// Copyright (c) 2001-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
// All rights reserved.
// This component and the accompanying materials are made available
// under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
// which accompanies this distribution, and is available
// at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
// Initial Contributors:
// Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
// Contributors:
// Description:
// System Includes
#include <e32std.h>
#include <wspencoder.h>
#include <http/framework/cheadercodec.h>
// User Includes
#include "cwspheadercodec.h"
// Forward declarations
class CHeaderFieldParam;
@since 7.0
This class provides the encoding functionality for encoding all of the supported
headers. The single method EncodeHeaderL() is used passing in the header field
and the particular header field is then encoded into its faw format.
class CWspHeaderWriter : public CHeaderWriter
public: // methods
Standard virtual destructor
@since 7.0
@pre Fully constructed object
@post Object is destroyed
virtual ~CWspHeaderWriter();
Standard factory 2 phase construction
Error Condition: Low memory conditions
@since 7.0
@param aStrPool Handle to an opened string pool with the WSP string table already opened
@param aStrTable The WSP string table to use for the header field names
@param aCodec The codec that owns this header writer
@return A pointer to the newly constructed class
@pre None
@post Object is constructed
static CWspHeaderWriter* NewL(RStringPool aStrPool, const TStringTable& aStrTable, CWspHeaderCodec& aCodec);
Standard factory 2 phase construction leaving a handle on the cleanup stack.
Error Condition: Low memory conditions
@since 7.0
@param aStrPool Handle to an opened string pool with the WSP string table already opened
@param aStrTable The WSP string table to use for the header field names
@param aCodec The codec that owns this header writer
@return A pointer to the newly constructed class
@pre None
@post Object is constructed with a handle on the cleanup stack
static CWspHeaderWriter* NewLC(RStringPool aStrPool, const TStringTable& aStrTable, CWspHeaderCodec& aCodec);
This method will encode the header field that is passed in into its raw
Error Condition: Invalid or corrupt data formats and out of memeory conditions
@since 7.0
@param aHeader The header field to encode
@pre The header field is in its parsed state
@post The header field is in its raw format state
@leave KErrNotSupported If the header field is not supported
KErrNoMemory Out of memory conditions
KErrCorrupt If the data is invalid or is corrupt
virtual void EncodeHeaderL(RHeaderField& aHeader);
This method encodes the field name into its encoded token value. For WSP
transport the encoded token must be a short integer where the top bit is
set to 1. This method will NOT set the top bit to 1.
@since 7.0
@param aFieldName The name of the field to encode
@return The encoded token value for the header field name. This value will always be
between 0 and 127 inclusive or KErrNotFound if the header name does not have
an encoded token value.
TInt EncodeFieldName(RStringF aFieldName) const;
protected: // methods
Standard default constructor.
@since 7.0
@param aStrPool Handle to an opened string pool with the WSP string table already opened
@param aStrTable The WSP string table to use for the header field names
@param aCodec The codec that owns this header writer
@pre None
@post Object is constructed
CWspHeaderWriter(RStringPool aStrPool, const TStringTable& aStrTable, CWspHeaderCodec& aCodec);
private: // methods
Encodes the 'Accept' header
void EncodeAcceptL(RHeaderField& aHeader) const;
Encodes the 'Accept-charset' header
void EncodeAcceptCharsetL(RHeaderField& aHeader) const;
Encodes the 'Accept-encoding' header
void EncodeAcceptEncodingL(RHeaderField& aHeader) const;
Encodes the 'Accept-language' header
void EncodeAcceptLanguageL(RHeaderField& aHeader) const;
Encodes the 'Allow' header
void EncodeAllowL(RHeaderField& aHeader) const;
Encodes the 'Authorization' header
void EncodeAuthorizationL(RHeaderField& aHeader) const;
Encodes the 'Content-encoding' header
void EncodeContentEncodingL(RHeaderField& aHeader) const;
Encodes the 'Content-language' header
void EncodeContentLanguageL(RHeaderField& aHeader) const;
Encodes the 'Content-location' header
void EncodeContentLocationL(RHeaderField& aHeader) const;
Encodes the 'Content-MD5' header
void EncodeContentMD5L(RHeaderField& aHeader) const;
Encodes the 'Content-range' header
void EncodeContentRangeL(RHeaderField& aHeader) const;
Encodes the 'Content-type' header
void EncodeContentTypeL(RHeaderField& aHeader) const;
Encodes the 'Cookie' header
void EncodeCookieL(RHeaderField& aHeader) const;
Encodes the 'Date' header
void EncodeDateL(RHeaderField& aHeader) const;
Encodes the 'Encoding-version' header
void EncodeEncodingVersionL(RHeaderField& aHeader) const;
Encodes the 'Expect' header
void EncodeExpectL(RHeaderField& aHeader) const;
