// Copyright (c) 2001-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
// All rights reserved.
// This component and the accompanying materials are made available
// under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
// which accompanies this distribution, and is available
// at the URL "".
// Initial Contributors:
// Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
// Contributors:
// Description:
// System includes
#include <wspstringconstants.h>
#include <wspdecoder.h>
#include <wsperror.h>
// User includes
#include "wsppanic.h"
// Class signature
#include "cwspheaderutils.h"
// Constants used in this file
const TInt KDefaultSessionHeadersBufferSize = 512;
const TInt KByteLength = 1;
const TUint8 KNullTerminator = 0x00;
const TUint8 KConvertToShortInt = 0x80;
LOCAL_C void StringArrayCleanup(TAny* aStringArray);
CWspHeaderUtils* CWspHeaderUtils::NewL(CWspHeaderCodec& aCodec)
return new(ELeave) CWspHeaderUtils(aCodec);
CWspHeaderUtils::CWspHeaderUtils(CWspHeaderCodec& aCodec)
HBufC8* CWspHeaderUtils::EncodeHeadersL(RStringPool aStringPool, RHTTPHeaders aHeaders)
// Create a buffer for the encoded headers
HBufC8* buf = HBufC8::NewL(KDefaultSessionHeadersBufferSize);
// Encode the content-type header if it exists
TBool hasContentType = EncodeContentTypeL(aStringPool, aHeaders, buf);
// Go through the headers
THTTPHdrFieldIter fields = aHeaders.Fields();
while( fields.AtEnd() == EFalse )
// Get the field value
RStringF headerField = aStringPool.StringF(fields());
// Was there a content-type header present? Make sure that it is not
// appended a second time.
TInt headerFieldValue = iCodec.EncodeFieldName(headerField);
if( !hasContentType || headerFieldValue != WSP::EContentType )
// Encode the header field
EncodeHeaderFieldL(aHeaders, headerField, buf);
// Next header field
// Cleanup...
return buf;
HBufC8* CWspHeaderUtils::EncodeNoTrailerHeadersL(RStringPool aStringPool, RHTTPHeaders aHeaders, HBufC8*& aTrailerData)
// Need an array of RStringFs for the headers in the trailers - need to put
// on the cleanup stack
RArray<RStringF> trailerHeaders;
TCleanupItem arrayCleaner = TCleanupItem(&StringArrayCleanup, (TAny*) &trailerHeaders);
// Need to find out what headers are in the trailers
THTTPHdrVal trailerHeaderVal;
TInt index =0;
while( aHeaders.GetField(
aStringPool.StringF(WSP::ETrailer, WSP::Table),
index, // Zero index -> first part
) != KErrNotFound )
__ASSERT_DEBUG( trailerHeaderVal.Type() == THTTPHdrVal::KStrFVal, Panic(KWspPanicBadTrailerHeader) );
// Got a trailer header - append to the list
RStringF header = trailerHeaderVal.StrF();
// Need to increment the reference count of this string
// Next...
__ASSERT_DEBUG( trailerHeaders.Count() > 0, Panic(KWspPanicNoTrailerHeaders) );
// Create a buffer for the encoded headers
HBufC8* bufHdrs = HBufC8::NewL(KDefaultSessionHeadersBufferSize);
// Encode the content-type header if it exists
TBool hasContentType = EncodeContentTypeL(aStringPool, aHeaders, bufHdrs);
// Ok, now encode all the headers bar the ones in trailerHeaders
// Go through the headers
THTTPHdrFieldIter fields = aHeaders.Fields();
while( fields.AtEnd() == EFalse )
// Get the header field
RStringF headerField = aStringPool.StringF(fields());
// Was there a content-type header present? Make sure that it is not
// appended a second time, and only append if this is a trailer header.
TInt headerFieldValue = iCodec.EncodeFieldName(headerField);
if( !IsTrailerHeader(trailerHeaders, headerField) &&
(!hasContentType || headerFieldValue != WSP::EContentType) )
// Encode the field
EncodeHeaderFieldL(aHeaders, headerField, bufHdrs);
// Next header field
// Now, need to encode the trailer headers. Create a buffer for the trailer
// headers
HBufC8* bufTrls = HBufC8::NewL(KDefaultSessionHeadersBufferSize);
TInt count = trailerHeaders.Count();
for( TInt i=0; i < count; ++i)
// Encode the header field
EncodeHeaderFieldL(aHeaders, trailerHeaders[i], bufTrls);
// Pass back the encoded trailer headers and other headers
aTrailerData = bufTrls->ReAllocL(bufTrls->Des().Length());
// Cleanup...
CleanupStack::Pop(2, bufHdrs);
return bufHdrs;
void CWspHeaderUtils::DecodeReplyHeadersL(RStringPool aStringPool, const TDesC8& aEncodedData, RHTTPHeaders& aHeaders)
// Ok, the data should have a content-type header at the start, but without
// the header field name - straight onto the field value. The type of the
// first byte will give the length of the field value.
