author hgs
Fri, 16 Jul 2010 20:59:58 +0530
changeset 30 b7f26243ec94
parent 0 b16258d2340f
permissions -rw-r--r--

// Copyright (c) 1998-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
// All rights reserved.
// This component and the accompanying materials are made available
// under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
// which accompanies this distribution, and is available
// at the URL "".
// Initial Contributors:
// Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
// Contributors:
// Description:
// This contains the definitions of CDataDelete, CDataNoDelete, CIntAttribute, CNode, and CTypedNode.
// CDataNoDelete is a base class to CDataDelete and are essentially a wrapper around an HBufC16.
// The node owns the data that is added to it and therefore is responsible for deleting all its data,
// hence theses two classes allow a user to have non deletable data. Internally to the node it is also 
// sometimes necessary to change the data into either deletable or non-deletable data api's are provided
// for this.
// CIntAttribute is wrapper around a TInt, this is provided as the nodes attribute value is a CBase* however
// it might be desirable to store integer's in here. Attribute value is owned by the node therefore the node is
// responsible for deleting it.
// CNode is the basis for constructing a tree. It consists of an array of child nodes, node type, a parent node,
// an array of attributes, and a data member. Internally the data member is defined as CDataNoDelete however
// to the user all the exported api's take an HBufC16*. Data is owned by the node and is destroyed by the node,
// However in certain circumstances this is not desirable hence the api's to make the data non-deletable. The
// node type is defined as a TAny* however normal usage would use the templated node - CTypedNode. The node type
// is used to identify groups of nodes. The attribute array is fairy simple and consists of AttributeType and 
// AttributeValue. AttributeType can be defined by using the templated class and should be a 32bit value. AttributeValue
// can be any object derived from CBase and the node takes ownership therefore the node delete's it.
// Basic usage should be to use the templated class in order to make use of the templated types (TNodeType,TAttributeType).
// Create a node for example:
// CTypedNode<CNode*, const TDesC*> *tree = CTypedNode<CNode*, const TDesC*>::NewL(0,0);
// add a new child:
// CNODE *TestChildNode1 = tree->AppendNodeL(aTempNodeForNodeType);
// add some data:
// TestChildNode1->SetDataL(aHBufC16);
// add an attribute:
// TestChildNode1->->AddAttributeL(aTAttributeType,aCBasePointerAttributeValue);
// Explanation of individual api's is documented below.


#ifndef __CNODE_H__
#define __CNODE_H__

#include <e32base.h>
#include <f32file.h>


//Granularity of arrays
const TInt KGranularity = 5;

//enum of panic reasons
enum TNodePanic

//node panic function
inline void Panic(TNodePanic aPanic);

//Wrapper around an HBufC16 doesn't delete data
class CDataNoDelete : public CBase
/** Provides a wrapper around an HBufC16: the buffer is not deleted when the object is deleted.
	CDataNoDelete(HBufC16* aData);
	virtual ~CDataNoDelete();
	HBufC16* SetData(HBufC16* aData);
	virtual void ResetDataPointer(HBufC16* aData);
	HBufC16* Data();

	/** The wrapped buffer. */
	HBufC16* iData;

//Wrapper around an HBufC16 does delete data
class CDataDelete : public CDataNoDelete
/** Provides a wrapper around an HBufC16: the buffer is deleted when the 
object is deleted.
	CDataDelete(HBufC16* aData);
	virtual ~CDataDelete();
	virtual void ResetDataPointer(HBufC16* aData);

//Wrapper around an HBufC16 does delete data (FileName)
// After Removing referenced File 
class CFileDataDelete : public CDataNoDelete
/** Provides a wrapper around a filename: the referenced file is deleted when the object is deleted.
	CFileDataDelete(HBufC16* aData);
	virtual ~CFileDataDelete();
	virtual void ResetDataPointer(HBufC16* aData);
	void RemoveFile();

//Wrapper around a TInt used for attribute values in order to allow the node to call a dtor
class CIntAttribute : public CBase
/** Provides an object wrapper around a TInt value. */
	inline CIntAttribute(TInt aInteger);		
	inline TInt Int() const;
	TInt iInteger;

// Node class
// Normal usage would be to use CTypedNode in order to use specific templated types

class CNode : public CBase 
	IMPORT_C ~CNode();

	//NewL parameters aType to indentify the type of node, CNode* to set the parent of this node
	IMPORT_C static CNode* NewL(TAny* aType,CNode* aParent);

	//Deletes a child node which is passed in as a parameter
	IMPORT_C void DeleteChildNode(CNode* aNode);