Encodes the 'From' header
void EncodeFromL(RHeaderField& aHeader) const;
Encodes the 'Last-modified' header
void EncodeLastModifiedL(RHeaderField& aHeader) const;
Encodes the 'Pragma' header
void EncodePragmaL(RHeaderField& aHeader) const;
Encodes the 'Profile' header
void EncodeProfileL(RHeaderField& aHeader) const;
Encodes the 'Profile-Diff' header
void EncodeProfileDiffL(RHeaderField& aHeader) const;
Encodes the 'Range' header
void EncodeRangeL(RHeaderField& aHeader) const;
Encodes the 'Referer' header
void EncodeRefererL(RHeaderField& aHeader) const;
Encodes the 'TE' header
void EncodeTEL(RHeaderField& aHeader) const;
Encodes the 'Trailer' header
void EncodeTrailerL(RHeaderField& aHeader) const;
Encodes the 'Upgrade' header
void EncodeUpgradeL(RHeaderField& aHeader) const;
Encodes the 'User-agent' header
void EncodeUserAgentL(RHeaderField& aHeader) const;
Encodes the 'Via' header
void EncodeViaL(RHeaderField& aHeader) const;
Encodes the 'Warning' header
void EncodeWarningL(RHeaderField& aHeader) const;
Encodes the 'X-Wap-Application-Id' header
void EncodeXWapApplicationIdL(RHeaderField& aHeader) const;
// Generic encoding methods
Encodes generic headers that have a date value
void GenericEncodeDateL(RHeaderField& aHeader) const;
Encodes generic headers that have a text string value
void GenericEncodeTextStringL(RHeaderField& aHeader) const;
// Helper methods
Encodes a parameter value. The method returns a heap based descriptor containing
the encoded buffer. The caller takes ownership of the buffer.
void EncodeParameterL(const CHeaderFieldParam& aHeaderFieldParam, CWspHeaderEncoder& aEncoder) const;
Encodes a single 'Q' value. The method returns a heap based descriptor containing
the encoded buffer. The caller takes ownership of the buffer.
HBufC8* EncodeQValueL(RStringF aQValue) const;
Encodes a single version value. The method returns the encoded version value of the
version passed in as a parameter in a string format. The method will return 0 if
the version should be encoded as a text-value.
TUint8 EncodeVersionValueL(RStringF aVersionValue) const;
Encodes a header name. The method returns an integer value of the length of the
header name.
TInt EncodeHeaderNameL(RHeaderField& aHeader) const;
Encodes a single character set value. The method returns the encoded charset value
of the passed in string.
TInt GetCharacterSetValue(RStringF aCharSet) const;
Checks the passed in string for any invalid characters as specified in RFC2616.
TInt CheckTokenText(RStringF aTokenText) const;
Checks the passed in string for any invalid characters as specified in RFC2616.
TInt CheckTextString(RStringF aTextString) const;
Gets encoding for content-type text value with correct WSP version control.
Returns KErrNotFound if no encoding is available
TInt EncodeContentTypeValue(THTTPHdrVal& aContentType) const;
TInt EncodeParameterTokenValue(RStringF aParameterName) const;
private: // attributes
RStringPool iStrPool;
const TStringTable& iStrTable;
CWspHeaderCodec& iCodec;
@since 7.0
This class provides the encoding functionality for headers that are supported
by the WSP Header Codec. This encoder provides default functionality and
encodes the header field as a text-string as defined in the WSP specifications
at www.wapforum.org.
class CWspDefaultHdrWriter : public CHeaderWriter
public: // methods
Standard virtual destructor
@since 7.0
@pre Fully constructed object
@post Object is destroyed
virtual ~CWspDefaultHdrWriter();
Standard factory 2 phase construction
Error Condition: Low memory conditions
@since 7.0
@param aStrPool Handle to an opened string pool with the WSP string table already opened
@return A pointer to the newly constructed class
@pre None
@post Object is constructed
static CWspDefaultHdrWriter* NewL(RStringPool aStrPool);
Standard factory 2 phase construction leaving a handle on the cleanup stack.
Error Condition: Low memory conditions
@since 7.0
@param aStrPool Handle to an opened string pool with the WSP string table already opened
@return A pointer to the newly constructed class
@pre None
@post Object is constructed with a handle on the cleanup stack
static CWspDefaultHdrWriter* NewLC(RStringPool aStrPool);
This method will encode the header field that is passed in into its raw
Error Condition: Invalid or corrupt data formats and out of memeory conditions
@since 7.0
@param aHeader The header field to encode
@pre The header field is in its parsed state
@post The header field is in its raw format state
@leave KErrNotSupported If the header field is not supported
KErrNoMemory Out of memory conditions
KErrCorrupt If the data is invalid or is corrupt
virtual void EncodeHeaderL(RHeaderField& aHeader);
protected: // methods
Standard default constructor.
@since 7.0
@param aStrPool Handle to an opened string pool with the WSP string table already opened
@pre None
@post Object is constructed
CWspDefaultHdrWriter(RStringPool aStrPool);
private: // attributes
RStringPool iStrPool;