// Copyright (c) 2000-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
// All rights reserved.
// This component and the accompanying materials are made available
// under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
// which accompanies this distribution, and is available
// at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
// Initial Contributors:
// Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
// Contributors:
// Description:
// Purpose: Definition of CUrl class - Url processor based on RFC2396.
// CUrl encapsulates a url and provides access to its components. On creation, the contents of
// the url is in unescaped mode - excluded characters (as defined by RFC2396) have not been coded into their
// escape triples. Two NewL() functions are provided. The first takes any descriptor and encapsulates it into
// the CUrl object, and leaves if the the url begins with a ':' (EWapErrCorruptUrl) or if the scheme is
// corrupted (EWapErrCorruptScheme). The second NewL() creates a url with a file scheme (file://) from a
// TParseBase argument, and will leave if the url is invalid (EWapErrCorruptUrl). Two static functions have
// been provided that each take a descriptor argument which is then escape encoded/decoded.
// NOTE - maintainer needs detailed knowledge of url parsing (RFC2396)
#if !defined(__URLBASE_H__)
#define __URLBASE_H__
// System includes
#include <e32base.h>
#include <f32file.h>
#include <wapengstd.h>
// Definition of CUrl
class CUrl : public CBase
public: // Type definitions
// Enum of component parts of the Url.
enum TComponent
EUrlScheme = 0x01,
EUrlLocation = 0x02,
EUrlPath = 0x04,
EUrlQuery = 0x08,
EUrlFragment = 0x10,
EUrlFileName = 0x20, // the end of the path
EUrlUsername = 0x40,
EUrlPassword = 0x80,
EUrlAuthority = EUrlLocation | EUrlUsername | EUrlPassword,
EUrlNoCredentials = EUrlScheme | EUrlLocation | EUrlPath | EUrlQuery |
EUrlGenericCompare = EUrlScheme | EUrlAuthority | EUrlPath | EUrlQuery
public: // Methods
// Static factory c'tor. Creates a CUrl object from a
// descriptor. This can hold any kind of Url - local file or http,
// full url with scheme, or a relative url. Leaves if scheme is
// corrupted or url is invalid.
// In:
// aUrl - descriptor of URL
// Rtn: pointer to created CUrl object
IMPORT_C static CUrl* NewL(const TDesC& aUrl);
// Static factory c'tor. Creates a CUrl objects from a TParseBase
// that refers to a file in the local file system. This function
// will prefix path with file scheme - file://. Leaves if url is
// invalid.
// In:
// aFileName - path for a resource in local file system
// Rtn: pointer to created CUrl object
IMPORT_C static CUrl* NewL(const TParseBase& aFileName);
// Resolves aRelativeUrl against aBaseUrl based on relative
// parsing algorithm in RFC2396. Resolved url is returned Note -
// if aBaseUrl is empty, the relative url aRelativeUrl is
// returned.
// In:
// aBaseUrl - base url to resolve against
// aRelativeUrl - relative url
// Rtn: resolved url - owner is transfered to caller
IMPORT_C static CUrl* ResolveL(CUrl& aBaseUrl, CUrl& aRelativeUrl);
// Sets current url to aUrl. If leave occurs, this object is unchanged.
// In:
// aUrl - the new url
IMPORT_C void SetL(CUrl& aUrl);
// Returns a copy of itself.
// Rtn: copy of itself - ownership transfered to caller.
IMPORT_C CUrl* AllocL() const;
// Returns a copy of one of its components.Currently any defined value of component
// is supported, but the result may well not be a valid URL.
// In:
// aComponent - the desired component of the url
// Rtn: copy of the desired url component - ownership is transfered to caller.
IMPORT_C CUrl* AllocL(TComponent aComponent) const;
// Returns a TPtrC to the specified component part of tbe Url.
// In:
// aType - the desired component of the url.
// Rtn: pointer to the component in the url
IMPORT_C virtual const TPtrC Component(TComponent aType) const;
// Sets the specified component to the specified value. This function is not completely
// implemented - currently it will work in the following circumstances;
// 1 - the desired component already exists in the URL
// 2 - it's the username or password and the location exists.
// In other cases the function will leave with KErrNotSupported.
// In:
// aComponent - the component to be set.
// aValue - the new value. NB must already be escaped.
IMPORT_C void SetComponentL(TComponent aComponent, const TDesC& aValue);
// Overloaded equality operator.
// In:
// aUrl - the Url to be compared against.
// Rtn: ETrue is returned if aUrl is the same as this url.
IMPORT_C TBool operator==(CUrl& aUrl) const;
// Compares the specified component part of two urls.
// In:
// aUrl - the url to be compared against.
// aCompareComps - the component of the urls to be compared. Defaults to components defined by EUrlGenericCompare.
// Rtn: zero is returned for an exact match.
IMPORT_C TInt Compare(CUrl& aUrl, TInt aCompareComps = EUrlGenericCompare) const;
// Returns TDesC to descriptor of entire url.
