// Copyright (c) 2001-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
// All rights reserved.
// This component and the accompanying materials are made available
// under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
// which accompanies this distribution, and is available
// at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
// Initial Contributors:
// Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
// Contributors:
// Description:
#ifndef __CWSPCORXDATA_H__
#define __CWSPCORXDATA_H__
// System includes
#include <e32base.h>
#include <http/framework/crxdata.h>
// Forward declarations
class MWspCORxDataCallback;
class CWspCORxData : public CRxData
public: // Methods
/** @fn NewL(CProtTransaction& aProtTrans, MRxDataObserver& aObserver, MWspCORxDataCallback& aMethodCallback)
Intended Usage : Static factory constructor.
@since 7.0
@leave Leaves with KErrNoMemory if there was not enough memory to
create the object.
@param aTransaction The protocol transaction object associated
with the Rx data object.
@param aObserver A reference to the Rx data observer
@param aMethodCallback A reference to the callback object.
@return A pointer to newly created object.
static CWspCORxData* NewL(
CProtTransaction& aTrasaction,
MRxDataObserver& aObserver,
MWspCORxDataCallback& aMethodCallback
/** @fn ~CWspCORxData()
Intended Usage : Standard destructor.
@since 7.0
/** @fn SetResponseDataL(const TDesC8& aResponseHeaders, MHTTPDataSupplier& aResponseBody)
Intended Usage : Sets the header and body data for the request response.
The header data is segmented into the individual header
fields and set into the response object's headers.
The client is informed using the EGotResponseHeaders
event. The raw field value is not decoded. This is left
for when the field value is required.
If there is any body data then the client is informed
using the EGotResponseBodyData event. If there is no
body data and no more primitives are expected, the
RxData observer is sent the EResponseComplete status.
The more data flag that indicates if there is more data
to be received for this transaction in subsequent
S-MethodResultData primitives to follow.
@since 7.0
@leave The function will leave if setting the header data or body
data fails.
@param aResponseHeaders A reference to a buffer with the the
header data.
@param aResponseBody A reference to the data supplier object
for the body data.
@param aMoreResponseData A flag indicating that there is more data
to be received for this transaction in
subsequent S-MethodResultData primitives
to follow. .
@pre A S-MethodResult primitive has been received.
@post The data supplier for thebody data is stored. The header
data has been segmented into the individual header fields
and set in the response object.
void SetResponseDataL(const TDesC8& aResponseHeaders, MHTTPDataSupplier& aResponseBody, TBool aMoreResponseData);
/** @fn UpdateResponseDataL(const TDesC8& aTrailerHeaders, TBool aMoreResponseData)
Intended Usage : Fetches any extra body data from the stored data
supplier. Trailer header data is only allowed if this is
the last S-MethodResultData primitive.
If this is the last primitive and there is some header
data, this is segmented into the individual header
fields and added to the response object's headers. The
raw field value is not decoded. This is left for when
the field value is required.
The client is sent the EGotResponseTrailerHeaders event.
If there is any extra body data and the client has
already released the previous batch of body data, then
the EGotResponseBodyData event is sent.
The more data flag that indicates if there is more data
to be received for this transaction in subsequent
S-MethodResultData primitives to follow.
@since 7.0
@leave The function will leave with KWspErrNotExpectingTrailers if
there is trailer header data but more S-MethodResulData
primitives are expected. Also, it will leave if it fails to
update the body data.
@param aTrailerHeaders A reference to a buffer with the encoded
trailer headers. This must be empty
unless this is the last S-MethodResultData
@param aMoreResponseData A flag indicating that there is more data
to be received for this transaction in
subsequent S-MethodResultData primitives
to follow. .
@pre A S-MethodResultData primitive has been received.
@post Any trailer header data is segmented into the individual
header fields and added to the response object's headers.
