// Copyright (c) 2001-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
// All rights reserved.
// This component and the accompanying materials are made available
// under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
// which accompanies this distribution, and is available
// at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
// Initial Contributors:
// Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
// Contributors:
// Description:
#ifndef __CWSPCOTXDATA_H__
#define __CWSPCOTXDATA_H__
// System includes
#include <e32base.h>
#include <http/framework/ctxdata.h>
// Forward declarations
class MWspCOTxDataCallback;
class MWspCapabilityViewer;
class MHTTPDataSupplier;
// @todo docing
class CWspCOTxData : public CTxData
public: // Methods
/** @fn NewL(CProtTransaction& aTransaction, MWspCOTxDataCallback& aObserver, MWspCapabilityViewer& aNegotiatedCapInfo)
Intended Usage : Static factory constructor.
@since 7.0
@leave Leaves with KErrNoMemory if there was not enough memory to
create the object.
@param aTransaction The protocol transaction object
associated with the Tx data object.
@param aObserver A reference to the Tx data observer
@param aNegotiatedCapInfo A reference to the negotiated
capability viewer object.
@return A pointer to newly created object.
static CWspCOTxData* NewL(
CProtTransaction& aTransaction,
MWspCOTxDataCallback& aObserver,
MWspCapabilityViewer& aNegotiatedCapInfo
/** @fn ~CWspCOTxData()
Intended Usage : Standard destructor.
@since 7.0
/** @fn RequestHeadersData()
Intended Usage : Provides a buffer with the request headers.
@since 7.0
@return A const reference to a buffer that contains the request
const TDesC8& RequestHeadersData();
/** @fn RequestBodyData()
Intended Usage : Provides the data supplier object for the request
body data. This data supplier supplies the more data
flag via the return from GetNextDataPart().
@since 7.0
@return A reference to a MHTTPDataSupplier object that provides the
request body.
MHTTPDataSupplier& RequestBodyData();
/** @fn SetRequestDataL()
Intended Usage :
@since 7.0
@todo finish docing
void SetRequestDataL();
/** @fn ReceivedCnf()
The cnf for the current invoke primitive has been received. If there is more
data to send, then the observer is asked to send an S-MethodInvokeData
primitive. If there is no more data to send and the request is not complete
then wait for the client to send more data.
@since 7.0
@pre The state is either EDone or EGotMoreData.
@post The has changed to EIdle if the originally EDone. This
indicates that the request is complete. If the state was
EGotMoreData then the state is EDone if the remaining data
can be sent in the next SDU, EGotMoreData if the remaining
data cannot be all sent in the next SDU, or EWaitForData if
the request is not complete and remaining data does not fill
the next SDU.
void ReceivedCnf();
/** @fn NotifyMoreRequestData()
Intended Usage : The client has got more request data.
@since 7.0
@post The fact that the client has nore request data has been flagged.
void NotifyMoreRequestData();
private: // Methods from MHTTPDataSupplier
/** @fn GetNextDataPart(TPtrC8& aDataPart)
@see MHTTPDataSupplier
virtual TBool GetNextDataPart(TPtrC8& aDataPart);
/** @fn ReleaseData()
@see MHTTPDataSupplier
virtual void ReleaseData();
/** @fn OverallDataSize()
@see MHTTPDataSupplier
virtual TInt OverallDataSize();
/** @fn Reset()
@see MHTTPDataSupplier
virtual TInt Reset();
private: // Methods
/** @fn CWspCOTxData(CProtTransaction& aTransaction, MWspCOTxDataCallback& aObserver, MWspCapabilityViewer& aNegotiatedCapInfo)
Intended Usage : First phase constructor.
@since 7.0
@param aTransaction The protocol transaction object
associated with the Tx data object.
@param aObserver A reference to the Tx observer.
@param aNegotiatedCapInfo A reference to the negotiated
capability viewer object.
CProtTransaction& aTransaction,
MWspCOTxDataCallback& aObserver,
MWspCapabilityViewer& aNegotiatedCapInfo
/** @fn SetSessionPropertyL(TInt aProperty, THTTPHdrVal aFieldValue)
Intended Usage :
@since 7.0
@todo docing
@param aProperty An integer specifying the property to be
@param aFieldValue The value the property is to be set to.
@post The property has been set to the specified value/
void SetSessionPropertyL(TInt aProperty, THTTPHdrVal aFieldValue);
/** @fn SetHeaderDataL(RHTTPRequest aRequest)
Intended Usage :
@since 7.0
@todo finish docing
@param aRequest The request object.
void SetHeaderDataL(RHTTPRequest aRequest);
/** @fn EncodeHeadersL(RHTTPHeaders aHeaders)
Intended Usage :
@since 7.0
@todo finish docing
@param aHeaders The headers object
void EncodeHeadersL(RHTTPHeaders aHeaders);
/** @fn SetBodyDataL(MHTTPDataSupplier& aRequestBody)
Intended Usage :
@since 7.0
@todo finish docing
@param aRequestBody The data supplier for the request body data.
void SetBodyDataL(MHTTPDataSupplier& aRequestBody);
/** @fn UpdateBodyData()
Intended Usage :
@since 7.0
@todo finish docing
void UpdateBodyData();
/** @fn CalculateUIntVarLength(TUint32 aUint)
Intended Usage : A utility function to calculate how many bytes are
required to represent a number in UIntVar format, as
defined by the WSP Specification, July 2001.
@since 7.0
@param aUint The unsigned positive number for which to calculate
the length of its UIntVar representation.
@return The number of bytes required to represent the input integer
as a UIntVar.
TInt CalculateUIntVarLength(TUint32 aUint);
/** @fn UpdateState()
@since 7.0
void UpdateState();
/** @fn CheckTrailer()
@since 7.0
void CheckTrailer();
/** @fn DecideObserverAction()
@since 7.0
void DecideObserverAction();
/** @fn Cleanup()
@since 7.0
void Cleanup();
private: // Enums
/** The TRequestState type represents the states of the
request data object.
enum TRequestState
EIdle = 0,
private: // Attributes
/** The state of the request data.
TRequestState iState;
/** A reference to Tx data callback object.
MWspCOTxDataCallback& iObserver;
/** A reference to the negotiated capability viewer.
MWspCapabilityViewer& iNegotiatedCapInfo;
/** A pointer to the request body data supplier. Not owned.
MHTTPDataSupplier* iBodyDataSupplier;
/** A buffer with the encoded request header data.
HBufC8* iHeaderData;
/** A buffer with the encoded request trailer header data.
HBufC8* iTrailerData;
/** A buffer with the current request data.
HBufC8* iBodyData;
/** A flag indicating that there are trailer header data.
TBool iHasTrailer;
/** A flag that indicates whether all the request data has been received
from the client.
TBool iRequestComplete;
/** A flag that indicates whether there is a current request body data part.
TBool iGotBodyData;
/** A descriptor pointer to a buffer containing the current request body
data part.
TPtrC8 iDataPart;
/** The overall size of the body data. If this is not known, e.g. the
resquest is divided over several primitives, then this is set to
TInt iOverallDataSize;
/** The remaining server SDU space for the current primitive.
TUint32 iRemainingSDUSpace;
/** The remaining server message space.
TUint32 iRemainingMessageSpace;
/** A flag to indicate whether LDT is supported.
TBool iSupportLDT;
/** The length of the trailer header info.
TUint32 iTrailerInfoLength;
/** A flag to indicate wether the Server Message is limited.
TBool iLimitedMessageSize;
#endif // __CWSPCOTXDATA_H__