TWspPrimitiveDecoder decoder = TWspPrimitiveDecoder(aEncodedData);
TInt dataLength = 0;
switch( decoder.VarType() )
case TWspPrimitiveDecoder::ELengthVal:
// The content-type header follows the BNF -
// content-type-value = content-general-form = value-length media-type
// The length of the data has been specified - extra it and include the
// length of value-length
TInt consumed = decoder.LengthVal(dataLength);
dataLength += consumed;
} break;
case TWspPrimitiveDecoder::EString:
// The content-type header follows the BNF -
// content-type-value = constrained-media = extension-media = *TEXT end-of-string
// The end of the string is give by a NULL terminator
TInt endPos = aEncodedData.Locate(KNullTerminator);
if( endPos == KErrNotFound )
// The header data is corrupt
dataLength = endPos + 1;
} break;
case TWspPrimitiveDecoder::E7BitVal:
// The content-type header follows the BNF -
// content-type-value = constrained-media = short-integer = OCTET
// The header data is a single byte long
dataLength = KByteLength;
} break;
// The header data is corrupt
// Set the content type field value
TPtrC8 contentTypeValue = aEncodedData.Left(dataLength);
// Set the raw data in the header object
TBuf8<KByteLength> contentTypeToken;
aHeaders.SetRawFieldL(aStringPool.StringF(WSP::EContentType, WSP::Table), contentTypeValue, contentTypeToken);
// Skip past the content-type field value
TPtrC8 encodedData = aEncodedData.Mid(dataLength);
// Segment the remaining data
DecodeHeadersL(aStringPool, encodedData, aHeaders);
void CWspHeaderUtils::DecodeHeadersL(RStringPool aStringPool, const TDesC8& aEncodedData, RHTTPHeaders& aHeaders)
// Use a segmentor to slice-up the data buffer
TWspHeaderSegmenter segmentor = TWspHeaderSegmenter(aStringPool, WSP::Table, aEncodedData);
// Slice..
TBool done = EFalse;
while( !done )
// Get the next field
TWspField field;
TInt error = segmentor.NextL(field);
// Add the field name to the cleanup stack
// Check for corrupt data
if( error == KErrCorrupt )
// Data is corrupt
// Was there a field found?
if( error == KErrNotFound )
// No more data - stop
done = ETrue;
// Set-up the field in the headers object
TInt headerToken = field.iHdrName.Index(WSP::Table);
if( headerToken == KErrNotFound )
// No token value so add as straight text with a NULL terminator
HBufC8* tokenText = HBufC8::NewLC(field.iHdrName.DesC().Length() + 1);
TPtr8 tokenTextBuffer(tokenText->Des());
aHeaders.SetRawFieldL(field.iHdrName, field.iValBuffer, *tokenText);
// Encoded token available so use binary token as separator
headerToken += KConvertToShortInt;
TBuf8<KByteLength> headerTokenDes;
aHeaders.SetRawFieldL(field.iHdrName, field.iValBuffer, headerTokenDes);
// Cleanup the field variable
TBool CWspHeaderUtils::EncodeContentTypeL(RStringPool aStringPool, RHTTPHeaders aHeaders, HBufC8*& aBuf)
// Get the TPtr8 from the buffer
TPtr8 encodedHdrs = aBuf->Des();
// Get the content-type header, if it exists
RStringF headerField = aStringPool.StringF(WSP::EContentType, WSP::Table);
TPtrC8 encodedData;
TInt foundContentType = aHeaders.GetRawField(headerField, encodedData);
TBool hasContentType = foundContentType != KErrNotFound;
// If the content-type header exists, append to the start of the buffer
// without the field name.
if( hasContentType )
// Append the encoded field value - check for space first
while( encodedHdrs.Length() + encodedData.Length() > encodedHdrs.MaxLength() )
aBuf = aBuf->ReAllocL(encodedHdrs.MaxLength() + KDefaultSessionHeadersBufferSize);
encodedHdrs = aBuf->Des();
// Append the field value
return hasContentType;
void CWspHeaderUtils::EncodeHeaderFieldL(RHTTPHeaders aHeaders, RStringF aHeaderField, HBufC8*& aBuf)
// Check to see if the header field is well-known
TInt headerFieldValue = iCodec.EncodeFieldName(aHeaderField);
TBool wellKnownHeader = headerFieldValue != KErrNotFound;
// Calculate the header field length
TInt fieldNameLength = KByteLength;
if( !wellKnownHeader )
// The header is not well-known - need to encode the header field
// name as token text, which is NULL-terminated.
fieldNameLength = aHeaderField.DesC().Length() + 1;
// Need to add the header field name and then the encoded header value.
// First get the OTA format of the field value
TPtrC8 encodedData;
TInt err = aHeaders.GetRawField(aHeaderField, encodedData);
// Was there any error encoding the header?
if( err != KErrNone )
// Header isn't here - something has gone wrong
// Ensure there is enough space in the buffer.
TPtr8 encodedHdrs = aBuf->Des();
while( encodedHdrs.Length() + encodedData.Length() + fieldNameLength > encodedHdrs.MaxLength() )
aBuf = aBuf->ReAllocL(encodedHdrs.MaxLength() + KDefaultSessionHeadersBufferSize);
encodedHdrs = aBuf->Des();
// Append the field name - check to see if well-known
if( wellKnownHeader )
// Append as an encoded byte-value - the top bit must be set, since well-known
// header field names are encoded as short-int ([WSP] Sect. "Header")
encodedHdrs.Append(headerFieldValue | KConvertToShortInt);
// Append as token text
// Append the encoded field value
TBool CWspHeaderUtils::IsTrailerHeader(RArray<RStringF> aTrailerHeaders, RStringF aHeaderField)
// Search the list of trailer headers to see if aHeaderField is in it.
TInt index = 0;
TInt count = aTrailerHeaders.Count();
TBool found = EFalse;
while( !found && index < count )
// Make the comparison
RStringF header = aTrailerHeaders[index];
found = header == aHeaderField;
return found;
LOCAL_C void StringArrayCleanup(TAny* aStringArray)
RArray<RStringF> array = *REINTERPRET_CAST(RArray<RStringF>*, aStringArray);
TInt count = array.Count();
for( TInt i = 0; i < count; ++i)
// Close the string