// Copyright (c) 2001-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
// All rights reserved.
// This component and the accompanying materials are made available
// under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
// which accompanies this distribution, and is available
// at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
// Initial Contributors:
// Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
// Contributors:
// Description:
@file CWspTransportHandler.h
@warning : This file contains Rose Model ID comments - please do not delete
// System includes
#include <e32base.h>
#include <stringpool.h>
#include <http/framework/csecuritypolicy.h>
// Forward class declarations
class MWspCOSessionCallback;
class MWspProxyInfoProvider;
class MWspCapabilityProvider;
class MWspSessionHeadersProvider;
class MWspCOSessionInvoker;
class MWspCOMethodInvoker;
class MWspCOPushInvoker;
class MWspCLMethodInvoker;
class MWspCLPushInvoker;
class CWspTransportHandler : public CBase, public MSecurityPolicy
@since 7.0
The WSP Transport Handler API. The WSP TH provides its client with WSP services.
It defines a set of interfaces that abstract the behaviour of the top-level of a
WAP protocol stack - ie. the WSP layer.
Five distinct services are offered:
* MWspCOSessionInvoker a Connection-Oriented Session service.
* MWspCOMethodInvoker a Connection-Oriented Transaction service.
* MWspCOPushInvoker a Connection-Oriented Push service.
* MWspCLMethodInvoker a Connection-Less Session service.
* MWspCLPushInvoker a Connection-Less Push service.
The API is specified as an ECOM interface. Specific implementations may offer
some or all of the five services.
All implementations must provide default security policy settings via the
MSecurityPolicy interface. The defaults shall be used when no security policy
plug-in is supplied by the caller of CWspTransportHandler::NewL(). This might
occur if the plug-in could not be located on the device,
public: // type definitions and enumerations
/** A bit-field type that is set to contain a union of the services supported by the
WSP transport handler.
typedef TUint8 TWspSupportedServices;
/** The five different service types that may be supported
enum TWspService
ECOSessionService = 0x01,
ECOMethodInvocationService = 0x02,
ECOPushService = 0x04,
ECLSessionService = 0x08,
ECLPushService = 0x10
public: // methods
/**Factory construction - instantiates the transport handler plug-in.
@since 7.0
@param aStringPool (in) An open string pool reference.
@param aSecurityPolicy (in) (optional) A security policy provider
@param aSessionCB (in) A client callback API for CO session events.
@param aProxyInfoProv (in) A client API that provides WAP proxy details
@param aCapProv (in) A client API for capability negotatiation.
@param aSessHdrProv (in) A client API for exchange of session headers
@return The constructed plug-in.
@leave KErrNotFound - if an ECOM implementation of the interface is not present on the device.
@leave It could also leave with other ECOM error codes.
inline static CWspTransportHandler* NewL(RStringPool aStringPool,
MSecurityPolicy* aSecurityPolicy,
MWspCOSessionCallback& aSessionCB,
MWspProxyInfoProvider& aProxyInfoProv,
MWspCapabilityProvider& aCapProv,
MWspSessionHeadersProvider& aSessHdrProv);
/**Class destructor.
@since 7.0
inline virtual ~CWspTransportHandler();
public: // General API methods
/**Query the services supported by this instantiation of the WSP
transport handler plug-in.
@since 7.0
@return A union of flags describing the services supported by the WSP transport
virtual TWspSupportedServices SupportedServices() const = 0;
/** Get the Server Certificate for the current session.
@param aServerCert A TCertInfo which will be filled with the certificate information
@return An error code. KErrNone if aServerCert has been completed, otherwise one of
the system wide error codes
virtual TInt ServerCert(TCertInfo& aCertInfo) const = 0;
/** Get the Server Certificate for this session.
@return The certificate information (in an CWtlsCertificate object)
or NULL if it is not available.
virtual const CCertificate* ServerCert() = 0;
public: // Connection-Oriented WSP API methods
/**Obtain the connection-oriented session invocation API.
@since 7.0
@return The API object that should be used by the client for CO session
@leave This method will panic if the service isn't supported by a particular
implementation of the API.
virtual MWspCOSessionInvoker& COSessionInvoker() = 0;
/**Obtain the connection-oriented transaction invocation API.
@since 7.0
@return The API object that should be used by the client for transaction
@leave This method will panic if the service isn't supported by a particular
implementation of the API.
virtual MWspCOMethodInvoker& COTransactionInvoker() = 0;
/**Obtain the connection-oriented push invocation API.
@since 7.0
@return The API object that should be used by the client to signal
readiness to receive CO push invocations.
@leave This method will panic if the service isn't supported by a particular
implementation of the API.
virtual MWspCOPushInvoker& COPushInvoker() = 0;
public: // Connection-Less WSP API methods
/**Obtain the connection-less method invocation API.
@since 7.0
@return The API object that should be used by the client for CL method
@leave This method will panic if the service isn't supported by a particular
implementation of the API.
virtual MWspCLMethodInvoker& CLMethodInvoker() = 0;
/**Obtain the connection-less push invocation API.
@since 7.0
@return The API object that should be used by the client to signal
readiness to receive CL push invocations.
@leave This method will panic if the service isn't supported by a particular
implementation of the API.
virtual MWspCLPushInvoker& CLPushInvoker() = 0;
protected: // type definitions
@struct SInstantiationParams
A structure containing the instantiation parameters to NewL, passed across
via ECOM to the sub-class NewL
struct SInstantiationParams
An open string pool reference.
RStringPool* iStringPool;
The security policy plugin.
MSecurityPolicy* iSecurityPolicy;
A client callback API for CO session events.
MWspCOSessionCallback* iSessionCB;
A client API that provides WAP proxy details.
MWspProxyInfoProvider* iProxyInfoProv;
A client API for capability negotatiation.
MWspCapabilityProvider* iCapProv;
A client API for exchange of session headers.
MWspSessionHeadersProvider* iSessHdrProv;
protected: // methods
/**Normal constructor. Creates an instance of the plug-in base.
@since 7.0
@param aStringPool (in) An open string pool reference.
@param aSecurityPolicy (in) (optional) A security policy plug-in instance
@param aSessionCB (in) A client callback API for CO session events.
@param aProxyInfoProv (in) A client API that provides WAP proxy details
@param aCapProv (in) A client API for capability negotatiation.
@param aSessHdrProv (in) A client API for exchange of session headers
@return The constructed plug-in.
inline CWspTransportHandler(RStringPool aStringPool,
MSecurityPolicy* aSecurityPolicy,
MWspCOSessionCallback& aSessionCB,
MWspProxyInfoProvider& aProxyInfoProv,
MWspCapabilityProvider& aCapProv,
MWspSessionHeadersProvider& aSessHdrProv);
protected: // attributes
/** Handle for a string pool used by the WSP transport handler. This is owned
and managed elsewhere.
RStringPool iStringPool;
/** An optional security policy plug-in. If a plug-in was not supplied, the
value is NULL.
MSecurityPolicy* iSecurityPolicy;
/** The client's callback for session events
MWspCOSessionCallback& iSessionCB;
/** The client's provider of proxy information
MWspProxyInfoProvider& iProxyInfoProv;
/** The client's provider of capabilities information
MWspCapabilityProvider& iCapProv;
/** THe client's provider of session headers
MWspSessionHeadersProvider& iSessHdrProv;
private: // attributes
/** D'tor Key identification required for ECOM
/** D'tor Key identification required for ECOM
TUid iDtor_ID_Key;
#include <wsp/cwsptransporthandler.inl>