// Copyright (c) 2001-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
// All rights reserved.
// This component and the accompanying materials are made available
// under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
// which accompanies this distribution, and is available
// at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
// Initial Contributors:
// Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
// Contributors:
// Description:
// System includes
#include <uri8.h>
#include <wspstringconstants.h>
#include <httpstringconstants.h>
#include <wsp/mwspcapabilityviewer.h>
#include <wsp/wsptypes.h>
#include <wsperror.h>
// User includes
#include <http/rhttpheaders.h>
#include <http/thttphdrval.h>
#include "cwspcotransaction.h"
#include "cwspheaderutils.h"
#include "mwspcotxdatacallback.h"
#include "wsppanic.h"
// Class signature
#include "cwspcotxdata.h"
// Constants used in this module
const TInt KPDUTypeFieldSize = 1; // Size in bytes
const TInt KUIntVarOctetShift = 7;
const TInt KWspTxDataDefaultBufferSize = 2048;
CWspCOTxData* CWspCOTxData::NewL(CProtTransaction& aTransaction, MWspCOTxDataCallback& aObserver, MWspCapabilityViewer& aNegotiatedCapInfo)
return new (ELeave) CWspCOTxData(aTransaction, aObserver, aNegotiatedCapInfo);
CWspCOTxData::CWspCOTxData(CProtTransaction& aTransaction, MWspCOTxDataCallback& aObserver, MWspCapabilityViewer& aNegotiatedCapInfo)
: CTxData(aTransaction), iObserver(aObserver), iNegotiatedCapInfo(aNegotiatedCapInfo)
const TDesC8& CWspCOTxData::RequestHeadersData()
return *iHeaderData;
MHTTPDataSupplier& CWspCOTxData::RequestBodyData()
return *this;
void CWspCOTxData::SetRequestDataL()
// Set the required session properties. Note - assume that the server
// message size is at least the size of the server SDU size.
iRemainingSDUSpace = iNegotiatedCapInfo.GetServerSDUSize();
if( iRemainingSDUSpace == 0 )
// SDU size is unlimited - set to highest value
iRemainingSDUSpace = KMaxTUint32;
iRemainingMessageSpace = iNegotiatedCapInfo.GetServerMessageSize();
if( iRemainingMessageSpace != 0 )
// Message is not unlimited
iLimitedMessageSize = ETrue;
iSupportLDT = iNegotiatedCapInfo.GetProtocolOptions() & ELargeDataTransfer;
// Get the request object from the transaction
RHTTPTransaction trans = ProtTrans().Transaction();
RHTTPRequest request = trans.Request();
// Encode the headers - this checks for trailer headers. Trailer header are
// only allowed if LDT is supported in the session.
// Headers encoded ok? Check for a request body.
if( request.HasBody() )
// Set the remaining server SDU space property
THTTPHdrVal remainingSDUProperty = iRemainingSDUSpace;
SetSessionPropertyL(HTTP::EWspRemainingSDUSize, remainingSDUProperty);
// Set the body data - this will set the iRequestComplete flag
// If there is no body request then the function OverallDataSize will
// return zero. The transport handler should not try to access the data.
iRequestComplete = ETrue;
// Reset the body data
iBodyData = KNullDesC8().AllocL();
// Flag that there is some body data, although of zero length
iGotBodyData = ETrue;
// Set state so that primitive is sent
iState = EDone;
// Tell oberver what to do.
// Set the remaining message size session property
THTTPHdrVal remainingMessageSizeProperty = iRemainingMessageSpace;
SetSessionPropertyL(HTTP::EWspRemainingMessageSize, remainingMessageSizeProperty);
void CWspCOTxData::NotifyMoreRequestData()
__ASSERT_DEBUG( iState == EWaitForMoreData, Panic(KWspPanicTxDataInInvalidState) );
// Get the next data part from the client.
iRequestComplete = iBodyDataSupplier->GetNextDataPart(iDataPart);
// Was the overall data size known?
if( iOverallDataSize == -1 )
TInt dataSize = iDataPart.Length();
// Is the message size limited?
if( iLimitedMessageSize )
// Check to see if this new load of data has blown the message size.
// Need to include trailer info too.
// NOTE - if LDT is not supported, this will be reflected in the message
// size being the same as the SDU size.
if( dataSize + iTrailerInfoLength > iRemainingMessageSpace )
// Too much data - abort the request.
