author Pat Downey <>
Wed, 01 Sep 2010 12:21:21 +0100
changeset 40 a0da872af3fa
parent 0 b16258d2340f
permissions -rw-r--r--
Revert incorrect RCL_3 drop: Revision: 201029 Kit: 201035

// Copyright (c) 2002-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
// All rights reserved.
// This component and the accompanying materials are made available
// under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
// which accompanies this distribution, and is available
// at the URL "".
// Initial Contributors:
// Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
// Contributors:
// Description:

 @file CNwssTransLookUpTable.h
 @warning : This file contains Rose Model ID comments - please do not delete


// System includes
#include <e32base.h>
#include <wapcli.h>

// Forward declarations
class MWspCOMethodCallback;
class MHTTPDataSupplier;
class CNwssWspTrHndDataSupplier;

	@since			7.0
	This class implements a simple, pre-allocated look-up table that is used in
	the WSP Transport Handler to associate the transaction-related items stored in
	instances of the embedded class CNwssTransLUTEntry.

class CNwssTransLookUpTable : public CBase
public: // embedded classes

		@since			7.0
		This class implements a single entry in the transaction look-up table.  It is
		an association of the following five items :
		* NWSS Wap Stack transaction handler (RWSPCOTrans)
		* NWSS Wap Stack transaction ID (RWSPCOTrans::TTransID) - for convenience
		* Client transaction callback (MWspCOMethodCallback)
		* Client's request body data supplier (MHTTPDataSupplier)
		* WSP Transport Handler response body handler (CNwssWspTrHndDataSupplier)
	class CNwssTransLUTEntry : public CBase
	public: // methods

		Factory construction.
		@since			7.0
		static CNwssTransLUTEntry* NewL();

		@since			7.0
		virtual ~CNwssTransLUTEntry();

	private: // methods

		Default constructor.
		@since			7.0

	public: // attributes

		/** Client callback pointer for the transaction. This uniquely identifies the
		MWspCOMethodCallback* iCallback;

		/** WAP Stack transaction handle
		RWSPCOTrans iStackTrans;

		/** WAP Stack transaction ID
		RWSPCOTrans::TTransID iStackTransID;

		/** Response body data handler
		CNwssWspTrHndDataSupplier* iResponseBodyHandler;

		/** A flag to indicate whether this transaction has been aborted by the 
			client, but is in the EDone state.
		TBool iAborted;

public: // methods

	Factory construction.  Pre-allocates a table of the specified size.
	@since			7.0
	@param			aTableSize	(in) The initial size of the look-up table.
	@return			The newly constructed instance.
	@leave			System error codes, e.g. KErrNoMemory.
	static CNwssTransLookUpTable* NewL(TInt aTableSize);

	@since			7.0
	virtual ~CNwssTransLookUpTable();

	Returns the next available LUT entry at the top of the table.
	@since			7.0
	@return			A reference to the entry.
	CNwssTransLUTEntry& NewEntry();

	Locate a look-up table entry that matches the supplied transaction
					ID.  It is assumed that the look-up table user does not allow
					duplicates to be entered in the table.
	@since			7.0
	@param			aTransId	(in)  The WAP Stack transaction ID.
	@param			aFound		(out) A flag indicating if the entry was found.
	@return			A reference to the located entry.  Note, if aFound is EFalse
					the reference should be discard, as it will be garbage.
	CNwssTransLUTEntry& LookUpByTransId(RWSPCOTrans::TTransID aTransId, TBool& aFound);

	Locate a look-up table entry that matches the supplied client
					method callback.  It is a requirement on the client that it
					uses unique MWspCOMethodCallback objects for each transaction.
					Hence there is an assumption that the look-up table user does
					not allow entries with duplicate callback's to be entered in
					the table.
	@since			7.0
	@param			aCallback	(in)  The client transaction callback.
	@param			aFound		(out) A flag indicating if the entry was found.
	@return			A reference to the located entry.  Note, if aFound is EFalse
					the reference should be discard, as it will be garbage.
	CNwssTransLUTEntry& LookUpByCallback(MWspCOMethodCallback& aCallback, TBool& aFound);

	Removes the entry corresponding to aCallback from the table. Note
					that since the table is pre-allocated, the actual entry is just
					recycled by moving it to the top of the table, adjusting the high-
					water mark (if necessary) to point at it.
	@since			7.0
	@param			aCallback	(in) A callback, uniquely identifying the table entry
									 to remove.
	void RemoveEntry(MWspCOMethodCallback& aCallback);

  		Resizes the look-up table.  If aNewSize exceeds the current
					size, then entries are added.  If it is less than the current
					size, then surplus entries are deleted.
  	@since			7.0
	@param			aNewSize	(in) The new table size
	@leave			System error codes, e.g. KErrNoMemory if the table can't be
	void ResizeTableL(TInt aNewSize);

	Indicates whether there are any 'live' entries in the lookup table,
	@since			7.0
	TBool IsEmpty() const;

	Returns the first entry in the lookup table.
	@param			aFound		(out) A flag indicating if the entry was found.
	@return			A reference to the located entry.  Note, if aFound is EFalse
					the reference should be discard, as it will be garbage.
	CNwssTransLUTEntry& Head(TBool& aFound);

private: // methods

	Normal constructor.
	@since			7.0

	Second phase construction.  Pre-allocates table entries upto
					the specified table size.
	@since			7.0
	@param			aTableSize	(in) The required initial table size.
	@leave			System error codes, e.g. KErrNoMemory.
	void ConstructL(TInt aTableSize);
	Helper in making look-ups based on a call-back object.
	@since			7.0
	@param			aCallback	(in) A callback, uniquely identifying a table entry
	@param			aIndex		(out) The index in the table at which the entry was located
	@return			Pointer to the table entry if found, or NULL if not found.
	CNwssTransLUTEntry* LookUp(MWspCOMethodCallback& aCallback, TInt& aIndex);

private: // attributes

	/** The number of active entries in the look-up table.
		iEntries[iNumActiveLUTEntries] will return the next free entry.
	TInt iNumActiveLUTEntries;

	/** The pre-allocated look-up table.  It is ready populated with
		entry structures.
	RPointerArray<CNwssTransLUTEntry> iEntries;