// Copyright (c) 2006-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
// All rights reserved.
// This component and the accompanying materials are made available
// under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
// which accompanies this distribution, and is available
// at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
// Initial Contributors:
// Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
// Contributors:
// Description:
// tbmtests.h
#include <ineturilistdef.h>
#include <ineturilist.h>
class CTestWrapper;
using namespace InetUriList;
// ------------Test URIs
_LIT8 (KTestUri, "http://www.google.com/index.html" );
_LIT8 (KTestUri2, "http://www.yahoo.com/ab/cd/bc/index.html" );
_LIT8 (KTestUri3, "http://www.google.com/cd/tf/mypage.html" );
_LIT8 (KTestUri4, "http://www.mynewdomain.com/cd/tf/mypage.html" );
_LIT8 (KTestUri5, "http://www.mynewdomain.com/ab/tf/mypage.html" );
_LIT8 (KTestUri6, "http://www.mynewdomain.com/ef/tf/mypage.html" );
_LIT8 ( KTestUri7, "http://www.mydomain.com/index.html" );
_LIT8 ( KTestUri8, "http://pws.mydomain.com/index.html" );
_LIT8 ( KTestUri9, "http://mail.mydomain.com/index.html" );
_LIT8 ( KTestUri10, "http://messenger.mydomain.com/index.html" );
_LIT8 ( KTestUri11, "http://webdav.mydomain.com/index.html" );
_LIT8 ( KUriFavouriteName, "Google website" );
_LIT8 ( KUriFavouriteName2, "Yahoo website" );
_LIT8 ( KUriFavouriteName3, "My new domain" );
_LIT8 ( KUnknownUri, "http://myinvaliddomain.com/mypage.html" );
_LIT8 ( KPartialPathSuffixUri, "http://www.mynewdomain.com/mypage.html" );
_LIT8 ( KPartialPathPrefixUri, "http://www.mynewdomain.com/ab" );
_LIT8 ( KDomainSearchStr, "http://www.mydomain.com" );
//Test Uris For QueryTld functionality
_LIT8 ( KTldTestUri1, "http://www.yahoo.test/index.html" ); //Whitelisted in TLD 'test'
_LIT8 ( KTldTestUri2, "http://www.yaqQzz.test/index.html" );//Blacklisted in TLD 'test'
_LIT8 ( KTldTestUri3, "http://www.yahoo.twt/index.html" ); //Whitelisted in TLD 'twt'
_LIT8 ( KTldTestUri4, "http://www.yaqQzz.twt/index.html" ); //No Blacklist data for TLD 'twt'
_LIT8 ( KTldTestUri5, "http://www.yahoo.tbl/index.html" ); //Whitelisted in TLD 'tbl', No Whitelist data for TLD 'tbl'
_LIT8 ( KTldTestUri6, "http://www.yaqQzz.tbl/index.html" ); //Blacklisted in TLD 'tbl', No Whitelist data for TLD 'tbl'
_LIT8 ( KTldTestUri7, "http://www.yahoo.tza/index.html" ); //TLD does not exist
_LIT8 ( KTldTestUri8, "http://www.yahoo.tzz/index.html" ); //TLD does not exist
_LIT ( KUriListInitFileSrcPath, "z:\\ineturilist\\config\\ineturilist.xml" );
_LIT ( KUriListInitFileDestPath, "c:\\private\\20009d70\\ineturilist.xml" );
// -------------------------
class CInetUriListTestsBase : public CBase
virtual ~CInetUriListTestsBase ();
void RunTestsL ();
CInetUriListTestsBase ( CTestWrapper& aTestWrapper, TBool aNormalRun );
void ConstructL ();
RInetUri CreateNewUriL ( const TDesC8& aUri, TServiceType aServiceType, TListType aListType );
virtual void DoOperationL () = 0;
virtual void DoCleanupL () = 0;
RInetUriList iInetUriList;
CTestWrapper& iTestWrapper;
TBool iNormalRun;
class CInetUriListStorageTests : public CInetUriListTestsBase
static CInetUriListStorageTests* NewL ( CTestWrapper& aTestWrapper, TBool aNormalRun = ETrue );
~CInetUriListStorageTests ();
void DoOperationL ();
void DoCleanupL ();
CInetUriListStorageTests ( CTestWrapper& aTestWrapper, TBool aNormalRun );
void AddTestsL ();
void RemoveTestsL ();
void UpdateTestsL ();
void GetListTypeL ();
void SameUriDiffServiceTypeTestsL ();
void AddFewMoreUrisL ();
typedef RArray <RInetUri> QueryResultsArray;
class CInetUriListQuery : public CInetUriListTestsBase,
public MQueryResultsCallback
static CInetUriListQuery* NewLC ( CTestWrapper& aTest, TBool aNormalRun = ETrue );
virtual ~CInetUriListQuery ();
TBool OnQueryResultsL ( RInetUri aUri );
CInetUriListQuery ( CTestWrapper& aTest, TBool aNormalRun );
CInetUriListQuery ( CTestWrapper& aTest, QueryResultsArray aResults );
void DoQueryL ( TQueryArgs aArgs );
void DoQueryPolicyL();
void DoQueryListL();
void DoQueryPolcydataL ( TPolicyQueryArgs aArgs, TQueryResults aResults );
void DoQueryTldListInfoL ( TPolicyQueryArgs aArgs, TQueryResults aResults );
void Cleanup ();
void ClearArray ( QueryResultsArray& aUriArray );
void AppendExpectedUriL ( const TDesC8& aUri, TServiceType aServiceType );
void MatchQueryResults ();
void DoOperationL ();
void QueryListL ();
void DoCleanupL ();
void QueryTldListL();
QueryResultsArray iResults;
QueryResultsArray iExpectedResults;
class CInetUriListCleanup : public CInetUriListTestsBase,
public MQueryResultsCallback
static CInetUriListCleanup* NewL ( CTestWrapper& aTest );
~CInetUriListCleanup ();
void DoOperationL ();
void DoCleanupL ();
TBool OnQueryResultsL ( RInetUri aUri );
CInetUriListCleanup ( CTestWrapper& aTest );