// Rtn: the descriptor to the url.
inline const TDesC& UrlDes() const;
IMPORT_C CUrl* UrlEscapedL() const;
IMPORT_C CUrl* UrlUnescapedL() const;
// D'tor
// Encodes any excluded characters in input string as escape triples. Uses the overloaded
// function.
// In:
// aString - descriptor with string to be encoded.
// Rtn: version of string with excluded characters converted to
// escape triples - ownership transfered to caller.
IMPORT_C static HBufC* EscapeEncodeL(const TDesC& aString);
// Encodes any excluded characters in input string as escape triples. The excluded characters
// are set by the value or aEscapeMode. Control characters, space (ASCII 0x20) and characters
// above 127 are always encoded as escape triples.
// In:
// aString - descriptor with string to be encoded.
// aEscapeMode - governs which chars are to excluded (and escaped)
// Rtn: version of string with excluded characters converted to
// escape triples - ownership transfered to caller.
IMPORT_C static HBufC* EscapeEncodeL(const TDesC& aString, TInt aEscapeMode);
// Decodes any escape triples in input string into original
// excluded characters.
// In:
// aString - descriptor with string to be decoded.
// Rtn: version of string with escape triples converted back to
// excluded characters - ownership transfered to caller.
IMPORT_C static HBufC* EscapeDecodeL(const TDesC& aString);
// Convert a Unicode string into UTF8 format.
// In:
// aString - the input Unicode string.
// Rtn: the converted string (UTF8 format) - ownership transfered to caller.
IMPORT_C static HBufC8* ConvertFromUnicodeToUtf8L(const TDesC& aString);
// Convert a UTF8 string into Unicode format.
// In:
// aString - the input UTF8 string.
// Rtn: the converted string (Unicode format) - ownership transfered to caller.
IMPORT_C static HBufC* ConvertToUnicodeFromUtf8L(const TDesC8& aString);
private: // Type definitions
// Helper class used to resolve a relative path against a base path.
class TRelativePaths;
// Enumeration of panic codes for this class
enum TPanicCode
private: // Methods
// Normal c'tor - non-allocating creation of this class
// Second-phase c'tor for general url - any allocation takes place here.
// In:
// aUrl - descriptor containing url.
void ConstructL(const TDesC& aUrl);
// Second-phase c'tor for url with file scheme - any allocation
// takes place here.
// In:
// aFileName - path to local file system resource.
void ConstructL(const TParseBase& aFileName);
// Panic handler for ths class - kills the process in the event of
// a panic
// In:
// aPanicCode - code enumerating the panic that has occured.
void Panic(TPanicCode aPanicCode) const;
// Checks the scheme if present to ensure it is valid
// Leaves with EWapErrCorruptScheme if not valid
// In:
// aScheme - the scheme to be checked
void CheckSchemeValidL(const TDesC& aScheme) const;
// Parses a url to find the start and end of a specified component
// in the url.
// In:
// aComponent - the component sought.
// aUrl - descriptor of url to be parsed
// Out:
// aStartPos - index of start of component; is KCUrlInvalidCharPos
// if component not found.
// aEndPos - index of end of component; is KCUrlInvalidCharPos if
// component not found.
void Part(TComponent aComponent, const TDesC& aUrl, TInt& aStartPos,
TInt& aEndPos) const;
// Parses an identified authority to extract the location,
// username or password.
// In:
// aComponent - the component sought. (EUrlLocation, EUrlUsername
// or EUrlPassword)
// aUrl - descriptor of url to be parsed
// In/Out:
// aStartPos - index of start of component; is KCUrlInvalidCharPos
// if component not found. Is the start of the authority on inupt.
// aEndPos - index of end of component; is KCUrlInvalidCharPos if
// component not found. End of authority on input.
void PartOfAuthority(TComponent aComponent, const TDesC& aUrl,
TInt& aStartPos, TInt& aEndPos) const;
private: // Attributes
// Pointer to buffer containing url. Owned by this class
HBufC* iUrlDes;
inline const TDesC& CUrl::UrlDes() const
// Return descriptor to url
return *iUrlDes;
class CUrl::TRelativePaths
// Helper class used to resolve a relative path against a base path
public: // Methods
// Normal c'tor
// In:
// aBasePath - base path to resolve against
// aRelativePath - relative path
// aResolvedPath - result of resolving relative path against base path
TRelativePaths(TPtrC aBasePath, TPtrC aRelativePath, TPtr aResolvedPath);
// Does the path resolution
void ResolveRelativePaths();
// Cleans resolved path, removing structures such as '/../'
void CleanResolvedPath();
public: // Attributes
// Descriptor for base path
TPtrC iBasePath;
// Descriptor for relative path
TPtrC iRelativePath;
// Modifiable descriptor to resolved path
TPtr iResolvedPath;
#endif // __URLBASE_H__