The client is notified of more body data if there is any
and the previous batch of data has been released.
void UpdateResponseDataL(const TDesC8& aTrailerHeaders, TBool aMoreResponseData);
private: // Methods from CRxData
/** @fn void ResetRxData()
@see CRxData
virtual void ResetRxData();
private: // Methods from MHTTPDataSupplier
/** @fn GetNextDataPart(TPtrC8& aDataPart)
@see MHTTPDataSupplier
virtual TBool GetNextDataPart(TPtrC8& aDataPart);
/** @fn ReleaseData()
@see MHTTPDataSupplier
virtual void ReleaseData();
/** @fn OverallDataSize()
@see MHTTPDataSupplier
virtual TInt OverallDataSize();
/** @fn Reset()
@see MHTTPDataSupplier
virtual TInt Reset();
private: // Methods
/** @fn CWspCORxData(CProtTransaction& aTransaction, MRxDataObserver& aObserver, MWspCORxDataCallback& aMethodCallback)
Intended Usage : First phase constructor.
@since 7.0
@param aTransaction The protocol transaction object associated
with the Rx data object.
@param aObserver A reference to the Rx data observer
@param aMethodCallback A reference to the callback object.
CProtTransaction& aTransaction,
MRxDataObserver& aObserver,
MWspCORxDataCallback& aMethodCallback
/** @fn SetHeaderDataL(const TDesC8& aResponseHeaders)
Intended Usage :
@since 7.0
@param aResponseHeaders A reference a buffer with the header
@pre A S-MethodResult primitive has been received.
@post The trailer header data has been segmented into the
individual header fields and set in the response object.
void SetHeaderDataL(const TDesC8& aResponseHeaders);
/** @fn SetBodyDataL(MHTTPDataSupplier& aResponseBody)
Intended Usage :
@since 7.0
@param aResponseBody A reference to the data supplier object for
the body data.
@pre A S-MethodResult primitive has been received. The
EGotResponseHeaders event has been sent.
@post The body data supplier is stored.
void SetBodyDataL(MHTTPDataSupplier& aResponseBody);
/** @fn UpdateHeaderDataL(const TDesC8& aTrailerHeaders)
Intended Usage :
@since 7.0
@param aTrailerHeaders A reference to a buffer with the encoded
trailer headers. This must be empty unless
this is the last S-MethodResultData
@pre A S-MethodResultData primitive has been received.
@post Any extra header data is segmented into the individual
header fields and added to the response object's headers.
void UpdateHeaderDataL(const TDesC8& aTrailerHeaders);
/** @fn UpdateBodyDataL()
Intended Usage :
@since 7.0
@pre A S-MethodResultData primitive has been received.
@post Any extra body data is appended to the buffer.
void UpdateBodyDataL();
/** @fn ResponseCompleteL()
Informs the observer that the response is complete. Also, if there are
trailer headers, the client is sent the EGotResponseTrailerHeaders event.
@since 7.0
@pre All the response data has been received and sent to the client.
@post The observer has been told that the response is complete. If
trailer headers have been received, the client is sent the
EGotResponseTrailerHeaders event.
void ResponseCompleteL();
private: // Attributes
/** A reference to the method callback object.
MWspCORxDataCallback& iMethodCallback;
/** A pointer to the data supplier for the body data - not owned.
MHTTPDataSupplier* iBodyDataSupplier;
/** A flag that indicates whether subsequent S-MethodResultData primitives
are expected for the response.
TBool iMoreData;
/** A flag to indicate whether there are more data chunks to be obtained from
the data supplier object for the current SDU.
TBool iLastChunk;
/** A flag that indicates whether there is a current response body data part.
TBool iGotBodyData;
/** A descriptor pointer to a buffer containing the current reponse body
data part.
TPtrC8 iBodyData;
/** The overall size of the body data. If this is not known, e.g. the
response is divided over several primitives, then this is set to
TInt iOverallDataSize;
/** A flag that indicates the there are trailer headers.
TBool iHasTrailer;
#endif // __CWSPCORXDATA_H__