// NOTE - this could delete this object, so ensure that accessing data
// members is not done after this call.
// Need to check to see if the SDU size is unlimited
if( iNegotiatedCapInfo.GetServerSDUSize() == 0 )
// It is so calculate a sensible buffer size
TPtr8 buf = iBodyData->Des();
TInt totalDataSize = dataSize + buf.Length();
if( totalDataSize > buf.MaxLength() )
TInt bufferSize = ((totalDataSize / KWspTxDataDefaultBufferSize) + 1) * KWspTxDataDefaultBufferSize;
// Reallocate to a larger buffer
iBodyData = iBodyData->ReAlloc(bufferSize);
// Was there enough memory?
if( iBodyData == NULL )
// Too much data - abort the request.
// NOTE - this could delete this object, so ensure that accessing data
// members is not done after this call.
// Update the body data
// Send trailer headers?
if( iState == EDone && iHasTrailer )
// Cannot send trailer in the first SDU - has the header data been
// cleared? This implies that at least one SDU has been sent.
if( iHeaderData->Des().Length() == 0 )
// Ensure that they fit in either this SDU or the message as a whole.
// This is the first SDU - send trailers in the next one, if they fit.
if( iLimitedMessageSize && iRemainingMessageSpace - iRemainingSDUSpace < iTrailerInfoLength )
// Not enough space for the trailers - abort the method.
iState = EAbortMethod;
// Tell oberver what to do.
void CWspCOTxData::ReceivedCnf()
__ASSERT_DEBUG( iState == EDone || iState == EGotMoreData, Panic(KWspPanicTxDataInInvalidState) );
// Zero the encoded headers buffer
// Check to see if the request is done.
if( iState == EDone && !iHasTrailer )
// Client has sent all the request data and this has all been sent in
// the SDUs - done!
iState = EIdle;
// Was this a POST-type SDU?
if( iBodyDataSupplier )
// Tell client to release the last data chunk.
// Release resources here
// Set the remaining SDU space
iRemainingSDUSpace = iNegotiatedCapInfo.GetServerSDUSize();
if( iRemainingSDUSpace == 0 )
// SDU size is unlimited - set to highest value
iRemainingSDUSpace = KMaxTUint32;
if( iLimitedMessageSize && iRemainingSDUSpace > iRemainingMessageSpace )
// The remaining message space is less than the SDU size - adjust the
// remaining SDU space.
iRemainingSDUSpace = iRemainingMessageSpace;
// Update the body data
// Send trailer headers?
if( iState == EDone && iHasTrailer )
// Ensure that they fit in either this SDU or the message as a whole.
// Tell oberver what to do.
void CWspCOTxData::SetHeaderDataL(RHTTPRequest aRequest)
// See how much space is required for URI and header info - initialise with
// type field length.
TUint32 infoLength = KPDUTypeFieldSize;
// Calculate length of uri info
TUint32 uriLength = aRequest.URI().UriDes().Length();
TUint32 uriInfoLength = CalculateUIntVarLength(uriLength) + uriLength;
// Check that the uri fits in the SDU
infoLength += uriInfoLength;
if( infoLength > iRemainingSDUSpace )
// Abort the method - SDU blown with just uri info!
// Get the encoded headers...
// Calculate the header info size - this depends on the method
TUint32 headersLength = iHeaderData->Des().Length();
switch( aRequest.Method().Index(RHTTPSession::GetTable()) )
case HTTP::EGET:
// Nothing more to do for get-type PDU.
} break;
case HTTP::EPUT:
// Need to add the UIntVar representation of the headers length
TUint32 headerInfoLength = CalculateUIntVarLength(headersLength);
infoLength += headerInfoLength;
if( infoLength > iRemainingSDUSpace )
// Abort the method - SDU blown by the header length info!
} break;
__ASSERT_DEBUG(0, Panic(KWspPanicBadMethodType));
// Check to see if the headers fit into the SDU
infoLength += headersLength;
if( infoLength > iRemainingSDUSpace )
// Abort the method - SDU blown
// Update the remaining SDU and message space
iRemainingSDUSpace -= infoLength;
if( iLimitedMessageSize )
iRemainingMessageSpace -= infoLength;
// Are there trailer headers?
if( iHasTrailer )
// Only allowed if LDT supported
if( iSupportLDT )
if( iLimitedMessageSize )
// Trailers allowed - update message space
TUint32 trailerLength = iTrailerData->Des().Length();
iTrailerInfoLength = CalculateUIntVarLength(trailerLength) + trailerLength;
if( iLimitedMessageSize && iTrailerInfoLength > iRemainingMessageSpace )
// Abort the method - Message size is blown by the trailer
// headers info!