	//Deletes all the child nodes haging of this node
	IMPORT_C void DeleteAllChildNodes();

	//Creates a new node and adds it to the childlist, reference to new node is returned. Can leave if it can't allocate memory for a new node
	//Type of node is the parameter
	IMPORT_C CNode& AppendNodeL(TAny* aType = 0);

	//Appends a node which is passed in as a parameter to this node, so its added to the childlist
	IMPORT_C void AppendNodeToThisNodeL(CNode* aNode);

	//Sets the data in the node to the parameter that is passed in. It's deletable and the node will delete it in dtor
	//Push aDataNowNodeOwns onto the CleanupStack before calling then pop off on return
	IMPORT_C void SetDataL(HBufC16* aDataNowNodeOwns);

	//returns the data stored in the node, which is returned as an HBufC16*
	IMPORT_C HBufC16* Data() const;

	//WARNING this function can leave as it deletes the wrapper object and then creates
	//a new non deletable wrapper object and sets the data pointer inside the new object
	IMPORT_C void SetDataNoDeleteL();

	//WARNING this function can leave as it deletes the wrapper object and then creates
	//a new deletable wrapper object then sets the pointer in the new object
	IMPORT_C void ClearSetDataNoDeleteL();

	// Sets the data in the node to the FileName parameter that is passed in. 
	// It's deletable and the node will delete it, and the file it refers to in dtor
	// Push aDataLocationNowNodeOwns onto the CleanupStack before calling then pop off on return
	IMPORT_C void SetFileDataL(HBufC16* aFileDataLocationNowNodeOwns);

	//Resets the data pointer to point to aData parameter will delete the data that is owned by the node
	IMPORT_C void ResetDataPointer(HBufC16* aData);

	//returns a reference to the absolute root of the tree
	IMPORT_C const CNode& Root() const;

	//returns a child node which is stored in the array of children. The child node is accessed by the index that is the parameter.
	IMPORT_C CNode* Child(TInt aByIndex) const;

	//Returns either the first child of this node if the parameter is NULL. Or it returns the next chld in the array after
	//the child passed in as a parameter
	IMPORT_C CNode* NextChild(const CNode* aNode = NULL) const;

	//returns the previous child to the child passed in as a parameter. The node parameter is a reference because its the child previous
	//to the node passed in which obviously must exist
	IMPORT_C CNode* PrevChild(const CNode& aNode) const;

	//Returns the parent of this node
	IMPORT_C CNode* Parent() const;

	//WARNING this function can leave as it calls AppendNodeToThisNode. The aParent parameter is the node to which you would like to make
	//the parent of 'this' node.
	//It removes itself from the childlist of it's current parent
	IMPORT_C void ReparentL(CNode* aParent);

	//Returns the next sibling which means in effect that it asks for the next child of its parent.
	//Sibling means brother or sister.
	IMPORT_C CNode* NextSibling() const;

	//Returns the previous sibling which means in effect that it asks for the previous child of its parent.
	//Sibling means brother or sister.
	IMPORT_C CNode* PrevSibling() const;

	//returns the number of children that this node has
	IMPORT_C TInt NumberImmediateChildren() const;

	//Deletes the attribute of which is of aAttributeType (the parameter)
	//WARNING Attribute values of nodes will be deleted as the node owns them if you don't want it deleted then use a wrapper
	IMPORT_C void DeleteAttribute(TAny* aAttributeType);

	//Deletes all the attributes of this node
	//WARNING Attribute values of nodes will be deleted as the node owns them if you don't want it deleted then use a wrapper
	IMPORT_C void DeleteAllAttributes();

	//remove an attribute without deleting it, this is done by simply setting the attributeValue pointer to NULL
	//WARNING you are now responsiblefor the destruction of this attribute value
	IMPORT_C void RemoveAttributeNoDelete(TAny* aAttributeType);

	// Returns the number of attributes that this node has
	IMPORT_C TInt AttributeCount() const;

	//Returns the type of attribute (AttributeType) at a given index...NOT the attributeValue
	IMPORT_C TAny* AttributeTypeByIndex(TInt aIndex) const; 

	//Returns the value of an attribute (AttributeValue) at a given index...NOT the attributeType
	IMPORT_C CBase* AttributeByIndex(TInt aIndex) const;
	IMPORT_C CBase* AttributeByIndex(TInt aIndex,TAny*& aType) const;

