// Copyright (c) 2001-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
// All rights reserved.
// This component and the accompanying materials are made available
// under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
// which accompanies this distribution, and is available
// at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
// Initial Contributors:
// Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
// Contributors:
// Description:
@file MWspCLMethodInvoker.h
@warning : This file contains Rose Model ID comments - please do not delete
// System includes
#include <e32base.h>
// Forward declarations
class MWspCLMethodCallback;
class MWspCLMethodInvoker
@class MWspCLMethodInvoker
@since 7.0
The MWspCLMethodInvoker and MWspCLMethodCallback form the API that provides
the WSP Connectionless Session Service Method Invocation facility, as
described in the WSP Specification, July 2001.
The MWspCLMethodInvoker interface is supplied by the Provider entity. The
MWspCLMethodCallback interface is supplied by the Client entity. The
Provider implements the communications necessary to send the primitives
issued by the Client to the Server, and from the Server to the Client.
The Client object that encapsulates a method transaction implements the call-back
API MWspCLMethodCallback. Internally, the Provider should associate each of these
objects with a WSP Transaction Id in order to distinguish between method transactions.
public: // Method
@fn UnitMethodInvoke(MWspCLMethodCallback& aMethodCallback, RStringF aMethod, const TUriC8& aRequestUri, const TDesC8& aRequestHeaders, const TDesC8& aRequestBody) =0
Intended Usage : This represents the S-Unit-MethodInvoke primitive. The
Provider initiates a non-confirmed method with the Server.
The Client expects the S-Unit-MethodResult primitive to
be issued from the Provider.
@since 7.0
@param aMethodCallback A refernce to an instance of the call-back
API MWspCLMethodCallback.It uniquely
identifies this method transaction for the
lifetime of the transaction.
@param aMethod An RStringF object that describes the HTTP
method for this transaction.
@param aRequestUri A URI object that specifies the resource
to which this operation applies.
@param aRequestHeaders A buffer with the encoded request header.
@param aRequestBody A buffer with the data associated with the
request. Only used if the method aMethod
supports an entity body.
@pre The underlying layers are prepared for communication.
@post The Provider is waiting for a S-Unit-MethodResult primitive
from the Server.
virtual void UnitMethodInvoke(
MWspCLMethodCallback& aMethodCallback,
RStringF aMethod,
const TUriC8& aRequestUri,
const TDesC8& aRequestHeader,
const TDesC8& aRequestBody
) =0;
@fn CancelMethodInvoke(MWspCLMethodCallback& aMethodCallback) =0
Intended Usage : The Client wishes to cancel the method. The call-back
object pointed to by aMethodCallback is no longer valid.
The Provider ignores any method responses associated with
@since 7.0
@param aMethodCallback A refernce to an instance of the call-back
API MWspCLMethodCallback.It uniquely
identifies this method transaction for the
lifetime of the transaction.
@pre There exists a Transaction Id associated with aMethodCallback.
@post Any received S-Unit-MethodResult primitive with a Transaction
Id associated with aMethodCallback is ignored.
virtual void CancelMethodInvoke(MWspCLMethodCallback& aMethodCallback) =0;