# Copyright (c) 2009-2010 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
# All rights reserved.
# This component and the accompanying materials are made available
# under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
# which accompanies this distribution, and is available
# at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
# Initial Contributors:
# Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
# Contributors:
# Description:
# WSP String table
fstringtable WSP
# Header field names and mapping to binary value
EAccept Accept
EAcceptCharsetDep Accept-Charset
EAcceptEncodingDep Accept-Encoding
EAcceptLanguage Accept-Language
EAcceptRanges Accept-Ranges
EAge Age
EAllow Allow
EAuthorization Authorization
ECacheControlDep Cache-Control
EConnection Connection
EContentBaseDep Content-Base
EContentEncoding Content-Encoding
EContentLanguage Content-Language
EContentLength Content-Length
EContentLocation Content-Location
EContentMD5 Content-MD5
EContentRangeDep Content-Range
EContentType Content-Type
EDate Date
EEtag Etag
EExpires Expires
EFrom From
EHost Host
EIfModifiedSince If-Modified-Since
EIfMatch If-Match
EIfNoneMatch If-None-Match
EIfRange If-Range
EIfUnmodifiedSince If-Unmodified-Since
ELocation Location
ELastModified Last-Modified
EMaxForwards Max-Forwards
EPragma Pragma
EProxyAuthenticate Proxy-Authenticate
EProxyAuthorization Proxy-Authorization
EPublic Public
ERange Range
EReferer Referer
ERetryAfter Retry-After
EServer Server
ETransferEncoding Transfer-Encoding
EUpgrade Upgrade
EUserAgent User-Agent
EVary Vary
EVia Via
EWarning Warning
EWWWAuthenticate WWW-Authenticate
EContentDispositionDep Content-Disposition
EXWapApplicationId X-Wap-Application-Id
EXWapContentURI X-Wap-Content-URI
EXWapInitiatorURI X-Wap-Initiator-URI
EAcceptApplication Accept-Application
EBearerIndication Bearer-Indication
EPushFlag Push-Flag
EProfile Profile
EProfileDiff Profile-Diff
EProfileWarningDep Profile-Warning
EExpect Expect
ETrailer Trailer
EAcceptCharset Accept-Charset
EAcceptEncoding Accept-Encoding
ECacheControlDep2 Cache-Control
EContentRange Content-Range
EXWapTod X-Wap-Tod
EContentID Content-ID
ESetCookie Set-Cookie
ECookie Cookie
EEncodingVersion Encoding-Version
EProfileWarning Profile-Warning
EContentDisposition Content-Disposition
EXWapSecurity X-Wap-Security
ECacheControl Cache-Control