// Copyright (c) 2002-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
// All rights reserved.
// This component and the accompanying materials are made available
// under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
// which accompanies this distribution, and is available
// at the URL "".
// Initial Contributors:
// Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
// Contributors:
// Description:
#include "chttpgeneralheaderwriter.h"
#include <http/rhttpsession.h>
#include <httpstringconstants.h>
#include <httperr.h>
#include "CHeaderField.h"
_LIT8(KSemiSpaceSep,"; ");
CHttpGeneralHeaderWriter* CHttpGeneralHeaderWriter::NewL(RStringPool aStringPool)
Factory constructor.
@param aStringPool The current string pool.
@return A pointer to a fully initialised object.
@leave KErrNoMemory Not enough memory to create object.
return new(ELeave)CHttpGeneralHeaderWriter(aStringPool);
CHttpGeneralHeaderWriter::CHttpGeneralHeaderWriter(RStringPool aStringPool)
: CHttpHeaderWriter(aStringPool)
@param aStringPool The current string pool.
void CHttpGeneralHeaderWriter::EncodeCacheControlL(RHeaderField& aHeader) const
Encodes a Cache-Control header. RFC 2616 section 14.9 -
Cache-Control = "Cache-Control" ":" 1#cache-directive
cache-directive = cache-request-directive
| cache-response-directive
cache-request-directive = "no-cache"
| "no-store"
| "max-age" "=" delta-seconds
| "max-stale" [ "=" delta-seconds ]
| "min-fresh" "=" delta-seconds
| "no-transform"
| "only-if-cached"
| cache-extension
cache-response-directive= "public"
| "private" [ "=" <"> 1#field-name <"> ]
| "no-cache" [ "=" <"> 1#field-name <"> ]
| "no-store"
| "no-transform"
| "must-revalidate"
| "proxy-revalidate"
| "max-age" "=" delta-seconds
| "s-maxage" "=" delta-seconds
| cache-extension
cache-extension = token [ "=" ( token | quoted-string ) ]
The cache-control header value is a comma separated list of values with at
least one value.
@param aHeader The cache-control header field to encode.
@leave CHttpWriter::DoTokenCsvListHeaderL
@todo Is there any point in this? Why not call DoTokenCsvListHeaderL()
DoTokenCsvListHeaderL(aHeader, KErrHttpEncodeCacheControl);
void CHttpGeneralHeaderWriter::EncodeConnectionL(RHeaderField& aHeader) const
Decodes the Connection header. RFC2616 section 14.10 -
Connection = "Connection" ":" 1#(connection-token)
connection-token = token
The connection header value is a comma separated list of values with at least
one value.
@param aHeader The connection header field to encode.
@leave CHttpWriter::DoTokenCsvListHeaderL
@todo Is there any point in this? Why not call DoTokenCsvListHeaderL()
DoTokenCsvListHeaderL(aHeader, KErrHttpEncodeConnection);
void CHttpGeneralHeaderWriter::EncodeDateL(RHeaderField& aHeader) const
Encodes the date header. RFC2616 section 14.18 -
Date = "Date" ":" HTTP-Date
The HTTP-Date format has a few formats. E.g. Date: Tue, 15 Nov 1994 08:12:31 GMT
@param aHeader The date header field to encode.
@leave CHttpWriter::EncodeGenericDateL
@todo Is there any point in this? Why not call EncodeGenericDateL()
EncodeGenericDateL(aHeader, KErrHttpEncodeDate);
void CHttpGeneralHeaderWriter::EncodeTransferEncodingL(RHeaderField& aHeader) const
Encodes the transfer-encoding header. RFC2616 section 14.41 -
Transfer-Encoding = "Transfer-Encoding" ":" 1#transfer-coding
transfer-coding = "chunked" | transfer-extension
transfer-extension = token *( ";" parameter )
parameter = attribute "=" value
attribute = token
value = token | quoted-string
The transfer-encoding header is a comma separated list of values with at
least one value.
@param aHeader The transfer-encoding header field to encode.
@leave CHttpWriter::DoTokenCsvListHeaderL
@todo Is there any point in this? Why not call DoTokenCsvListHeaderL()
DoTokenCsvListHeaderL(aHeader, KErrHttpEncodeTransferEncoding);
void CHttpGeneralHeaderWriter::EncodeContentTypeL(RHeaderField& aHeader) const
Encodes the content-type header. RFC2616 section 14.17
Content-Type = "Content-Type" ":" media-type
media-type = type "/" subtype *( ";" parameter )
type = token
subtype = token
parameter = attribute '=' value
attribute = token
value = token | quoted-string
The content-type header has a single media-type value. The atttribute
is normally the 'charset'. E.g. Content-Type: text/html; charset=ISO-8859-4
@param aHeader The content-type header field to encode.