	//Adds an attribute, parameters are the type of attribute and its value
	//WARNING node takes ownership of aAttributeValue
	//Push aAttributeValue onto the CleanupStack before calling then pop off on return
	IMPORT_C void AddAttributeL(TAny* AttributeType, CBase* aAttributeValue);

	//Adds data to the node and also adds an attribute, parameters are the Data to be added, the type of attribute and its value
	//WARNING node takes ownership of aData and aAttributeValue
	//Push aAttributeValue and aData onto the CleanupStack before calling then pop off on return
	IMPORT_C void AddDataAndAttributeL(HBufC16 *aData, TAny* AttributeType, CBase* aAttributeValue);

	//Returns an attribute value for the given AttributeType(the parameter)
	IMPORT_C CBase* Attribute(TAny* AttributeType) const;

	//Returns TRUE if the attribute of the given type exists
	IMPORT_C TBool AttributeExists(TAny* aAttributeType) const;

	//Returns the node type
	IMPORT_C TAny* Type() const;

	//Sets the node type to be aType (the parameter)
	IMPORT_C void SetType(TAny* aType);

	CNode(TAny* aType, CNode* aParent);

	//internal finds a child which is passed in as a parameter
	TInt FindChild(const CNode* aNode) const;

	HBufC16* SetupDeletableOrNonDeleteableDataLC();
	void AdjustBasePointers();
	// Reserved for future expansion
	virtual void Reserved1();			
	virtual void Reserved1() const;

	//the Type of Node
	TAny* iType;

	//This Nodes parent
	CNode *iParent;

	// stores attribute type and value. iTypes must be Flat array
	CArrayPtrFlat<CBase> iValues;
	CArrayPtrFlat<TAny> iTypes;

	TInt32* iTypesBasePtr;
	CDataNoDelete* iDataValue;
	//An array of child nodes
	CArrayPtr<CNode> *iChildList;
	TAny*	iReserved;						// Reserved for future expansion

//CTypedNode is derived from CNode and is a thin template. TNodeType you should define as a 32 bit value
//TAttributeType should be defined as a 32 bit value
template <class TNodeType, class TAttributeType>
class CTypedNode : public CNode 
/** Template class for a node in a node tree.

The node type is set to the template parameter TNodeType and the attribute type to 
TAttributeType. These parameters should be pointers to the type required to store 
the type value: e.g. for a string, a const TDesC*.

The class is thin template over CNode. */
	inline static CTypedNode* NewL(TNodeType aType,CNode* aParent);
	inline void DeleteChildNode(CNode* aNode);
	inline void DeleteAllChildNodes();
	inline CTypedNode<TNodeType,TAttributeType>& AppendNodeL(TNodeType aType);
	inline void AppendNodeToThisNodeL(CNode* aNode);
	inline void SetDataL(HBufC16* aDataNowNodeOwns);
	inline void SetDataNoDeleteL();
	inline void ClearSetDataNoDeleteL();
	inline void SetFileDataL(HBufC16* aFileDataLocationNowNodeOwns);
	inline void ResetDataPointer(HBufC16* aData);
	inline HBufC16* Data() const;
	inline const CTypedNode& Root() const;
	inline CTypedNode* Child(TInt aByIndex) const;
	inline CTypedNode* NextChild(const CNode* aNode = NULL) const;
	inline CTypedNode* PrevChild( const CNode& aNode) const;
	inline CTypedNode* Parent() const;
	inline void ReparentL(CNode* aParent);
	inline CTypedNode* NextSibling() const;
	inline CTypedNode* PrevSibling() const;
	inline TInt NumberImmediateChildren() const;
	inline void DeleteAttribute(TAttributeType aAttributeType);
	inline void DeleteAllAttributes();
	inline void RemoveAttributeNoDelete(TAttributeType aAttributeType);
	inline TInt AttributeCount() const; // Returns the number of attributes
	inline TAttributeType AttributeTypeByIndex(TInt aIndex) const; 
	inline CBase* AttributeByIndex(TInt aIndex) const; 
	inline CBase* AttributeByIndex(TInt aIndex,TAttributeType& aType) const; 
	inline void AddAttributeL(TAttributeType aAttributeType, CBase* aAttributeValue);
	inline void AddDataAndAttributeL(HBufC16 *aData, TAttributeType aAttributeType, CBase* aAttributeValue);
	inline CBase* Attribute(TAttributeType aAttributeType) const;
	inline TBool AttributeExists(TAttributeType aAttributeType) const;
	inline TNodeType Type() const;
	inline void SetType(TNodeType aType);
	CTypedNode(TNodeType aType, CNode* aParent);
#include <cnode.inl>