// Leave - cannot do trailer headers if LDT not supported.
void CWspCOTxData::EncodeHeadersL(RHTTPHeaders aHeaders)
// Is there a trailer header?
RStringPool stringPool = ProtTrans().Transaction().Session().StringPool();
THTTPHdrVal trailer;
TInt err = aHeaders.GetField(
stringPool.StringF(WSP::ETrailer, WSP::Table),
0, // Zero index -> first part
iHasTrailer = (err == KErrNone);
CWspCOTransaction& wspTrans = STATIC_CAST(CWspCOTransaction&, ProtTrans());
if( iHasTrailer )
// Encode the header and trailer data
iHeaderData = wspTrans.GetWspHeaderUtils().EncodeNoTrailerHeadersL(stringPool, aHeaders, iTrailerData);
// Encode the header data
iHeaderData = wspTrans.GetWspHeaderUtils().EncodeHeadersL(stringPool, aHeaders);
void CWspCOTxData::SetBodyDataL(MHTTPDataSupplier& aRequestBody)
__ASSERT_DEBUG( iBodyData == NULL, Panic(KWspPanicTxDataInInvalidState) );
// Store the body data supplier
iBodyDataSupplier = &aRequestBody;
// Set the overall data size
iOverallDataSize = iBodyDataSupplier->OverallDataSize();
// Is the data sized known?
if( iLimitedMessageSize && iOverallDataSize != -1 )
// Check to see if it will fit in the message, including trailer info.
// NOTE - if LDT is not supported, this will be reflected in the message
// size being the same as the SDU size.
if( iOverallDataSize + iTrailerInfoLength > iRemainingMessageSpace )
// Abort the method - Message size is blown by the request data.
// Get the data...
iRequestComplete = iBodyDataSupplier->GetNextDataPart(iDataPart);
if( iLimitedMessageSize && iOverallDataSize == -1 )
// Check to see if this data part exceeds the message space.
// NOTE - if LDT is not supported, this will be reflected in the message
// size being the same as the SDU size.
TInt dataSize = iDataPart.Length();
if( dataSize + iTrailerInfoLength > iRemainingMessageSpace )
// Abort the method - Message size is blown by the request data.
// Check to see if there are any more chunks
if( iRequestComplete )
// The overall data size is known
iOverallDataSize = dataSize;
// Create the buffer
TInt bufferSize = iNegotiatedCapInfo.GetServerSDUSize();
// Is the SDU size unlimited?
if( bufferSize == 0 )
// Is the overall data size known?
if( iOverallDataSize != -1 )
// Set buffer size to be the data size
bufferSize = iOverallDataSize;
// Get just enough for this chunk...
bufferSize = ((iDataPart.Length() / KWspTxDataDefaultBufferSize) + 1) * KWspTxDataDefaultBufferSize;
// Allocate space for the request data.
iBodyData = HBufC8::NewL(bufferSize);
// Update the body data
void CWspCOTxData::UpdateBodyData()
__ASSERT_DEBUG( !iGotBodyData, Panic(KWspPanicTxDataInInvalidState) );
// The data buffer iBodyData has (at least) a max size of the SDU size. Need
// to copy enough data so that the SDU (and therefore the buffer) is not
// exceeded.
// Does the given data part exceed the SDU?
TInt dataLength = iDataPart.Length();
TInt copyLength = dataLength;
if( STATIC_CAST(TUint32, dataLength) > iRemainingSDUSpace )
// Set the copy length to the remaining SDU space.
copyLength = iRemainingSDUSpace;
// Copy the required amount of data.
// Save remaining data part for later.
iDataPart.Set(iDataPart.Right(dataLength - copyLength));
// Update the remaining SDU and message space.
iRemainingSDUSpace -= copyLength;
if( iLimitedMessageSize )
iRemainingMessageSpace -= copyLength;
// Update the state according to the request data state.
// Check the state...
if( iState == EWaitForMoreData )
// Release the data from the client - need to get next batch.