@leave RHeaderField::BeginRawDataL
@leave RHeaderField::WriteRawDataL
@leave CHttpWriter::WriteRawStrFPartL
@leave KErrHttpEncodeContentType There are no value tokens, the
parameter was empty or the parameter
was not a string type value.
// Check part 1
THeaderFieldPartIter iter = aHeader.PartsL();
if( iter.AtEnd() )
// The header value is empty!
const CHeaderFieldPart* part = WriteRawStrFPartL(aHeader, iter, KErrHttpEncodeContentType);
// Check for parameters...
THeaderFieldParamIter iter2 = part->Parameters();
while( !iter2.AtEnd() )
// Got a parameter - write a semicolon separator
const CHeaderFieldParam* param = iter2();
if( !param )
// Empty parameter!
// Anticipate only string parameter values
THTTPHdrVal paramVal = param->Value();
if( paramVal.Type() != THTTPHdrVal::KStrFVal )
// Was not a string value...
RStringF paramName = iStringPool.StringF(param->Name());
// Move onto the next parameter, writing a separator as necessary
// All done!
void CHttpGeneralHeaderWriter::EncodeContentLengthL(RHeaderField& aHeader) const
Encodes the content-length header. RFC2616 section 14.13 -
Content-Length = "Content-Length" ":" 1*DIGIT
The content-length value is a number with at least one digit.
@param aHeader The content-length header field to encode.
@leave CHttpWriter::EncodeGenericNumberHeaderL
@todo Is there any point in this? Why not call EncodeGenericNumberHeaderL()
EncodeGenericNumberHeaderL(aHeader, KErrHttpEncodeContentLength);
* Methods from CHeaderWriter
void CHttpGeneralHeaderWriter::EncodeHeaderL(RHeaderField& aHeader)
Encodes the header field value.
@param aHeader The header field to be encoded.
@leave CHttpGeneralHeaderWriter::EncodeCacheControlL
@leave CHttpGeneralHeaderWriter::EncodeConnectionL
@leave CHttpGeneralHeaderWriter::EncodeDateL
@leave CHttpGeneralHeaderWriter::EncodeTransferEncodingL
@leave CHttpGeneralHeaderWriter::EncodeContentLengthL
@leave CHttpWriter::DoTokenCsvListHeaderL
@leave KErrNotSupported The writer was asked to encode a header that
is does not support.
RStringF fieldStr = iStringPool.StringF(aHeader.Name());
switch( fieldStr.Index(iStringTable) )
case HTTP::ECacheControl:
} break;
case HTTP::EConnection:
} break;
case HTTP::EDate:
} break;
case HTTP::EPragma:
// RFC2616 section 14.32 -
// Pragma = "Pragma" ":" 1#pragma-directive
// pragma-directive = "no-cache" | extension-pragma
// extension-pragma = token [ "=" ( token ! quoted-string ) ]
// The pragma header value is a comma separated list of values with at
// least one value.
DoTokenCsvListHeaderL(aHeader, KErrHttpEncodePragma);
} break;
case HTTP::ETransferEncoding:
} break;
case HTTP::EContentEncoding:
DoTokenCsvListHeaderL(aHeader, KErrHttpEncodeContentEncoding);
} break;
case HTTP::EContentLanguage:
// RFC2616 section 14.12 -
// Content-Language = "Content-Language" ":" 1#language-tag
// The content-language header value is a comma separated list of values
// with at least one value.
DoTokenCsvListHeaderL(aHeader, KErrHttpEncodeContentLanguage);
} break;
case HTTP::EUpgrade:
DoTokenCsvListHeaderL(aHeader, KErrHttpEncodeUpgrade);
} break;
case HTTP::EContentLength:
} break;
case HTTP::EContentLocation:
DoTokenCsvListHeaderL(aHeader, KErrHttpEncodeContentLocation);
} break;
case HTTP::EContentMD5:
DoTokenCsvListHeaderL(aHeader, KErrHttpEncodeContentMD5);
} break;
case HTTP::EContentType:
} break;
case HTTP::EExpires:
case HTTP::ELastModified: