author Dremov Kirill (Nokia-D-MSW/Tampere) <>
Wed, 14 Apr 2010 16:31:08 +0300
changeset 10 73e95e652591
parent 9 2611c08ee28e
child 37 5f1cd966e0d9
permissions -rw-r--r--
Revision: 201013 Kit: 201015

// Copyright (c) 2003-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
// All rights reserved.
// This component and the accompanying materials are made available
// under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
// which accompanies this distribution, and is available
// at the URL "".
// Initial Contributors:
// Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
// Contributors:
// Description:

#include "chttpservice.h"
#include "httpclientutils.h"
#include "chttpclientauthentication.h" 
#include "mhttpserviceauthentication.h" 
#include "chttpnetworkconnectioninfo.h"
const TInt KMaxNoOfConnections = 6;
const TInt KMaxTransToPipeline = 5;

 * The default 2-phase constructor to create a CHttpService instance
EXPORT_C CHttpService* CHttpService::NewL()
    CHttpService* self = new(ELeave) CHttpService;
	CleanupStack::Pop(); // self
	return self;	
 * Destructor

EXPORT_C CHttpService::~CHttpService()
	delete iHttpServiceStruct;

 * Destructor of the inner class CHttpServiceStruct
    delete iHttpClientAuthentication;

 * Retrieves the equivalent string for a give string ID from the 
 * HTTP string pool
 * @param @aStringId String ID
 * @param aPtr  String
 * @return KErrNotFound if the string ID is not found in the HTTP string pool
 *          otherwise KErrNone for success
EXPORT_C TInt CHttpService::String(TInt aStringId, TPtrC8& aPtr)
    RStringF str = iHttpServiceStruct->iHttpSession.StringPool().StringF(aStringId, RHTTPSession::GetTable());
    return KErrNone;
 * Set the proxy that applies to all HTTP client transactions that "this"
 * CHttpService instance creates
 * @param aProxyAddress Proxy address. [for ex;]
 * @return KErrNoMemory if the proxy information cannot be set other KErrNone for success.

EXPORT_C TInt CHttpService::SetProxy(const TDesC8& aProxyAddress)
	RHTTPSession sess = iHttpServiceStruct->iHttpSession;
	RStringPool sp = sess.StringPool();
	RHTTPConnectionInfo connInfo = sess.ConnectionInfo();
	RStringF property  = sp.StringF(HTTP::EProxyUsage, RHTTPSession::GetTable());
	RStringF useProxy = sp.StringF(HTTP::EUseProxy, RHTTPSession::GetTable());
	TInt err = connInfo.SetProperty(property, useProxy);
	if(err == KErrNone)
		RStringF str;
		err = HttpClientUtils::OpenStringF(aProxyAddress, sp, str);
		if(err == KErrNone)
		    err = connInfo.SetProperty(sp.StringF(HTTP::EProxyAddress,RHTTPSession::GetTable()), str);
	return err;	

 * Returns the proxy address that is set
 * @return Proxy address otherwise KNullDesC8 if the proxy information
 *         is not set.

EXPORT_C const TDesC8& CHttpService::ProxyAddress() const
	RHTTPSession sess = iHttpServiceStruct->iHttpSession;
	RStringPool sp = sess.StringPool();
	RHTTPConnectionInfo connInfo = sess.ConnectionInfo();
	THTTPHdrVal useProxy;
	if(connInfo.Property(sp.StringF(HTTP::EProxyUsage, RHTTPSession::GetTable()), useProxy))
		THTTPHdrVal proxyAddress;
		if(connInfo.Property(sp.StringF(HTTP::EProxyAddress, RHTTPSession::GetTable()), proxyAddress))
			return proxyAddress.StrF().DesC();			
	return KNullDesC8();

 * Set the maxuimum number of TCP connections[socket] CHttpService instance that can activated 
 * at any time. The default no. of connections that the CHttpService instance uses is 6.
 * @param aValue aValue No. of connections

EXPORT_C void CHttpService::SetMaxConnections(TInt aValue)
	RHTTPSession sess = iHttpServiceStruct->iHttpSession;
	RStringPool sp = sess.StringPool();
	RHTTPConnectionInfo connInfo = sess.ConnectionInfo();
	connInfo.SetProperty(sp.StringF(HTTP::EMaxNumTransportHandlers, RHTTPSession::GetTable()), THTTPHdrVal(aValue));		

 * Returns the maximum no. of TCP connections that is set.