// Flag the fact that there is body data
iGotBodyData = ETrue;
void CWspCOTxData::UpdateState()
// Possible scenarios;
// 1) The request is complete and the received data fits into a single SDU.
// ACTION - MoreData flag is False. State is EDone.
// 2) The request is complete and the received data requires subsequent SDUs.
// ACTION - MoreData flag is True. State is EGotMoreData.
// 3) The request is not complete and the received data does not fill the SDU.
// ACTION - Need to wait for the next bit of data. State is EWaitForMoreData.
// 4) The request is not complete and the received fills the SDU.
// ACTION - MoreData flag is True. Ensure request data given fits in the SDU.
// State is EGotMoreData.
if( iRequestComplete )
// Possible scenarios 1, 2, 5, 6 and NOTE.
if( iDataPart.Length() == 0 )
// No more data to send - scenario 1.
iState = EDone;
// Need to send remaining request data later - scenario 2.
iState = EGotMoreData;
// Possible scenarios here are 3 and 4.
if( iRemainingSDUSpace == 0 )
// No space left in the SDU and need to send it - scenario 4.
iState = EGotMoreData;
// There is still space in the SDU. Need to wait for more data from
// the client - scenario 3.
iState = EWaitForMoreData;
void CWspCOTxData::CheckTrailer()
// Do they fit in this SDU?
if( iLimitedMessageSize && iTrailerInfoLength > iRemainingSDUSpace )
// Trailers either do not fit in this SDU. Is there enough space
// to send them?
if( iRemainingMessageSpace - iRemainingSDUSpace < iTrailerInfoLength )
// Not enough space for the trailers - abort the method.
iState = EAbortMethod;
// The trailer info fits into this SDU - update the header data.
delete iHeaderData;
iHeaderData = iTrailerData;
iTrailerData = NULL;
// Clear flag indicating that the trailers have yet to be sent.
iHasTrailer = EFalse;
void CWspCOTxData::DecideObserverAction()
// Posible actions for the observer -
// 1) If the state is either EDone or EGotMoreData, then the observer
// needs to send a method primitive.
// 2) If the state is EAbortMethod, then the observer needs to abort the
// method.
// 3) If the state is EWaitForMoreData, then the observe does nothing.
if( iState == EAbortMethod )
// Something has gone wrong - need to tell observer to abort the
// method.
// NOTE - this could delete this object, so ensure that accessing data
// members is not done after this call.
else if( iState != EWaitForMoreData )
// Update the remaining message space - remove the remaining space in
// this SDU.
if( iLimitedMessageSize )
iRemainingMessageSpace -= iRemainingSDUSpace;
// Tell observer to send a primitive
void CWspCOTxData::Cleanup()
delete iHeaderData;
iHeaderData = NULL;
delete iBodyData;
iBodyData = NULL;
delete iTrailerData;
iTrailerData = NULL;
void CWspCOTxData::SetSessionPropertyL(TInt aProperty, THTTPHdrVal aFieldValue)
RHTTPSession session = ProtTrans().Transaction().Session();
RHTTPConnectionInfo connInfo = session.ConnectionInfo();
RStringPool stringPool = session.StringPool();
stringPool.StringF(aProperty, RHTTPSession::GetTable()),
TInt CWspCOTxData::CalculateUIntVarLength(TUint32 aUint)
TUint8 size = 0; // maximum value is 5 with a 32 bit integer
TUint32 value = aUint;
do {
value >>= KUIntVarOctetShift; ; // shift by 7 bits.
} while (value>0);
return size;
* Methods from MHTTPDataSupplier
TBool CWspCOTxData::GetNextDataPart(TPtrC8& aDataPart)
__ASSERT_DEBUG( iGotBodyData, Panic(KWspPanicNoRequestDataReceived) );
// Set the data part
// Set the return value
TBool lastChunk = ETrue;
if( iState != EDone || iHasTrailer )
// All the current data has not been sent - this is not the last chunk.
lastChunk = EFalse;
return lastChunk;
void CWspCOTxData::ReleaseData()
__ASSERT_DEBUG( iGotBodyData, Panic(KWspPanicNoRequestDataReceived) );
// Clear the flag indicating that there is request data
iGotBodyData = EFalse;
// Zero the old body data.
TPtr8 buf = iBodyData->Des();
TInt CWspCOTxData::OverallDataSize()
return iOverallDataSize;
TInt CWspCOTxData::Reset()
// This does nothing
return KErrNotFound;