::ValidateUri ( const TDesC8& aUri )
TUriParser8 uriParser;
if ( uriParser.Parse ( aUri ) != KErrNone )
return EFalse;
// check for scheme
if ( !uriParser.IsPresent ( EUriScheme ) )
return EFalse;
// check for host
if ( !uriParser.IsPresent ( EUriHost) )
return EFalse;
return ETrue;
Generate the full file path based on the aUri.
@param aUri [in] Full URI to generate the full file path.
@return HBufC* Holds the full file path.
HBufC* CTestWebBrowser::GenerateFilePathL ( const TUriC8& aUri )
HBufC* filePath = HBufC::NewLC ( KMaxFilePathLength );
TPtr filePtr ( filePath->Des() );
// Append the base path
filePtr.Append ( KDirPath );
// Get the full uri.
HBufC* completeUri = aUri.DisplayFormL();
CleanupStack::PushL ( completeUri );
TPtr ptr = completeUri->Des();
// Chop off the scheme. ( http:// )
ptr.Delete ( 0, KHttpSchemeLength );
// Reverse the slashes.
ChangePathSeparator ( ptr, '/', '\\' );
// Replace invalid characters with '_'. Invalid characters: <>:"|*
TPtrC ptrInvalidChars ( KInvalidChars );
for ( TInt i = 0; i < KInvalidChars().Length(); ++i )
ChangePathSeparator ( ptr, ptrInvalidChars[i], KReplaceChar );
// Append the URI file path.
filePtr.Append ( ptr );
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy ( completeUri );
HBufC* uriTail = aUri.GetFileNameL ( EUriFileNameTail );
CleanupStack::PushL ( uriTail );
TBool fileExtPresent = uriTail->Des().Length() != 0;
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy ( uriTail );
// Append a '\\' at the end of the completeUri if not present.
TInt len = filePtr.Length();
if ( ( !fileExtPresent ) && ( len != 0 ) && ( filePtr[ len-1 ] != '\\') )
filePtr.Append ( '\\' );
if ( !fileExtPresent )
// No file name present in the uri. Set the file name as index.html.
filePtr.Append ( KDefaultFilePath() );
CleanupStack::Pop ( filePath );
iTestUtils.LogIt ( _L("File Path: %S"), &filePtr );
return filePath;
void CTestWebBrowser::ExecuteMainMenuL ()
iTestUtils.Test().Console()->ClearScreen ();
TInt selection = iTestUtils.GetSelection ( KPossibleSelectionsText, KPossibleSelections );
switch ( selection )
case EDownloadURL:
iCurrentState = EEnterUrl;
case ESetProxy:
iCurrentState = ESelectProxy;
case EQuit:
iCurrentState = EStop;
IssueAndCompleteRequest ();
Accept the url from the user and validate.
void CTestWebBrowser::AcceptUrlL ()
HBufC* uri = HBufC::NewLC ( KMaxURISize );
TPtr ptr( uri->Des() );
iTestUtils.GetAnEntry ( KEnterUrl, ptr );
if ( iBaseUri->Des().MaxLength() < ptr.Length() )
iBaseUri = iBaseUri->ReAllocL ( ptr.Length() );
iBaseUri->Des().Copy ( ptr );
if ( ValidateUri( iBaseUri->Des() ) )
iCurrentState = EStartTransaction;
iTestUtils.Test().Printf ( _L("Invalid entry.") );
iTestUtils.PressAnyKey ();
iCurrentState = EMainMenu;
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy ( uri );
IssueAndCompleteRequest ();
Accept proxy information from the user.
void CTestWebBrowser::AcceptProxyL ()
HBufC* proxy16 = HBufC::NewLC ( 128 ) ;
TPtr ptr( proxy16->Des() );
iTestUtils.GetAnEntry ( KEnterProxy, ptr );
HBufC8* proxy8 = HBufC8::NewLC ( ptr.Length() );
proxy8->Des().Copy ( ptr );
TRAPD ( err, SetProxyL ( proxy8->Des() ) );
if ( err != KErrNone )
iTestUtils.Test().Printf ( _L ( "Setting of proxy address failed." ) );
iCurrentState = EMainMenu;
IssueAndCompleteRequest ();
Set the state to EMainMenu and issues a request to be processed by the RunL.
void CTestWebBrowser::OnTransactionCompleted ()
iTestUtils.Test().Printf ( _L ("Transaction completed.") );
iCurrentState = EMainMenu;
IssueAndCompleteRequest ();