EXPORT_C TInt CHttpService::MaxConnections() const
	RHTTPSession sess = iHttpServiceStruct->iHttpSession;
	RStringPool sp = sess.StringPool();
	RHTTPConnectionInfo connInfo = sess.ConnectionInfo();
	THTTPHdrVal val;
	if(connInfo.Property(sp.StringF(HTTP::EMaxNumTransportHandlers, RHTTPSession::GetTable()), val))
		if(val.Type() == THTTPHdrVal::KTIntVal)
			return val.Int();
	return 0;

EXPORT_C void CHttpService::SetMaxTransactionsToPipeline(TInt aValue)
	RHTTPSession sess = iHttpServiceStruct->iHttpSession;
	RStringPool sp = sess.StringPool();
	RHTTPConnectionInfo connInfo = sess.ConnectionInfo();
	connInfo.SetProperty(sp.StringF(HTTP::EMaxNumTransactionsToPipeline, RHTTPSession::GetTable()), THTTPHdrVal(aValue));				
EXPORT_C TInt CHttpService::MaxTransactionsToPipeline() const
	RHTTPSession sess = iHttpServiceStruct->iHttpSession;
	RStringPool sp = sess.StringPool();
	RHTTPConnectionInfo connInfo = sess.ConnectionInfo();
	THTTPHdrVal val;
	if(connInfo.Property(sp.StringF(HTTP::EMaxNumTransactionsToPipeline, RHTTPSession::GetTable()), val))
		if(val.Type() == THTTPHdrVal::KTIntVal)
			return val.Int();
	return 0;		

 * This method facilitates to set the header once in the CHttpService instance that is applicable
 * for all HTTP client transactions. [For ex; User-Agent header] 
 * @param aStringId - Pre-defined String ID in the HTTP string pool
 * @param aHeaderValue - Value for the header 
EXPORT_C TInt CHttpService::AddRequestHeader(TInt aStringId, const THttpHeaderValueVariant& aHeaderValue)
	RHTTPHeaders sessHeaders = iHttpServiceStruct->iSessionHeaders;
    RStringPool sp = iHttpServiceStruct->iHttpSession.StringPool();
    THTTPHdrVal val = HttpClientUtils::CopyHttpHdrVal(aHeaderValue, sp);
    TInt err = sessHeaders.SetField(sp.StringF(aStringId, RHTTPSession::GetTable()), val);
    return err;

 * This method facilitates to set the custom HTTP header once in the CHttpService instance that is 
 * applicable for all HTTP client transactions. [For ex; User-Agent header] 
 * @param aHeaderName - Custom header name
 * @param aHeaderValue - Value for the header 
EXPORT_C TInt CHttpService::AddCustomRequestHeader(const TDesC8& aHeaderName, const TDesC8& aHeaderValue)
	_LIT8(KFieldSeparator, "\n");
	RStringPool sp = iHttpServiceStruct->iHttpSession.StringPool();
	RStringF str;
	if(HttpClientUtils::OpenStringF(aHeaderName, sp, str) != KErrNone)
        return KErrNoMemory;
	TInt err = iHttpServiceStruct->iSessionHeaders.SetRawField(str, aHeaderValue, KFieldSeparator);
	return err;

EXPORT_C TInt CHttpService::SetAuthentication(MHTTPServiceAuthentication* aCallback)
    TInt error = KErrGeneral;
    iHttpServiceStruct->iHttpClientAuthentication = CHttpClientAuthentication::New(iHttpServiceStruct->iHttpSession, aCallback);
        error = KErrNone;
    return error;

 * Constructor
: iHttpServiceStruct(NULL)
void CHttpService::ConstructL()
    iHttpServiceStruct = new(ELeave) CHttpServiceStruct();
    iHttpServiceStruct->iSessionHeaders = iHttpServiceStruct->iHttpSession.RequestSessionHeadersL();
EXPORT_C CHttpNetworkConnection* CHttpService::HttpNetworkConnection()
    CHttpNetworkConnection *httpNetworkConn = CHttpNetworkConnection::New();
    return httpNetworkConn;